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Can Russia’s intervention be categorised as just or unjust?

Dear Editor,

Whilst conversing with friends overseas and in Guyana recently, they asked me whether I think Russia would invade Ukraine.

My answer to them was “I don’t know.”

The question at that time, was not a surprising one.

Apart from the fact that the issue is being discussed on all major news channels, it appears to be a matter of interest for governments and peoples around the world especially in Europe.

As it turned out, after weeks of speculation about what Russian would do and not do, accompanied by a flurry of high level diplomatic initiatives in and out of Russia and Ukraine aimed at finding a solution to the Russian/Ukraine crisis and preventing any military action on the part of Russia against Ukraine, finally, Russia made its moves.

First, it engineered the evacuation of thousands of Russians from Eastern Ukraine on the ground that a war was coming.

Secondly, President Vladimir Putin signed two decrees recognizing the Luhansk People’s Republic and Donetsk People’s Republic as independent states formerly part of Ukraine’s national territory. Thirdly, Russian troops, under the guise of a ‘Peacekeeping Mission’ were ordered to enter the territory of the two newly birthed ‘People’s Republics’.

The moves triggered a raft of sweeping sanctions by the US in the areas of investment, trade and financing on ‘any US person to, from or in the so-called People’s Republics’ as well as on ‘any person determined to operate in those area of Ukraine,’ meaning the two ‘People’s Republics’

Subsequently, the British Prime Minister announced sanctions on five Russian banks and three prominent Russian citizens. And the European Union chimed in with sanctions on Russian MPs who supported Putin’s actions, financial institutions supporting the Russian military and prohibiting trade with the break-away regions.

Meanwhile, in the face of a possible outbreak of a war between Russian occupying forces and the Ukrainian military, the moves by Russia have complicated efforts at the diplomatic level aimed at resolving the crisis..

But the fundamental question, speculative as it might seem, is whether Russia’s military intervention and occupation of the breakaway regions in Eastern Ukraine can be categorized as just or unjust?

Joseph C. Sweeney in his article ‘The Just War Ethic in International Law’ published in the ‘Fordham International Law Journal’ states that; ‘An Unjust war is characterized by the use of military force in violation of the United Nations Charter by a sovereign Nation State; while a just war is the use of military force according to the decisions of the United Nations Security Council’.

According to Sweeney; ‘Only in the inherent right of self-defence against armed attack can a Nation be justified in resorting to military force, without the approval of the Security Council

Use of military force as directed by the Security Council or use of military force in self-defense against an armed attack constitute the criteria of a just war established by the United Nations.’

Within the meaning of the UN Charter, and pushing aside the constant stream of propaganda, sensationalism and fake news emanating from various quarters about the Ukraine/Russia crisis, Russia’s geo-political and military strategic objectives appear to have born fruit at least in the short term.

Referring to the application of United Nations Charter in the context to the Russia/Ukraine threat of war the Secretary General Antonio Guterres addressing the recently concluded Munich Security Conference stressed; “All members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the integrity or political independence of any State or in any other manner inconsistent with the processes of the United Nations.”

“The Charter is clear!” he emphasized.

Russia is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. It goes without saying that it must be aware of its role and responsibilities as one of the P 5’s.

Following the recent meeting of the Security Council to discuss the situation in and around the Ukraine, the UN Secretary General after describing Russian’s action as a violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, called inter alia; for the immediate cessation of hostilities, the peaceful settlement of the conflict and the prioritizing of diplomacy to address all issues.”

Diplomatic intervention to facilitate de-escalation of tension between States is not uncommon in such circumstances. These efforts can be anonymous and unseen.

Mediation by listening to both sides and communicating in good faith are central elements if de-escalation of tension and a permanent solution is to be achieved. In the circumstances, President Macron’s initiative still bears some relevance.

Small States like Guyana with a border controversy to the West and a dispute to its East should not stand by pondering as it were what position it should adopt in the face of what is happening now in Europe as if it is of no relevance to Guyana.

There is no way the ‘Just War’ theory could justify any foolhardy adventure that could trigger a full-scale armed conflict in Europe.

