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Originally Posted by cain:

Lately I've been reading much shit about wanting the PNC to apologize. After all these friggin years, now these morons are asking for this. Why?

We all know why, it's to shift our attention from the PPP/C corrupt practices. They are a goddam filthy bunch of flockers running Guyana.


The PNC should tell you all to foff

The PNC committed an historic sin.  Why should the PPP apologize, do you ask a parent to apologize for birth to a not too healthy baby?


The PNC will never have the chance to ruin Guyana and oppress the Indian masses ever again.  They will be given that chance to rule when the safeguards are in place which will prevent this.  The PNC cannot be trusted.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:

Lately I've been reading much shit about wanting the PNC to apologize. After all these friggin years, now these morons are asking for this. Why?

We all know why, it's to shift our attention from the PPP/C corrupt practices. They are a goddam filthy bunch of flockers running Guyana.


The PNC should tell you all to foff

The PNC committed an historic sin.  Why should the PPP apologize, do you ask a parent to apologize for birth to a not too healthy baby?


The PNC will never have the chance to ruin Guyana and oppress the Indian masses ever again.  They will be given that chance to rule when the safeguards are in place which will prevent this.  The PNC cannot be trusted.

What is the difference between the historic sin and the present persisting and grotesque sinning? The matter is a dead infant vs one being deliberately made diseased by poor parents.


Indians do not own guyana. The PNC did not oppress indians alone. There are a couple of hundred thousand afro Guyanese who came through no different than as suffered by indians so they have a say also in their own country.


That you have the audacity to suggest safeguards for the PNC speaks volumes. Those indians in office had 22 years of autocratic rule and their pillage of the coffers does not faze you to demand they be checked either. Further, you see them as worthy to remain in office!


Unfortunately for you, it is inevitable that the PNC will be in office. The only sad thing about that is Indians will wonder why the PPP felt no urge to formalize accounting checks and balances. They will eat cake


Mr TK say about apology matter:


What PNCR has to do is signal an apology instead of saying one. Any apology spoken will be used as propaganda by NCN, Chronicle, and the media outlets that were built up by oligarchic expropriation. Both PPP and PNC would have to make apologies in a Truth Commission. Meanwhile, the PNC has to continue signalling change and be forward-looking. This involves: (i) continue its internal party democracy when selecting its leaders (PPP uses show of hands like Stalin); (ii) it must build up a rainbow coalition representing all ethnic and religious groups of Guyana; (iii) it must seek gender balance as it has been doing; and (iv) it has to outline a clear set of policies indicating it has broken with the backward set of economic policies known as party paramountcy. Anyone who studies basic economics will observe how party paramountcy is destructive to institutions (as is a narco-backed elected oligarchy). Indeed, for me personally, the latter will determine whether MY support and EFFORTS will move beyond Granger to include PNC.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:

Lately I've been reading much shit about wanting the PNC to apologize. After all these friggin years, now these morons are asking for this. Why?

We all know why, it's to shift our attention from the PPP/C corrupt practices. They are a goddam filthy bunch of flockers running Guyana.


The PNC should tell you all to foff

The PNC committed an historic sin.  Why should the PPP apologize,do you ask a parent to apologize for birth to a not too healthy baby?



I have been asking your parents ever since.


Baseman the PPP should apologize for the death of Sash Sawh.


The PPP should apologize for the deaths of everyone in Lusignan, today they continue to shelter one of the culprits who admitted he was involved in the crimes at lusignan and Lindo Creek.


The PPP should apologize for stealing morning noon and night from the people of Guyana.


The PPP should apologize for the destruction of GuySuCo and the bankruptcy of NIS.


The PPP should apologize for using tax payers money to fatten Ramroop and Jagdeo via the GPC front.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Baseman the PPP should apologize for the death of Sash Sawh.


The PPP should apologize for the deaths of everyone in Lusignan, today they continue to shelter one of the culprits who admitted he was involved in the crimes at lusignan and Lindo Creek.


The PPP should apologize for stealing morning noon and night from the people of Guyana.


The PPP should apologize for the destruction of GuySuCo and the bankruptcy of NIS.


The PPP should apologize for using tax payers money to fatten Ramroop and Jagdeo via the GPC front.

The PPP should also apologize for the Roger Khan and phantom-gang killing spree a decade ago. There is a dispute over the number 400 killed but an earlier verified count of 200 dead black youths is still appalling.


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