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Why the Reaction Is Different When the Terrorist Is White

By Conor Friedersdorf


Observing that the Sunday attack on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin hasn't attracted nearly as much attention as other shooting sprees, including last week's rampage at an Aurora, Colorado movie theater, Robert Wright wonders if the disparity is due to the fact that most people who shape discourse in America "can imagine their friends and relatives -- and themselves -- being at a theater watching a Batman movie," but can't imagine themselves or their acquaintances in a Sikh temple. "This isn't meant as a scathing indictment; it's only natural to get freaked out by threats in proportion to how threatening they seem to you personally," Wright says, adding that the press ought to give much more coverage to the incident.

In a provocative essay in The Awl, Jay Caspian Kang goes different places with the same core insight. "Who, when first hearing of the news, didn't assume the killings were an act of racial hatred? Who didn't start to piece together the turbans, the brown skin, the epidemic of post-9/11 violence that is under-reported, or at least never has all its incidents connected?" he asked. That narrative "only implicates a small percentage of Americans," he continued, "the story of the massacre at Oak Creek will be, by definition, exclusionary. It will be 'tragic' and 'unthinkable' and 'horrific,' but it will not force millions of Americans to ask potentially unanswerable questions. It will not animate an angry public." It will seem different, he adds, to members of the several minority groups "who cannot limit themselves out of the victims of Oak Creek."

These observations ring largely true to me.

There is, however, another factor that likely explains some of the reticence of some Americans, including professional commentators, to focus very much attention on the Oak Creek massacre.

Their disinclination to grapple with it has less to do with the victims than the gunman. The key factor isn't that they're Sikhs; it's that the apparent homegrown terrorist -- a term virtually no one would object to had a murderous Muslim burst into the Sikh temple -- was perpetrated by a white guy.

Hold the victims constant and give the perpetrator the last name Mohammed. Does anyone think for a moment that such an attack wouldn't still be the most discussed story at Fox News and National Review? And at various network news shows and unaffiliated newspapers for that matter?

Instead Wade Michael Page was the gunman.

Attacks like his are disconcerting to some white Americans for a seldom acknowledged reason. Since 9/11, many Americans have conflated terrorism with Muslims; and having done so, they've tolerated or supported counterterrorism policies safe in the presumption that people unlike them would bear their brunt. (If Mayor Bloomberg and the NYPD sent officers beyond the boundaries of New York City to secretly spy on evangelical Christian students or Israeli students or students who own handguns the national backlash would be swift, brutal, and decisive. The revelation of secret spying on Muslim American students was mostly defended or ignored.)     

In the name of counterterrorism, many Americans have given their assent to indefinite detention, the criminalization of gifts to certain charities, the extrajudicial assassination of American citizens, and a sprawling, opaque homeland security bureaucracy; many have also advocated policies like torture or racial profiling that are not presently part of official anti-terror policy.

What if white Americans were as likely as Muslims to be victimized by those policies? What if the sprawling national security bureaucracy we've created starts directing attention not just to Muslims and their schools and charities, but to right-wing militias and left-wing environmental groups (or folks falsely accused of being in those groups because they seem like the sort who would be)? There are already dossiers on non-Muslim extremist groups. In a post-9/11 world, Islamic terrorism has nevertheless been the overwhelming priority for law enforcement, and insofar as innocents have suffered, Muslims have been affected far more than any other identifiable group, because the bulk of the paradigm shift in law enforcement hasn't spread beyond them.

Would that still be true if the next terrorist attack on American soil looks like Oklahoma City? How would President Obama or President Romney wield their unprecedented executive power in the aftermath of such an attack? Who would find that they'd been put on no fly lists? Whose cell phone conversations and email exchanges would be monitored without their ever knowing about it?

It ought to be self-evident that non-Muslims perpetrate terrorist attacks, and that a vanishingly small percentage of Muslims are terrorists, but those two truths aren't widely appreciated in America. That doesn't mean they won't reassert themselves, for terrorist attacks have always been with us; the tactic has never been exclusive to a single ideology for very long; and the power the state marshals against one sort of terrorist is sure to be first to hand when another sort strikes.

