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Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Prince:

Winston Murray would have made a great opposition leader had he lived. He has the real democratic quality to work with the ruling party to make all Guyanese a happier people. Granger and Ramjattan couldn't come close to Mr. Murray's quality and experience. Mr. Murray would have reformed the Black race to be more responsible in their personal lives and to get involve in the nation's building. May God rest his soul!

Pajama Pants,


Why don't Odeen ban your sorry pathetic ass if he is concerned with cleaning up the board. Obviously if some modicum of propriety is needed, some baseline intellect is also necessary. 

You speak with a forked tongue. Prince may have made a controversial point. It is good that this has generated discussion. But if you are talking about propriety and conduct and cleaning up the boards then why is the behavior of Redux escaping your radar. This person has posted one liners here replete with references to sex in the basest forms and yet you have uttered not a single word. What is good for the goose is also good for the gutter rat.  

It is not a controversial point it is s stupid point. Controversies have basis to argue but to say that on account of race one group is lesser than is patently absurdest thinking in this era given our understanding of biology. There is no such thing as race in biology and to use social prejudices to corral groups into subaltern status  on account of prejudicial ranking schemes....jails. school performance is not intellectual.


I left redux alone because he is clearly smart if obscene. Prince is obscene and stupid. It is comparative redemptive value. In any event, least you missed it, there was a conjunction used in the framing of my statement. It was not a statement from me insisting that a condition of decorum or intelligence be met. I am not as moronic as Pajama pants. Please read again.

Redux replies to Prince 'is a good thing u still searching for yuh penis' How is this contributing intelligently to the debate? Since you are convinced that he is 'smart if obscene' you may care to answer.   

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Redux replies to Prince 'is a good thing u still searching for yuh penis' How is this contributing intelligently to the debate? . . .   

oww bai, bigots vomiting deh prejudices on GNI to create a clusterf*** fuh PPP pantymen will not be dignified as "debate" by me . . . i will properly identify what is actually going on (small penis syndrome, etc) and crack my whip as often as i can on your hairy, diseased hides 


if u bin paying attention, shortly after i joined this MB i realized what y'all were all about and decided that i would not waste my time stirring vomit


. . . now, sugrim, run back into your hole and compose a rap before my whip finds your back again

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Redux replies to Prince 'is a good thing u still searching for yuh penis' How is this contributing intelligently to the debate? . . .   

oww bai, bigots vomiting deh prejudices on GNI to create a clusterf*** fuh PPP antimen will not be dignified as "debate" by me . . . i will properly identify what is actually going on (small penis syndrome, etc) and crack my whip as often as i can on your hairy, diseased hides 


if u bin paying attention, shortly after i joined this MB i realized what y'all were all about and decided that i would not waste my time stirring vomit


. . . now, sugrim, run back into your hole and compose a rap before my whip finds your back again

Your crap

doesn't deserve a rap

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Redux replies to Prince 'is a good thing u still searching for yuh penis' How is this contributing intelligently to the debate? . . .   

oww bai, bigots vomiting deh prejudices on GNI to create a clusterf*** fuh PPP antimen will not be dignified as "debate" by me . . . i will properly identify what is actually going on (small penis syndrome, etc) and crack my whip as often as i can on your hairy, diseased hides 


if u bin paying attention, shortly after i joined this MB i realized what y'all were all about and decided that i would not waste my time stirring vomit


. . . now, sugrim, run back into your hole and compose a rap before my whip finds your back again

Your crap

doesn't deserve a rap

good bai; i'll re-holster my whip . . . for now


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