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I met a young lady Friday night at a wedding. She related that when she was in high school she worked with Albert Baldeo who knew that she had no green card. Baldeo did not pay her and when she called for her money he said that he will report her to immigration. Today that young lady qualified with   her masters and is giving back to society .


The reason I brought this up is because of  the similarity in wickedness which Nehru is displaying here on GNI. nEHRU IS PUBLICLY ACCUSING MUSLIM gniERS OF BEING TERRORISTS SYMPATHIZERS.


The wheels of gOD TURNS SLOWLY BUT SURELY,hope Nehru can take it when he fall in the hole that he is digging for others.

Baldeo took advantage on illegals Nehru is doing the same on innocent muslims to come on a public forum and accuse them of being terrorists.


Will Nehru have the balls and the guts to see that his son and daughter go to jail innocently?


Is Nehru that wicked? If he is not wicked why is he doing this?

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nehru is simply another in a long list of black-skinned PPP refugees with dalit pedigree trying to mek fren with the right wing fringe by out-nig**ring them with extreme anti-Muslim bigory


par for the course for these quivering, lowlife cowards who hope that "i am hindoo" will give them a pass when the jackbooted, nativist xenophobes start to hunt


neroobai, i sincerely hope u doan scream "bharat mata ki jai" when they come to string your drunken ass up

Last edited by Former Member

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