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US rates Teixeira's anti-corruption stance highly- leaked cable

Written by Demerara Waves

Friday, 02 September 2011 18:11


The United States (US) embassy in Guyana had given then Home Affairs Minister, Gail Teixeira high marks for clamping down on corruption and refusing to support Henry Greene to become police commissioner.

“Post rates Teixeira highly as an honest, forthright interlocutor,” states one of the Wiki-leaked classified cables.

Published by Wikileaks late Thursday night, one of the cables referred to a December 23, 2005 consular briefing to discuss trends in fake Guyanese civil documents detected by the Consular Section.

”This meeting further confirmed that Teixeira genuinely wants to fight the corruption and inefficiency that have a crippling effect on her broad portfolio,” then Charge D’Affaires, Michael Thomas said in the cable classified as ‘Secret.”

The mission’s assessment of the then Home Affairs Minister noted that she had only slightly loosened the reins of control over the ministry although she had criticized her predecessor Ronald Gajraj’s imperious, direct control over the Ministry's workings.

“This may reflect her very valid concerns over both corruption and competence within the MHA, or the PPP's habit of centralized decision-making and micro-management.”

Another cable on July 24, 2006 referred to Teixeira’s long discussions with the US Charge D’Affaires and the British and Canadian High Commissioners on the appointment of Greene as police chief.

“Teixeira has described in some detail her struggles to get (Bharrat) Jagdeo and (Roger) Luncheon to come around to her point of view,” Thomas noted in that cable. Previous cables have revealed that Jagdeo and Luncheon in the end had staunchly supported Greene’s elevation, while giving Western diplomats a different impression.

With the notable exception of Home Affairs Minister Gail Teixeira, the Government of Guyana's inner circle lost trust in (Greene’s predecessor Winston) Felix, one of the cables noted.

Another cable dispatched on February 9,2006 noted that she had seemed to be fighting a "lonely, uphill battle against fraud and corruption" in the Ministry of Home Affairs.

“She expressed gratitude that we are sharing information with her, but complained that problems have worsened since she began to "turn screws" on the Ministry. She believes that corrupt elements are either deliberately trying to embarrass her or trying to get as many fraud transactions through before she tightens the screws further,” stated the cable.

The US mission here expressed a shocking lack of control over Guyana's civil registry, visas, and passports presents narco-criminals, smuggled aliens, and potential terrorists with an easy way to obtain travel documents.

Addressing the issue of the Roger Khan wiretapped conversations involving Felix and Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) member, Basil Williams, a cable stated Teixeira had told the Charge D’Affaires and British and Canadian High Commissioners that Private Sector Commission executives Gerry Gouveia and Norman Mc Lean had enjoyed a “very close relationship with and ready access to President Jagdeo including the ability "to pick up the telephone and call him at any time", which implies an uncomfortably convenient link between Jagdeo and Khan.

She had also agreed with American, British and Canadian envoys on March 20 that given the dubious origins of the tape and likelihood that it had been edited before its release, there should be due consideration before any decisions are taken regarding Felix's continued employment.

According to one of the cables, she had also told the envoys that the tape and Felix's future had been a major subject on the agenda for the March 21 Cabinet meeting and that she could not have guaranteed that cooler heads would have prevailed.

Teixeira concurred that Greene would be a problem for many reasons and asked for assistance in leaking to the media the fact that the tape originated with Khan.

As of March 23, Felix's position is still vulnerable, but improving, and according to the diplomatic communication, Teixeira told the Charge D’Affaires on March 22 that she "got things on a more even keel" at the Cabinet meeting.

Sources indicate a meeting/confrontation between President Jagdeo and Felix occurred March 21, during which Jagdeo demanded that Felix retract certain statements that could be interpreted as implying Government of Guyana involvement with the tape. Felix refused, and he apparently also refused to take early retirement. Sacking Felix would require investigation and action by the Disciplined Services Commission, according to that cable, the mission here reported in the cable.

The embassy reasoned that the release of the secret tape within a day of the Guyana Defence Force/Guyana Police Foce raid on Khan's properties is an unlikely coincidence.

“Khan reportedly despises Felix because he is resistant to Khan's control. It is almost certain that Khan wants Felix replaced by someone more pliable - someone like Greene.

“Even though Felix was not the driving force behind the raid on Khan (GDF Chief of Staff Edward Collins was), releasing the tape was probably Khan's (or his associates') way of fighting back. If that was Khan's strategy, it has backfired so far.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jagdeo wrongfully kicked Khemraj an honest man to the curb when it now turns out that it was Gail doing the whistle blowing all along.

