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January 9,2017 Source

Dear Editor,

The assumption by Bharrat Jagdeo of the position of General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has brought the party to a new stage.  In history this date could very well go down as the time when the moorings of the party, anchored by Cheddi and Janet Jagan and others are now finally broken. This process started a while back, and became more noticeable with the passing of Cheddi Jagan.

The fight for the direction of the party to preserve its pro-working class/farmer orientation and to shift to the support of big businesses was always clouded, and took the appearance of a struggle with personalities. No doubt some ‒ or more than some ‒ personal ambition played a part. Sometimes many of the persons who seem to be at loggerheads with each other were of the same orientation, eg, the Jagdeo-Nagamootoo tussle.  Both wanted to go in the same direction and they are of the same mould, but their personal ambitions clashed.

Even in that tussle the party’s progressive elements sided with Jagdeo, seeing him as the lesser of two evils.  Now that battle seems inconsequential, since the results appear to be the same.  The only difference is that Nagamootoo chose to collaborate with a party that is elitist, determined to get rich quick and not bashful about the tactics it uses to achieve its ends.

Jagdeo appears to be a fighter against the party and hopes to achieve the same end as Nagamootoo, using a different vehicle, the PPP. For some time now Jagdeo has been plotting the capture of the PPP.  While President, he was generous to a few of the leaders, turning a blind eye to any of their wrongdoing. Most, if not all of these, have become the pillars on which he is building his edifice.  On the way he made many temporary alliances and cast them aside as he took another step closer to his goal, that is the total control of the party.

Throughout his seemingly long campaign he gradually built a body of support comprising persons who are not interested in the working class or working class ideals.

One can just look at how little was said and done by the party at the closing of Wales Estate and the attack on sugar workers.  This group is similar to those in the PNC elite interested in deal-making and amassing wealth for themselves. Every now and then they will make some ‘noise’ about the working people to mask their real orientation, and of course to maintain their support from that important working-class group.

Jagdeo had to make his move now for another reason.  The APNU+AFC government is performing dismally.  Its true corrupt and dictatorial tendencies have taken over.  The economy is poorly managed and things are getting from bad to worse.  The coalition is daily growing more and more unpopular.  This can make it easy for the PPP to retake government.

Jagdeo’s main motivation is personal power.  He cannot live without it.  Staying in the PPP he had to grab all the power.  This he hopes will be the catalyst for him to get back the presidency or put him in a position to choose a puppet to be there.  The APNU+AFC is making it easy for him and his clique.

In his move towards the presidency he is moving to woo the international community, particularly the US.  His speech at the last Congress calling on the party to move away from ‘isms’ and not to be trapped by “philosophy” was clearly a message to the US and the Western countries.  He wanted to assure them that they had nothing to worry about with him at the helm.

Now his taking over of the PPP is giving flesh to that call.  It is Jagan who is dead.  Jagdeo is now killing his influence in the party that is almost dead as well as consolidating his hold. The sad thing in Guyana, now that the PPP has been captured, is that none of the parties or the political commentators give a darn about sovereignty and real independence.

All are willing to accept the wishes of the US as their own. Their wish is our command.

It was heartening to see a significant section of the party standing up and trying to hold on to the anchor placed by Cheddi Jagan and his colleagues in the early PPP.

It was a very good sign to see that young Frank Anthony stepped up to the plate in defence of the PPP’s longstanding tradition of real freedom and independence.  This is what really matters. Jagdeo loves to talk about old people, but since Anthony is young he could not use that argument – he is the old man there!

It was good to see a decent young man, untouched by any allegation of corruption, even though he spent years in government, taking a stand for the poor and powerless, taking a stand to defend Jagan’s legacy.  It was courageous of him to do so knowing that he was not likely to win.

He also knows that Jagdeo and his clique would not only try to marginalise him and those who supported him, but even get rid of them from the party.  That was indeed brave of him.

