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• He refuses to immediately resign as the AFC leader even though he agrees that keeping the Leadership position of the AFC and the speakership at the same time is a conflict of interest. He wants to suck cane and blow whistle at the same time;

• His hero is Burnham.

• He would step over his own family to further his ambition.

• He had publicly advocated that the AFC join the PNC in the APNU.

• He will collaborate with APNU and the AFC to destroy institutions that were designed to give stability to the governance of our state.

• He stated that the AFC principle that leadership of political institutions must be racially balanced to allay fears of racial dominance. Trotman and Ramjattan killed that principle. when the stabbed “our brother Moses” in his back.

• Chairman of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) David Granger has been elected the Leader of the Opposition for the 10th Parliament In offering his congratulations Speaker Raphael Trotman referred to Granger as the Majority Leader in the House which was a first for the opposition-controlled National Assembly. A speaker is not allowed refer to the leader of the opposition as a majority leader, unless (a) the National Assembly approves a name change (b) the speaker wanted to deliberately demean the government. Who would the Speaker refer to as the Minority Leader? Trotman continues “For the first time in the history of Guyana and the history of the Commonwealth Caribbean we have a Majority Leader ” There is nothing wrong with the speaker congratulating and welcoming the speaker to his position.

• He agrees that the Speaker is in a conflict of interest position if he too said that the delegates retain the AFC party leadership position. Yet with the same breath, he said that the AFC party delegates will decide his future in the party while adding that he would like to play “a very active role.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The sign of a good speaker is the amount of negative comments made about him or her by the ruling government. So if the PPP is unhappy, then the Speaker is the right man for the job. One should be guided by conviction, not the size of the bribes on offer.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
he is a crook..we will see his true colors soon

So which PPP politician has been less crooked?

Thanks to some ungrateful collies who drank too much the day before voting and to those who followed the AFC like sheep we are now left with a crook for a speaker
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Thanks to some ungrateful collies who drank too much the day before voting and to those who followed the AFC like sheep we are now left with a crook for a speaker

You never expressed those same sentiments when we had a crook for president.
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
he is a crook..we will see his true colors soon

So which PPP politician has been less crooked?

Thanks to some ungrateful collies who drank too much the day before voting and to those who followed the AFC like sheep we are now left with a crook for a speaker
that is the problem with you ppp ass,you have no respect for indian people,maybe you can tell your family how to think,but do not tell the rest of indian how to think.more than 30 thousand indians know that the ppp is a bunch of thief
While it appears that Trotman has a questionable record, we should wait and see how he carries himself in this parliament.

His role of speaker is a neutral one and the people of Guyana will be watching closely.
There is a political shift in the landscape of Guyanese politics and the actions of politicians will be decided by the people at the time of casting their votes.

Let us wait and see what happens before taking out our sledge hammers. A snap election is the worst that can happen and then the PPP and PNC can go to the people and ask for a majority mandate to govern. This is the democratic process in any country.
Originally posted by yuji22:
While it appears that Trotman has a questionable record, we should wait and see how he carries himself in this parliament.

His role of speaker is a neutral one and the people of Guyana will be watching closely.
There is a political shift in the landscape of Guyanese politics and the actions of politicians will be decided by the people at the time of casting their votes.

Let us wait and see what what happens before taking out our sledge hammers. A snap election is the worst that can happen and then the PPP and PNC can go to the people and ask for a majority mandate to govern. This is the democratic process in any country.
i am not saying because trotman is AFC he will do the right thing,but i know he is a decent man and he will be fair to all the party in parlament.what ever he do the guyanese people come first
Although the AFC is continuing to lobby for Moses Nagamootoo to be Speaker when the new Parliament is convened, party leader Raphael Trotman yesterday insisted that it will not try to seek support from the PPP/C.

Trotman told Stabroek News yesterday that the AFC was against negotiating with the ruling party over the position of Speaker because it could have serious implications.

Such a move, Trotman said, would be against the long term interests of the AFC and the parliamentary opposition as a whole.

Another reason not to trust Trotman.
Originally posted by Dondadda:
"Although the AFC is continuing to lobby for Moses Nagamootoo to be Speaker when the new Parliament is convened, party leader Raphael Trotman yesterday insisted that it will not try to seek support from the PPP/C.

