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WICB, Phoulorie Joe and the Morally Bankrupt PPP


Dear Editor,
It has been almost two decades since I have agreed with anything coming from the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) but last week when they moved the test match from Guyana after warning the PPP government of Guyana to refrain from meddling/attempting to have government exert control over Guyana’s cricket; I wholeheartedly agreed with them. The actions of the WICB should be used by Guyanese as a teachable moment in how to stand up to the undemocratic and morally bankrupt PPP.
It is sad that the great Clive Lloyd tarnished his reputation by lending credibility to the PPP’s attempted nationalization of a private organization and both the WICB and International Cricket Council (ICC) saw the naked power grab. Bobby Ramroop a favored beneficiary of PPP government’s largesse, is the title sponsor of the Guyana T20 squad; it is not difficult to imagine the government turning over control to this same person had they been successful in their plot to take over control of the GCB.  For the PPP, it’s just another aspect of life that they will total dominate because it is the modus operandi in their communist DNA to control every facet of Guyanese life.
In the same week WICB properly rejected the PPP, the country was treated to the testimony of the PPP Member of Parliament (MP) Joe Hamilton’s participating in the dog and pony show otherwise known as the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry (COI).  While every Guyanese deserves to know the unvarnished truth surrounding Rodney’s death, nothing close to the impartial truth will be gleaned from the COI because the PPP has turned this into an extended infomercial to be used in their next political campaign to exploit the racial chasm that exist in the society.
Joe Hamilton, MP better known as Phoulorie Joe in Beterverwagting where he grew up was indeed a member of the House of Israel and long- time member of the PNC.  When Phoulorie Joe stated for the COI that the House of Israel was an agent of the state under Burnham’s PNC that also made him an agent of the state.  If Phoulorie Joe is admitting to committing illegal acts on behalf of the state, can a reasonable person completely rule out that he was not also involved in any other illegal/criminal activity that he has not answered for?
Phoulorie Joe after his public break up with the PNC prior to the 2011 elections did not reveal any misgivings about his activities as an agent of the state but more importantly what does that say about the PPP and their penchant for embracing people of questionable character/former PNC members who are known to have committed and or been convicted of crimes? How seriously can the PPP be taken when their government issued Rabbi Washington, leader of House of Israel, a pardon?  Phoulorie Joe former agent of the state, former PNC member, former GGG member and now PPP MP has demonstrated a propensity for being a party sycophant who will sing for his supper.  His lack of credibility does a dis-service to the nation in the COI proceedings and appears to be nothing more than a transparent attempt by the PPP to conveniently trot out one of their compromised Afro-Guyanese props.
As Eusi Kwayana once famously said when referring to Guyana’s racial situation, all are involved, all are consumed.  Will the morally bankrupt PPP call for a COI on their “industrial action” otherwise known as arson? What about Minister Sash Sawh’s death, Roger Kahn and the death squads or the ongoing state sanctioned torture by the police of ordinary civilians?
Nigel Jason

Replies sorted oldest to newest

All this brow-beating is just getting what you deserve. The PPP has embraced the former House-of-Israel thugs for high positions in Government, and the people who were adversely affected by the said House-of-Israel thugs continue to vote PPP.


It is a mantra that Jalil has been crusading all this time and yet we hear that the PNC does not need to make nice to a large portion of the voting mind-set that doesn't trust it. What amateur marketing for letting slip such a wonderful market-share opportunity!

Originally Posted by Kari:

All this brow-beating is just getting what you deserve. The PPP has embraced the former House-of-Israel thugs for high positions in Government, and the people who were adversely affected by the said House-of-Israel thugs continue to vote PPP.


It is a mantra that Jalil has been crusading all this time and yet we hear that the PNC does not need to make nice to a large portion of the voting mind-set that doesn't trust it. What amateur marketing for letting slip such a wonderful market-share opportunity!

Perhaps the statutes of limitations have ran out for Joe Hamilton's involvement in the House of Israel's activities but I would cut him loose from the PPP since he has admitted to criminal activities in the past. The PPP has brought Guyana back from the dead but needs to clean up their acts.  

Originally Posted by Kari:
. . . What amateur marketing for letting slip such a wonderful market-share opportunity!

har har har harrr!


GNI tribals outdoing demselves wit de 'smartness'

Originally Posted by Kari:

All this brow-beating is just getting what you deserve. The PPP has embraced the former House-of-Israel thugs for high positions in Government, and the people who were adversely affected by the said House-of-Israel thugs continue to vote PPP.


It is a mantra that Jalil has been crusading all this time and yet we hear that the PNC does not need to make nice to a large portion of the voting mind-set that doesn't trust it. What amateur marketing for letting slip such a wonderful market-share opportunity!

OK Kari.  ONLY INDIANS MATTER!  I get it.  Only problem with your analysis is that at least 40% of the population DO NOT agree with you.


Now if Indians are foolish enough to support the same people who you claim that have made the PNC have something to apologize for then they DESERVE what they get.  If they still like the PPP after their embrace of the WORST of the PNC then what really does the PNC have to apologize about?  That the decent segment of the PNC didn't follow the thuggish element into the LOVING arms of the PPP?


This isn't an apology based upon the excesses of the PNC.


1.  The biggest victims of Burnham's brutality, the WPA, are now in alliance with the PNC.


2.  The thuggish elements of the Burnham's regime, people like Joe Hamilton, Lumumba, Nascimento and McLean are now with the PPP.


So this is a RACIAL apology that you all want.  You will NOT GET IT!


