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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

rev is screaming PPP victory.  He thinks that PPP rants about "bad black man" will get Indos to vote for them even when he admits that they are rotten to the core.


I agree that they will not vote APNU.  Many will merely stay home.  Blacks will vote as the level of frustration against the rule of the Indo elite is reaching crisis levels.   You just hope that they contrinue to believe that electoral politics is the main vehicle that they can use to get the leadership who they want.

The Indian elites are not afraid of Black rule, in fact they know how to control the Blacks in power as noted by how many Indo millionaires were products of the PNC era. They say Indian ask for bigger bribes than the Blacks. However the Blacks will be bad for development as they lack vision as evidenced by their opposition to the many progressive PPP proposed projects. 

So why then this attempt to TOTALLY lock out blacks from playing any role in decision making.  I have been asking for proof that a significant % of TOP leadership positions in Guyana are staffed by blacks, and I get silence...and then some rant that US$200/month clerks play a major role in how Guyana is run.


But any way thanks for confirming that Guyana is a nation run by Indo elites who have their boots stomping over  the backs of blacks.



I am cutrious whats progressive about PPP plans.


1. Skeldon a failure which is bankrupting Guysuco.


2.  Guysuco on the brink of bankruptcy.


3.  US$850 million to be spent on a hydrodam which is almost completely dry in the dry season.


4.  Over US$100 million spent to build an elaborate airport with 8 jetways when it never sees more than 4 jets on the ground at the same time.


5.  A hotel which private investors atre scared to invest w.o the govt guaranteeing that they will get back their money if it fails.


What all of the deals have in common is that the ordinary Guyanese is burdened to repay debts incurred, and small numbers of Indo elites like you will make millions of dollars, even though these projects are flawed.  The fact that your family will be enriched doesnt make these projects good.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

How do you define black? You are madras and your son Is as black as pitch and indistinguishable from the darkest African. What do you think the white folks here think of one of them? No wonder he has already culturally gravitated to his comfort zone.

No doubt blasting hiphop and dancehall all day so driving druggie to contemplate suicide.


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