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With 900M people, India prepared for an election in 3 months

Dear Editor,
How can India prepare for an election in 30 days for 900 million people to vote and Guyana cannot prepare for an election with 0.06 per cent of that amount (500,000 people) in 90 days? It defies all logic.
All this voting will be handled by the Elections Commission of India, an independent institution that guards and maintains its reputation for efficiency, toughness and rectitude.
They have a system of three Commissioners who are all retired public service officers and do not draw a salary from anywhere else but their version of GECOM. By India standards, they are paid a handsome salary averaging around US$3500 per month.
If we are to reflect on the current GECOM we have, every one of them is aligned to another salary pool which to some extent makes servants to dual masters. Thus, they can never be efficient and effective at delivering at the task at hand. Let us reflect on some of the Commissioners – Desmond Trotman works out of the Presidency Ministry as a senior officer of the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARA). Vincent Alexander is an adviser to the Public Service Minister in the Presidency Ministry. Bibi Shaddick serves in several positions on behalf of the Leader of the Opposition. Can any of these people be independent thinkers?
Worse yet, the Chairman was unilaterally appointed by Granger, and thus he owes everything to Granger. Can he act independently of Granger? This is the tragedy of GECOM, it can never be like the Elections Commission of India and thus it will never be successful since it was conceived with a corrupt mentality and as a collective, it is an extremely compromised body.
That is why it is imperative that one of the main changes to the Constitution must be the reform of GECOM to be manned by persons totally and fully retired from public life. Think of people like Dr Gladstone Mitchell, Prem Persaud, Egbert Carter, Joe Singh, Ret’d Brigadier Mark Phillips and Cecil Kennard. These are the kind of people who are no longer in public life but who should be allowed to serve at GECOM. These people hold no allegiance to any side but the Guyanese side.
But why 7? India, a nation of 900 million, voters has 3 Commissioners, while Guyana with half of a million has 7 Commissioners. Do we have money to waste behind these useless people to do a useless job?
Because that is all we have been hearing from Bibi Shaddick and Vincent Alexander – useless chatter. These people have no allegiance to the Guyanese people but to themselves and their respective political masters and that makes them uncreditworthy in the eyes of the people.
Why does GECOM need seven people to make decisions, why not three as they have in India? Why should the PPP or the PNC or for that matter, any political party sit in the boardroom of GECOM? Do you see where I am going with this? When you have people who do not care who wins and who loses, people who focus on the idea that the Guyanese people get the best elections, then you will never find yourself in a situation where 10 of the top 10 positions in the GECOM’s operational leadership are but an extension of Congress Place.
Think carefully as to why Vishnu Persaud, an extremely competent election expert had to be pushed aside to make way for someone who is still learning the job and continues to illustrate every day how grossly unfit and unsuitable she is for the role.
So to the Guyanese people, GECOM today is not on your side, this is an organisation that is but an arm of Congress Place and the PPP when in power should have moved mountains to make GECOM more resilient to political interference.
They failed at this task and the people today have to pay for that political oversight on the part of the PPP.
History has taught us that the PNC will never play fair because they can never win elections on their own because of their narrow-minded ethnic culture that discriminates against those who are not the kith and kin of their leader.
This is Guyana’s cross to bear today, a PNC dominated GECOM, both in the boardroom and in the operation rooms because the PPP, when in power, did nothing to bring greater balance to GECOM. Who feels the pain today knows the pain – the people? Wither Guyana.

Lisa Ally

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I bet if anyone tried an NCV on Modi and a member of his own coalition triggered this that person wouldn't live to tell the tale.

So much for India in comparison to Guyana.  It consistently takes GECOM THREE days to count ballots yet in Jamaica, with more than 3X the votes they know within hours of poll closings.  And this was a consistent pattern when the PPP was in power.

kp posted:

With 900M people, India prepared for an election in 3 months

Dear Editor,
How can India prepare for an election in 30 days for 900 million people to vote and Guyana cannot prepare for an election with 0.06 per cent of that amount (500,000 people) in 90 days? It defies all logic.
All this voting will be handled by the Elections Commission of India, an independent institution that guards and maintains its reputation for efficiency, toughness and rectitude.
Lisa Ally

In Guyana those in authority have no clue what to do to be prepared and be alert of their focus ... have effective election(s) as needed.

Dave posted:

Look who is running the country?  there is the answer.. them ***** can’t run their home. 

And I knew you didn't say people which is why it was blocked.

No wonder 95% of blacks reject the PPP stuffed with anti black bigots as it is.


I had a talk today with an Indian muslim. He told me about the discrimination practices that is occurring in India since Mr Modi and his party has been in power. India Muslims will vote solidly for the Congress Party in,the next election.


Are the commissioners breaking the law by not calling the election within the 90 days?

Article 106 of the Constitution provides for the holding of elections within 90 days after the successful passage of a no-confidence motion.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

India is the largest democracy in the world. Guyana is the largest dictatorship in the world.

Largest dictatorship?   Bit overboard there, don’t you think?

Dave posted:

Look who is running the country?  there is the answer.. them ***** can’t run their home. 

You need to cut this racist nonsense out.  Blacks are also in the PPP, do you think that of them also?

The PNC is not all bad, but they do have issues.  The PPP also have issues!

Prashad posted:

I had a talk today with an Indian muslim. He told me about the discrimination practices that is occurring in India since Mr Modi and his party has been in power. India Muslims will vote solidly for the Congress Party in,the next election.

Brother, you need to put away the Hindu-Muslim discrimination charade. It has no significance in Guyana's politics.

Dave posted:

Look who is running the country?  there is the answer.. them ***** can’t run their home. 

