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Originally Posted by JoKer:

Will you all scream just as loudly that the PPP sells out Indians and prefers to collaborate with the PNC than the AFC?

De few remaining Jagdeo and Ramotar Fellas will have no reason to scream out loud......these few are happy in  their poom poom shorts.....De Jagabat Ladies love Dr B.


Now De PPP Supporters will not defend any PPP/PNC Colation.

They all will cuss Jagdeo & Ramotar fuh selling out the PPP,


Some will Support the AFC at the next election........

and others will just not vote for Jagdeo & Ramotar Scheme.

Originally Posted by JoKer:

Will you all scream just as loudly that the PPP sells out Indians and prefers to collaborate with the PNC than the AFC?

The PPP executives perceive the 3rd rate lawyers in the AFC---Moses, Trotman, Ramjattan, Hughes, etc---as trouble makers. And so if the PPP ever chooses to share the "milk and honey" in the executive branch, they would prefer sharing with the PNC.


The PNC today is not like the PNC 20-30 years ago----the PNC today has been castrated and emasculated---they lack vision---the PPP can throw them a bone---a few ministries and they'll be happy as pig in shyt.


Most importantly! East Indians in Guyana are no longer afraid of blacks---Jagdeo, Gajraj and company did a great job exterminating the savage and murderous blacks.




So if the PPP chooses to work along with the PNC---NO BIGGIE--East Indian supporters of the PPP would not complain too much.


The PPP politicians know they can outwit and hoodwink the PNC and grab a larger share of the milk and honey. Remember folks it's all about the milk and honey---the PPP would prefer sharing the milk and honey with the PNC---PNC politicans can easily be tricked and swindled----it would be harder for Ramo and his boys to trick Moses and his fellow crooked lawyers in the AFC.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al: 

The PNC today is not like the PNC 20-20 years ago----the PNC today has been castrated and emasculated---they lack vision---the PPP can throw them a bone---a few ministries and they'll be happy as pig in shyt.


Most importantly! East Indians in Guyana are no longer afraid of blacks---Jagdeo and company did a great job exterminating the savage and murderous blacks.


PNC politicans can easily be tricked and swindled----it would be harder for Ramo and his boys to trick Moses . . .



sometimes . . . when you let big mouth bigots bray loud and hard enough, the truth inadvertently ejects in the vomit


but . . . it's nice to know that the FEAR that y'all invest so much time, crime and resources in selling to Indo-Guyanese is a self-admitted FAKE in the service of OPPRESSION, and UNJUST ENRICHMENT of low-minded PPP antimen like yourself


unburden your rotting soul Herr Rev, . . . tell us more about why you are so frightened of the AFC

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
unburden your rotting soul Herr Rev, . . . tell us more about why you are so frightened of the AFC

The Guyanese people know that both the PPP and PNC are crooked and corrupt---there is not a single honest, decent, principled and trustworthy PPP or PNC politician.


But what scares the living daylights out of the Guyanese people is they know that the treacherous, unscrupulous, and fraudulent lawyers running the AFC will rape, pillage and plunder Guyana if they ever get into the executive branch.




The PPP and PNC will help themsevles to the loot--check that video--PPP politicans live well---lots of milk and honey---the Guyanese people know this---but the AFC lawyers will rape, pillage and plunder. Now you know why the AFC will never be voted into the executive branch---it will always be the PPP or the PNC.



Originally Posted by Nehru:

Pins and Needles, needles and Pins.!!

Rev is not changing his story.....


"So if the PPP chooses to work along with the PNC---NO BIGGIE--East Indian supporters of the PPP would not complain too much."


"The PPP politicians know they can outwit and hoodwink the PNC and grab a larger share of the milk and honey. Remember folks it's all about the milk and honey---the PPP would prefer sharing the milk and honey with the PNC---PNC politicans can easily be tricked and swindled----it would be harder for Ramo and his boys to trick Moses and his fellow crooked lawyers in the AFC"........Rev


Jagdeo + Ramotar = Corruption+Thiefing+Crime+Mismanagement = PNC.


Rev feel de thiefing will keep PPP & PNC together until Death.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder when is this bamboo wedding gonna happen. I can see Baseman being the laawah boy.

Bai, wah mi gon seh, as long as PPP pon tap!

Bahut kushi naya saal!

What ever that means.

" Happy New Year" in hindi. I thought you might have picked up on the language when you were in India.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Pins and Needles, needles and Pins.!!





Earlier today I was looking at the Honeymooners---and I saw that episode where Ralph was telling Alice and Norton how the doctor helped him---it was hilarious.


Here it is, he says whenever I get steamed, I say this: "Pins and needles, needles and pins... it's a happy man that grins." Then I smile to myself. And then I say, "What am I mad about?" And it works. I couldn't think of what I was mad about!





A few minutes later Ralph went ballistic when the landlord raised his rent by $5---he forgot about pins and needles---needles and






Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder when is this bamboo wedding gonna happen. I can see Baseman being the laawah boy.

Bai, wah mi gon seh, as long as PPP pon tap!

Bahut kushi naya saal!

What ever that means.

" Happy New Year" in hindi. I thought you might have picked up on the language when you were in India.

Thanks, same to you.  5% of Indians speak Hindi.  People speak their regional language, Marathi, Tamil, etc, etc.  English is the unifying language.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Pins and Needles, needles and Pins.!!





Earlier today I was looking at the Honeymooners---and I saw that episode where Ralph was telling Alice and Norton how the doctor helped him---it was hilarious.


Here it is, he says whenever I get steamed, I say this: "Pins and needles, needles and pins... it's a happy man that grins." Then I smile to myself. And then I say, "What am I mad about?" And it works. I couldn't think of what I was mad about!





