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Secrecy surrounding Amaila Falls a major worry – AFC


November 12, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

AFC leader: Khemraj Ramjattan


The Alliance For Change (AFC) has demanded that the government “come clean” on the “secretive affairs” relating to the Amaila Falls project.  Party leader, Khemraj Ramjattan noted that government’s boast of transparency and accountability would demand that it would, ever so often, make releases about the status of major projects that “affect all citizens of this country.”

Ramjattan was responding to questions relating to this newspaper’s recently published article; headlined “Amaila Falls Hydro Project…
Construction unlikely before 2015.”

Kaieteur News had quoted a senior engineer connected to the project.
Ramjattan’s position, on behalf of his party, is that the government should have been the source of information for “such a major and valuable project to society.”
The party leader stated emphatically that the government needs to find it necessary to be accountable to the Guyanese public; “…that has not been happening,” he noted.

Further, he expressed that “We understand that the delay has to do with the fact that the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) hasn’t finalized its US$100M into the deal. We understand too that there might be problems in relation to issues dealing with the back-up electricity generating plants.”

Ramjattan noted that, assuming the dry weather comes “as suggested by the President”, the government hasn’t put any mechanism in place for electricity to still be generated in the absence of water force.

Asked if his party has any trust in the Guyana Power & Light Inc. (GPL) as it relates to its technical capacity to accommodate the project, Ramjattan stated that GPL has presented the AFC with a detailed plan of improvements needed to be implemented so that the project could be accommodated. However, Ramjattan said that “if it will come through is another matter.”

Kaieteur News reported that the Amaila Falls Hydro Project will be facing major setbacks and is unlikely to start anytime soon.

This newspaper learnt that delays in road construction and the completion of a feasibility study of the project coupled with due diligence by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), will contribute to the hold up. However, the IDB has already signed a mandate letter, paving the way for due diligence to begin.

The Bank is being sought after for US$175M to complete the consortium of investors in the project which has an announced price tag of US$840M.

The senior engineer explained that the feasibility study is important as the project has to show that it can generate enough revenue to service its debt, grow the economy and not become another Government “’sinkhole’ like the Skeldon Factory”.
Among other things, the bank will want to examine GPL management’s technical capacity and its ability to reduce electricity losses from thefts and system inefficiencies. Further, it was noted, that the IDB would have conditions to its loan, including improvements to GPL’s systems.

In September, government announced that Sithe Global had signed a US$506M Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) agreement with China Railway First Group (CRFG) for the project.

The 165-megawatt project is to be built in Region Eight with funding coming from a number of sources including US$100M in equity from the Guyana government.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Marriott Hotel is secretive as well as the new CJIA. Mr. Ramjattan will ever be satisfied with the details behind these projects? These projects will be completed, and Ramjattan will still be groaning over corruptions.

Originally Posted by PRK:

Imagine Jagdoe give wan con man Fip fuh mek de Amila road...meh wanda how much kick back pass dey. 

Do you think the PNC/APNU would have done better without kick-backs as Jagdeo has done in his presidency? Let's leave the AFC out for a moment.

Originally Posted by PRK:

Imagine Jagdoe give wan con man Fip fuh mek de Amila road...meh wanda how much kick back pass dey. 

Government is not perfect; they make mistakes along the way, but you can't allow failure to hold up progress. Jagdeo is in the past and we must focus on president Ramotar. Why do you think the Hydro project is taking longer than usual?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Imagine Jagdoe give wan con man Fip fuh mek de Amila road...meh wanda how much kick back pass dey. 

Government is not perfect; they make mistakes along the way, but you can't allow failure to hold up progress. Jagdeo is in the past and we must focus on president Ramotar. Why do you think the Hydro project is taking longer than usual?

Jagdoe in de past? You must be wan joka. De man is pushing stupidee Ramo aside at OP. Jagdoe is in charge. I like how yuh accept dem tiefing rascals.

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Imagine Jagdoe give wan con man Fip fuh mek de Amila road...meh wanda how much kick back pass dey. 

Government is not perfect; they make mistakes along the way, but you can't allow failure to hold up progress. Jagdeo is in the past and we must focus on president Ramotar. Why do you think the Hydro project is taking longer than usual?

