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I am in shock..
I couldn’t hear clearly what he said?
He looks very bad.
How could you Equador ?
(Because he exposed you).
How could you UK. ?
Of course - you are America’s bitch and
you need a diversion from your idiotic Brexit bullshit.

Pamela Anderson
✔ @pamfoundation

And the USA ?
This toxic coward of a President
He needs to rally his base? -
You are selfish and cruel.
You have taken the entire world backwards.

You are devils and liars and thieves.
And you will ROTT


2,677 people are talking about this
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

You people should throw mala on assange. If not for him exposing crooked Hilarious, America would be in a shithole just like Guyana!

Base, it's a matter of opinion and your political beliefs. We are who we are because we all think differently.

I know, and I know I’m right!  I told them AFC bannas PNC will screw them over and mess up democracy.  I was right then too.  And we saw even more crookedness from hilarity and her cheer leaders since 2016.  I was right about her!  And I know a bigger mess coming to Guyana.  PPP will storm to victory but there will be a mess!    The probability of me being right is 90%!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

You people should throw mala on assange. If not for him exposing crooked Hilarious, America would be in a shithole just like Guyana!

Base, it's a matter of opinion and your political beliefs. We are who we are because we all think differently.

I know, and I know I’m right!  I told them AFC bannas PNC will screw them over and mess up democracy.  I was right then too.  And we saw even more crookedness from hilarity and her cheer leaders since 2016.  I was right about her!  And I know a bigger mess coming to Guyana.  PPP will storm to victory but there will be a mess!    The probability of me being right is 90%!

We gon put the Mala on you. How you want am... flower or money. 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

You people should throw mala on assange. If not for him exposing crooked Hilarious, America would be in a shithole just like Guyana!

Base, it's a matter of opinion and your political beliefs. We are who we are because we all think differently.

I know, and I know I’m right!  I told them AFC bannas PNC will screw them over and mess up democracy.  I was right then too.  And we saw even more crookedness from hilarity and her cheer leaders since 2016.  I was right about her!  And I know a bigger mess coming to Guyana.  PPP will storm to victory but there will be a mess!    The probability of me being right is 90%!

We gon put the Mala on you. How you want am... flower or money. 

How about both? Like Nagamottoo or Ramjattan?

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

You people should throw mala on assange. If not for him exposing crooked Hilarious, America would be in a shithole just like Guyana!

Base, it's a matter of opinion and your political beliefs. We are who we are because we all think differently.

I know, and I know I’m right!  I told them AFC bannas PNC will screw them over and mess up democracy.  I was right then too.  And we saw even more crookedness from hilarity and her cheer leaders since 2016.  I was right about her!  And I know a bigger mess coming to Guyana.  PPP will storm to victory but there will be a mess!    The probability of me being right is 90%!

We Bai Mits was complained about Trotty outsmarting Ramjattan. Dem rass getting the real treatment now. Trotty pulled a Burnham on dem stupid AFC Indos and they can’t do Shyte about it. 


Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

Let this useless SOB rot in jail.

Why do you call him a SOB? Thanks to Wikileaks files on Guyana, we have firsthand reports on how the US Embassy in Georgetown regarded both the PNC and PPP governments. And with that trove of info, each of us can decide how WE regard various US Administrations during the past 50 years.

Personally, I think Assange and Wikileaks have rendered a priceless service to humanity. 

yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

You people should throw mala on assange. If not for him exposing crooked Hilarious, America would be in a shithole just like Guyana!

Base, it's a matter of opinion and your political beliefs. We are who we are because we all think differently.

I know, and I know I’m right!  I told them AFC bannas PNC will screw them over and mess up democracy.  I was right then too.  And we saw even more crookedness from hilarity and her cheer leaders since 2016.  I was right about her!  And I know a bigger mess coming to Guyana.  PPP will storm to victory but there will be a mess!    The probability of me being right is 90%!

We Bai Mits was complained about Trotty outsmarting Ramjattan. Dem rass getting the real treatment now. Trotty pulled a Burnham on dem stupid AFC Indos and they can’t do Shyte about it. 


Dem bais head hard. They were with the PPP when PNC pulled all this shit and chose to ignore it. They knew what Forbes did to D'aguiar and yet like blind bats, they followed, falling into the cesspit of the PNC. Kark duck fuh dem fram now on.

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Let this useless SOB rot in jail.

Why do you call him a SOB? Thanks to Wikileaks files on Guyana, we have firsthand reports on how the US Embassy in Georgetown regarded both the PNC and PPP governments. And with that trove of info, each of us can decide how WE regard various US Administrations during the past 50 years.

Personally, I think Assange and Wikileaks have rendered a priceless service to humanity. 

Assange was involved in a conspiracy to hack government computers and commit espionage against the USA. These creeps like Assange know how to exploit the freedoms and rights afforded them in the West. Can you imagine what your Commie masters in Russia or China would have done to him if he had committed these crimes against their state. It would have been off with his head a long time ago. Anyway, he's already indicted in the US and it's only a matter of time for him to be extradited here. I hope they put him away for a very long time. To repeat what skeldon_man said previously. Let this SOB rot in jail. 

Last edited by Mars

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