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Will Nagamootoo be disciplined for lying to Parliament?       

Wednesday, 06 February 2013 18:33 ALLIANCE for Change (AFC) Vice Chairman and Member of Parliament who deliberately lied to Parliament at its last session may face serious disciplinary action for misleading the National Assembly. Nagamootoo, who is usually vocal, has since been silent on the matter and could not be reached for a comment up to press time.


Following the embarrassing revelation at the January 25, 2013, sitting of the National Assembly, Nagamootoo misrepresented his position as it relates to his true position on the Former Presidents Pension and Other Benefits Act back in 2009, while a member of the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).         


Other Parliamentarians and other members of society are now wondering whether Parliament will impose some sort of sanction on him using the Committee of Privileges to ventilate the matter. Many are of the view that Nagamootoo should be disciplined, noting that it would act as a deterrent to other members of Parliament who may be tempted to pursue this unfortunate and unwholesome behavior pattern of deliberately trying to mislead the general public and the House on specific issues.         


Describing the actions of Nagamootoo as “ alarmingly unethical and disrespectful “, one parliamentarian noted that while Members of Parliament enjoy certain privileges that ordinary citizens do not , thereby protecting their utterances from legal action, it is the expected that they conduct themselves with decorum and uphold the truth, and these privileges should not be abused. Attorney General Anil Nandlall, in a recent interview with Current Issues and Analysis (CIA) on TVG, reiterated this position cautioning that sanctions can be brought to bear on deliberate acts aimed at misleading the House.         


Nagamootoo, during the debate on a bill to repeal the former president’s benefits last week, said while an executive of the incumbent PPP, he had rejected the bill which he said was extravagant. He maintained that he never supported the bill, stating that “ The opposition I had raised to this piece of legislation being introduced is that it would give uncapped benefits to a former president. When I said that my soul rattled, they would not have faced the predicament that they faced with the guyanese people in the last election if they had heeded my warning” But Attorney General Anil Nandlall, who was a PPP/C back-bencher at that time, challenged Nagamootoo and said he had evidence the now AFC executive voted for the bill.         


Nandlall presenting the Hansard (Transcript of the sitting of the National Assembly) of April 30, 2009, read the voting pattern which showed that Nagamootoo indeed voted for the 2009 Former President’s Benefits and Other Facilities Bill. Addressing the House, Mr. Nandlall posited “When the Bill, the Law, the 2009 Law was passed in the National Assembly, my learned friend and I sat on this side of the House next to each other. He told us that it rattled his soul.         


Well I was sitting right there, I didn’t feel or hear any rattle. But more important I have the record of how he voted, I have the record, the Hansard, of how he voted, because a Division was called. You see when we speak and we catapult ourselves on pedestals, we must ensure that the record will support us. A division was called in the National Assembly and I have the votes and I will read the names of those who voted for the Bill” he then went on to list the names of eight members of Parliament , among which was Nagamootoo’s. As Nandlall read the PPP/C votes of April 2009, Nagamootoo shook his head in disagreement and even asked Nandlall for the date of the Hansard.         


In a subsequent sitting of the National Assembly, Nagamootoo in a futile attempt, sought to defend his lies by stating that he voted along party lines. “I did say that my soul rattled. I opposed bitterly the legislation. That I voted on the bill does not necessarily mean that I supported it,” he said. “I had no conscience vote. I had to vote along party lines. I never fought against the pensions but against the benefits and other facilities,” Nagamootoo said.         


Many persons have since expressed their confusion with this latest futile attempt by the PPP defect to redeem his unethical behavior, noting that it would have served him better had he simply admitted that he lied. “ It’s almost unbelievable that he would say that the fact that he voted on the Bill does not mean he supported it, what else could it mean? And to say he had to vote along party lines is ludicrous, if he was against the Bill he could have taken an ethical, principled position and voted against it. It’s obvious he was in favour of the Bill, but started to speak differently only after he left the party, another parliamentarian opined.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

will our intellectually challenged AG show us where Moses "lied" to the House when he said that he "bitterly opposed the legislation . . ."?


what a clown this tool Nandalall is


This scumbag PPP Govt will stop at nothing to discredit this man just because he walked away from them and their corruption.

This scumbag PPP govt has done wayyyyyyyy more than lie to the Guyanese people, what the F has he done that is so terrible that constitutes "embarrassing revelation"

These corrupted bastards are full of shit, I await the day this Scumbag Govt is turfed out.