Jagdoe in de past? You must be wan joka. De man is pushing stupidee Ramo aside at OP. Jagdoe is in charge. I like how yuh accept dem tiefing rascals.

Bhai, I don't like thiefing, but one has to choose who you want to be the thief. History proved that Burnham thief Guyana's wealth to the last drop, and the country development was at its lowest. Even if Jagdeo thief, as least he showed the Guyanese people something for it.

Originally Posted by warrior:

two thief make god laugh,i hope some bandit break into your house,you low life thief

I experience a lot of break and enter during the PNC days, and you're wishing me more injustice. Control your anger and don't wish that on your worst enemy.

Originally Posted by warrior:

you thiefing from the guyanese people and you think its right and you asking me to control what

Warria bai, abie no plenty bady ah tief(from PNC, PPP and now deh seh AFC). Give abie sometin new. Wen dem ketch dem PPP man wid money and de court jail dem, den you can repeat you mantra.


The PPP section of Guyana is quite happy with getting robbed by the PPP regime. They even keep voting in the PPP so that a handful of PPP members can continue to rob the Guyanese pubic.

I have come to the conclusion that if it was not for the thieving there would be nothing for the government to do otherwise.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The PPP section of Guyana is quite happy with getting robbed by the PPP regime. They even keep voting in the PPP so that a handful of PPP members can continue to rob the Guyanese pubic.

I have come to the conclusion that if it was not for the thieving there would be nothing for the government to do otherwise.

Thanks Einstein.

Did you say the same about the PNC and Forbes Burnall when they plundered the riches of Guyana and turned us into beggars? Remember, if Burnall saw anything bigger than what he got, he nationalised it? He even nationalised a couple men's lolos.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The PPP section of Guyana is quite happy with getting robbed by the PPP regime. They even keep voting in the PPP so that a handful of PPP members can continue to rob the Guyanese pubic.

I have come to the conclusion that if it was not for the thieving there would be nothing for the government to do otherwise.

Thanks Einstein.

Did you say the same about the PNC and Forbes Burnall when they plundered the riches of Guyana and turned us into beggars? Remember, if Burnall saw anything bigger than what he got, he nationalised it? He even nationalised a couple men's lolos.

Burnham never plundered the riches of Guyana. Those riches were plundered or sold off for next to nothing by the PPP to people who were either members of the PPP criminal ring, or paid a hefty bribe.

If Burnham had plundered the country there would not have been anything for the PPP to plunder. 

Even the richest PNC person never managed to accumulate as much money as most of the PPP ministers now do. And even Jagdeo is woth a lot more than Burnham ever was.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

What does the AFC have to say about Mr. T's view of the Burnham era?


What has the AFC got to do with my views? It is the PPP regime who should talk to me and justify the lies they spread whilst robbing Guyana. I man belong to no party. I am a concerned citizen.


It is too late to back out of the project now so let us hope it is a success.   One thing I know is this.  The world bank will collect back its money with interest come hell or high water.  That is why a contengency plan should be put in place now on what to do if the loan cannot be payed back to the world bank.  Do we ask Brazil or India to pay that loan back for us.Those are questions that have to be looked at.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The PPP section of Guyana is quite happy with getting robbed by the PPP regime. They even keep voting in the PPP so that a handful of PPP members can continue to rob the Guyanese pubic.

I have come to the conclusion that if it was not for the thieving there would be nothing for the government to do otherwise.

Thanks Einstein.

Did you say the same about the PNC and Forbes Burnall when they plundered the riches of Guyana and turned us into beggars? Remember, if Burnall saw anything bigger than what he got, he nationalised it? He even nationalised a couple men's lolos.

Burnham never plundered the riches of Guyana. Those riches were plundered or sold off for next to nothing by the PPP to people who were either members of the PPP criminal ring, or paid a hefty bribe.

If Burnham had plundered the country there would not have been anything for the PPP to plunder. 

Even the richest PNC person never managed to accumulate as much money as most of the PPP ministers now do. And even Jagdeo is woth a lot more than Burnham ever was.

You battie must have been buried in Burnall's kaka hole to say this hog wash. Are you related to the crimminal named Forbes Burnham? You talking rubbish. There was nothing to plunder in Guyana in 1992. Guyana was like a world beggar. Burnall and Hoyte plundered Guyana. Remember Burnall was one of the richest men in the world while the Guyanese starved. Dry coconut was a delicacy for some people.   