A few minutes later Ralph went ballistic when the landlord raised his rent by $5---he forgot about pins and needles---needles and






I watched over 6 hours since last night. It is the best.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Rev feel de thiefing will keep PPP & PNC together until Death.

jalil bhai:


In the late 1970s when Walter Rodney and the WPA were making inroads in Guyana's politics, Cheddi Jagan called for the PPP to give critical support to the PNC---imagine that---Cheddi called for critical support for Burnham's PNC---Cheddi was deathly afraid of Rodney and the WPA just like Ramo and the PPP today are deathly afraid of Moses and the AFC.


Listen! The PPP and PNC have always been like batty and po---they will forever be entwined---they will forever support each other---no 3rd party like the WPA in the 1970s or the AFC today will ever come between the PPP and PNC.


The PNC ruled Guyana from 1964 to 1992---28 years; the PPP has ruled from 1992 to today---21 years.


If the Guyanese people ever remove the PPP from the executive branch---the party that will return to power is the PPP's partner in crime---the PNC!


The truth is painful jalil bhai---I know how much you want Moses and the AFC to take over the executive branch---but that will not happen.


Most likely Moses and the AFC will help the PNC displace the PPP from the executive branch---then the PNC boys will emulate the PPP and start feasting on the milk and honey---it's all about the milk and honey where PPP and PNC politicians are concerned.




Al...... the PPP today is not the same party as when jagan was around.

The PPP was Hijacked by a Bunch of @untimen and Bu@@er Boys.



And yes if Jagan, Burnham ......or Hoyte would Hang them.

Rev feel de thiefing will keep PPP & PNC together until Death.
And I agree with you .......if dem two were still alive.....both Jagan and Burnham would have Jail Jagdeo, Ramotar and all dem Funny Fellas.
If Odo or Cheddi wanted to encourage this slackness or nastyness....they would have started a Ministry of @untimen..... a Guyana @untimen Army (GAA)  or a Poom Poom Shorts Paget.
Al do you think Lamumba, McCoy, Jerry, Bobby, Mannie, Bynoe or Hamilton could ever hang around Cheddi or Forbes.
Dem two Guys were serious.....tell me which one of them would encourage any of "De Jabat Homan"
Al tell me when you know Poom Pom Shorts was tolerated in Freedom House or Congress Place when Jagan or Burnham was Alive.
Al tell me wha Burnham would have done with this Poom Poom
Al Bhai .....Dont Disrespect Odo..... by link him up with Funny Fellas, B@tty Boys or Jagabat Homan who dressing in Poom Poom Shorts.
I agree Odo and eee boys..... thief like Jagdeo and Ramotar.......
I agree Odo love eee Poke .......but not dem Jagabat Women and dem Poom poom.
Al keep far from Dr B......eee gon clap injection pon yuh.......You dont have to like what Nehru enjoy.
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Will you all scream just as loudly that the PPP sells out Indians and prefers to collaborate with the PNC than the AFC?

The PPP executives perceive the 3rd rate lawyers in the AFC---Moses, Trotman, Ramjattan, Hughes, etc---as trouble makers. And so if the PPP ever chooses to share the "milk and honey" in the executive branch, they would prefer sharing with the PNC.


The PNC today is not like the PNC 20-30 years ago----the PNC today has been castrated and emasculated---they lack vision---the PPP can throw them a bone---a few ministries and they'll be happy as pig in shyt.


Most importantly! East Indians in Guyana are no longer afraid of blacks---Jagdeo, Gajraj and company did a great job exterminating the savage and murderous blacks.




So if the PPP chooses to work along with the PNC---NO BIGGIE--East Indian supporters of the PPP would not complain too much.


The PPP politicians know they can outwit and hoodwink the PNC and grab a larger share of the milk and honey. Remember folks it's all about the milk and honey---the PPP would prefer sharing the milk and honey with the PNC---PNC politicans can easily be tricked and swindled----it would be harder for Ramo and his boys to trick Moses and his fellow crooked lawyers in the AFC.





This Post by Rev Al says alot:


It establishes:


1. the PPP Executives prefers doing business with the PNC rather than the AFC;


2.  The reason why this state of affair exist is because the PNC is easier to be compromised and controlled with corruption (MILK AND HONEY).


3.  East Indians in Guyana will accept this formula of a PPP/PNC Government and an AFC in the opposition.


Item ONE is a not a new revelation, this has been know all along since IDEOLOGICIALLY, the PNC AND THE PPP are ONE.



I would prefer to say that the PPP = PNC, same coin, different side.




Item 2 has established that it is all about the MILK AND HONEY.  The PPP and PNC ARE alive because of this reality - USE THE SWEAT OF THE WORKERS FOR THE THEIR OWN SELF-ENRICHMENT.


It might be easier to expand the ruling OLIGARCHY to throw a few bones to the PNC leaders but treat then like Odinga Lunumbuda and Kwambe Mckoy; bamboozle them with cash and get them to parrot and defend the FORT at all cost.


However, this is a devaluation of the standards of the BLACK MAN when you classify all of them as future ODINGA's.  Is there any truth to this?

This is not the whole truth  - NOT ALL BLACK-MAN IS A FUTURE ODINAGA.

Similarly not all East Indians is a kleptomaniac like the PPP ALI BABAs.




They believe that if they say BAH, the East Indians will say YAH.


This is where the PPP is wrong.  East Indians who are not benefiting from the MILK AND HONEY ARE NOT FOLLOWING THE PPP THESE DAYS BLINDLY.




In increasing numbers East Indians are pealing themselves away from the PPP in favour of the AFC.


This is the socio-political FACT that will cause the PPP not to get above that 50% mark for a long time to come.


REV AL - yu wrong on this score, the East Indians will NOT accept a PPP/PNC coalition.


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