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Former Member

Plummeting business sinks all sectors  

… from malls to markets


Several months after the post election tension has presumably died, citizens as well as business owners are crying out as Guyana’s economy continues to be at a standstill, so much so that business in general has began to plummet, thereby affecting the growth of all
Local commentators have stated that the health of Guyana’s economy is deteriorating and are calling on the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) Administration to focus on introducing new and innovative measures to stimulate the country’s economy.

Political Commentator and Economist, Ramon Gaskin has been very vocal in this regard, saying that Guyana’s economy is at a “dead standstill… It is not moving,” he stated. According to Gaskin, this economic downturn has had a negative impact on the production levels of the major industries, such as rice, sugar, gold, bauxite and mining.

“Rice is in problems, sugar is the same, gold price is low and bauxite production is down,” he pointed out. Moreover, Gaskin highlighted that investments are also at a standstill in Guyana currently as the country is unable to attach any new investors of recent. “People are not investing as much as they used to,” he said.

Nevertheless, the Economist outlined that the small local communities can be the gateway for the upward movement of the country’s financial system. Gaskin noted that if these are not sustained, then it will be a great disaster for Guyana.

Gaskin went on to point out that a lot of monies were approved in the 2015 Budget to be spent on projects and programmes that would see the development and boosting of the country’s economy. However, the Economist opined that one of the main reasons for this standstill is the fact that contracts are not being awarded to get projects going.

“Government is taking too long to award these contractors… We see them publishing invitations for tenders and people applying but then they do not award any of the contracts,” he stated. According to Gaskin if Government continues to stall the process then the country’s development will also be put on the standstill.

“In my view, if Government starts awarding contracts for projects like roads, defences, bridges and so on, then things will start to move a little,” he posited.

This seemingly stagnant pace of the economy has resulted in businesses in Georgetown facing the harsh realities of economic slowdown for the past few months. Business owners have since been calling on Government to tend to the situation urgently as they grapple with a decrease in sales as well as the increase in the prices of goods.

Guyana Times recently spoke with some of the entrepreneurs along Regent Street who complained bitterly about the economic crisis they are facing. Dave Lall, a large scale fisherman who was shopping, expressed his dissatisfaction with the way the new Government is handling the situation as he stated that they are not putting enough effort into reviving the economy.

“For the past two years business in the entirety has been on a constant slope, as of mid May, 2015, that slope escalated into a downward spiral with no visible intentions of a parachute upwards.  One has to wonder why the sudden drop just as we welcomed a new Government after 23 years? Is it because the majority of people who spend money and keep the economy afloat are awaiting the decisions and actions of the new Government before they start spending again? Is it because people naturally don’t have money to spend? Surely it cannot be because of a new Government.”

As of now, the new Government has not instituted any new policies or regulations that would cause such a drastic change towards the spending pattern of the Guyanese people.

Lance McPherson, a handicraft vendor explained that he is facing the negative impacts of the slowdown as it is throwing him on the breadline. “For the past three months business has being slow… money circulation was here when they were school shopping but not as normal, certain bills are challenging to meet,” the man related.
Furthermore, some persons have even expressed their views that the chances of the economy improving are low if the Government does not find ways of assuring and coercing investors’ confidence.

However, this issue is not limited to the Georgetown area alone as the Berbice and Essequibo economies have also been taking a thrashing, especially with the struggling rice and sugar industries.
At the Leonora, West Coast Demerara Saturday Market, there were large swathes of empty spaces where vendors would normally throng and jostle for space to sell their vegetables, groceries or clothes. Upon enquiry, one vendor said about her missing colleagues:

“business bad and den na gat enough money fuh buy more goods fuh sell”.A quick survey of several Malls in the city and the suburbs showed that traffic was down significantly and several owners said that even those persons walking around but not buying.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

He should be given an A+ for standing firm to Madburro.

Yeah, he is Sancho Panza and Madburro is Don Quixote fighting a non-existent war...CHARGE!!! 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

He should be given an A+ for standing firm to Madburro.

"A" for africanising the country. Just over 4 months in government and Granger been out of the country more than five times, he is president in absentee, the ship is sinking and there is NO Captain.Where is job creation, sugar dead ,rice dead, country in recession, let's celebrate and take a RAISE.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

He should be given an A+ for standing firm to Madburro.

"A" for africanising the country. Just over 4 months in government and Granger been out of the country more than five times, he is president in absentee, the ship is sinking and there is NO Captain.Where is job creation, sugar dead ,rice dead, country in recession, let's celebrate and take a RAISE.

this is an interesting brief on "africanising the country" . . .


who is this "kp" cave dweller again?

