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Corruption rife in the mining industry as Broomes retains mining interest via slight of hands as she clams to have given mines over to kids.  

Minister Broomes: I have given up all mining interests to my children


Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources, Simona Broomes, has assured that she is not in control of any mining interests.

The Minister was over the weekend responding to questions over her linkage

Ministers Simona Broomes and Raphael Trotman, earlier this year.

Ministers Simona Broomes and Raphael Trotman, earlier this year.

to a mining dredge.
It would be conflict of interest for the Minister to be in control or participate in mining activities that benefit her financially or otherwise, as the Ministry is charged with overseeing the extractive sector, of which gold mining is part.
According to leaked documents of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), permission was granted to one Simona Broomes of Bartica to operate SD # 1967 on Mining Permit H43/MP/000.
The permission was for period March 3, 2016 to March 3, 2017.
According to the documents, the dredge would be operated on a concession owned by one E. Hopkinson, in the Puruni River, Region Seven.
Yesterday, Minister Broomes made it clear that she had made moves to relinquish all her mining interests after she was appointed to the Ministry. As a matter of fact, her daughter is also named Simona.
“I can tell you that the mining interest, including the land dredge, which I have owned for some time, before I became a Minister, have been transferred to my children. They are controlling it. I have documents which I have written to the GGMC to confirm the request for transfer.”
Contacted yesterday, Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, disclosed that the matter was brought to his attention some time ago and he immediately sought a meeting with Broomes.
“I was satisfied after speaking with her that all rights and interests have been transferred.”
Prior to becoming a Minister, Broomes was a prominent mining activist, helping to establish the Guyana Women Miners Organisation. She has been awarded by the US Government for her work to halt trafficked persons.
Questioned about her involvement in Australian-owned mining company, Pharsalus Gold Inc, the Minister disclosed that indeed she had a long-standing agreement with it.
The company is moving to develop large scale mining operations in Issano, Region Seven. Under the agreement she has with the company when they are ready to mine, they will have the option of buying her out or offering a deal. The interest in that company has also been transferred to her children, Broomes said yesterday.
“So I have no mining interests. I want it to be made clear that I have relinquished all the interests.”
The issue of Broomes being a miner and Minister charged with overseeing the gold sector had reared its head earlier this year after she was appointed.
However, Minister Trotman, during a joint press conference with Broomes, said that there is no conflict of interest. He pointed out that there are other Government officials and even ex-Ministers who own vast properties and businesses.
In the event that transactions regarding Pharsalus come up, Trotman said he will handle it, ensuring Broomes is insulated and “kept at arm’s length”.
He also stated that Broomes would lend a wealth of knowledge to the natural resources sector, particularly mining.
Among other things, Broomes is charged with overseeing aspects of the occupational health, safety and protection of the rights of mining workers and practitioners within the mining and forestry sectors.
She is also charged with monitoring compliance by mining workers and practitioners, of the laws and regulations within the mining and forestry sectors, among other things.

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Home > TOP STORY > I’ve done nothing wrong — Broomes defends transfer of dredge to children
Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources, Simona Broomes
Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources, Simona Broomes

