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Basil Objected to Cde. Rohee speaking in Parliament but Basil is one of Guyana's biggest criminals.

Cde. Ingram wrote this letter.


It was a classic case of Basil Williams once again putting his foot in his mouth during the fourth day of debates on the 2012 national budget in the National Assembly. Basil Williams is a man with aspirations to one day become the leader of the PNC and subsequently the President of Guyana. Should this ever happen, God Forbid, Guyana would end up becoming a state engulfed in criminality of the worst kind, more than anything that would have taken place in Rwanda or Bosnia.

This man Basil Williams is the PNC’s shadow Legal Affairs Minister in Parliament, is known for his sexual harassment of young interns at his office and those attached to the offices of his colleagues in the legal fraternity. Speak with any young intern and immediately Basil’s amorous advances will be highlighted. The venue of choice is usually the sidewalk cafÉ frequented by Williams and his colleagues.

It was interesting to note that in his attempts to catapult himself into the leadership limelight of the PNC when the five criminals escaped on February 23rd 2002, which led to Guyana descending into a state of criminality where women were brutally raped and executed, an elderly man died after being made into a human torch and police were randomly executed; Guyana was at the mercy of these killers and their political masters Basil was seen partying with the leader of the Buxton Five Dale Moore on Buxton Line top celebrating the murderer’s birthday. Why did he chose to be in such company is obvious, the Mash day Jailbreak was orchestrated by the PNC so to was the subsequent events that followed, where members of the PNC became the intellectual authors of the crime spree, indoctrinating the criminals with a murderous brand of political ideology, known as PNC savagism.

What has therefore become the biggest travesty and the public ought to be cognizant of this fact is that, Basil is now heavily critical of the DPP chambers suggesting inter alia that the that office has lost its way in Guyana’s justice system. This coming from someone who tried to undermine the justice system by being in collusion with the Buxton murderers not freedom fighters. It is in fact Basil who has lost his way.


John Ingram

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"The night of the morning before he died, Dale Moore and a certain lawyer with aspiration to lead a major political party and who pays not even a cent in taxes was conspicuously sporting on the embankment; it was Dale Moore’s birthday."{}

I humbly submit that The Lawyer in question here is non other than the PNC's crime chief Basil Williams..

Originally Posted by Streetsmart:

Basil Objected to Cde. Rohee speaking in Parliament but Basil is one of Guyana's biggest criminals.

Cde. Ingram wrote this letter.


It was a classic case of Basil Williams once again putting his foot in his mouth during the fourth day of debates on the 2012 national budget in the National Assembly. Basil Williams is a man with aspirations to one day become the leader of the PNC and subsequently the President of Guyana. Should this ever happen, God Forbid, Guyana would end up becoming a state engulfed in criminality of the worst kind, more than anything that would have taken place in Rwanda or Bosnia.

This man Basil Williams is the PNC’s shadow Legal Affairs Minister in Parliament, is known for his sexual harassment of young interns at his office and those attached to the offices of his colleagues in the legal fraternity. Speak with any young intern and immediately Basil’s amorous advances will be highlighted. The venue of choice is usually the sidewalk café frequented by Williams and his colleagues.

It was interesting to note that in his attempts to catapult himself into the leadership limelight of the PNC when the five criminals escaped on February 23rd 2002, which led to Guyana descending into a state of criminality where women were brutally raped and executed, an elderly man died after being made into a human torch and police were randomly executed; Guyana was at the mercy of these killers and their political masters Basil was seen partying with the leader of the Buxton Five Dale Moore on Buxton Line top celebrating the murderer’s birthday. Why did he chose to be in such company is obvious, the Mash day Jailbreak was orchestrated by the PNC so to was the subsequent events that followed, where members of the PNC became the intellectual authors of the crime spree, indoctrinating the criminals with a murderous brand of political ideology, known as PNC savagism.

What has therefore become the biggest travesty and the public ought to be cognizant of this fact is that, Basil is now heavily critical of the DPP chambers suggesting inter alia that the that office has lost its way in Guyana’s justice system. This coming from someone who tried to undermine the justice system by being in collusion with the Buxton murderers not freedom fighters. It is in fact Basil who has lost his way.


John Ingram

You guya are just trolling for crap. Imagine if one were to take the accusations against the PPP on a factual basis to have them tarred and feathered! Repu would be gone, Rohee would be gone Beri would be gone and the list goes on. Be careful on what you craft these moral equivalencies. If it is on rumor mongering then you are  up to your armpits in the same shit.

Originally Posted by Streetsmart:


"The night of the morning before he died, Dale Moore and a certain lawyer with aspiration to lead a major political party and who pays not even a cent in taxes was conspicuously sporting on the embankment; it was Dale Moore’s birthday."{}

I humbly submit that The Lawyer in question here is non other than the PNC's crime chief Basil Williams..

Is there a moral equivalency here with the party that hired a drug lord who by his own account was instrumental in the murder of many perceived to be a treat said party? At least you are still in t he realm of rumor with your complaint so if that is to rise your moral indignation please feel free to rant about what is in the legal RK was an agent of the PPP and they murdered citizens.


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