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Thi is the view of the racist PNC  "so long as the P.P.P. retains its present leadership and policies there is no way in which any real measure of responsible government can be restored without the certainty that the country will again be subjected to constitutional crisis".


Well win the darn election at the polls!


But you cannot get out of your green shirt and into the East Indian areas, you can only represent a small black elite in Congress place cause.


When last have you done something for the single mother of Victoria or Buxton.


Well I cannot even ask you to do something for the single mother of Enmore if you cannot even look after your own supporters.


Meanwhile the PPP continue to rule roght shod over the whole nation and uses race and propoganda to win elections.


What a shyte hole.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Until Guyana does not get a truth and reconciliation commission and until the PNC does not apologise for rigging election, the can frig off in the minds of the East Indian.

A Truth Commission will reveal how savage the PYO was to black people.  We have moved on, and don't want that era re-opened.  But if you insist you mightn't like what it reveals, because it will show that the notion of the PPP accusing the PNC of savagery and violence smacks of hypocrisy when they are equally violent, and worked hand in hand with Fidel Castro, just as the PNC/UF worked with the CIA.


We had to flee WCD when some blacks were torn off a train and murdered by PYO goons.  Many blacks can tell similar tales.


And I see only the "East Indian mindset" must be addressed.  What of the African/mixed mindset?  I see.  Just ignore those black people!


If the PPP really bothers you then you need to get those who it sees as its core base to show their distaste for their behavior.  Why only blame blacks?


Oh yes we are 100% to blame for the atrocities of the 60s, and now 100% responsible to curb the excesses of the PPP!


If Indians are happy with PPP corruption and excesses then they need to vote for them.  They shouldn't complain as the PPP takes them for granted and ignores them, until the next election when they will arrive, terrify them about black people once again.  Rest assured APNU will be equally vigilant in scaring blacks about Indians, to ensure their support, even though they don't deserve it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



You mek Carib run for cover.

Which cover.  I was around in the 1960s and so I know that the truth will reveal plenty about PYO cadres being trained to kill black people.  And guns sent from Cuba to ensure that this happened.  Even the PPP personality, Odeen Ishmael doesn't deny that Indians also committed acts against innocent blacks.


Careful that such an investigation blows the whole myth that only the PNC was responsible for the violence.  Eusi Kwayana is quite willing and able to show evidence that the PPP aren't the innocents who you might think that they might be.  Indeed he argues in "No Guilty Race" that ethnic tensions began to arise after the PPP victory in 1961 when they drove down the East Cost making racist threats as they passed through black villagers.  Even Cheddi was embarrassed when a black woman, who liked Cheddi, was verbally abused by these, who thought, because she was black she was a PNC supporter.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:


Meanwhile the PPP continue to rule roght shod over the whole nation and uses race and propoganda to win elections.


What a shyte hole.

  Flawed logic.  The PPP runs roughshod over the whole nation.  I agree.  The PPP wins because they scare Indian and buy out enough Indians Tochaos and blacks to put them over the top.


Now why didn't they not win the majority this time.  Because the AFC was able to peal away enough Indian votes to deprive them.


It seems to me as if its up to those Indians who do not like the PPP to get into those Indian villages and EDUCATE them.


What will change the PPP is if they feel that they will lose more Indians (by not voting, even if they cant bring themselves to support the PPP.


Black people hate the PPP almost to a man, so really I don't see what you expect them to do.  The PPP doesn't care what they think, and feels confident that they will shoot them if they try anything.


The ball lies in the hands of the Indians, just as it did among blacks in the Burnham era.  You need to go find an Indian Walter Rodney.


You expect too much of APNU.  They know they will not win because there are still a few more Indian than black/mixed votes, and they lack the power of incumbency to buy out enough Amerindian votes.  So they sit comfortable in parliament knowing that racial insecurities guarantee that they will always be the largest opposition party. 


Just as you insist that there is an East Indian mindset that must be catered to, they know full well that excessive outreach to Indians will guarantee a slump in support from those blacks who will see them as sellouts (which they already suspect them of being any way).  So they will make enough noise, but don't expect that they will ever win, because they don't think that they will gain enough Indian support, and will not risk black support in an attempt to get it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Until Guyana does not get a truth and reconciliation commission and until the PNC does not apologise for rigging election, the can frig off in the minds of the East Indian.

imagine . . . your sine qua non for racial reconciliation in Guyana is that de greenshirt party "apologise" for "rigging elections" a quarter century ago


really now?


hmmm . . . Raphael Trotman somehow comes to mind


perhaps u, yugee and other wannabe Indo-opinion table setters din read alyuh own smelly memo . . . nah suh bai?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Until Guyana does not get a truth and reconciliation commission and until the PNC does not apologise for rigging election, the can frig off in the minds of the East Indian.

imagine . . . your sine qua non for racial reconciliation in Guyana is that de greenshirt party "apologise" for "rigging elections" a quarter century ago


really now?


hmmm . . . Raphael Trotman somehow comes to mind


perhaps u, yugee and other wannabe Indo-opinion table setters din read alyuh own smelly memo . . . nah suh bai?