Last edited by Former Member

The economy is headed to the toilet while the AFC/PNC is giving themselves a 50 FTFTY percent increase.


Political Commentator and Economist, Ramon Gaskin has been very vocal in this regard, saying that Guyana’s economy is at a “dead standstill… It is not moving,” he stated. According to Gaskin, this economic downturn has had a negative impact on the production levels of the major industries, such as rice, sugar, gold, bauxite and mining.

“Rice is in problems, sugar is the same, gold price is low and bauxite production is down,” he pointed out. Moreover, Gaskin highlighted that investments are also at a standstill in Guyana currently as the country is unable to attach any new investors of recent. “People are not investing as much as they used to,” he said.


“business bad and den na gat enough money fuh buy more goods fuh sell”.A quick survey of several Malls in the city and the suburbs showed that traffic was down significantly and several owners said that even those persons walking around but not buying.

This should woo in Canadian investors to Guyana by the thousands.

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

We should focus on the economy since the entire nation is hurting. Guyana will soon run into a recession if the government don't take expert advise on this issue.

Their focus is how to get rich quick and how to rig 2020.  As long as they have the rig machine back up and running, they will slumber on for the next 28 years.  But by then they will have ethnically cleanse Guyana with the Indian population at 25%, then all wash and tun-down.  Them bais gatt this whole thing worked out, they need to get past 2020 by hook or crook.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The economy is headed to the toilet while the AFC/PNC is giving themselves a 50 FTFTY percent increase.


Political Commentator and Economist, Ramon Gaskin has been very vocal in this regard, saying that Guyana’s economy is at a “dead standstill… It is not moving,” he stated. According to Gaskin, this economic downturn has had a negative impact on the production levels of the major industries, such as rice, sugar, gold, bauxite and mining.

“Rice is in problems, sugar is the same, gold price is low and bauxite production is down,” he pointed out. Moreover, Gaskin highlighted that investments are also at a standstill in Guyana currently as the country is unable to attach any new investors of recent. “People are not investing as much as they used to,” he said.

Gaskin should know of the IDIOTS Granger sent to TORONTO.

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

“business bad and den na gat enough money fuh buy more goods fuh sell”.A quick survey of several Malls in the city and the suburbs showed that traffic was down significantly and several owners said that even those persons walking around but not buying.

This should woo in Canadian investors to Guyana by the thousands.

Lines for food again.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

We should focus on the economy since the entire nation is hurting. Guyana will soon run into a recession if the government don't take expert advise on this issue.

Their focus is how to get rich quick and how to rig 2020.  As long as they have the rig machine back up and running, they will slumber on for the next 28 years.  But by then they will have ethnically cleanse Guyana with the Indian population at 25%, then all wash and tun-down.  Them bais gatt this whole thing worked out, they need to get past 2020 by hook or crook.

Ever wondered why Granger arranged to have so many Ex Military advisors as consultants ? It is a well planned strategy. Guyana is headed back into the dark, dark days of PNC dictatorship and economic decline.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Their focus is how to get rich quick and how to rig 2020.  As long as they have the rig machine back up and running, they will slumber on for the next 28 years.  But by then they will have ethnically cleanse Guyana with the Indian population at 25%, then all wash and tun-down.  Them bais gatt this whole thing worked out, they need to get past 2020 by hook or crook.

28 years of PNC rule presented the PPP with Indo-Guyanese at > 50% of the population in 1992


a decade and a half of Jagdeoite kriminal rule saw the Indo-Guyanese population plummet to < 40%


herr stupid, just who are the "ethnic cleansers" again . . . hmmmm?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

We should focus on the economy since the entire nation is hurting. Guyana will soon run into a recession if the government don't take expert advise on this issue.

Their focus is how to get rich quick and how to rig 2020.  As long as they have the rig machine back up and running, they will slumber on for the next 28 years.  But by then they will have ethnically cleanse Guyana with the Indian population at 25%, then all wash and tun-down.  Them bais gatt this whole thing worked out, they need to get past 2020 by hook or crook.

Ever wondered why Granger arranged to have so many Ex Military advisors as consultants ? It is a well planned strategy. Guyana is headed back into the dark, dark days of PNC dictatorship and economic decline.

I used to say that Dr. Luncheon was off his rockers when he talked about the number of ex-military Granger surrounded himself with.  These guys look like the could only fight in Don Quixote's army; they definitely cannot run a country.


At least 3 engineer contacted me about leaving Guyana.  The brain drain will be back in full force. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
I used to say that Dr. Luncheon was off his rockers when he talked about the number of ex-military Granger surrounded himself with.  These guys look like the could only fight in Don Quixote's army; they definitely cannot run a country.