All options must be exhausted.

Small wonder why the British Opposition Leader Keir Starmer stressed that; “Even at this late hour we must pursue diplomatic efforts to avoid conflict.”

Thomas Aquinas, Italian priest and philosopher answering the question ‘When is a war just’?’ wrote; “For war to be just three conditions are necessary; There needs to be a right authority to declare war, a just cause and a right intention on the part of the belligerents ie; achieving some good or avoiding some evil.”

Yours faithfully,

Clement J. Rohee


"Whilst conversing with friends overseas and in Guyana recently, they asked me whether I think Russia would invade Ukraine."    This is the biggest revelation of Rohee's letter.  I am surprised that Clement has friends. 


Russia invades Ukraine in Europe’s ‘darkest hours’ since WWII

A view shows the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service site damaged by shelling in Kyiv region, Ukraine, in this handout picture released February 24, 2022. Press service of the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service/Handout via REUTERS

A view shows the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service site damaged by shelling in Kyiv region, Ukraine, in this handout picture released February 24, 2022. Press service of the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service/Handout via REUTERS

February 24 ,2022


KYIV/OUTSIDE MARIUPOL, Ukraine, (Reuters) – Russian forces invaded Ukraine today, assaulting by land, sea and air in the biggest attack by one state against another in Europe since World War Two.

Missiles rained down on Ukrainian cities. Ukraine reported columns of troops pouring across its borders from Russia and Belarus, and landing on the coast from the Black and Azov seas.

Explosions were heard before dawn and throughout the morning in the capital Kyiv, a city of 3 million people. Gunfire rattled, sirens blared, and the highway out of the city choked with traffic as residents fled.

The assault brought a calamitous end to weeks of fruitless diplomatic efforts by Western leaders to avert war, their worst fears about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ambitions realised.

“Russia treacherously attacked our state in the morning, as Nazi Germany did in the WW2 years,” tweeted Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

“Russia has embarked on a path of evil, but Ukraine is defending itself & won’t give up its freedom no matter what Moscow thinks.”

Calling on Ukrainians to defend their country, he said arms would be given to anyone prepared to fight. He also urged Russians to take to the streets to protest against their government’s actions.

U.S. President Joe Biden said he was praying for Ukrainian victims of an “unprovoked and unjustified attack”. EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell said: “These are among the darkest hours of Europe since the Second World War.”

A resident of Kharkiv, the closest big city to the Russian border, said windows in apartment blocks were shaking from constant blasts.

Outside the southern port of Mariupol, near a frontline held by Russian-backed separatists, a Ukrainian armoured column headed along the road, with soldiers seated atop turrets smiling and flashing victory signs to cars which honked their horns in support.

In Mangush and Berdyansk towns, people queued for cash and gasoline. Civilians from Mariupol packed bags.

“We are going into hiding,” one woman said.

Ukrainian officials said Russian helicopters attacked Gostomel, a military airport near Kyiv, and Ukraine downed three of them. Ukrainian border officials said the Russians were trying to penetrate Kyiv region and the Zhytomyr region on the Belarusian border, and they were using Grad rockets.

Initial unconfirmed reports of casualties included Ukrainian civilians killed by Russian bombardment and border guards defending the frontier. Regional authorities of Ukraine’s southern Odessa region said 18 people were killed in a missile attack. At least six people were killed in Brovary, a town near Kyiv, authorities there said.

Ukraine’s military said it had destroyed four Russian tanks on a road near Kharkiv, killed 50 troops near a town in Luhansk region and downed six Russian warplanes in the east.

Russia denied reports its aircraft or armoured vehicles had been destroyed. Russian-backed separatists claimed to have downed two Ukrainian planes.


In an early-morning declaration of war, Putin said he had ordered “a special military operation” to protect people, including Russian citizens, subjected to “genocide” in Ukraine – an accusation the West calls absurd propaganda.

“And for this we will strive for the demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine,” Putin said. “Russia cannot feel safe, develop, and exist with a constant threat emanating from the territory of modern Ukraine…All responsibility for bloodshed will be on the conscience of the ruling regime in Ukraine.”

