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@Former Member

i agree that the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs should be a Super Ministry. Jonas should be given be appointed the Minister. Shuman, should be appointed Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs.

When and if the PPP wins the election, they should not be forgiven by the party, like Cheddi did. APNU/AFC thugs and leaders and Officials involved in the 2020 election must face the full force of the law or the PPP will send the wrong message that they are giving special treatment to politicians and other lawbreakers. Stealing a country from it’s people is the worst offense. The PPP should be drawing up a list and adding to it everyday. That is my opinion.



Last edited by Former Member

It is my opinion that this waiting on god to solve our problems and blissfully  attending to prayers and rituals  after  being kicked in the mouth constantly by this rogue regime is not a prescription for a solution. Meeting its obscene behavior with fervent opposition by shutting down the state and to  the point of resistance when the inevitable resistance comes is the only solution.

 What Granger and his corrupt associates in GECOM has done is brutally attempt to remain in office in t he face of what is an loss is not an easy pill to swallow. The PPP lost t he last elections by one vote in region 8 and 4500 votes in general and left with no attendant violence. I cannot say I am or, ever will in the near future, be a fan of that Party but this naked and in your face fraud is more than a kick in the groin. It is completely contemptuous of who we are.



@Former Member

I would take that to be as a bribe to our talented people who are attempting to change our politics. One cannot join these tribal parties. One becomes consumed and tainted just as they are. Look at Ramjhattan a your example. It is not that  he is naturally a bad person. He is made bad by accepting a hand out on on the presumption he can make a change from the inside but he would have been better served on the outside. Now he is a hollow man.



@Former Member

i agree that the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs should be a Super Ministry. Jonas should be given be appointed the Minister. Shuman, should be appointed Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs.

When and if the PPP wins the election, they should not be forgiven by the party, like Cheddi did. APNU/AFC thugs and leaders and Officials involved in the 2020 election must face the full force of the law or the PPP will send the wrong message that they are giving special treatment to politicians and other lawbreakers. Stealing a country from it’s people is the worst offense. The PPP should be drawing up a list and adding to it everyday. That is my opinion. 

The ministries should be returned to their hierarchical status. This circular hole within a hole is nonsensical and hardly anyone ever know who carries what responsibility Amerindians should select their own from a poll of their tribal leaders who should be the minister of Amerindian affairs. Outsiders who have not lived among us or worked in our communities or know our culture should not make decisions for us. 


8 minutes of ridiculing and insulting Indians but no time to address the attempted theft of democracy in Guyana. I would venture that she is an Indian hater. Violence happens every day in every community but since a week ago, more like the past year, it has been Granger's disobedience in the laws of Guyana. There is really nothing positive to take away from her assault of the Indian community.


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