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@ Sean, shut yuh poke. 

Seriously, this is a Harvard case study on the astounding political comeback of the PPP. 

Jagdeo did great rebuilding the grassroots PYO and other networks which was the strength of the PPP during Jagan days. That allowed them to engage and capture many disenchanted youths of all races.

Coalition was a lazy bunch who quickly forgot how they eked out a win in 2015.  Let them go home and contemplate and ponder. They were a big letdown and deserved the boot. They only have themselves to blame. 

Jagdeo needs to now be conciliatory to the defeated. He said if the PPP is re-elected they intend to retain certain competent key PNC appointees. He should follow-through and calm the other side. Remember, they are proud Guyanese too.


I agree and Jagdeo being a very intelligent politician will make very few mistakes in his third term.

Trump and Jagdeo will become the centre Harvard case studies for hundreds of years to come.

It will be even more puzzling for them to comprehend how Jagdeo won a third term despite CCJ ruling ! I predict a fourth term for Jagdeo if he plays his card right.

In the meanwhile, Cobra was seen hiding in a bar at Liberty after cussing down Indos for putting their faith in Jagdeo.

D2 is scratching his head after cussing down the PPP,  Kulies and BJ. He going to buss a blood vessel. 

PNC will have to retool by getting rid of their dinosaur fossils starting with Granger.

hey hey hey 

Last edited by Former Member

Base, I agree they must keep the brilliant, competent Officers who are doing great work for the Country. Tit for Tat will not work with Uncle Nehru. If PPP wins, Anil must be AG and responsible for Prosecution and head an Intelligence Unit to stamp out Crimes. Electronic equipment, Crime Lab and human intelligence on the must will be necessary to rid Guyana of Criminals. Datadin must be Justice Minister responsible for articulating and formulating new stern Laws and to advisre the President of all matters legal. Spy equipment, Surveillance gathering and electronic eavesdropping equipment must be Tender asap Experts in these fields must be recruited asap!!


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