Biden has ruled out sending U.S. troops to defend Ukraine but he and other Western leaders promised tough financial sanctions.

“Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way,” Biden said.

Russia is one of the world’s biggest energy producers, and both it and Ukraine are among the top exporters of grain. The prospect of war and sanctions threatens economies around the world already facing supply disruption as they emerge from the pandemic.

Stocks and bond yields plunged; the dollar and gold soared. Brent oil surged past $100/barrel for the first time since 2014.

A democratic country of 44 million people, Ukraine is Europe’s biggest country by area after Russia itself. It voted overwhelmingly for independence after the fall of the Soviet Union, and aims to join NATO and the European Union, aspirations that infuriate Moscow.

Putin, who denied for months he was planning an invasion, has called Ukraine an artificial construct carved from Russia by its enemies, a characterisation Ukrainians see as an attempt to erase their more than 1,000-year-old history. While many Ukrainians, particularly in the east, speak Russian as a native language, virtually all identify as a separate nationality.

Three hours after Putin gave his order, Russia’s defence ministry said it had taken out military infrastructure at Ukrainian air bases and degraded its air defences.

Earlier, Ukrainian media reported that military command centres in Kyiv and Kharkiv had been struck by missiles, while Russian troops had landed at Odessa and Mariupol. A Reuters witness later heard three blasts in Mariupol.

Russia announced it was shutting all shipping in the Azov Sea. Russia controls the strait leading into the sea where Ukraine has ports including Mariupol. Ukraine appealed to Turkey to bar Russian ships from the straits connecting the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.

Queues of people waited to withdraw money and buy supplies of food and water in Kyiv. Traffic going out of the city towards the Polish border was jammed. Western countries have prepared for the likelihood of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians fleeing an assault.

Cars stretched back for dozens of kilometres (miles) on the highway to the western city of Lviv, Reuters witnesses said.

“We’re afraid of bombardments,” said Oxana, stuck in her car with her three-year-old daughter on the backseat. “This is so scary.”

World leaders expressed near universal outrage at the invasion, with China, which signed a friendship treaty with Russia three weeks ago, a notable exception. Beijing reiterated a call for all parties to exercise restraint and rejected a description of Russia’s action as an invasion.


Django's always desperation when it comes to the defeated APNU/AFC and the victorious PPP.  It does not surprised me a bit that he rushed out to label the government of Guyana "Communist".  This is total BS. Guyana is a democracy that doing more than enough to build the private sector as is the case the great democracies.  Why the hell would anyone wants to call this government "communist"?.  It only reflects desperation by those who yearns for US support get power in country where the electorate rejected them. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

Y everybody uptight bout Putin's moves on Ukraine?

If one reads the history books, powerfulmen invades other peoples places of abode. For us, the world has borders but for men who want more lands they invade the makeshift borders. Tek India for example, that place get ran over so many times by mussalmen and Europeans. And even today, Pakistan and China would still tek dem over.

Barbaric ways of man never departs him, for millions of years they invade others and every race, tribe and creed do it and done it.

Brazil took Ankoko and nobady dare tell dem give it back. VEnezuela, when dem tek Essequibo, nobady dares threaten them too. Especially if Putin succeeds.


Django's always desperation when it comes to the defeated APNU/AFC and the victorious PPP.  It does not surprised me a bit that he rushed out to label the government of Guyana "Communist".  This is total BS. Guyana is a democracy that doing more than enough to build the private sector as is the case the great democracies.  Why the hell would anyone wants to call this government "communist"?.  It only reflects desperation by those who yearns for US support get power in country where the electorate rejected them.

