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Former Member

Fmr Housing Minister denies $40M tax evasion on vehicles

August 23, 2015 1:43 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-



Former Minister of Housing, Irfaan Ali.

Former Minister of Housing, Irfaan Ali.




Former Minister of Housing, Irfaan Ali has taken to his Facebook Page to vent his frustration that the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) will be seeking to institute taxes on a vehicle he acquired during his time in office.

iNews understands that the taxes include duties on two luxury vehicles which Ali imported within the last five years. As is stipulated by law, government Ministers and Parliamentarians are entitled to tax waivers on vehicles.

According to the law, “A member of Parliament maybe entitled to one or two motor vehicles for every sitting of Parliament.” Further, section 23 (c) of the Customs Act states: “The eligible Public Officer, members of Parliament or qualifying re-migrant transfers or leases the motor vehicle prior to the expiration of three years in the case of a used vehicle and five years in the case of a new vehicle.”

According to the former government Minister he was informed by a senior GRA official that instructions were given to institute taxes on motor vehicle he acquired as a Member of Parliament in the 10th Parliament.

Ali maintains that the importation was legally done.

“This concession was recommended and approved by all the relevant authority. I was shocked when this officer approached me on Friday night after the Parliament to inform me that I will be receiving a letter from GRA on Monday asking me to pay taxes on this vehicle. I said it before and I will restate it, the witch hunting and vindictive action aimed at members of the former Government will not move me and my convictions,” Ali wrote on his Facebook Page.

He posted a letter which he received from GRA, dated March 3, 2014 and signed by Commissioner General of the GRA, Khurshid Sattaur, informing him that his request for tax exemptions on the two vehicles were granted, given the fact that he was last granted tax waivers on March 04, 2011 during the 9th Parliament.

“All my actions have been consistently within the laws of Guyana and as such I am putting the country on notice that these targeted actions to silence me will not succeed. I am prepared to deal with and have all the documents to justify the stated facts. I anxiously await the purported letter. I have nothing to hide or fear so would never succumb to any threats,” the former government Minister noted.

It should be noted also that the 2014 letter from GRA informed Ali that since the motor vehicle he imported in 2011 was under four years, he will be not be able to transfer it unless the pro – rated taxes are paid.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

no worries den . . . why he stressin


things will get more substantive with this fat tief's future appointments with justice


we well remember the nuff nuff binders carted away from his ministry during the last hours of the departing regime


yeh baie, licks likea peas fo dem PPP tiefin rass yeh.Is one after de other we gonna hear cry the blues.


You see how yall boy Brazzy singing likea rass, EH EHHHH Banna, pressure does mek pipe buss...pfffffttttttttt!!!

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:

asj banna you should instead spend time reading manure bags, lots more informative than some of those useless articles.

Cain, not looking for a job bai, but trying to highlight the Vindictiveness of this PNC/AFC Government, as the Ex Minister says it re:


“All my actions have been consistently within the laws of Guyana and as such I am putting the country on notice that these targeted actions to silence me will not succeed. I am prepared to deal with and have all the documents to justify the stated facts. I anxiously await the purported letter. I have nothing to hide or fear so would never succumb to any threats,”



Originally Posted by Nehru:

Some people were born with Pea brains and will NEVER know Facts from Fiction.  So the PNC and the two House Slaves promised them Golden Toilets and they believed them!!

Beside stood the pictures of said toilets

Originally Posted by baseman:

Let the PNC continue, more licks coming down the line, nuff licks!

baseman, Maduro isn't going to invade Guyana.


Plus I thought that you already decided that the GDF was going to turn Guyana into the Congo or "Rawanda", and that all Indians should have already left.


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