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

I understand that this Redux fellah has nothing useful to contribute to smart dialog, so we'll give him his time of day and move on.

And neither do you with your asinine belief that you can clap with one hand.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
. . . What amateur marketing for letting slip such a wonderful market-share opportunity!

har har har harrr!


GNI tribals outdoing demselves wit de 'smartness'

He wants Indians to be appeased, but then will squeal that there is nothing "racial" about this.  And the irony is that the pestilence of the Burnham era PNC ARE NOW WITH THE PPP.


I will suggest that its the PPP who need to apologize to Indians about their embrace of Burnham's goon squad.

Originally Posted by Mars:

WICB, Phoulorie Joe and the Morally Bankrupt PPP


Dear Editor,
Joe Hamilton, MP better known as Phoulorie Joe in Beterverwagting where he grew up was indeed a member of the House of Israel and long- time member of the PNC.  When Phoulorie Joe stated for the COI that the House of Israel was an agent of the state under Burnham’s PNC that also made him an agent of the state.  If Phoulorie Joe is admitting to committing illegal acts on behalf of the state, can a reasonable person completely rule out that he was not also involved in any other illegal/criminal activity that he has not answered for?
Nigel Jason

Why should the PNC apologize when the PPP happily embraces its worst elements.


The PNC is well rid of elements like Joe Hamilton.  Let him be a PPP MP and watch how Indians will STILL support the PPP because "dem friken black man".

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Kari:

All this brow-beating is just getting what you deserve. The PPP has embraced the former House-of-Israel thugs for high positions in Government, and the people who were adversely affected by the said House-of-Israel thugs continue to vote PPP.


It is a mantra that Jalil has been crusading all this time and yet we hear that the PNC does not need to make nice to a large portion of the voting mind-set that doesn't trust it. What amateur marketing for letting slip such a wonderful market-share opportunity!

Perhaps the statutes of limitations have ran out for Joe Hamilton's involvement in the House of Israel's activities but I would cut him loose from the PPP since he has admitted to criminal activities in the past. The PPP has brought Guyana back from the dead but needs to clean up their acts.  

Agreed, agreed, agreed.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:

WICB, Phoulorie Joe and the Morally Bankrupt PPP


Dear Editor,
Joe Hamilton, MP better known as Phoulorie Joe in Beterverwagting where he grew up was indeed a member of the House of Israel and long- time member of the PNC.  When Phoulorie Joe stated for the COI that the House of Israel was an agent of the state under Burnham’s PNC that also made him an agent of the state.  If Phoulorie Joe is admitting to committing illegal acts on behalf of the state, can a reasonable person completely rule out that he was not also involved in any other illegal/criminal activity that he has not answered for?
Nigel Jason

Why should the PNC apologize when the PPP happily embraces its worst elements.


The PNC is well rid of elements like Joe Hamilton.  Let him be a PPP MP and watch how Indians will STILL support the PPP because "dem friken black man".

Baseman's position on no apology is not based on these set of facts.  I would forgo an apology as it could be construed a humiliation and will place us in a continuous cycle of blame-game.  What is needed are concrete measures to ensure the sins of the past can never be repeated again. This will, by extension, also include the PPP.

Originally Posted by baseman:
.What is needed are concrete measures to ensure the sins of the past can never be repeated again. This will, by extension, also include the PPP.

All this is wishing for a Morningstar at 2PM in the afternoon.  Neither the PPP nor the PNC will initiate these reforms which will call constitutional amendments.


When business people, trade unionists, youth groups, religious groups, and other civic organizations understand that Guyana belongs to them, and they need to stop being intimidated by the political elites then these elites will be forced to put in place curbs on abuse of power.


Baseman.  Burnham put in place an authoritarian constitution.  Neither Jagan nor Jagdeo changed it, because it suited the normal top down way of governance.  Should APNU win they too will keep it, and given that this is their ambition, they will not change it.


Hoping that a national unity government will change things is the normal Guyanese cop out.  Indeed the BIGGEST disaster to befall Guyana will be the PNC and the PPP dividing the spoils.  All that will be left will be the AFC squealing that they are being left out.


The only positive that might come out of a National Unity government MIGHT be the fact that Guyanese will learn for once and for all that these two are mere evil twins born of the same mother.  Hopefully another entity might then attract their serious attention.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:

WICB, Phoulorie Joe and the Morally Bankrupt PPP


Dear Editor,
It has been almost two decades since I have agreed with anything coming from the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) but last week when they moved the test match from Guyana after warning the PPP government of Guyana to refrain from meddling/attempting to have government exert control over Guyana’s cricket; I wholeheartedly agreed with them. The actions of the WICB should be used by Guyanese as a teachable moment in how to stand up to the undemocratic and morally bankrupt PPP.
It is sad that the great Clive Lloyd tarnished his reputation by lending credibility to the PPP’s attempted nationalization of a private organization and both the WICB and International Cricket Council (ICC) saw the naked power grab. Bobby Ramroop a favored beneficiary of PPP government’s largesse, is the title sponsor of the Guyana T20 squad; it is not difficult to imagine the government turning over control to this same person had they been successful in their plot to take over control of the GCB.  For the PPP, it’s just another aspect of life that they will total dominate because it is the modus operandi in their communist DNA to control every facet of Guyanese life.

Nigel Jason

This is precisely what I was saying a few days ago. This guy must be an avid reader of GNI.


Sugar and cricket were once two national institutions in Guyana. PPP mismanagement and their desire to control everything has essentially left them both on life support. All we need now is for someone to do the honorable thing and take them out of their misery by pulling the plug. 


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