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Chief, there is a lot of anger in the African African community. Young blacks are being shot by police. Today it is them tomorrow it can be us.

I do not support violence but I support peaceful protest. 

I do not see these events benefitting Trump. Americans are intelligent people. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Chief, there is a lot of anger in the African African community. Young blacks are being shot by police. Today it is them tomorrow it can be us.

I do not support violence but I support peaceful protest. 

I do not see these events benefitting Trump. Americans are intelligent people. 

I am not disputing any of the above.

All I am saying this is just what Trump need.


There is a lot of anger in Muslims as well , drones are wiping out entire families that has nothing to do with terrorism. Entire  Muslim countries are invaded by both the West and the East. Does that give any Muslim the right to go kill innocent people in Paris, NY, Turkey and elsewhere?

Protesting peacefully against  police actions and looting are two different things.

Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:

Chief, there is a lot of anger in the African African community. Young blacks are being shot by police. Today it is them tomorrow it can be us.

I do not support violence but I support peaceful protest. 

I do not see these events benefitting Trump. Americans are intelligent people. 

I am not disputing any of the above.

All I am saying this is just what Trump need.


There is a lot of anger in Muslims as well , drones are wiping out entire families that has nothing to do with terrorism. Entire  Muslim countries are invaded by both the West and the East. Does that give any Muslim the right to go kill innocent people in Paris, NY, Turkey and elsewhere?

Protesting peacefully against  police actions and looting are two different things.

"America is like a big juicy apple, maggots eating away at it". Sort of a similar line from a Sidney Poitier movie. Plays the part a modern day savior that comes to America and witness chaos and killings. It is like the times we living in.

Soon Obama will be out. And from the looks of it, Michele Obama could very well run for the Presidency in the near future. The Obamas have taken over from the Clintons Democratic Establishment.

Michele Obama should go out and wag her finger at Black folks and tell to stop their nonsense and go find meaningful employment. 

Cobra posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Cobra posted:

As along as Muslim exist the bombing will continue until you start to think Hitler. 

Really  ??????

Yes, DG. Towards the ones that aiming on killing innocent people. I hope you stand in agreement on this.

1. Muslims, as you have stated.


2. Some Muslims, extremists which are less than 0.1 percent of the world population.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Cobra posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Cobra posted:

As along as Muslim exist the bombing will continue until you start to think Hitler. 

Really  ??????

Yes, DG. Towards the ones that aiming on killing innocent people. I hope you stand in agreement on this.

1. Muslims, as you have stated.


2. Some Muslims, extremists which are less than 0.1 percent of the world population.

Whether I said or not, I always referred to the bad apples that spoils the whole barrel. Regardless if it's 0.1 percent, it's still a lot of them based on worldwide population. The solution has to be harsh to get result. Since everyone compared Trump to Hitler, let him think like Hitler and do what's right. Well, we may brag more about what cannot be done. The old saying says, if you live by the sword, you shall die by the sword. Which reminds me seeing children burning in cages at the hands of evil men. My method of revenge is to see them die is similar fashion. 

Cobra posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Cobra posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Cobra posted:

As along as Muslim exist the bombing will continue until you start to think Hitler. 

Really  ??????

Yes, DG. Towards the ones that aiming on killing innocent people. I hope you stand in agreement on this.

1. Muslims, as you have stated.


2. Some Muslims, extremists which are less than 0.1 percent of the world population.

Whether I said or not, I always referred to the bad apples that spoils the whole barrel. Regardless if it's 0.1 percent, it's still a lot of them based on worldwide population. The solution has to be harsh to get result. Since everyone compared Trump to Hitler, let him think like Hitler and do what's right. Well, we may brag more about what cannot be done. The old saying says, if you live by the sword, you shall die by the sword. Which reminds me seeing children burning in cages at the hands of evil men. My method of revenge is to see them die is similar fashion. 

Your long statement is immaterial and unrelated to the issues.

Noted again ...


1. Muslims, as you have stated.


2. Some Muslims, extremists which are less than 0.1 percent of the world population


seignet posted:

Michele Obama should go out and wag her finger at Black folks and tell to stop their nonsense and go find meaningful employment. 

You are an interesting man.  You go to a majority black church yet spend all day screaming racism against blacks.

In fact most unemployed blacks spend a lot of time trying to find work. 


Oi Cobra, jus in case you didn't ketch it. In Guyanese, "Your long statement is immaterial and unrelated to the issues."  means, Carry yo rass da answer the man an' stop bushin the skirt...ah mean skirtin the bush.