Dave, I don't think BJ and the PPP approve this language. Cheers. 

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
Dave posted:

Look who is running the country?  there is the answer.. them ***** can’t run their home. 

Dave, I don't think BJ and the PPP approve this language. Cheers. 

I agree, in the future I would look at your pic and calm my nerve... too sweet .

Nehru posted:

Some Indians full of shit. Sachin Tendulkar eats Beef!!!

It’s very difficult to get beef meals in India.  JW Marriott flies in UK beef several times a week for their own use.  But they have slaughter houses in India and much is exported!

Mitwah posted:

Are the commissioners breaking the law by not calling the election within the 90 days?

Article 106 of the Constitution provides for the holding of elections within 90 days after the successful passage of a no-confidence motion.


Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

According to Mits, Manu said that Hindus can eat beef 🥩.

True. But I never promoted the eating of beef. 

That is good because too much beef is bad for one's health.


During a famine in ancient Bharat, one mama cow ate grass and fed her calf and 20 human babies in a village.  The next year, no famine, the mama cow gave birth and died after.  The 20 human mamas could not save the new calf so it died.

I met a Muslim guy from Guyana in Queens.  He drives a limo and said he and his brother were virtually starving in Guyana and his uncle took them to a cow farm at night and they nursed the mama cow after she fed her calf.  They then got a cup of milk for their sister.  He told me he cannot eat beef, it feels like eating his mother

Understand why Indians/Hindus don't eat beef and honor the cow!

Baseman posted:

During a famine in ancient Bharat, one mama cow ate grass and fed her calf and 20 human babies in a village.  The next year, no famine, the mama cow gave birth and died after.  The 20 human mamas could not save the new calf so it died.

I met a Muslim guy from Guyana in Queens.  He drives a limo and said he and his brother were virtually starving in Guyana and his uncle took them to a cow farm at night and they nursed the mama cow after she fed her calf.  They then got a cup of milk for their sister.  He told me he cannot eat beef, it feels like eating his mother

Understand why Indians/Hindus don't eat beef and honor the cow!

It is always necessary for all of us to respect others' beliefs for as you stated, Indians/Hindus have a good reason why they don't eat beef and why they honor the cow. That said, since I have eaten beef, I must say that no other meat is as tasty as beef regardless of how it is prepared (curry, steak, etc.) But too much beef is bad for our health especially as we age so indulge with moderation if you care to.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

During a famine in ancient Bharat, one mama cow ate grass and fed her calf and 20 human babies in a village.  The next year, no famine, the mama cow gave birth and died after.  The 20 human mamas could not save the new calf so it died.

I met a Muslim guy from Guyana in Queens.  He drives a limo and said he and his brother were virtually starving in Guyana and his uncle took them to a cow farm at night and they nursed the mama cow after she fed her calf.  They then got a cup of milk for their sister.  He told me he cannot eat beef, it feels like eating his mother

Understand why Indians/Hindus don't eat beef and honor the cow!

It is always necessary for all of us to respect others' beliefs for as you stated, Indians/Hindus have a good reason why they don't eat beef and why they honor the cow. That said, since I have eaten beef, I must say that no other meat is as tasty as beef regardless of how it is prepared (curry, steak, etc.) But too much beef is bad for our health especially as we age so indulge with moderation if you care to.

You wutliss bai, you eat beef and poke with the same mouth?  You need two lash!!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

During a famine in ancient Bharat, one mama cow ate grass and fed her calf and 20 human babies in a village.  The next year, no famine, the mama cow gave birth and died after.  The 20 human mamas could not save the new calf so it died.

I met a Muslim guy from Guyana in Queens.  He drives a limo and said he and his brother were virtually starving in Guyana and his uncle took them to a cow farm at night and they nursed the mama cow after she fed her calf.  They then got a cup of milk for their sister.  He told me he cannot eat beef, it feels like eating his mother

Understand why Indians/Hindus don't eat beef and honor the cow!

It is always necessary for all of us to respect others' beliefs for as you stated, Indians/Hindus have a good reason why they don't eat beef and why they honor the cow. That said, since I have eaten beef, I must say that no other meat is as tasty as beef regardless of how it is prepared (curry, steak, etc.) But too much beef is bad for our health especially as we age so indulge with moderation if you care to.

You wutliss bai, you eat beef and poke with the same mouth?  You need two lash!!

Bai, is Cribby who admitted that he duz eat poke. My specialty is in hammaing poke.  But back tuh de original discussion, there is no blame on folks who chose not to eat beef, whether for religious reasons or otherwise. Even I have cut back given that I am getting up there in age.


Only 46 percent of Indian Muslims eat beef. Many Bengali Hindus eat beef. The Indian muslim man that I met is from Gujarat. He is from the same clan as Modi although they are different religions. He said that in Gujarat you can go to Jail for cow slaughter.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Bai, is Cribby who admitted that he duz eat poke. My specialty is in hammaing poke.  

Show that you dont have even the most basic interest in making sure that the woman is satisfied.  Pounding a woman doesnt necessarily please them.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai, is Cribby who admitted that he duz eat poke. My specialty is in hammaing poke.  

Show that you dont have even the most basic interest in making sure that the woman is satisfied.  Pounding a woman doesnt necessarily please them.

It certainly does if you own a jackhammer. 😀

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Looks like the Carib eats salt fish like crazy.

And the women scream and get wet in glee.

All that salt will give you high blood pressure. No wonder yuh always so cranky. 😀

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Looks like the Carib eats salt fish like crazy.

And the women scream and get wet in glee.

All that salt will give you high blood pressure. No wonder yuh always so cranky. 😀

You right. He should try some shugga cake!!


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