Guyana is the Bharrat Jagdeo PPP communist government stoking the racist rhetoric and inciting the violence to create racial conflict? Why would the Berbice Man Chatterpaul Harripaul c/d Roy, age 34 years, of Block BI Bath Settlement, WCB this afternoon exit his vehicle about 15:45 hrs today 2020-09-09 with a shot gun discharge one round into the air before discharging three rounds towards his fellow Indo Guyanese protestors? Initial police reports confirmed the protesters attacked him after he fired the shots.
Will the main stream print media clearly enunciate that the victim was beaten and viciously assaulted by his fellow Indo Guyanese? Where is the Bar Association, the Private Sector Commission, the Diplomatic Community who campaigned for regime change based on the PPP communist party massive electoral fraud? Also, was young Singh silenced because people did not want him talking to the police about what he knew about the Henry’s killings and it would appear as a revenge killing?
Is this the Bharrat Jagdeo PPP communist government strategy to derail the case management of the election petition before the judiciary? Is this a carefully created strategy to demoralize the Afro Guyanese community with hired agents inserted among the protestors to stoke a civil war among Guyanese while our nonrenewable resources are exploited by external forces like other parts of the developing world? Fellow Guyanese we must be united and condemn every form of violence against each other, we are being played.
Could not find the GNI thread.

Django's always desperation when it comes to the defeated APNU/AFC and the victorious PPP.  It does not surprised me a bit that he rushed out to label the government of Guyana "Communist".  This is total BS. Guyana is a democracy that doing more than enough to build the private sector as is the case the great democracies.  Why the hell would anyone wants to call this government "communist"?.  It only reflects desperation by those who yearns for US support get power in country where the electorate rejected them.

Has the PPP government spoken out against Russia's actions?

Has the PPP government by their actions of giving numerous contracts and being in bed with Communist China...seem to side with Democracy?

If it looks, smells and taste like $hit would you call it delicious?

Russia is also talking about sending troops to Cuba and Venezuela, perhaps the PPP will welcome them with open arms.


Last edited by Django

Artist Man, I and I didn't know Exxon, Hess, CNOOC, SOL, Halliburton, et al are Russian companies.  Canada and Britain has the bulk of the Oligarch's overseas investment.  Are they in Bed with the Russians?

I don't know what position the Guyana gov't has taken so I cannot respond.

Billy Ram Balgobin
@seignet posted:

Y everybody uptight bout Putin's moves on Ukraine?

If one reads the history books, powerfulmen invades other peoples places of abode. For us, the world has borders but for men who want more lands they invade the makeshift borders. Tek India for example, that place get ran over so many times by mussalmen and Europeans. And even today, Pakistan and China would still tek dem over.

Barbaric ways of man never departs him, for millions of years they invade others and every race, tribe and creed do it and done it.

Brazil took Ankoko and nobady dare tell dem give it back. VEnezuela, when dem tek Essequibo, nobady dares threaten them too. Especially if Putin succeeds.

Because of brutal actions taken in the past it should be accepted now? So because Cain pitch a rock and killed his brother Abel it is okay I pitch one to you an buss yo coconut?

@cain posted:

Because of brutal actions taken in the past it should be accepted now? So because Cain pitch a rock and killed his brother Abel it is okay I pitch one to you an buss yo coconut?

Eh-Eh Cain ...

Because of the issues between You-Cain and your brother Abel, you now want to pitch coconuts at others.

Last edited by Former Member

It doan matter, it is the way of tings. Look! this is Black History month and every night I am pissed at white ppl for the tings dey done in the 1960's, sliceing off black men baltz, lynchings, beatings like mercilessly. All on pictures shown on TV. I get angry at seeing it, in real time I had seen some of it on TV news. Reality checks in after the movie, and I realize I am surrounded by these same hateful race of people who could dis shite anytime dey want to.

Teking countries over and invasions will continue on-America to Iraq and Afghanistan was a tek over and it din wuk. Millions of innocent ppl got killed and mained.

It ain't right, but it continues till Jesus comes back. Meh coconut still strong.


It will be of interest to see how far Russia will go in the Ukraine.

Perhaps, they will firmly pursue their focus on the "liberation" of the two eastern parts of the Ukraine.

Or, the Russians will inflict severe actions on the remaining part of the Ukraine.

Or, the Russians will occupy and control the entire Ukraine.

It will be seen if the Russia will take the same actions when they invaded and occupied Czechoslovakia in August 1968.

Last edited by Former Member
@Django posted:

Will the Communist PPP - Government of Guyana denounce Russian Invasion of Ukraine ?