Anxiety over this possibility was evident early in President Obama's term, when a Homeland Security report on right-wing extremism was roundly denounced by conservative bloggers, who know as well as anyone that you don't want to wind up in a class of people whose rights are determined by the Office of Legal Counsel. Spencer Ackerman just did a followup with that report's author. Whatever you think of the document, its warning against the possibility of a disgruntled military veteran perpetrating right-wing extremist violence seems vindicated by initial reports from Wisconsin.

Quoth that most famous scene from A Man for All Seasons:

William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!

Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?

William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!

Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!

Having flattened so many laws (and a good many innocents) in pursuit of the terrorist, the American majority is naturally loath to focus its attention on a terrorist who looks, talks, and dresses as they do. It is particularly uncomfortable for those in the country who feel most reflexively safe when "an American" is beside them on a plane, instead of a bearded man with a turban. Watching Oak Creek, that subset of Americans was put in a position to realize that a day prior they'd have identified with the terrorist more than his victims.

And so they quickly looked away.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's different when five people are shot versus seven buildings that came down in NYC, 3000 innocent souls perish, injuries to fire fighters, police and local citizen and billions of dollars in damages. You really wish to draw parallel to how people look at terrorist? This is not even your cause to moan and groan. The Sikhs are taking care of their own problem like civil citizens. You should take lesson from them.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

It's different when five people are shot versus seven buildings that came down in NYC, 3000 innocent souls perish, injuries to fire fighters, police and local citizen and billions of dollars in damages. You really wish to draw parallel to how people look at terrorist? This is not even your cause to moan and groan. The Sikhs are taking care of their own problem like civil citizens. You should take lesson from them.

The answer is simple. White man is the master of blacks and Indians...


A percentage of White ppl see their America infiltrated with religions and customs alien to them. Threats of terrorists act by foreigners causes upheaval in their natural way of life. More no white Governors are appearing on the scene. And a Black man is the President who is a first generation America.


They are upset about all of this. Even though they are a minority, they have the mindset and potential of doing alot of damage. Simply, they are not afraid of dying.


American Terrorist are no different than Muslim Terrorists -they die in their murderous acts.



Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

It's different when five people are shot versus seven buildings that came down in NYC, 3000 innocent souls perish, injuries to fire fighters, police and local citizen and billions of dollars in damages. You really wish to draw parallel to how people look at terrorist? This is not even your cause to moan and groan. The Sikhs are taking care of their own problem like civil citizens. You should take lesson from them.

And yet only two were hit. you never fail to react with you hatred of Muslims.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

It's different when five people are shot versus seven buildings that came down in NYC, 3000 innocent souls perish, injuries to fire fighters, police and local citizen and billions of dollars in damages. You really wish to draw parallel to how people look at terrorist? This is not even your cause to moan and groan. The Sikhs are taking care of their own problem like civil citizens. You should take lesson from them.

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
ha ha ha ha
What was the terrorist group that perpetrated the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear attacks?

Imperial japan was bent on world conquest. Their cruelty is indubitable. You cannot affirm that the A bomb did not shorten the war. They surrender the day after. OBviously if they had the bomb none of you idiots would be here to complain. If you did your mothers and sisters would have been their  serfs in a pleasure house an you a slant eyed mongrel of their liberal excesses



This video has a second part if  you care to look at it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Lucas:


I agree with you, all human races but white are indubitably cruel...

 That is stupid avoidance of the fact spoken to above.  White people are humans and as such given to corruption no less no more than any. Every culture lived by carnage. We need to strive for better because it is some 2000 years since Aristotle noted we are imbued with rationality and choice and that distinguishes us from our siblings in the animal kingdom.

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Lucas:


I agree with you, all human races but white are indubitably cruel...

Dropping nuclear bombs on Japan wasn't cruel, was heroic and humane...of course, anything's done to protect the White Supremacy is heroic, humane and noble

 Yellow supremacy got a jolt of gamma rays for breakfast on that day.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Lucas:


I agree with you, all human races but white are indubitably cruel...