No fight with you.


Pre-requisite for racial harmony is trust.


Trust cannot be built when the PNC rigged elections and want to sit at the table as equals.


THEY are not equal to the PPP until they apologise for the rigging.



Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Until Guyana does not get a truth and reconciliation commission and until the PNC does not apologise for rigging election, the can frig off in the minds of the East Indian.

imagine . . . your sine qua non for racial reconciliation in Guyana is that de greenshirt party "apologise" for "rigging elections" a quarter century ago


really now?


hmmm . . . Raphael Trotman somehow comes to mind


perhaps u, yugee and other wannabe Indo-opinion table setters din read alyuh own smelly memo . . . nah suh bai?



No fight with you.


Pre-requisite for racial harmony is trust.


Trust cannot be built when the PNC rigged elections and want to sit at the table as equals.


THEY are not equal to the PPP until they apologise for the rigging.



mekkin plenty 'anti-Jagdeo' noise while nurturing resentment and striving tenaciously to keep blackman and Indian as far apart as possible is not a strategy for removal of PPP tyranny . . .


it is the MO of Indo-supremacist smartmen who doan like jagdeo (personally) and his crew, but really doan mind the undemocratic structures of authoritarianism consolidated under today's PPP as lang as abee pan tap


yuh fighting against common sense bai . . . not with me

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Until Guyana does not get a truth and reconciliation commission and until the PNC does not apologise for rigging election, the can frig off in the minds of the East Indian.

imagine . . . your sine qua non for racial reconciliation in Guyana is that de greenshirt party "apologise" for "rigging elections" a quarter century ago


really now?


hmmm . . . Raphael Trotman somehow comes to mind


perhaps u, yugee and other wannabe Indo-opinion table setters din read alyuh own smelly memo . . . nah suh bai?



No fight with you.


Pre-requisite for racial harmony is trust.


Trust cannot be built when the PNC rigged elections and want to sit at the table as equals.


THEY are not equal to the PPP until they apologise for the rigging.



mekkin plenty 'anti-Jagdeo' noise while nurturing resentment and striving tenaciously to keep blackman and Indian as far apart as possible is not a strategy for removal of PPP tyranny . . .


it is the MO of Indo-supremacist smartmen who doan like jagdeo (personally) and his crew, but really doan mind the undemocratic structures of authoritarianism consolidated under today's PPP as lang as abee pan tap


yuh fighting against common sense bai . . . not with me

People like you cannot accept the FACT that to date since 1992, the PPP won all the elections.


The APNU has to win fair and square but that can only be done when the APNU goes into enmore and talk to the people.


BUT no one in Enmore want to see them UNTIL they APOLOGISE for rigging the elections.


So jump into the Atlantic Ocean since you pushing a dead horse up the hill by pushing the APNU/PNC.


PNC will get 40%,  PPP will get 44%. WHO the hell wins the presidency????



Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Until Guyana does not get a truth and reconciliation commission and until the PNC does not apologise for rigging election, the can frig off in the minds of the East Indian.

imagine . . . your sine qua non for racial reconciliation in Guyana is that de greenshirt party "apologise" for "rigging elections" a quarter century ago


really now?


hmmm . . . Raphael Trotman somehow comes to mind


perhaps u, yugee and other wannabe Indo-opinion table setters din read alyuh own smelly memo . . . nah suh bai?



No fight with you.


Pre-requisite for racial harmony is trust.


Trust cannot be built when the PNC rigged elections and want to sit at the table as equals.


THEY are not equal to the PPP until they apologise for the rigging.



mekkin plenty 'anti-Jagdeo' noise while nurturing resentment and striving tenaciously to keep blackman and Indian as far apart as possible is not a strategy for removal of PPP tyranny . . .


it is the MO of Indo-supremacist smartmen who doan like jagdeo (personally) and his crew, but really doan mind the undemocratic structures of authoritarianism consolidated under today's PPP as lang as abee pan tap


yuh fighting against common sense bai . . . not with me

People like you cannot accept the FACT that to date since 1992, the PPP won all the elections.