Guyana condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, currently consulting with int’l partners

he Guyana Government today condemned the violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by Russia and called for an immediate end to military action.

See full statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations:

The Government of Guyana condemns the violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by Russia. We call for an immediate cessation of Military action.

The Government is now in consultation with our International partners and will issue a full statement before the end of the day. woman walks by a photographic memorial for those killed in the confrontation between Ukraine's military and the pro-Russia separatist forces in Sievierodonetsk, Luhansk region, eastern Ukraine, Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022. The head of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council called for a nationwide state of emergency — subject to parliamentary approval. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)

@Former Member posted:

Guyana condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, currently consulting with int’l partners

he Guyana Government today condemned the violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by Russia and called for an immediate end to military action.

See full statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations:

The Government of Guyana condemns the violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by Russia. We call for an immediate cessation of Military action.

The Government is now in consultation with our International partners and will issue a full statement before the end of the day. woman walks by a photographic memorial for those killed in the confrontation between Ukraine's military and the pro-Russia separatist forces in Sievierodonetsk, Luhansk region, eastern Ukraine, Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022. The head of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council called for a nationwide state of emergency — subject to parliamentary approval. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)

The Statement was just made less than half an hour ago.

Last edited by Django

Guyana condemns violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty

This story is developing and will be updated.

The Government Guyana today condemned the violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty by Russia and says a full statement will be issued by the end of the day.

The statement follows:

The Government of Guyana condemns the violation of Ukraine’s  sovereignty and territorial integrity. We call for an immediate cessation of Military action. The Government is now in consultation with our International partners and will issue a full statement before the end of the day.

Last edited by Django

CARICOM condemns invasion of Ukraine by Russia

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) today strongly condemned the military attacks and invasion of Ukraine by The Russian Federation and called for the immediate and complete withdrawal of the military presence and cessation of any further actions that may intensify the current “perilous situation” in that country.

In a statement,  CARICOM said: “The recognition by The Russian Federation of the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk represents a violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.

“The hostilities against Ukraine go counter to the principles of respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity, non-interference in the internal affairs of another sovereign state and the prohibition on the threat or use of force, and the peaceful resolution of disputes, which are the bedrock of this Community.

“CARICOM maintains that the principles of universal respect and adherence to these norms and principles of international law are fundamental to the maintenance of the international system and global peace and security.

“CARICOM calls on all parties involved to urgently embark on intensified diplomatic dialogue to immediately de-escalate hostilities and work towards a sustainable peace”.

@Django posted:

The Statement was just made less than half an hour ago.

Noted Django.

With these types of situation, statements from nations will always be fluid.

Last edited by Django

PNCR deplores Russian invasion of Ukraine

This story is developing and will be updated.

The opposition PNCR today deplored Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A statement from the PNCR follows:

The People’s National Congress Reform has been following with keen interest the events leading to the very unfortunate development of the armed forces of the Russian Federation invading the Republic of Ukraine. The PNCR would have preferred if a diplomatic solution had been sought and obtained as this would have had a positive impact on a number of principles to which the Party adheres such as the sanctity of treaties and internationally recognized borders and the peaceful development of states. As it is, the violation of the borders of Ukraine not only has breached these principles but the continuation of this situation is most likely to have grave implications for the peaceful development and for the geopolitics of Europe, the rest of the world, more particularly, and negative consequences for the world economy. This particular development, Guyana as a small developing state, which has an open economy vulnerable to external shocks, ignores at its peril.

Having carefully considered these facts, and even taking into consideration that our Party is prepared to have relations with all political parties and states, it must condemn the violation of the territorial integrity of the Ukraine, the principle of the sanctity of contracts and that of internationally recognized borders. This situation can only lead to the poisoning of relationships with the European Union and the Russian Federation with fraught implications for the peaceful development of the international system. Even at this late hour, the PNCR calls for the withdrawal of the troops of the Russian Federation from the Republic of Ukraine and urgently urges that steps be taken to initiate a process for the peaceful resolution of the conflict between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine. This may appear challenging given that the momentum of aggression seems well established. But the PNCR believes that if there is a will and a determination for peace the current negative circumstances can be reversed.