Those who continue to struggle for the ideals of Jagan in this new and unfavourable local and international situation will face a difficult time.  Their home, the PPP, is becoming more and more hostile to Jagan’s ideology and philosophy. However, like Jagan did in difficult conditions also, they should continue to fight for his ideals; they are the only thing worth fighting for – fighting for them is equivalent to fighting for the working class people of this country.

The dark night that has descended on Jagan’s legacy, now being attacked by APNU+AFC (Red House) and Jagdeo, will pass.  It can be supressed for a while but it can never die. Anthony and his colleagues should not be daunted by this setback.  They should push ahead, always remembering why Jagan began his fight, namely, to help the working and oppressed people of our country.  A lot of suffering is out there. As Cheddi Jagan noted fifty years ago, “The struggle will be long and hard, but win we will”.

Yours faithfully,

(Name and address provided)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jagdeo had to make his move now for another reason. The APNU+AFC government is performing dismally. Its true corrupt and dictatorial tendencies have taken over. The economy is poorly managed and things are getting from bad to worse. The coalition is daily growing more and more unpopular. This can make it easy for the PPP to retake government.



Frank Anthony is a decent person and might make a great leader for the party.

i am not certain that Jagdeo will run for the presidency. I think that over the past year, he has been positioning Nandlall for that position. I might be wrong. Time will tell.


The only difference is that Nagamootoo chose to collaborate with a party that is elitist, determined to get rich quick and not bashful about the tactics it uses to achieve its ends.
The APNU+AFC government is performing dismally.  Its true corrupt and dictatorial tendencies have taken over.  The economy is poorly managed and things are getting from bad to worse.  The coalition is daily growing more and more unpopular. 

Django bhai, your beloved PNC at work here. Any plans to call David G. and complain?


Jagdeo is actually following in the footsteps of chedi Jagan, who kicked out all those who opposed him. Remember Balram Singh Rai?

Jagdeo is taking a page out of the Putin's book and will rig the constitution to help him run again for the Presidency.

Watchout for the new disgruntled members of the PPP to for a Mushroom Party. TK will join them.

The opposition's job is to expose the Government of any descrepancies and offer alternate solutions.  The PPP is not doing that.

God help Guyana.

skeldon_man posted:

The only difference is that Nagamootoo chose to collaborate with a party that is elitist, determined to get rich quick and not bashful about the tactics it uses to achieve its ends.
The APNU+AFC government is performing dismally.  Its true corrupt and dictatorial tendencies have taken over.  The economy is poorly managed and things are getting from bad to worse.  The coalition is daily growing more and more unpopular. 

Django bhai, your beloved PNC at work here. Any plans to call David G. and complain?

Talking about economy,Banks DIH made hefty profits last year.

Me gat wan FB friend who is into Manufacturing, products are exported to the Caribbean

nah complain they are busy.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The only difference is that Nagamootoo chose to collaborate with a party that is elitist, determined to get rich quick and not bashful about the tactics it uses to achieve its ends.
The APNU+AFC government is performing dismally.  Its true corrupt and dictatorial tendencies have taken over.  The economy is poorly managed and things are getting from bad to worse.  The coalition is daily growing more and more unpopular. 

Django bhai, your beloved PNC at work here. Any plans to call David G. and complain?

Talking about economy,Banks DIH made hefty profits last year.

Me gat wan FB friend who is into Manufacturing, products are exported to the Caribbean

nah complain they are busy.

What does this tell you? Guyana is a country full of drunks. Does your FB friend use those products as a conduit to ship drugs from the Caribbean to the US? Just askin'. Can't tell these day..too much PNC operatives are caught with coke in dem poke.

Zed posted:

Frank Anthony is a decent person and might make a great leader for the party.

i am not certain that Jagdeo will run for the presidency. I think that over the past year, he has been positioning Nandlall for that position. I might be wrong. Time will tell.

Frank Anthony or Anthony Frank will never be accepted as leader by koolies like me. If a man don't have the interest in him to seek his real identity then don't waste the time of Koolie like me. I am being frank here. 