Trotman told Stabroek News yesterday that the AFC was against negotiating with the ruling party over the position of Speaker because it could have serious implications.

Such a move, Trotman said, would be against the long term interests of the AFC and the parliamentary opposition as a whole."

Another reason not to trust Trotman.
Originally posted by Dondadda:
Originally posted by Dondadda:
"Although the AFC is continuing to lobby for Moses Nagamootoo to be Speaker when the new Parliament is convened, party leader Raphael Trotman yesterday insisted that it will not try to seek support from the PPP/C.

Trotman told Stabroek News yesterday that the AFC was against negotiating with the ruling party over the position of Speaker because it could have serious implications.

Such a move, Trotman said, would be against the long term interests of the AFC and the parliamentary opposition as a whole."

Another reason not to trust Trotman
Originally posted by Dondadda:
Trotman told Stabroek News yesterday that the AFC was against negotiating with the ruling party over the position of Speaker because it could have serious implications.

Such a move, Trotman said, would be against the long term interests of the AFC and the parliamentary opposition as a whole."


All along that scumbag Trotman was secretly negotiating with Granger for the speakership position.

HE STABBED MOSES IN THE BACK---after calling Moses his "brother" in Albion.

FACT: Neither Trotman nor Granger wanted East Indian Moses in the speaker's chair.

Firebrand Moses has now been reduced to a pu$$y---he deserves the stabbing he received from Trotman.


Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Dondadda:
Trotman told Stabroek News yesterday that the AFC was against negotiating with the ruling party over the position of Speaker because it could have serious implications.

Such a move, Trotman said, would be against the long term interests of the AFC and the parliamentary opposition as a whole."


All along that scumbag Trotman was secretly negotiating with Granger for the speakership position.

HE STABBED MOSES IN THE BACK---after calling Moses his "brother" in Albion.

FACT: Neither Trotman nor Granger wanted East Indian Moses in the speaker's chair.

Firebrand Moses has now been reduced to a pu$$y---he deserves the stabbing he received from Trotman.


moses give is life for the ppp and they end up treating him like a outcast,rev where were you and all the rest of the ppp indians when moses was being treated like a dog in freedom house.why don you ungreatfull collie dogs leave moses alone.he was a dog in the ppp and now he is a king in the AFC the man is at home
Originally posted by warrior:
why don you ungreatfull collie dogs leave moses alone.he was a dog in the ppp and now he is a king in the AFC the man is at home

warrior bhai:

It looks like you have no qualms about Trotman stabbing brother Moses in the back and grabbing hold of the speakership.

Don't be gullible warrior---folks like Trotman and Granger are toxic and dangerous---they will destroy and impoverish Guyana if they ever rule the country again.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by warrior:
why don you ungreatfull collie dogs leave moses alone.he was a dog in the ppp and now he is a king in the AFC the man is at home

warrior bhai:

It looks like you have no qualms about Trotman stabbing brother Moses in the back and grabbing hold of the speakership.

Don't be gullible warrior---folks like Trotman and Granger are toxic and dangerous---they will destroy and impoverish Guyana if they ever rule the country again.

rev,who do you think you speaking to,those collie people in your bottom house meeting were you spread your nasty racist shit.this one indian that think for himself,the AFC is a party of unity.nobody need to stab nobody.people like you make me sick.whenever i am anywhere and people like you is there,you have to get up and walk like a disease in socity.maybe you could be a better person if you stop your racist hate
Originally posted by warrior:
this one indian that think for himself,the AFC is a party of unity.nobody need to stab nobody.

The AFC is a party of UNITY you say ?


The AFC is a 3rd party in Guyana comprised mainly of rejects from the 2 main parties in Guyana---also, the AFC will always attract disaffected voters like yourself.

Rest assured, the AFC will never amass more than 12% of the votes in Guyana.


warrior bai--you just witnessed Moses get stabbed in the back by Trotman---and you turn a blind eye ? What kind of human being are you ?


Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by warrior:
this one indian that think for himself,the AFC is a party of unity.nobody need to stab nobody.

The AFC is a party of UNITY you say ?


The AFC is a 3rd party in Guyana comprised mainly of rejects from the 2 main parties in Guyana---also, the AFC will always attract disaffected voters like yourself.