Indeed, the factors which argue for a peaceful resolution of this matter are persuasive. Trade between the EU and Russia is substantial. Agreements between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine have been reached and have contributed to the peaceful development between the two states. And it is beyond dispute that a return to the status quo ante will have a positive effect on the international system and the global economy. Managing a return to peaceful conditions will not be easy. But powerful nations and multilateral organisations are on record as being ready to see that this is done. Peace in Europe has lasted for more than 70 years. The implications for breaking that peace must weigh on the minds of all peace loving nations. As part of a small developing state, the PNCR joins all those nations and international organisations that are calling for a cease fire in the current conflict between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine and urges a return to stable relations between the two states.

@Former Member posted:

It will be of interest to see how far Russia will go in the Ukraine.

Perhaps, they will firmly pursue their focus on the "liberation" of the two eastern parts of the Ukraine.

Or, the Russians will inflict severe actions on the remaining part of the Ukraine.

Or, the Russians will occupy and control the entire Ukraine.

It will be seen if the Russia will take the same actions when they invaded and occupied Czechoslovakia in August 1968.

Putin wants the farm lands, the best in Europe. Also, there are some key industries in that region. He has his reasons for invading. Venezuela could invade Exxon for the oil. 


Systems in place to help Guyanese in Russia, Ukraine if needed – Foreign Secretary personnel work at the crash site of a Ukrainian military plane south of Kyiv. Photograph: Ukraine Emergency Ministry Press/AFP/Getty Images

Foreign Secretary Robert Persaud has indicated that established systems are in place to provide assistance to Guyanese, particularly students on scholarships, who may need help in light of the recent developments between Russia and Ukraine.

Russian forces have launched a military assault on neighbouring Ukraine, crossing its borders and bombing military targets near big cities.

Guyana has already joined in widespread global condemnation against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, where it is believed that dozens of civilians have been killed, including six in an air strike in Brovary near the capital Kyiv.

When contacted today, Persaud – who is attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Guyana – revealed that there are records of 11 Guyanese students in Russia but no records of Guyanese in Ukraine.

“We don’t know of any student in Ukraine and no one has reached out from Ukraine to us, we don’t have any records of students in Ukraine and we don’t know of any Guyanese who reached out from Ukraine. We have eleven students in Russia,” he explained.

Persaud further indicated that there is an established mechanism in place for Guyanese students who are affected by the crisis to reach out to the Guyana Government for help.

So far, the Ministry has not received any requests for assistance.

“There’s a mechanism where all overseas students have been able to contact student offices in different parts and then through the Government, so there is a network and a channel of communication and that’s primarily those at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Public Service Ministry which is responsible for scholarships,” he noted.

In a brief statement, the Guyana Government – through the Foreign Ministry – expressed, “the Government of Guyana condemns the violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by Russia. We call for an immediate cessation of Military action. The Government is now in consultation with our international partners and will issue a full statement before the end of the day.”


Trump falsely blames Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 'rigged election' in the US before Fox News cut him off President Donald Trump.SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

  • Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday blamed Russia's invasion of Ukraine on his election loss.

  • After he brought up false election claims, the Fox News host Laura Ingraham cut the interview short.

  • Ingraham cut to a speech on the floor of the United Nations, which other networks also showed.

Former President Donald Trump called into Fox News late Wednesday night only to be cut off once he brought up falsehoods about the 2020 US election.

The prime-time opinion host Laura Ingraham was asking Trump about "a lot of weakness in the United States" and where NATO stood as Russia mounted an invasion of Ukraine, news of which broke shortly before the former president's interview.

Trump quickly pivoted to reiterating his baseless claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

"I think you're exactly right — I think that's what happened," Trump said.

"He was going to be satisfied with a peace, and now he sees the weakness and the incompetence and the stupidity of this administration, and, as an American, I'm angry about it, and I'm saddened by it," he continued, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. "And it all happened because of a rigged election. This would have never happened."

After Trump brought up his "rigged election" line, Ingraham ended the interview.