The disrespect here is not nagamotto but the corrupt regime trying to dilute impressions of its compulsion to steal by defaming its detractors. What is more disrespectful than a regime basing its claims to secrecy, intransparency, latent misuse of the nations funds on a right to do so per a constitution crafted by a dictator? What is more disrespectful than the claim that the administration independent of the legislature implies it is not subject to its institutional checks?


The PPP is scared.  They know a MOSES NAGAMOOTOO as the Presidential Candidate of the AFC will share licks like peas on these fool.


So what do they do, ignore the message, attack the messenger.  It is a COMMUNIST THING!


i cannot understand why indian people is closing their eyes to all the wrong things this ppp government is doing in guyana if they speak up it will force the government to be more accountable


Well, I can see all them AFC supporters are jumping to the rescue of Moses Nagamootoo even when he lied to the dishonorable house led by Ralph Trotman. This will be a test to the dishonorable speaker to see how his bias ruling will be carried out. Guys, do you know why the PPP supporters don't want to get entangle with this shameless act by Moses? It's because we know that the dishonorable house by a one seat majority is the only strength these shameless scum bags really rely on. They don't cares about how they look in the eyes of the Guyanese people but how they feel about themselves. That feeling will not go down well in the next election. They have (4) more years to pamper themselves with that good feeling and screw the voters. Even you guys are a bunch of shameless pricks selling your souls to the devil.


Moses V. Nagamootoo - "And yes, I bitterly opposed in 2009 the vulgar move to pass the President Pension Package (with benefits and facilities) when it was rammed through the PPP as a Cabinet decision. I was not allowed a conscience vote on it in parliament. I had to vote along “party line”.
On this issue, Nandlall reportedly “nailed” me. That claim was made by Judas when Jesus was nailed to the cross!
The truth is, I opposed the 2009 bill. I gave so-called PPP leaders hell for it, and accused them of betraying principles of “revolutionary morality”. On November 4, 2011, Kaieteur News quoted me as saying “Jagdeo’s pension plan rattled my soul”.
I explained then: “To my utter shame and regret I voted for it, because I was required to do so as a PPP MP”.
I have not lied on this issue. The PPP realized it was caught with its pants down, so it back-tracked and now try to discredit me in my profession."


Jagdeo’s pension plan ‘rattled my soul’ – Moses Nagamootoo




“To my utter shame and regret I voted for it, because I was required to do so as a PPP MP.”

The tension between the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and its former Executive Member Moses Nagamootoo seems to be escalating, with barbs being flung back and forth.
Nagamootoo fired back at his critics during a recent Alliance For Change press briefing, but in sticking to his decorum said that he would not seek to link any specific leader in the party to a particular allegation he has made against them but rather, “all are involved, all are consumed.”
He had only minutes before told media operatives that the decision he made to leave the PPP/C was one that did not happen overnight, and commenting on one of the issues that has been making its rounds in the campaign, Nagamootoo said that President Jagdeo’s pension plan had rattled his soul when he first addressed his mind to it.
Nagamootoo sought to express his position further when he said “but to my utter shame and regret I voted for it, because I was required to do so as a PPP MP.”
He said that when he forged an allegiance with the AFC he was exercising, as an independent citizen, his constitutional and democratic right to choose with whom to associate.

AFC member Moses Nagamootoo

“I had wanted to leave the PPP since 1998, when the process to destroy the party’s internal democracy had started. I didn’t do so then…I again wanted to resign between 2004 and 2006 when the leadership refused to investigate many of my complaints, including allegations of corruption, fraud at the Wildlife Department, illegal export of bottle-nose dolphins, phantom squad,” charged Nagamootoo.
“I became totally disgusted at the shameful greed of some of the leaders, who turned the state into a real estate agency and were helping themselves and their friends to prime properties, and were interested in globe-trotting and extravagance, whilst sugar workers, public servants and old people were living on starvation wages and pensions.”
To this end Nagamootoo said “One example suffices here…When I first saw the proposal, I had said that the “president’s pension plan” – in excess of thirty-six million dollars ( $36,000,000) annually – rattled my soul, but to my utter shame and regret I voted for it, because I was required to do so as a PPP MP.”
Office of the President had refuted claims by the AFC that the president’s pension plan amounts to roughly $3M monthly, but they have argued that if OP denies this position then it should present its calculations.
Nagamootoo also told media operatives that he had indicated that they (PPP members) were moving away from Cheddi Jagan and Ho Chi Ming’s principles of “revolutionary morality”, and that “we were becoming greedy and corrupt…No one in the leadership supported me.”
Nagamootoo says too that he had taken a stand on the issues before the scandal broke, and leaders’ names appeared in diplomatic cables to the United States Government on allegations of corruption and criminality.
“So, resigning from the PPP, was a burden that I have eventually shed, and I have felt relieved and at peace with myself since.”
The former PPP/C Executive member says that he has embraced the AFC with sincerety and passion.
“In it I have seen Guyana’s future…Here, in this AFC Family, are young leaders who have honest vision and serious ideas for Guyana’s development and progress.”

