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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Will we all be so supportive when a "Black" Party in Government shoves this kind of manure down our throats?


You are spamming the board with rethorical questions. Save the digital storage.


Unlike the nonsensical propaganda the mudheads are paid to post here daily?


this is why i blame the black people for what is happening in guyana,when burham was ruling, the indians people make many attemped to kill me on this i the indians ppp government is doing worse than burham and the black people is like house government should be doing what burham did and what the ppp is doing now to their country.this is a new age and people should rise up and demand justice,not beg for justice but demand justice

Originally Posted by warrior:

this is why i blame the black people for what is happening in guyana,when burham was ruling, the indians people make many attemped to kill me on this i the indians ppp government is doing worse than burham and the black people is like house government should be doing what burham did and what the ppp is doing now to their country.this is a new age and people should rise up and demand justice,not beg for justice but demand justice

Unlike the nonsensical propaganda the mudheads are paid to post here daily?

Originally Posted by warrior:

this is why i blame the black people for what is happening in guyana,when burham was ruling, the indians people make many attemped to kill me on this i the indians ppp government is doing worse than burham and the black people is like house government should be doing what burham did and what the ppp is doing now to their country.this is a new age and people should rise up and demand justice,not beg for justice but demand justice


Where is the Indian Walter Rodney? Where is the mass-based Indian movement that threatens the oligarchy?


he is right in front of your eyes,but unlike rodney that had lot of indians in his ranks yours truly is one i am not seeing any black man guarding his flank.RAMJETTAN is fighting this government,but the black people is seeing a indian not a i think this is a black people move,the GPC and  THE ARAMY IS black,

Originally Posted by JoKer:

Will we all be so supportive when a "Black" Party in Government shoves this kind of manure down our throats?

FYI, the PNC already stole the people's money for 28 long years and you couldn't even say a word. What's worse they showed nothing for it. They leave us in a pit to survive while they rape our Indian women and children. The Guyana treasury was a personal swiss bank account for them choke-n-robs. The PPP still have eight years to make up for their loses. As least they put Guyana back on the world map and gave Guyanese freedom from the blackman's oppression.  

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Will we all be so supportive when a "Black" Party in Government shoves this kind of manure down our throats?

FYI, the PNC already stole the people's money for 28 long years and you couldn't even say a word. What's worse they showed nothing for it. They leave us in a pit to survive while they rape our Indian women and children. The Guyana treasury was a personal swiss bank account for them choke-n-robs. The PPP still have eight years to make up for their loses. As least they put Guyana back on the world map and gave Guyanese freedom from the blackman's oppression.  


So you think Guyana will advance by giving some coolie cowdaags a chance to even the score with the PNC? So this PPP v. PNC Civil War can continue ad infinitum. And I say ad infinitum because the Indian population (or "populace" to use a favored mudhead term) is already a minority and will continue the downward spiral. When Indians are next ousted from office, its for good. And I'm sure the PNC diehards will wanna even up the score.


I'm at least grateful for your honesty and candor. You have my respect on that much. You're just about the first PPP supporter on this Board to beckon respect for intellectual honesty. I mean that sincerely.


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