I’ve done nothing wrong — Broomes defends transfer of dredge to children


By Ariana Gordon

Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources Simona Broomes said she “will not buckle” as allegations of conflict of interest continue to surface following the transfer of a dredge to her children. Broomes, a miner for more than 28 years, told reporters on Monday that she will stand up to all the challenges before her, while asserting that “there is no conflict of interest” and “I have done nothing wrong”.
The minister explained that she and her family have been involved in mining for more than two decades and when she became Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources, she decided to transfer her dredge, which has been out of operation for a number of years, to her children.
“I am not responding to the attack but I am giving clarity to the issue… what is circulating is very deliberate and I expected it,” she told reporters during a media briefing at the Ministry of Natural Resources, Brickdam.
She was at the time making reference to an article carried by the Stabroek News on Sunday and one carried by the Guyana Times on Monday.
Both articles alleged conflict of interest by the transfer, but Broomes reiterated that she has done nothing wrong.
“I transferred a dredge… I did not transfer a Mining Permit (MP) to my daughter… a dredge is what I transferred…that is all I transferred,” she added as she explained that the dredge has been in existence for decades.
The minister added that the allegation of conflict of interest is vexatious, as she has no role to play in the granting of permission to mine. Broomes applied for the transfer of the dredge to her children, one of whom bears the same first and last names, as she.
“To say that special favours were handed down is false. I have no saying in these matters.” The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), she said is responsible for the granting of permission for the transfer of dredge from one person to another. Permission was granted by GGMC for the transfer of the dredge SD 1967 from Minister Broomes to her two children.
The minister said citizens need to be cautious of the attempts by several to malign her and her family. She said she wrote to Commissioner of GGMC earlier this year requesting that the dredge be transferred to her children.
That permission was granted, but the signing of the documents could not have been done immediately, as her children were abroad and had to return to Guyana to finalise the process.
Broomes added that her children, who are involved in the industry have no choice but to comply with the laws. She said her position as a minister would not grant them special privileges.
“While my children are in the sector, they have no other door to go through but the right one…. I think it is very outstanding that a minister has a child towing the line and going by the law… I have always taught my children to be law abiding,” she noted, while adding that the issues were foreseeable.
“I knew that my involvement in this Ministry would have posed a lot of problems,” Broomes stated.
Broomes said too, should there be a real issue of conflict of interest, she will not be responsible for the handling of the matter, as that lies with Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman.
Additionally, the minister said she was not asked by any Government official to transfer her dredge to her children.
“My children are Guyanese, the Constitution says every Guyanese has a right to earn… to move an attack from me to my children… Why would one want to drag my children through the mud? My children have committed no crime,” she asserted.
Additionally, the Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources said she worked as a miner all her life and struggled to achieve all she has. Minister Broomes noted that she has always been transparent and that will not change with her post as a minister of Government.
Broomes said functioning as a minister, while having devious people attempt to malign her character and integrity is not easy, but she will not give up.
“It is not an easy task, but I am committed. I am one of the female ministers that will stand tall and I will not buckle… I am in mining all my life, what are my children to do? Leave everything on the ground and flee?”
The minister said over the years she has suffered as a miner. Her children, she said, have recently restarted mining after years of challenges.
“We had to flee… there were gun attacks… we had to leave everything and flee… I suffered for activism,” said Minister Broomes, who was honoured by the United States Secretary of State John Kerry as one of the 2013 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report Heroes.
She called on those making allegations against her to educate themselves before making spurious claims.
“Persons have to read more, study more and understand more before they make statements, they are making wild statements,” she said.


Relocate Broomes from Natural Resources Ministry – Jeffrey

– transfer of interest to children is not the answer


Despite no longer having legal control of her mining interests, concerns still abound that preferential treatment and favours will be granted to the children of Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources Simona Broomes, who recently announced that her children have taken over all her mining operations in an effort to quiet down conflict of interest concerns.

Minister Simona Broomes

Minister Simona Broomes

However, political commentator Dr Henry Jeffrey contended that the only way those concerns can be eliminated is by completely removing the Minister from the Natural Resources Ministry. “I don’t think Minister Broomes understands clearly what conflict of interest means, I can understand her dilemma being in mining all this time and you know it’s a family business and she is now in the Ministry involved with mining. What she should be asking is for government to remove her from there and put her somewhere else. She could be in another Ministry,” Dr Jeffrey stated.