Originally Posted by God:

Moses V. Nagamootoo - "And yes, I bitterly opposed in 2009 the vulgar move to pass the President Pension Package (with benefits and facilities) when it was rammed through the PPP as a Cabinet decision. I was not allowed a conscience vote on it in parliament. I had to vote along “party line”.
On this issue, Nandlall reportedly “nailed” me. That claim was made by Judas when Jesus was nailed to the cross!
The truth is, I opposed the 2009 bill. I gave so-called PPP leaders hell for it, and accused them of betraying principles of “revolutionary morality”. On November 4, 2011, Kaieteur News quoted me as saying “Jagdeo’s pension plan rattled my soul”.
I explained then: “To my utter shame and regret I voted for it, because I was required to do so as a PPP MP”.
I have not lied on this issue. The PPP realized it was caught with its pants down, so it back-tracked and now try to discredit me in my profession."

Why did you try to insult me yesterday in disguised? I don't play like that. I am very pissed by your remarks. I am a "mudhead" but I know where I came from and where I am going. If you wish to exhibit your intelligence, I urge you to do it with caution. If you want to throw ghost punches at me in disguise I would urge you to face me like real man. If I am your target, I would urge you to shoot straight. I don't believe you were dragged, so I will urge you to act like you were brought up by good parents. That's all I have to say to you. You either take it as good lesson or you can continue on the path to destruction.
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by God:

Moses V. Nagamootoo - "And yes, I bitterly opposed in 2009 the vulgar move to pass the President Pension Package (with benefits and facilities) when it was rammed through the PPP as a Cabinet decision. I was not allowed a conscience vote on it in parliament. I had to vote along “party line”.
On this issue, Nandlall reportedly “nailed” me. That claim was made by Judas when Jesus was nailed to the cross!
The truth is, I opposed the 2009 bill. I gave so-called PPP leaders hell for it, and accused them of betraying principles of “revolutionary morality”. On November 4, 2011, Kaieteur News quoted me as saying “Jagdeo’s pension plan rattled my soul”.
I explained then: “To my utter shame and regret I voted for it, because I was required to do so as a PPP MP”.
I have not lied on this issue. The PPP realized it was caught with its pants down, so it back-tracked and now try to discredit me in my profession."

Why did you try to insult me yesterday in disguised? I don't play like that. I am very pissed by your remarks. I am a "mudhead" but I know where I came from and where I am going. If you wish to exhibit your intelligence, I urge you to do it with caution. If you want to throw ghost punches at me in disguise I would urge you to face me like real man. If I am your target, I would urge you to shoot straight. I don't believe you were dragged, so I will urge you to act like you were brought up by good parents. That's all I have to say to you. You either take it as good lesson or you can continue on the path to destruction.

GFY Aunty Abidha. Take a few ESL classes while you're at it.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by God:

Moses V. Nagamootoo - "And yes, I bitterly opposed in 2009 the vulgar move to pass the President Pension Package (with benefits and facilities) when it was rammed through the PPP as a Cabinet decision. I was not allowed a conscience vote on it in parliament. I had to vote along “party line”.
On this issue, Nandlall reportedly “nailed” me. That claim was made by Judas when Jesus was nailed to the cross!
The truth is, I opposed the 2009 bill. I gave so-called PPP leaders hell for it, and accused them of betraying principles of “revolutionary morality”. On November 4, 2011, Kaieteur News quoted me as saying “Jagdeo’s pension plan rattled my soul”.
I explained then: “To my utter shame and regret I voted for it, because I was required to do so as a PPP MP”.
I have not lied on this issue. The PPP realized it was caught with its pants down, so it back-tracked and now try to discredit me in my profession."

Why did you try to insult me yesterday in disguised? I don't play like that. I am very pissed by your remarks. I am a "mudhead" but I know where I came from and where I am going. If you wish to exhibit your intelligence, I urge you to do it with caution. If you want to throw ghost punches at me in disguise I would urge you to face me like real man. If I am your target, I would urge you to shoot straight. I don't believe you were dragged, so I will urge you to act like you were brought up by good parents. That's all I have to say to you. You either take it as good lesson or you can continue on the path to destruction.

