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Former Member


July 14, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source


We have to be very cautious in our interpretation of the National Census numbers otherwise a great deal of misinformation and extreme speculation is going to result.

Statistically, what the 2012 census reveals is a marginal decline in Guyana’s population. The decline amounted to 3,339 or a 0.4 % change from 10 years prior.

This is not as bad as it may seem. Between 1991 and 2002, there was actually an increase of over 25,000 persons in the population, giving a positive population change of 3.8%.  From this perspective, the decline in the recorded population between 2002 and 2012 may thus seem frightening. But let it be recalled that between 1980, and the census of 1991, there was an appreciable decline of around 36,000 persons, thus giving a negative 4.7% change in population. As such, the change in population between 2002 and 2012, while reversing the increase attained between 1991 and 2002, is actually significantly less than it was between 1981 and 1991.

We can argue a case that the number of births minus the number of deaths, which is called the natural increase in population, was positive and therefore the decline in population by 3,339 over a 10-year period can only be accounted for by a high degree of net migration (departures – arrivals). But that does not discount from the fact that there has been a marginal decline in population. We can say all we want about what it should have been had net migration been nil, but the fact is that the population is the population, not what it may have been.

In relation to the natural increase, that is the number of births minus the number of deaths, this has been declining since 1881. I cannot attest to just what is the natural increase since the 2002 census. At the time of the 2002 census, the data for births and deaths had a gap. They ended at 2000, which meant that statistical methods of adjustments would have had to have been made to account for the actual births and deaths between 2000 and 2002.

I am not sure as to the source of the data that has been provided by one analyst as to the net rate of births over deaths for the period 2002- to 2012. But a figure of 110,000 rather than 124,000 would perhaps be a better guesstimate considering that the natural rate has been declining since 1881.

The latest piece of analysis that has found its way into the public domain suggests that the PPP is in serious problems because the population of Region Six has declined by some 15,000 persons since 2002. This decline is being used to suggest that the number of voters in the PPP strongholds in Region Six is today less and therefore the PPP is likely to get lesser votes if elections are held today.

That analyst overlooks a number of issues. Firstly, the population of Region Six has been declining since 1980. In fact, it has declined by close to 40,000 since then, and that has never prevented the PPP from winning that Region.

Secondly, Regions are not homogenous and therefore the sort of generalizations that are being made about the numbers will inevitably lead to false inferences. Not because the PPP does well in Region Six and the Region has a decline in its population of 15,000 means that the PPP will lose 15,000 votes. In order to project just what the PPP will lose requires more demographic information about the population distribution by age and ethnicity within the Region. That information has not been provided in the census and therefore it is wild speculation to say that the PPP is in problems.

By the same logic, we could have well assumed that the PNCR is in problems. Take for example Region Four, the most populous Region. The population of Region Four has also been in decline. In fact the population of Region Four today, despite the housing boom, is less than it was in 1980. Region Four is also not a politically homogenous Region. Georgetown, where the PNC enjoys overwhelming support is in Region Four. And guess what, the population of Georgetown has declined by some 16,134 since the last census.

So if we use the same sort of sweeping generalization, we may draw the inference that the PNCR is in just as much problems as the PPP since their main support base has also seen a decline in population. But such inferences cannot be drawn unless there is more detailed breakdown of the demographics of the country and unfortunately this has not yet been provided and is not likely to be provided.

We therefore have to be very careful in the conclusions we draw from incomplete data sets. The inference that the PPP is in problems because of the decline cannot be said to be valid because there is no data available to make a strong case for this inference.

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PPP/PNC to be blamed for stagnant population

…problem is migration for which we seem to have no interest – Chris Ram


July 14, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source


Analyst, Christopher Ram

Analyst, Christopher Ram


The preliminary report on the Guyana Population and Housing Census 2012 which began in the fourth quarter of 2012 and closed in January 2013 has just been published, and as commentators continue their analysis, at least one has laid the blame for the decline in population at feet of both the Peoples National Congress and the Peoples Progressive Party Civic.


Eminent Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram believes that a study of the figures reveals that had it not been for the afflictions on the country by the two parties during their tenure in Office at the helm of the country, Guyana’s currently population would have been more than double what it is at present


Ram in his analysis published on his outlet, notes that the decline in the population between the 2002 and the 2012 censuses is only the second time since the earliest censuses in the 1800s that Guyana has experienced falling population.