Documents showing dredge licence granted to the Junior Natural Resources Minister’s daughter, Simona Broomes

Documents showing dredge licence granted to the Junior Natural Resources Minister’s daughter, Simona Broomes

The recent approval of an application to operate a dredge in the name of ‘Simona Broomes’ sparked much controversy and once again raised conflict of interest concerns. However, reports indicate that the applicant ‘Simona Broomes’ is actually the daughter of the Minister, who shares the same name as her mother.
According to reports, Broomes said since becoming a Minister, she took a personal decision to relinquish control of all her dredges. In this regard, Broomes dismissed conflict of interest concerns with her children operating dredges, insisting that they have been in the mining industry all their lives.
But, questions still remain as to whether the minister is using her children as a front.
Another political commentator Ramon Gaskin, in an invited comment, supported the notion that the transfer of mining operations to her children does not put to rest conflict of interest concerns. “That doesn’t solve the problem because when the children go into Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) to do business, they know that the children’s mother is the Minister, so that really don’t solve the problem,” he explained.

Blind trust
Gaskin said the best way to settle the conflict of interest concerns is to set up a blind trust. “You don’t hear from them and they don’t hear from you. They just running it for you and you have nothing to do with it. That’s how you deal with those kinds of situations. Not by giving it to your children and all that nonsense, that doesn’t solve the problem,” he stated.
A blind trust protects an investor from charges of conflict of interest and other improprieties because its specific assets and trading practices are unknown to the investor. In modern societies, corporate employees and public officials often use blind trusts to avoid charges of insider trading and corruption, respectively.
In fact, Gaskin said blind trusts should be established for all government ministers who have business interests. “This also goes to all ministers who have businesses, all of them should be required to set up a blind trust and turn over all their business deals, have nothing to do with it at all, ever. In that way, you would avoid any allegations of impropriety, because it is blind,” he stated.

Code of Conduct
According to the draft code of conduct, “Ministers, Members of Parliament and public office holders should avoid using their official position or transmitting any information made available to them in the course of their work to benefit themselves, their relations or any other individuals with whom they are associated.
They should avoid compromising themselves or their office which may lead to an actual or perceived conflict of interest. Failure to avoid or declare any conflict of interest may give rise to criticism of favouritism, abuse of authority or even allegations of corruption.”
The Code is further meant to engender and reinforce public confidence in the manner in which senior government officials perform their duties in service to the people. It is based on ten principles – Accountability, Dignity, Diligence, Duty, Honour, Integrity, Loyalty, Objectivity, Responsibility and Transparency – and is a Coalition Government manifesto promise.
Reports indicate that the government is still receiving feedback from stakeholders on the draft code of conduct before finalising it and passing in it in the National Assembly. Something which was supposed to have been done since August last year.


Broomes is obviously trying to hide her interests behind her children. She doesn't look that old so make me wonder how old are the kids that she transfer the interest, teenagers? We all know it is a scam anyway.  The question now for Broomes is whether the profits from the mining operation is greater than the profits from bribery she will receive from squeezing Indian miners in shakedown scams. 


Broomes insists: “I did nothing wrong”

as accusations of conflict of interest continued to be levelled against Junior Minister of Natural Resources Simona Broomes over her mining interests and current oversight of the mining sector, the minister came out to defend her integrity and declared that she did nothing wrong by transferring her mining interests to her two children.

Broomes’ mining interest came under scrutiny over the weekend after information surfaced suggesting she was granted another Mining Permit H43/MP/000 by the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission.

However, the Minister during a news conference at her Brickdam office on Monday morning, claimed that what is being pedalled in the media is part of a “deliberate attempt to besmirch” her character and that of her children.

“Why would one want to drag my children through the mud, my children have committed no crime,” she declared and clarified that no new mining permit was granted but rather it was a transfer of her dredge to her

Junior Minister of Natural Resources Simona Broomes

Junior Minister of Natural Resources Simona Broomes

son, and daughter whose name is also Simona Broomes.

“All I have done is transfer a dredge that was in existence for decades. It has nothing to do with a permit… I have done nothing wrong,” the minister declared, adding that she was not responding to any individual attack on her, but rather was just giving clarity to the Guyanese people.

“I think that what is circulating out there at this time it is deliberate attempt to besmirch me,” said Broomes.

The minister who spent some 28 years as a miner said that while her children continue to operate in the mining sector, there is no preferential treatment, rather, her children are “towing the line.”