Rest assured, the AFC will never amass more than 12% of the votes in Guyana.


warrior bai--you just witnessed Moses get stabbed in the back by Trotman---and you turn a blind eye ? What kind of human being are you ?



Me nah tink soa bai, LFSB stab CBJ in da back. Is like abie coolies like da punishment. Abie coolie like cuss abie matie an' like wenn a blackman smile wid we. Da man Trotman gi juss wah di dackta arda.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Me nah tink soa bai, LFSB stab CBJ in da back. Is like abie coolies like da punishment.

sledge bhai:

yuh ah talk deh truth! forbes stab cheddi in deh back in 1964 and in 1980---when rodney wuz getting popular---cheddi tun round and offer forbes critical support---imagine dat!

dat communist rass cheddi needed 2 bax in he stupid head fuh giving forbes critical support in 1980---guess the stab forbes put on he in 1964 heal nice---and suh by 1980 he cheddi wuz ready fuh anada back stabbing.

same ting wid moses and trotty---trotty stab moses in deh back---and come next election moses and plenty ah he dumb berbician followers gon support trotty fuh president.

Trotman was democratically elected speaker. he owes it to himself to be neutral. He cannot take up any position with the AFC. he is there to look after the right of every party.
Stchupidee Al, three thing to note here.

1) The 3rd party AFC necessarily have to have defectors from the two main parties. You call them rejects, but most people call them difference-makers.

2) This 2rd party AFC does not need to become a 2nd or 1st party. Thus it does not need more than 12% of the votes. 3rd parties historically do not succeed in the long run in becoming one of the 2 main parties, but it does not need to. It has already changed things up dramatically in Guyana - DIVIDED GOVERNMENT. You will see things brought to Parliament for over turning - like Jagdeo's pension, etc.

3) I do not expect you to understand the Moses/Trotman dynamic. It is a beautifully played out one with tremendous pay-offs. The first one is that neither the PPP or PNC has the speakership. There are more complex nuances that I know would escape your (level of) thinking.

Rama, all this is beyond your comprehension, so treat this as a little lesson in Politics 101. Feel free to ask questions.
I do not expect you to understand the Moses/Trotman dynamic. It is a beautifully played out one with tremendous pay-offs. The first one is that neither the PPP or PNC has the speakership.

The Moses/Trotman dynamic paid off for the back stabbing, notorius, lying, conniving scamp Trotman. We know that the PPP did not get the speakership, however, the PNC got the Speakership because Trotman had publicly advocated that the AFC join the PNC in the APNU.
Originally posted by Kari:
Stchupidee Al, three thing to note here.

1) The 3rd party AFC necessarily have to have defectors from the two main parties. You call them rejects, but most people call them difference-makers.

2) This 2rd party AFC does not need to become a 2nd or 1st party. Thus it does not need more than 12% of the votes. 3rd parties historically do not succeed in the long run in becoming one of the 2 main parties, but it does not need to. It has already changed things up dramatically in Guyana - DIVIDED GOVERNMENT. You will see things brought to Parliament for over turning - like Jagdeo's pension, etc.

3) I do not expect you to understand the Moses/Trotman dynamic. It is a beautifully played out one with tremendous pay-offs. The first one is that neither the PPP or PNC has the speakership. There are more complex nuances that I know would escape your (level of) thinking.

Rama, all this is beyond your comprehension, so treat this as a little lesson in Politics 101. Feel free to ask questions.

No, you prick. How is it beyond my comprehension when you don't even understand your own postings. What you are is exactly what people said about you.. You talk about the future as if it is the present. How can there be ant fure if you can't forget the oast?

The AFC and you are a bunch of Nimcompoops...

Answer this question: What did change in Guyana??
Originally posted by Kari:
3) I do not expect you to understand the Moses/Trotman dynamic. It is a beautifully played out one with tremendous pay-offs. The first one is that neither the PPP or PNC has the speakership. There are more complex nuances that I know would escape your (level of) thinking.


Why are you referring to the Rev as "Stchupidee Al" ? What's with the arrogance, cockiness and conceitedness ?

Read what you wrote:

Kari wrote: "The 3rd party AFC necessarily have to have defectors from the two main parties."