The first he said was during the period 1980 and 1991 when there was a much more pronounced decline of 36,000 persons.


The largest increase was between 1946 and 1960, reflecting the post-war baby boom that took place worldwide.


According to Ram, the decline between 1980 and 1991 would confirm the widely held view that Guyanese were no longer prepared to endure the PNC’s shamelessly rigged elections, denial of fundamental freedoms, an increasingly long list of restricted food and other items of import, and foreign exchange shortages.


β€œ1980 was of course the year of the infamous Constitution that now allows the PPP/C to carry out all forms of excesses and plead that their action is consistent with the same objectionable Constitution…It seems reasonable to conclude that migration under the PNC was largely influenced by the push factors, which drove people out of the country.”


According to Ram, β€œthe decline during the 2000 and 2012 period is no doubt due to a combination of factors, including the crime wave following the 2002 Jail Break, the culture of corruption spawned by the PPP/C Administration as well as what has come to be known as the pull factors of immigration with those who have gone before sponsoring those left behind.”


He said that with the more attractive jobs in the state sector reserved for the members and families of the PPP/C, β€œour graduates are migrating in increasing numbers to seek opportunities abroad…In other words, the PPP/C’s contribution to migration is a result of both the push and pull factors.”


Ram noted too that there are no reliable records available, if at all, of inward migration during the many years of the PNC rule β€œwhen the joke was that Guyana is a place you come from not go to.”


He said too that on the other hand the evidence is there of the large numbers of Chinese nationals all over Guyana and of Brazilians operating in the extractive and their support industries.


β€œHad it not been for these, the population decline would have been much more that the 3,339 reported.”


According to Ram, if Guyana had maintained growth rates experienced during the decade of the turbulent 60s, or even at the lower rates of growth per decade of 20 per cent and 15 per cent, the population would have been in the range of 1.2 million and 1.5 million.


β€œIn other words, our population would have doubled. We would have had a surplus of skills, a large number of consumers, entrepreneurs and businesses. One and a half million may sound a lot but just think of the number of Guyanese in the Caribbean and North America and the magnitude shrinks to nothingness.”


He posited too that if β€œlooked at another way, a 20 per cent increase over 10 years is only 1.84 per cent compounded annually, while a 15 per cent over 10 years require an annual compounded rate of 1.41 per cent….These are well below the annual growth rates of countries at our level of development… It is not however a question of fertility – the birth rate far exceeds the death rate – our problem is migration for which we seem to have no interest, let alone policy.”


According to Ram, the PNC seems unwilling or unable to accept that it made very serious mistakes during the period 1968 to 1992, when under pressure from the USA, it finally conceded to free and fair elections.

β€œNone of its current leaders seem confident enough to accept that that the 1980 Constitution was custom-made for an elected dictator, that the right of citizens to eat the food of their choice was criminalized and that the exercise of the right of assembly, association and demonstration was met with harassment.”


He said too that it would be unfair to the PNC not to recognise some efforts at reform β€œbut these have been too tentative and not far reaching…As a result, it seems unable to persuade its supporters that better days are ahead and that they should stay and struggle for change.”


According to Ram, the PPP/C has rapidly accumulated its own long list of violations, denying democracy to the citizens of the country, exploiting the Constitution as much as the PNC, engaging in political victimization and discrimination, all the while building a kleptocracy cum plutocracy.”


Ram said that many of its supporters see a party and government in which irreversible rot has set in.


β€œThe preliminary results of the 2012 census confirm the results of past elections – that the PPP/C’s traditional support base is embarrassed and alienated from a party that has lost any sense of morality.”


According to Ram, given half a chance, β€œthey too will continue the outward trek.”

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
β€œThe preliminary results of the 2012 census confirm the results of past elections – that the PPP/C’s traditional support base is embarrassed and alienated from a party that has lost any sense of morality.”
Analyst, Christopher Ram

Analyst, Christopher Ram


July 14, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source

At best, it it is speculation.


Projections of voting-aged people; specifically for individual political groups; and general census are simply different issues.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

People like Ram are simply Political Prostitutes and move with the flow of the tide.  SHAMELESS and DANGEROUS NINCOMPOOPS!!!


Alleged abuser Ram, read the court documents posted here. The opposition embraces this rotten and stinking man Ram who post his garbage.

Last edited by Former Member

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