Dropping nuclear bombs on Japan wasn't cruel, was heroic and humane...of course, anything's done to protect the White Supremacy is heroic, humane and noble

 Yellow supremacy got a jolt of gamma rays for breakfast on that day.


Japan at the time was facing energy and economic blockade by the West, it was in a situation much like that of Iran today.. They were actually provoked into war. It was war or becoming something like the Philippines..

Originally Posted by Prashad:

In Canada alot of these Sikh leaders are now buddy buddy with the Conservative right.  Alot of them fail to realize that this ain't the Conservative party of Mulroney and Diefenbaker.  This is the Reform party that has taken over the Conservative party.

Can you explain this? I do not get your point here..

Although the Japanese were cruel warriors who set out to conquer the world, they had already lost the war and were already in the process of negotiating a peace treaty when the atomic bomb was dropped. The fact is the US wanted to test out this weapon and see it's effects on a city. It was totally uncalled for.
Originally Posted by TI:
Although the Japanese were cruel warriors who set out to conquer the world, they had already lost the war and were already in the process of negotiating a peace treaty when the atomic bomb was dropped. The fact is the US wanted to test out this weapon and see it's effects on a city. It was totally uncalled for.

It was a racist attack, they just wanted to use the Japanese as the guinea pigs of their nuclear experiments..


Read JB Cambell:


Peace feelers started shortly after Midway, prior to the US assault on Guadalcanal in August, '42.  See Journey to the Missouri by Toshikasu Kase, an official of the Foreign Office.  Foreign Minister Togo had him deliver a message to Sir Robert Craigi, the British ambassador who was interned in Tokyo, which stated:  "Should it happen that the British government become desirous of discussing or negotiating peace they would find the Japanese government ready to be helpful." This was just the beginning of peace feelers.  They would become a flood as the years dragged on.  .................

The best source is, as I wrote, the United States Strategic Bombing Survey, headed by Rear Admiral RA Ofstie.  A good summary of all the writings of the people involved in suppressing or encouraging peace attempts is The Enemy at His Back (1956), by Elizabeth Churchill Brown, wife of the famous columnist for the Washington Star, Constantine Brown........................

 MacArthur notified Roosevelt in January, '45, before FDR went to Yalta, that the Japanese were willing to surrender all Japanese forces on the sea, in the air, at home, on island possessions and in occupied countries, surrender of all arms and munitions, occupation of the Japanese homeland and island possessions by allied troops under American direction, relinquishment of Manchuria, Korea and Formosa as well as all territory seized during the war, turning over Japanese whom the US might designate as war criminals, release of all prisoners of war and internees in Japan and in areas under Japanese control.  ........This was finally reported by Walter Trohan of the Chicago Tribune on August 19, 1945 (simultaneously in the Washington Times Herald).  Trohan had promised his source in army intelligence that he would sit on it until the war was over. ..............Obviously, Roosevelt ignored MacArthur's urgent report .........After MacArthur returned from Korea in '51, Herbert Hoover took the Trohan article to his suite at the Waldorf Towers and asked him if it were true?  MacArthur confirmed every detail.  

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by TI:
Although the Japanese were cruel warriors who set out to conquer the world, they had already lost the war and were already in the process of negotiating a peace treaty when the atomic bomb was dropped. The fact is the US wanted to test out this weapon and see it's effects on a city. It was totally uncalled for.

It was a racist attack, they just wanted to use the Japanese as the guinea pigs of their nuclear experiments..

Dude, after Nanking, I would have bombed their asses just for the hell of it because I can.  Perl harbor was mere aggravation and Guadalcanal, midway Wake island and the rest were mere piling on of the aggravation. I do not know the reasons why they got cremated but  with 36 million people dead as casualties in a war in which they were aggressive instruments of oppression they got what was coming. That does not count for the other 40 million who died of famine and disease as a result of their initiation of hostilities. You can claim racism all you want but that is a convenient excuse in retrospect and given it is  being leveraged on behalf of  group with a supremest bent you are not getting my sympathy.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by TI:
Although the Japanese were cruel warriors who set out to conquer the world, they had already lost the war and were already in the process of negotiating a peace treaty when the atomic bomb was dropped. The fact is the US wanted to test out this weapon and see it's effects on a city. It was totally uncalled for.