She noted that should a situation arise which could be deemed a conflict of interest, it will not be handled by her, but will be passed to senior Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman.

Broomes boasted that prior to becoming a minister, she maintained a spotless character and it is her intention to continue to maintain that character and leave a legacy of transparency and accountability.

“It is not an easy task but I have committed. I am one of the female ministers that will stand tall and I will not buckle,” she said.

But, while the minister is maintaining there is no conflict of interest since her mining interest are now being handled by her children, many still believe that the fact she is a government minister and more so responsible for the mining sector, it is already a factor that could influence decision in her children’s favour as they remain in the industry.

Some transparency and accountability advocates are maintaining that the minister’s decision to transfer her mining interests to her children does not remove the cloud of conflict of interest, since they are in essence managing her business.

Many say that Broomes seems to be in breach of the government’s highly-touted Code of Conduct for Ministers, Parliamentarians and other public officials, even before its implementation.

The Draft Code of Conduct says that, “a conflict of interest situation arises when the private interests of the public office holder compete or conflict with the interests of the State.”

“Private interests” mean both the financial and personal interests of the official and staff or those of their connections including, family and other relations; personal friends; other companies or business interests which they hold or own (both in part or in whole); other clubs and societies to which they belong; and any person to whom they owe a favour or are obligated in any way.

On Sunday, political commentator Dr Henry Jeffery contended that the only way those concerns can be eliminated is by completely removing the Minister from the Natural Resources Ministry.

“I don’t think Minister Broomes understands clearly what conflict of interest means. I can understand her dilemma being in mining all this time and you know it’s a family business and she is now in the Ministry involved with mining. What she should be asking is for government to remove her from there and put her somewhere else. She could be in another ministry,” Dr Jeffrey stated.

Meanwhile, another political commentator and economist Ramon Gaskin reasoned that Broomes’ decision to transfer her mining operations to her children does not put to rest conflict of interest concerns.

“That doesn’t solve the problem because when the children go into Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) to do business, they know that the children’s mother is the minister, so that really don’t solve the problem,” he explained.

Gaskin suggested that the best way to settle the conflict of interest concerns is to set up a blind trust: “You don’t hear from them and they don’t hear from you.

They just running it for you and you have nothing to do with it. That’s how you deal with those kinds of situations. Not by giving it to your children and all that nonsense, that doesn’t solve the problem.”

A blind trust protects an investor from charges of conflict of interest and other improprieties because its specific assets and trading practices are unknown to the investor.

In modern societies, corporate employees and public officials often use blind trusts to avoid charges of insider trading and corruption, respectively.

Despite these allegations against the minister, there has been no official statement from government regarding this issue.


She must no have been a very good miner, after 28 years in the business and only own 1 dredge?  I have family with 5 years in the business with dozens of dredges. 


The minister who spent some 28 years as a miner....

“All I have done is transfer a dredge that was in existence for decades.

“All I have done is transfer a dredge that was in existence for decades. It has nothing to do with a permit… I have done nothing wrong,” the minister declared, adding that she was not responding to any individual attack on her, but rather was just giving clarity to the Guyanese people.
“I think that what is circulating out there at this time it is deliberate attempt to besmirch me,” said Broomes.


Broomes insists: “I did nothing wrong”, May 17, 2016 By

The fundamental issue is ... "Does Simona Brooms gain/enjoy any benefits from the operation?"

Demerara_Guy posted:
“All I have done is transfer a dredge that was in existence for decades. It has nothing to do with a permit… I have done nothing wrong,” the minister declared, adding that she was not responding to any individual attack on her, but rather was just giving clarity to the Guyanese people.
“I think that what is circulating out there at this time it is deliberate attempt to besmirch me,” said Broomes.


Broomes insists: “I did nothing wrong”, May 17, 2016 By

The fundamental issue is ... "Does Simona Brooms gain/enjoy any benefits from the operation?"

Apparently not, since after 28 years she only managed to secure 1 dredge. 


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