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Former Member

Want to give up power knowing that they will feel/be marginalized for the next five yrs.

Why would Indos not want power knowing that they will feel/be marginalized for the next five yrs if they don't have it

Therein lies the problem which can be solved by power sharing negotiated before the results are declared, not  after,  or else the winner goes back to the same old winner takes all and forgets about sharing power.


Anyone who disagrees does not have Guyana's best interest at heart.

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The issue for all Guyanese at this time is ensuring their democratic rights as exercised by their vote on March 2 is accepted. Talks and demands of power sharing at this time only embolden those who hold a gun at the Guyanese people â€˜s head, threaten violence and mayhem. 

I agree that there must be inclusivity in the economic and political structure in Guyana. Let discussions on these occur after a duly elected government is in place. Let all Guyanese be afforded the opportunity to actively and meaningfully participate in this process, not just the economic and political elites. All parties have said that they want to see changes made. Hope they move forward because without a joint endeavour on the part of both major political parties, nothing can or will be achieved on constitutional reform. The constitutional requirements for major reform demands a high level of agreement.


Katahar, in a democracy, the party with the most votes wins. That is the case all over the world. Although despotic leaders in some countries get most of the votes if not all of them, the international community does not consider those as wins and from all indication they are labeling the Coalition as a regime if they assume office on the strength of the travesty that occurred on Friday. It has nothing to do with who would do what because of who feel marginalized. Their time to exercise that expired at the close of polls on March 2, 2020.

But I see you are taking the next step to power sharing so everyone feels included. Jagdeo has been suggesting that for many years now and he even did after he became convinced that the PPP won the elections of two week ago. My question to you is where was your voice over the past 5 years? I don't remember you commenting on this previously.


@Katahar, this election must be concluded in a satisfactory way and the rightful govt installed,  after that movement to a model of broader participation should be addressed.

I have a feeling the PPP will reach out for accommodation with members of the APNU government. Dominic Gaskin should be rewarded and other PNCites who were not part of the heist!

I will go to the extremes, using the Mandela and Gandhi models, invite Volda to be part of something to do with ethnic relations.

Last edited by Former Member

Both the PNC and PPP will never give in an inch. 

For both to form a government is a fiasco. The PNC have a history of terminating its partners. It would be disastrous for an association.

The small parties must never join the platform with the PPP for an inclusive government or formation of it. Those following the history of Guyana saw the underhandedness of Cheddie. He neutalized/sow deciet in the PCD, eliminated Paul Tennesse in any leadership and made Sam Hinds into a indo puppet as per the Negroes. To be involved with them would lower the calibre of a inclusive government, the PPP have IDIOTS in high places.

The results should not be made public, it is finality. The outcome will satisfy no one in Guyana. The scenerio outside of GECOM by the Negroes, willing to sew mayhem. They do not care for the results, they want the PNC regardless and I suspect every vote cast for the APNU feels that way. There are thousands of those individuals.

The politial campaign by the small parties must be for a government minus the current politcians.

To do otherwise, give Granger power. If the PPP wants the public results, then they are hoping the embarass Granger. He Granger doan care. If the PPP expecting sympathy from foreign government that prospect will fade away soon enough. Granger has a good case against giving in, Black ppl genocide. And he has the proof of it. Besides, Black ppl band together, ALLL over the world, they INFLUENTIAL. India will not even raise an eyebrow.

Interesting to see where it all ends. 


Seiggy, The small parties must never join the platform with the PPP for an inclusive government or formation of it

If, as the original count stands now and the PPP has 34 seats, it would be prudent to have the small parties be included in the government. The PPP should show them their appreciation for standing with them to the bullies. PNC/APNU should not be allowed to share in the government. They are like hyenas, they will steal your food from your mouth.


If the PPP is rightfully declared the winner the smaller parties should not join with them in voting as that would reduce their importance as what happened to the AFC. But the PPP should include members of all parties in ministerial positions and allow independent thinking so that the needs and aspirations of the entire country can be addressed.


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