S-E-N-S-E-L-E-S-S---as written--ask poster redux to help you with your writing skills.

For someone who struggles to clearly and coherently express his thoughts, both in writing---go back and read what you wrote above---and verbally---listen to yourself on your TV show---if you are really karimullah---you are lame, ineloquent, and inarticluate--you have no right Kari to question the level of any poster's thinking or intelligence on this forum.

Anyway, keep up with the cheap shots kari--I guess it gives you a false sense of pride and importance.

And by the way, work on your ability to express yourself more coherently.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Why are you referring to the Rev as "Stchupidee Al" ?
- Rev

Aawww . . . you sad, pitiful creature.

U mean that U really, really don't know . . .??
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Kari:
3) I do not expect you to understand the Moses/Trotman dynamic. It is a beautifully played out one with tremendous pay-offs. The first one is that neither the PPP or PNC has the speakership. There are more complex nuances that I know would escape your (level of) thinking.


Why are you referring to the Rev as "Stchupidee Al" ? What's with the arrogance, cockiness and conceitedness ?

Read what you wrote:

Kari wrote: "The 3rd party AFC necessarily have to have defectors from the two main parties."

S-E-N-S-E-L-E-S-S---as written--ask poster redux to help you with your writing skills.

For someone who struggles to clearly and coherently express his thoughts, both in writing---go back and read what you wrote above---and verbally---listen to yourself on your TV show---if you are really karimullah---you are lame, ineloquent, and inarticluate--you have no right Kari to question the level of any poster's thinking or intelligence on this forum.

Anyway, keep up with the cheap shots kari--I guess it gives you a false sense of pride and importance.

And by the way, work on your ability to express yourself more coherently.


redux is a proud graduate of the PNC dunce school and he is extremely uneducated. Fools like him do not deserve to be here. He proudly wears his PNC dunce hat.

He sings the PNC mantra every morning and is so brainwashed that he always posts nonsense on this forum.
The sign of a good speaker is the amount of negative comments made about him or her by the ruling government. So if the PPP is unhappy, then the Speaker is the right man for the job. One should be guided by conviction, not the size of the bribes on offer.
PPP panicking already. Their Budget now have to account for ALL the money. No more gimmicks. $$BILLIONS must now be accounted for.
Originally posted by Gupta:
The sign of a good speaker is the amount of negative comments made about him or her by the ruling government. So if the PPP is unhappy, then the Speaker is the right man for the job. One should be guided by conviction, not the size of the bribes on offer.
PPP panicking already. Their Budget now have to account for ALL the money. No more gimmicks. $$BILLIONS must now be accounted for.

It's the PNC who is panicking. The AFC will be supporting the PPP/C after they kick out Trotman as Leader..
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Kari:
3) I do not expect you to understand the Moses/Trotman dynamic. It is a beautifully played out one with tremendous pay-offs. The first one is that neither the PPP or PNC has the speakership. There are more complex nuances that I know would escape your (level of) thinking.


Why are you referring to the Rev as "Stchupidee Al" ? What's with the arrogance, cockiness and conceitedness ?

Read what you wrote:

Kari wrote: "The 3rd party AFC necessarily have to have defectors from the two main parties."

S-E-N-S-E-L-E-S-S---as written--ask poster redux to help you with your writing skills.

For someone who struggles to clearly and coherently express his thoughts, both in writing---go back and read what you wrote above---and verbally---listen to yourself on your TV show---if you are really karimullah---you are lame, ineloquent, and inarticluate--you have no right Kari to question the level of any poster's thinking or intelligence on this forum.

Anyway, keep up with the cheap shots kari--I guess it gives you a false sense of pride and importance.

And by the way, work on your ability to express yourself more coherently.


redux is a proud graduate of the PNC dunce school and he is extremely uneducated. Fools like him do not deserve to be here. He proudly wears his PNC dunce hat.

He sings the PNC mantra every morning and is so brainwashed that he always posts nonsense on this forum.

Heh Heh Heh . . . even when U 'responding' to Kari, I deh pun yu mind, eh bai?

I also notice U borrowing wan wan adjectives and adverbs from my posts [U know which ones] . . . good jaab!

But don't [support] misuse like U did with "egregious" arrite?

[virtual pat on the head]

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