Mr T is correct!


The counterfactual nonsense vomited by Skeldon_man is a favorite in the toolkit of BIG LIES the racists and felons in Freedom House deploy from time to time to excuse away the brazen, WORLD CLASS rape of the Guyanese people by PPP criminals.


Well, listen up you big belly, small dick tiefmen . . . Burnham was a SOCIALIST dictator who consolidated POWER in the hands of the STATE which he and his mainly Afro cronies headed but did not own. The country collapsed NOT BECAUSE of tiefin, but because the communist planners of the economy imposed bankrupt ideas on the people, created a repressive police state to enforce this, ended up on the wrong side of history, and consequently ran out of money.


If you want to offer a critique of the disastrous Burnhamite economy and the dictator's crimes against the Guyanese people, feel free . . . but don't LIE about Burnham being "one of the richest men in the world," while muttering stupidly about phantom PNC billionaires (blackman of course) plundering non-existent riches in a moribund economy with no VAT and no credit.




This is cheap stuff, and exposes you people as either fantasists OR 2-cent propaganda antimen desperately reaching for an impossible equivalency to smokescreen the Yeltsin-era scale transfer of wealth in Guyana to the NEPS criminals . . . all midwived by Jagdeo and PPPCrime.


I suspect the latter


I believe every human being must have four essentials.  Free education, Free Health, Free Housing and full employment.  I would not call it bankrupt ideas.  There is no system on the face of the earth more stingy and brutal to poor people than Capitalism especially now that it does not have anything to compete against.  I realize this 20 years ago when I was in a washroom at a leading casino in Las Vegas.  In the washroom every shoe shine boy was an elderly African American man.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You battie must have been buried in Burnall's kaka hole to say this hog wash. Are you related to the crimminal named Forbes Burnham? You talking rubbish. There was nothing to plunder in Guyana in 1992. Guyana was like a world beggar. Burnall and Hoyte plundered Guyana. Remember Burnall was one of the richest men in the world while the Guyanese starved. Dry coconut was a delicacy for some people.   

Whilst you cowards were running away, hiding under the bed or giving your wife and daughters to PNC rapist for pleasure so that you would be spared, my grandfather was actively trying to rid Guyana of Burnham. Whilst I do not approve of non-ballot means to rid the country of evil politicians, I am proud of my grandfather's attempt and regret that Burnham escaped. But I am convinced that traitors within the PPP warned Burnham, and that cowards inside the PPP failed to support us afterwards.

  So for you to suggest that I am related to Burnham does make me wonder how big a PPP thief you are. You scared that the ppl will one day string you up when they find out is how much you robbed them for?


It gat to be secret suh dem cyan deposit de kick back chinee money in forein bank. Dem stupidee AFC people went on TV to charge corruption and sayin de money pun de books. Dem top of de class PPP tieffs don't tek money from de books. Is off de books kick backs...stupid ass AFC nah mention dis. Meh rass nah go vote fuh dem if dem nah pull up dem socks. 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You battie must have been buried in Burnall's kaka hole to say this hog wash. Are you related to the crimminal named Forbes Burnham? You talking rubbish. There was nothing to plunder in Guyana in 1992. Guyana was like a world beggar. Burnall and Hoyte plundered Guyana. Remember Burnall was one of the richest men in the world while the Guyanese starved. Dry coconut was a delicacy for some people.   

Whilst you cowards were running away, hiding under the bed or giving your wife and daughters to PNC rapist for pleasure so that you would be spared, my grandfather was actively trying to rid Guyana of Burnham. Whilst I do not approve of non-ballot means to rid the country of evil politicians, I am proud of my grandfather's attempt and regret that Burnham escaped. But I am convinced that traitors within the PPP warned Burnham, and that cowards inside the PPP failed to support us afterwards.

  So for you to suggest that I am related to Burnham does make me wonder how big a PPP thief you are. You scared that the ppl will one day string you up when they find out is how much you robbed them for?

T: You ah lie about yu granfada actions. Wid all de alleged tiefin, PPP still run Guyana betta than 28 years of PNC.


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