Why is she still being retained as an advisor on a lucrative and outrageous salary?
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Ramjattan is a very wise and honest man. I would keep my options open. Wink

Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Ramjattan is a very wise and honest man. I would keep my options open. Wink


Big Grin
Jagdeo will not apologize for anything. The King believes he knows best. He is too arrogant to accept error. Khemraj did the right thing to co-form the AFC. AFC all the way!
All the way to be humiliated. yippie yippie Snakeoil Nah Wuk. Dem Ah watch dem. No Snakeoil gun Wuk. Dem Ah watch Al Yuh. yippie
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Jagdeo will not apologize for anything. The King believes he knows best. He is too arrogant to accept error. Khemraj did the right thing to co-form the AFC. AFC all the way!
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Jagdeo will not apologize for anything. The King believes he knows best. He is too arrogant to accept error. Khemraj did the right thing to co-form the AFC. AFC all the way!

AFC must keep pressing on all the way!!!! Big Grin flag
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Jagdeo will not apologize for anything. The King believes he knows best. He is too arrogant to accept error. Khemraj did the right thing to co-form the AFC. AFC all the way!

AFC must keep pressing on all the way!!!! Big Grin flag

Press on we will! But the King has on no clothes.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Jagdeo will not apologize for anything. The King believes he knows best. He is too arrogant to accept error. Khemraj did the right thing to co-form the AFC. AFC all the way!

AFC must keep pressing on all the way!!!! Big Grin flag

Well, in my view it has turned out to be one of the better things that could have happened to Guyana. It allowed the ethical, principled and philosophically sound Ramjattan to team up with the ethical, principled and phillosophically sound Trotman in a display of unity which not only has appeal, but is also a symptom of the yearning of our younger population. Truly, the Divine works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform.
Originally posted by squingy:
It allowed the ethical, principled and philosophically sound Ramjattan to team up with the ethical, principled and phillosophically sound Trotman in a display of unity .

So where is Trotman after November? Given that he was the main vote getter why didnt those who voted for him have teh assurance that he will be in parliament after Nov to protect their interests.

As Trotman himself said, it is he and not Ramjattan who won most of the support last time. What many wonder (including no doubt many WITHIN the AFC, though they will never openly say it is) is whether much of this support, which was anti Corbin, will remain with Trotman being downsized and Corbin not running. The AFC is like OBama. Scared that many who had high expectations of them will show up to vote in Novemeber after their lack luster record in parliament since 2006. And their weak slate.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by squingy:
It allowed the ethical, principled and philosophically sound Ramjattan to team up with the ethical, principled and phillosophically sound Trotman in a display of unity .

So where is Trotman after November? Given that he was the main vote getter why didnt those who voted for him have teh assurance that he will be in parliament after Nov to protect their interests. As Trotman himself said, it is he and not Ramjattan who won most of the support last time.

The line that Trotman is going back to the PNC, and black votes are abondoning the AFC, while Ramjattan kyan't mek it in Berbice has worn a bit hollow today. Of course it's still clutched at by those who cling stubbornly to it out of desperation or a psychological condition which does not allow them to give up the traits they have inured within them even though stagnation, impasse and underdevelopment have been their resultant lot, and they can't/wouldn't offer a better or different alternative.
Originally posted by caribj:

So where is Trotman after November? Given that he was the main vote getter why didnt those who voted for him have teh assurance that he will be in parliament after Nov to protect their interests.

As Trotman himself said, it is he and not Ramjattan who won most of the support last time. What many wonder (including no doubt many WITHIN the AFC, though they will never openly say it is) is whether much of this support, which was anti Corbin, will remain with Trotman being downsized and Corbin not running.

The issues will continue to be discussed and the results will be evident after the proposed 2011 elections.
Originally posted by squingy:
The line that Trotman is going back to the PNC, and black votes are abondoning the AFC, while Ramjattan kyan't mek it in Berbice has worn a bit hollow today. .

how do you know. This is exactly what Trotman said which is why he thought he would be a better candidate notwithstanding their previoous agreement. Turns out that this a real fear.

So if Trotman voiced it why do you think that it might not be a vaild fear? After all have Indians (especially rural Indians) ever not voted PPP, even again in 2006 when conditions were the same as they are today?

The question I have is what is the AFC doing to counter this. Any big meetings in South Gtwn? We hear a lot about Berbice and other rural areas. You do know that Gtwn has over 25% of the voters. Including more than 50% of those likely not to vote PPP.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by squingy:
The line that Trotman is going back to the PNC, and black votes are abondoning the AFC, while Ramjattan kyan't mek it in Berbice has worn a bit hollow today. .

how do you know. This is exactly what Trotman said which is why he thought he would be a better candidate notwithstanding their previoous agreement. Turns out that this a real fear.