It was a racist attack, they just wanted to use the Japanese as the guinea pigs of their nuclear experiments..

Taking the home islands by conventional means would have resulted in 800k US deaths and an estimated 3 mio Japs.  The entire Japanese population was placed in a suicidal psyche.  After crushing the military, which would have been a costly and deadly aspect, the mass population was geared for a suicidal fight which would have meant a horrendous occupation making today's Mid-East look like child play.


As perverse as it sounds, the A-bomb brought a quick end to that war and saved an untold number of lives.

Originally Posted by D2:
Imperial japan was bent on world conquest. Their cruelty is indubitable. You cannot affirm that the A bomb did not shorten the war.
Why not? The best of our military men did so. The war was effectively over. Japan was beaten and subject to an airtight blockade. It was just a matter of waiting, and not a single further casualty was necessary, you idiot.
Contrary to popular belief the A-bomb did not hasten the end of the war. Japan had no air force and US bombing raids alone were devastating Japan, making over 3 million Japanese homeless and killing more people than the A-bomb did. Japan's infrastructure was in shambles and the terms of surrender was the real issue. The US wanted to hang the emperor while the Japanese worshipped him as god. Japan could not have withstood many more air raids. Once the terms of surrender was established without harm to the emperor, Japan was all ready to surrender. The A-bomb was merely a show of power, and the bad thing about it is that it was primarily children who were obliterated. Also, there was a second A-bomb on Nagasaki with no logical reason.
Originally Posted by TI:
Contrary to popular belief the A-bomb did not hasten the end of the war. Japan had no air force and US bombing raids alone were devastating Japan, making over 3 million Japanese homeless and killing more people than the A-bomb did. Japan's infrastructure was in shambles and the terms of surrender was the real issue. The US wanted to hang the emperor while the Japanese worshipped him as god. Japan could not have withstood many more air raids. Once the terms of surrender was established without harm to the emperor, Japan was all ready to surrender. The A-bomb was merely a show of power, and the bad thing about it is that it was primarily children who were obliterated. Also, there was a second A-bomb on Nagasaki with no logical reason.

The Japanese ignored the Potsdam declaration. Suzuki met the press on the matter and said the imperial majesty had not intention to surrender. I  Hiroshima and Nagasaki came after that open defiance.

Originally Posted by TI:
The plan to use A-bomb was on the shelf way before the Pottsam declaration. Even Stalin was involved in surrender negotiations, and the Americans had broken the Japanese communication codes and knew about the surrender plan. It was all a power play with scant regard for human life.

Everything is on the shelf in war, especially one as horrific as this. The fact is  they refused to surrender and after declaring publicly they will fight to the end they got bombed.

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

In Canada alot of these Sikh leaders are now buddy buddy with the Conservative right.  Alot of them fail to realize that this ain't the Conservative party of Mulroney and Diefenbaker.  This is the Reform party that has taken over the Conservative party.

Can you explain this? I do not get your point here..

What I am saying is that alot of areas where there are large sikh populations.  A majority of these populations are now voting conservative and electing leaders that are conservative.  But the conservative party of today is not the conservative party that was in power when I came to Canada.  In those days the Conservative party was the Progressive Conservative party with leaders such as Diefenbacker, Joe Clarke and Mulroney.  These leaders where fiscal conservatives but social liberals.


The Conservative party of today has been taken over by the Reform Party due to a merger which took place a few years back.  The Reform Party is a social conservative party.  Their leader Stephen Harper is not a social conservative but most of their supporters are very much social conservatives.  So on issues such as immigration to Canada many of their members are dead set against it or are for a drastic reduction of immigration because they see immigration as a major danger towards the majority population of Canada.

Originally Posted by TI:
The plan to use A-bomb was on the shelf way before the Pottsam declaration. Even Stalin was involved in surrender negotiations, and the Americans had broken the Japanese communication codes and knew about the surrender plan. It was all a power play with scant regard for human life.

Only a fool would trust Stalin.  Take a look at the first Soviet ministerial cabinet that I put up and see what happen to those who trusted Stalin. 


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