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Originally Posted by KishanB:

5,000 of them were discarded because they were not good.


And the taxpayers paid for every single one of them -

Dem PPP boys were walking out with the netbooks too. Whatever happened to the PPP security contractor who was found with the stolen netbooks. The man was hired to keep the netbooks secure and they found some at his house very secure.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Jagde-owe promised in 2011 that in 3 years, he will handed out 90,000 netbook computers under the One Laptop Per Family Programme.


That promise was made at the Culture Centre.


Three years gone and only 35,000 handed out with some 5,000 spoilt and sent back to China.


Ask his name she, he owes the people.

Look at that this bandit did to Guyana.  You know how much millions one of them name Bruian Jamese mek out of this Project?



BJ Chinee B-mate!

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I wrote at the time that it was a big scam. Don't forget that the PPP "paid" for all of the 90000 pieces. With only 35000 delivered, a lot of money has gone missing.

You can guarantee that any large project like this the PPP are scamming the working class. Bloody parasites sucking on the lifeblood of poor people.


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