The question should be :How do you know Trotman stated such? I guess he made that statement in the Guyana Chronicle, huh?
Originally posted by Mitwah:
US rates Teixeira's anti-corruption stance highly- leaked cable

Written by Demerara Waves

Friday, 02 September 2011 18:11


The United States (US) embassy in Guyana had given then Home Affairs Minister, Gail Teixeira high marks for clamping down on corruption and refusing to support Henry Greene to become police commissioner.

“Post rates Teixeira highly as an honest, forthright interlocutor,” states one of the Wiki-leaked classified cables.

Published by Wikileaks late Thursday night, one of the cables referred to a December 23, 2005 consular briefing to discuss trends in fake Guyanese civil documents detected by the Consular Section.

”This meeting further confirmed that Teixeira genuinely wants to fight the corruption and inefficiency that have a crippling effect on her broad portfolio,” then Charge D’Affaires, Michael Thomas said in the cable classified as ‘Secret.”

The mission’s assessment of the then Home Affairs Minister noted that she had only slightly loosened the reins of control over the ministry although she had criticized her predecessor Ronald Gajraj’s imperious, direct control over the Ministry's workings.

“This may reflect her very valid concerns over both corruption and competence within the MHA, or the PPP's habit of centralized decision-making and micro-management.”

Another cable on July 24, 2006 referred to Teixeira’s long discussions with the US Charge D’Affaires and the British and Canadian High Commissioners on the appointment of Greene as police chief.

“Teixeira has described in some detail her struggles to get (Bharrat) Jagdeo and (Roger) Luncheon to come around to her point of view,” Thomas noted in that cable. Previous cables have revealed that Jagdeo and Luncheon in the end had staunchly supported Greene’s elevation, while giving Western diplomats a different impression.

With the notable exception of Home Affairs Minister Gail Teixeira, the Government of Guyana's inner circle lost trust in (Greene’s predecessor Winston) Felix, one of the cables noted.

Another cable dispatched on February 9,2006 noted that she had seemed to be fighting a "lonely, uphill battle against fraud and corruption" in the Ministry of Home Affairs.

“She expressed gratitude that we are sharing information with her, but complained that problems have worsened since she began to "turn screws" on the Ministry. She believes that corrupt elements are either deliberately trying to embarrass her or trying to get as many fraud transactions through before she tightens the screws further,” stated the cable.

The US mission here expressed a shocking lack of control over Guyana's civil registry, visas, and passports presents narco-criminals, smuggled aliens, and potential terrorists with an easy way to obtain travel documents.

Addressing the issue of the Roger Khan wiretapped conversations involving Felix and Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) member, Basil Williams, a cable stated Teixeira had told the Charge D’Affaires and British and Canadian High Commissioners that Private Sector Commission executives Gerry Gouveia and Norman Mc Lean had enjoyed a “very close relationship with and ready access to President Jagdeo including the ability "to pick up the telephone and call him at any time", which implies an uncomfortably convenient link between Jagdeo and Khan.

She had also agreed with American, British and Canadian envoys on March 20 that given the dubious origins of the tape and likelihood that it had been edited before its release, there should be due consideration before any decisions are taken regarding Felix's continued employment.

According to one of the cables, she had also told the envoys that the tape and Felix's future had been a major subject on the agenda for the March 21 Cabinet meeting and that she could not have guaranteed that cooler heads would have prevailed.

Teixeira concurred that Greene would be a problem for many reasons and asked for assistance in leaking to the media the fact that the tape originated with Khan.

As of March 23, Felix's position is still vulnerable, but improving, and according to the diplomatic communication, Teixeira told the Charge D’Affaires on March 22 that she "got things on a more even keel" at the Cabinet meeting.

Sources indicate a meeting/confrontation between President Jagdeo and Felix occurred March 21, during which Jagdeo demanded that Felix retract certain statements that could be interpreted as implying Government of Guyana involvement with the tape. Felix refused, and he apparently also refused to take early retirement. Sacking Felix would require investigation and action by the Disciplined Services Commission, according to that cable, the mission here reported in the cable.

The embassy reasoned that the release of the secret tape within a day of the Guyana Defence Force/Guyana Police Foce raid on Khan's properties is an unlikely coincidence.

“Khan reportedly despises Felix because he is resistant to Khan's control. It is almost certain that Khan wants Felix replaced by someone more pliable - someone like Greene.

“Even though Felix was not the driving force behind the raid on Khan (GDF Chief of Staff Edward Collins was), releasing the tape was probably Khan's (or his associates') way of fighting back. If that was Khan's strategy, it has backfired so far.

Many of you on this board are sick to say the least.
You charge the GOG with corruption...valid accusation.
Now you criticize a former minister of home affairs, who according to the leaks was trying to end corruption, fraud and refused to support Greene for PC. Many of you did not support Greene's appointment.

Now folks make up your mind be consistent and not grasshoppers, jumping from ideas to ideas when it's convenient for you.

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