"President Trump, we actually have — just, hold on, I'm so sorry to interrupt you — but have, we're going to the Pentagon, I believe?" Ingraham said. "Ukraine, sorry. Ukraine is speaking at the UN."

MSNBC and CNN also carried the remarks from Sergiy Kyslytsya, Ukraine's permanent representative to the United Nations.

Representatives from Fox News pointed to the network's live coverage from Ukraine when asked for comment.

The Fox News reporters Trey Yingst and Steve Harrigan were on the ground in Ukraine providing live coverage, and Ingraham returned to her previously scheduled interview with the journalist Glenn Greenwald after coming back from the floor of the United Nations.

Read the original article on Business Insider


Lol! PPP is former communists...dem is aile kleptos and plutos now. Former communists are the best at tekkin bribes and kleptocracy. Look at Vlad of of the richest men on de world. Wealth well concealed.


Lol! PPP is former communists...dem is aile kleptos and plutos now. Former communists are the best at tekkin bribes and kleptocracy. Look at Vlad of of the richest men on de world. Wealth well concealed.

I think with the pandemic the world experienced, it also was a pivotting stage for a re-orientation. Like a quell.

The new civilizations of Russia, China and India. Before, we settled on Egypt, Mesopotamia, Harrapa and Mohen-Daro.

WE may not think on this, but the world creeps slowly. So slow that generations do not even realize what is really going on. About 1200 years ago, mankind settled in some things and every so often someone comes into history that recalls how powerful they were and tries to recapture the grandeur.


Lol! PPP is former communists...dem is aile kleptos and plutos now. Former communists are the best at tekkin bribes and kleptocracy. Look at Vlad of of the richest men on de world. Wealth well concealed.

Putin is reportedly one of the richest people in the world, but his exact net worth is nearly impossible to tally. And freezing his assets won’t be easy, as they are likely distributed across a secret web of shell companies, real estate and other people’s accounts. Bill Browder, a U.S. investor who made a fortune in Russia before becoming a prominent Kremlin critic, told the U.S. Senate in 2017 that Putin had accumulated $200 billion in assets.

Still, the complexity of his holdings makes it difficult for world leaders to properly target their sanctions. E.U. foreign policy officials are not backing down, however. “I can assure you that if you got major assets and all of a sudden you can’t get hold of them, it will cost you,” E.U. foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell said in a press conference on Friday. Even so, there is “a whole lot of work that needs to be done” to track down their E.U.-based assets, since Putin and Lavrov’s financial holdings are likely in other names, Borrell noted.

Estimates of Putin’s wealth have varied wildly over the years. In 2012, Stanislav Belkovsky, a former mid-level Kremlin adviser, claimed Putin had a fortune worth at least $70 billion—a figure that would put him in the top 20 of Forbes’ ranking of billionaires today. Belkovsky’s calculus was based on Putin’s alleged stakes in several Russian companies, primarily in the oil sector. Anders Aslund, a Swedish economist and author, estimated this year that Putin has somewhere between $100 billion and $130 billion in assets—a calculation based on the wealth of Putin’s oligarch confidants, which could be between $500 million and $2 billion each.

Official disclosures from the Kremlin list Putin’s annual income around $140,000, and show that he owns a 800-square-foot apartment in St. Petersburg along with two Soviet-era cars, an off-road truck and car trailer. But these assets hardly account for the wealth members of his inner circle hold on his behalf, experts say. The Panama Papers and Pandora Papers—leaked documents that contain information about wealthy individuals hiding money through a network of offshore bank accounts and companies—suggest that Russians with close ties to Putin have amassed fortunes that his family also benefits from.

“He keeps his money in the West,” Browder said in his 2017 testimony, but that money is “potentially exposed to asset freezes and confiscation.” Although the exact location of Putin’s financial holdings remains a mystery, it’s unlikely he keeps money in the U.S.— suggesting the Biden administration’s decision to join E.U. leaders in freezing his assets is largely a symbolic move. Sanctioning Putin and Lavrov “sends a clear message about the strength of the opposition to the actions by President Putin and the direction in his leadership of the Russian military,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Friday.



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