Noted again ...


1. Muslims, as you have stated.


2. Some Muslims, extremists which are less than 0.1 percent of the world population


Take Action

Two things. The snake is still stupid while Sagga bai is totally confused.

The snake thinks that Trump as president should be like Hitler and get rid of all Muslims since "some bad apples spoil the whole barrel". It must be noted that the word is basket and not barrel.

Sagga bai on the other hand wants to ignore the fact that racism still affects many blacks. A black has to be exceptional to get any meaningful recognition and still may be rewarded less than a mediocre white. White women earn seventy something cents on the dollar doing the same work as white men. Blacks earn even less than white women.

There is an old Guyanese saying 'buying pig in bag'. That is Trump. Con man extraordinaire.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Michele Obama should go out and wag her finger at Black folks and tell to stop their nonsense and go find meaningful employment. 

You are an interesting man.  You go to a majority black church yet spend all day screaming racism against blacks.

In fact most unemployed blacks spend a lot of time trying to find work. 

Huh! Interesting. This is only an excuse by you to condone the destruction of businesses as we witnessed last night. Why should they work when they get free food and housing? You know this from inside out. Why you think your people want to live in large cities? Check out last night's CNN live videos. Rings a bell as to what I have been saying all along heh?

skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

The non violent Protest in Charlotte is UNACCEPTABLE!!!  THe Police needs to deal with those that Loot, Burn and Destroy( WEre they trained by the PNC???)

Nah Bhai. It's in their DNA. This happens all over the world.

An Indian man was in my car last night , 71 years old and said the same thing whilst we were listening to CNN.

I do not agree with that.

Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

The non violent Protest in Charlotte is UNACCEPTABLE!!!  THe Police needs to deal with those that Loot, Burn and Destroy( WEre they trained by the PNC???)

Nah Bhai. It's in their DNA. This happens all over the world.

An Indian man was in my car last night , 71 years old and said the same thing whilst we were listening to CNN.

I do not agree with that.

Chief, nah everybady rang bai. Dah man see more years dan you, he no what he taakin'.

Kari posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

The non violent Protest in Charlotte is UNACCEPTABLE!!!  THe Police needs to deal with those that Loot, Burn and Destroy( WEre they trained by the PNC???)

Nah Bhai. It's in their DNA. This happens all over the world.

Racist sk0nt!!!! Go wear a bed sheet on your head!

You blind skoant cannot accept the truth. Sorry, I do not have white sheets. I will try to design a new hood without using a white bed sheet.

Chief posted:

It is wrong to generalize and cast blame on an entire group all because of the acts by a few.

Skeldon_man did you ever stop to think why they have no alternative but to riot and burn? It is the only time people will start paying attention. 

Why riot and burn? Why not peaceful protest like MLK did? Why not boycott local white business?

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

It is wrong to generalize and cast blame on an entire group all because of the acts by a few.

Skeldon_man did you ever stop to think why they have no alternative but to riot and burn? It is the only time people will start paying attention. 

Why riot and burn? Why not peaceful protest like MLK did? Why not boycott local white business?

Obama never sat a good example for these black people. Al Sharpton is a disgrace for ******itise.

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

It is wrong to generalize and cast blame on an entire group all because of the acts by a few.

Skeldon_man did you ever stop to think why they have no alternative but to riot and burn? It is the only time people will start paying attention. 

Why riot and burn? Why not peaceful protest like MLK did? Why not boycott local white business?

Obama never sat a good example for these black people. Al Sharpton is a disgrace for ******itise.

They loot, destroy and burn the business in their own cities. Guess what, if there no businesses, who is going to employ them? If the businessmen think that it is not safe to establish a business there, who are you going to blame? The business people?


Congressman: Charlotte protesters ‘hate white people because white people are successful’

For several years now, as demonstrators across the country have poured into the streets, there has been little doubt about their chief motivation: Outrage over the killings of unarmed black Americans at the hands of taxpayer-funded law enforcement agencies.

But Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-N.C.) isn’t buying it.

A white American male born in 1948, the lawmaker says he understands the motivations of young, African American protesters better than they do.

“The grievance in their minds — the animus, the anger — they hate white people, because white people are successful and they’re not,” Pittenger told BBC Newsnight when he was asked about what is driving heated protests in Charlotte.

“It is a welfare state,” he added. “We have spent trillions of dollars on welfare, and we’ve put people in bondage, so they can’t be all that they’re capable of being.”


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