At least 3 engineer contacted me about leaving Guyana.  The brain drain will be back in full force. 

yeah . . . i'm sure the incompetent, parasitic skont formerly heading GPL is one of dem

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

We should focus on the economy since the entire nation is hurting. Guyana will soon run into a recession if the government don't take expert advise on this issue.

Their focus is how to get rich quick and how to rig 2020.  As long as they have the rig machine back up and running, they will slumber on for the next 28 years.  But by then they will have ethnically cleanse Guyana with the Indian population at 25%, then all wash and tun-down.  Them bais gatt this whole thing worked out, they need to get past 2020 by hook or crook.

Ever wondered why Granger arranged to have so many Ex Military advisors as consultants ? It is a well planned strategy. Guyana is headed back into the dark, dark days of PNC dictatorship and economic decline.

I used to say that Dr. Luncheon was off his rockers when he talked about the number of ex-military Granger surrounded himself with.  These guys look like the could only fight in Don Quixote's army; they definitely cannot run a country.


At least 3 engineer contacted me about leaving Guyana.  The brain drain will be back in full force. 

Remind me please. When did the Brain Drain stop in Guyana?

Originally Posted by Mars:

Remind me please. When did the Brain Drain stop in Guyana?

Guyana never had brain so they never had brain drain. Guyanese got their brains when they left Guyana.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Originally Posted by Mars:

Remind me please. When did the Brain Drain stop in Guyana?

Guyana never had brain so they never had brain drain. Guyanese got their brains when they left Guyana.

Speak for yourself please.
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
I used to say that Dr. Luncheon was off his rockers when he talked about the number of ex-military Granger surrounded himself with.  These guys look like the could only fight in Don Quixote's army; they definitely cannot run a country.


At least 3 engineer contacted me about leaving Guyana.  The brain drain will be back in full force. 

yeah . . . i'm sure the incompetent, parasitic skont formerly heading GPL is one of dem

No, not one of them.  I would not deal with him and I think he knows it.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Originally Posted by Mars:

Remind me please. When did the Brain Drain stop in Guyana?

Guyana never had brain so they never had brain drain. Guyanese got their brains when they left Guyana.

Speak for yourself please.

The brain drain comment was as it relates to Guyana, not to me.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Originally Posted by Mars:

Remind me please. When did the Brain Drain stop in Guyana?

Guyana never had brain so they never had brain drain. Guyanese got their brains when they left Guyana.

Speak for yourself please.

The brain drain comment was as it relates to Guyana, not to me.

You said that Guyana never had brain and Guyanese people only got their brains when they left Guyana. I am a Guyanese and that does not apply to me and many other brilliant Guyanese who I'm acquainted with so your statement is incorrect.
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Maybe I should start by asking you what you consider having brains.

Why don't you explain what your statement means since you're the one making it.
I don't need to go off on a tangent now about my definition of having brains. I just happen to think that many Guyanese had a lot of brains in Guyana and they still do. I simply believe that you are wrong. Let's just leave it at that. Believe whatever you want to believe. It's a free country.
Last edited by Mars

You can also write the IMF and ask them why they think that there is a huge "brain drain" from Guyana. If Guyanese had no brains why would the IMF make a statement to the contrary.


The brain drain to the United States from many Central American and Caribbean countries is substantial: for persons with a tertiary education, immigration rates for virtually all these countries are above 10 percent, and some appear to be 50 percent or even higher. In South America, the country with by far the largest brain drain is Guyana, from which more than 70 percent of individuals with a tertiary education have moved to the United States; for the rest of the region, the immigration rates for this educational group are much lower. The Islamic Republic of Iran has had a substantial drain of highly educated individuals (more than 15 percent) and so has Taiwan Province of China (8–9 percent)."




Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

He should be given an A+ for standing firm to Madburro.

"A" for africanising the country. Just over 4 months in government and Granger been out of the country more than five times, he is president in absentee, the ship is sinking and there is NO Captain.Where is job creation, sugar dead ,rice dead, country in recession, let's celebrate and take a RAISE.

Why don't you shut your racist backsides? African or Indian who gives a **** if both are just as corrupt or inclined to corruption. Here you are, ruminating about African corruption when we just emerged from an Indian identified administration whose only accomplishment is to rob us blind and turned our society into a crime ridden narco state.


So these fellow give themselves a quarter of a million raise on entering office. Yes it is messed up but the reality is that did not kill sugar or rice. A corrupt racist thieving Indian regime did. You do not have a bloody moral bone to stand on with this question if you excuse the awful thief men in the PPP and on that account blame these who just came in for their cime. What bloody backware dalitism!


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