The APNU has to win fair and square but that can only be done when the APNU goes into enmore and talk to the people.


BUT no one in Enmore want to see them UNTIL they APOLOGISE for rigging the elections.


So jump into the Atlantic Ocean since you pushing a dead horse up the hill by pushing the APNU/PNC.


PNC will get 40%,  PPP will get 44%. WHO the hell wins the presidency????



not sure who is dis 'politician' bai "pushing" APNU/AFC dat u hallucinating bout and flogging suh mercilessly pan dis and de other thread


i suggest u relax, deal intelligently with yuh race demons, and pay more attention to what i actually post . . . u mite learn something useful, arite?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:



No fight with you.


Pre-requisite for racial harmony is trust.


Trust cannot be built when the PNC rigged elections and want to sit at the table as equals.


THEY are not equal to the PPP until they apologise for the rigging.



I have come to the conclusion that empathy isn't something that the majority of IndoGuyanese, aside from a few like Freddie Kissoon are capable of.


You aren't a racist, don't hate black people, and wish no ill.  But you cant get the point.  Trust doesn't develop by black people, or the entities that they support apologizing to Indians, because black people don't trust Indians, or Indian controlled entities (the PPP and the new Indo controlled business elites) any more than Indians trust the PNC, or the majority blacvk armed forces.


So ought you not suggest measures that deal with the core of the reasons for this distrust?  Given that neither side is innocent, and both have been victimized I see no benefit in empty apologies.  Few people (Indians and AFricans) who were involved in racial violence in the 60s are alive now, or if so they are old and senile.  I don't think the average Guyanese today knows much or even cares about that era.


And the rigging of elections by the PNC is seen as the same as the PPP rigging opportunity through crony capitalism.  In both instances there are victims and tremendous unfairness and concentration of power and opportunity into the hands of a few.


What concerns them are the factors which underlie distrust now.  Indians and Africans don't perceive each other to be fair, so fear rule by the other.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

So jump into the Atlantic Ocean since you pushing a dead horse up the hill by pushing the APNU/PNC.


PNC will get 40%,  PPP will get 44%. WHO the hell wins the presidency????



You of course operate with the assumption that one is better than the other.  The irony is that you will see me as an APNU supporter because not only am I black, but I advocate for the rights of blacks.


Personally I don't care which party wins.  I just want to be sure is that which ever wins gets no more than 45%.  Eventually the winner, most likely the PPP, will come to understand that they will only govern by being able to negotiate, because if they are a minority gov't again, they relinquish all ability to threaten their way with "snap elections".


A second defeat will confirm to all that 2011 wasn't a fluke, and that changing demographics (a rapidly expanding Amerindian, and mixed identified population) and an increasing tendency for Indians not to troop like loyal slaves to vote PPP, means that the PPP will have to be different if they ever wish control of the parliament.  That will be by wooing more non Indians to support them.


You-gee since Jagdeo Kabal hijack the PPP nuff thing happen.


1 - Ramjattan, Moses, Boyo Ramsaroop, Fazil Khan, O'lall, Ralph Ramkarran and many other Senior, Trusted, Honest and Popular leaders left the PPP

....was this good for the PPP??????

.....Did this Strenghten the PPP????


2 - Kwame McCoy, Lamumba, Edgehill, Gilbert, Bynoe, Hamilton and other Dangerous House of Isreal Thugs joined Jagdeo at Office of the President and Ramotar at Freedom House.

....was this good for the PPP??????

.....Did this Strenghten the PPP????


3 - Nascimento, McClean, Jerry Gouviea and other senior PNC Members who Burnham & Hoyte Rigged Elections, Used the Military to Robbed & Killed PPP and WPA Members,....and Used the army to Smuggle Guns, Narco & Gold........joined Jagdeo at Office of the President and Ramotar at Freedom House..

 ....was this good for the PPP??????

.....Did this Strenghten the PPP????


4 - Bobby, Fip, Sonny, Edul, Brian Young and other Overseas Friends of Jagdeo & Ramotar were invited to Guyana and Given Billions of Dollars of State Property...and allowed walk away with enormous wealth......

....was this good for the PPP??????

.....Did this Strenghten the PPP????


5 - Roger Khan, Buddies, Salim were welcome in Guyana by Jagdeo & Ramotar and supported to expand their Narco business and influence in Guyana.

....was this good for the PPP??????

.....Did this Strenghten the PPP????


 Now lets see how You-gee will avoid answering any of the above.


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