GFY Aunty Abidha. Take a few ESL classes while you're at it.



Until there is real proof that Nagamatoo lied to parliament then it's just the usual cheap PPP propaganda.


If they are so confident that he lied, then why don't they go ahead and officially sanction him for lying and stop the useless braying. Since 2011, the man admitted that he voted for the bill.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Well, I can see all them AFC supporters are jumping to the rescue of Moses Nagamootoo even when he lied to the dishonorable house led by Ralph Trotman. This will be a test to the dishonorable speaker to see how his bias ruling will be carried out. Guys, do you know why the PPP supporters don't want to get entangle with this shameless act by Moses? It's because we know that the dishonorable house by a one seat majority is the only strength these shameless scum bags really rely on. They don't cares about how they look in the eyes of the Guyanese people but how they feel about themselves. That feeling will not go down well in the next election. They have (4) more years to pamper themselves with that good feeling and screw the voters. Even you guys are a bunch of shameless pricks selling your souls to the devil.

 The shame here is not the defense or lack thereof of Moses. It is the puerile attempt of a corrupt regime to seek its pound of flesh wherever it can. Were they grounded on some moral framework jagdeo would not have enjoyed a conspiracy of silence from the Party ranks to hide his sexuality and pretend he has a wife before the nation. When that lie was uncovered there would not have been absolute silence from most and snarls of "it is a private matter" from those forced to offer an opinion.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Well, I can see all them AFC supporters are jumping to the rescue of Moses Nagamootoo even when he lied to the dishonorable house led by Ralph Trotman. This will be a test to the dishonorable speaker to see how his bias ruling will be carried out. Guys, do you know why the PPP supporters don't want to get entangle with this shameless act by Moses? It's because we know that the dishonorable house by a one seat majority is the only strength these shameless scum bags really rely on. They don't cares about how they look in the eyes of the Guyanese people but how they feel about themselves. That feeling will not go down well in the next election. They have (4) more years to pamper themselves with that good feeling and screw the voters. Even you guys are a bunch of shameless pricks selling your souls to the devil.

 The shame here is not the defense or lack thereof of Moses. It is the puerile attempt of a corrupt regime to seek its pound of flesh wherever it can. Were they grounded on some moral framework jagdeo would not have enjoyed a conspiracy of silence from the Party ranks to hide his sexuality and pretend he has a wife before the nation. When that lie was uncovered there would not have been absolute silence from most and snarls of "it is a private matter" from those forced to offer an opinion.

Cut the crap, stormborn. The opposition was feeding on the ruling govenment since they took office. Do you think it's fair what they did to Minister Rohee just to let him speak again? They know what they did was bullyism and it comes back to bite them. FYI, Jagdeo is no longer the president and a pound of flesh for us is only the begining. It called fair play.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Well, I can see all them AFC supporters are jumping to the rescue of Moses Nagamootoo even when he lied to the dishonorable house led by Ralph Trotman. This will be a test to the dishonorable speaker to see how his bias ruling will be carried out. Guys, do you know why the PPP supporters don't want to get entangle with this shameless act by Moses? It's because we know that the dishonorable house by a one seat majority is the only strength these shameless scum bags really rely on. They don't cares about how they look in the eyes of the Guyanese people but how they feel about themselves. That feeling will not go down well in the next election. They have (4) more years to pamper themselves with that good feeling and screw the voters. Even you guys are a bunch of shameless pricks selling your souls to the devil.

 The shame here is not the defense or lack thereof of Moses. It is the puerile attempt of a corrupt regime to seek its pound of flesh wherever it can. Were they grounded on some moral framework jagdeo would not have enjoyed a conspiracy of silence from the Party ranks to hide his sexuality and pretend he has a wife before the nation. When that lie was uncovered there would not have been absolute silence from most and snarls of "it is a private matter" from those forced to offer an opinion.

Cut the crap, stormborn. The opposition was feeding on the ruling govenment since they took office. Do you think it's fair what they did to Minister Rohee just to let him speak again? They know what they did was bullyism and it comes back to bite them. FYI, Jagdeo is no longer the president and a pound of flesh for us is only the begining. It called fair play.

The opposition are so termed because they are in a check to the government. They are supposed to go along with good planning but everything coming through this administration is graft laden and corrupt so they have little option but to stand as a wedge between them and their thieving ways.


Rohee is just an example of the contemptuous autocratic attitude of the government. He should be moved to some other post for the sake of compromise. He has become an onerous flash point for what is wrong with the PPP.


Jagdeo is to Ramotar as Putin was to Medevdev. He is the scorpion on the back of the fat frog.


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