Last edited by Prashad
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The only difference is that Nagamootoo chose to collaborate with a party that is elitist, determined to get rich quick and not bashful about the tactics it uses to achieve its ends.
The APNU+AFC government is performing dismally.  Its true corrupt and dictatorial tendencies have taken over.  The economy is poorly managed and things are getting from bad to worse.  The coalition is daily growing more and more unpopular. 

Django bhai, your beloved PNC at work here. Any plans to call David G. and complain?

Talking about economy,Banks DIH made hefty profits last year.

Me gat wan FB friend who is into Manufacturing, products are exported to the Caribbean

nah complain they are busy.

What does this tell you? Guyana is a country full of drunks. Does your FB friend use those products as a conduit to ship drugs from the Caribbean to the US? Just askin'. Can't tell these day..too much PNC operatives are caught with coke in dem poke.

What you deh pun,watch your insinuations,she is an Indo.


Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The only difference is that Nagamootoo chose to collaborate with a party that is elitist, determined to get rich quick and not bashful about the tactics it uses to achieve its ends.
The APNU+AFC government is performing dismally.  Its true corrupt and dictatorial tendencies have taken over.  The economy is poorly managed and things are getting from bad to worse.  The coalition is daily growing more and more unpopular. 

Django bhai, your beloved PNC at work here. Any plans to call David G. and complain?

Talking about economy,Banks DIH made hefty profits last year.

Me gat wan FB friend who is into Manufacturing, products are exported to the Caribbean

nah complain they are busy.

GDL ,Banks will do good, they produce liquor , the main staple for Guyanese.I had a business that I closed end of 2015 put over 25 Guyanese out of work, Why I closed , mainly the crime and no guarantee from the Gov't, I am now better off investing in Canada. Making and selling booze will never fail, even the Bush Rum business is doing great, you notice how cheap the liquor, drunk them and they forget their problems, I would not be surprise if they serve the liquor for FREE.

Ramakant-P posted:

Jagdeo is actually following in the footsteps of chedi Jagan, who kicked out all those who opposed him. Remember Balram Singh Rai?

Jagdeo is taking a page out of the Putin's book and will rig the constitution to help him run again for the Presidency.

Watchout for the new disgruntled members of the PPP to for a Mushroom Party. TK will join them.

The opposition's job is to expose the Government of any descrepancies and offer alternate solutions.  The PPP is not doing that.

God help Guyana.

What kind of nonsense is this?  Wasn't Balram Singh Rai added to the CIA payroll in exchange for sacrificing Cheddi Jagan?  How can Jagdeo rig the constitution of Guyana when the PNC is running the show?  And By the way, that Mushroom Party was called the AFC and yes TK did join them.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ramakant-P posted:

Jagdeo is actually following in the footsteps of chedi Jagan, who kicked out all those who opposed him. Remember Balram Singh Rai?

Jagdeo is taking a page out of the Putin's book and will rig the constitution to help him run again for the Presidency.

Watchout for the new disgruntled members of the PPP to for a Mushroom Party. TK will join them.

The opposition's job is to expose the Government of any descrepancies and offer alternate solutions.  The PPP is not doing that.

God help Guyana.

What kind of nonsense is this?  Wasn't Balram Singh Rai added to the CIA payroll in exchange for sacrificing Cheddi Jagan?  How can Jagdeo rig the constitution of Guyana when the PNC is running the show?  And By the way, that Mushroom Party was called the AFC and yes TK did join them.

There is a new Mushroom Party in the Making.  I am not talking about the AFC. And TK like salt will be a part of that Party again. What BS Rai did after the fact is of no consequence. Chedi rig the PPP elections and BS Rai spoke up against it and was kicked out.


Nehru my aim is for the survival of our people and our culture into the future on the South American continent. With a name like Frank Anthony or Anthony Frank it is not going to further that goal.

Ramakant-P posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ramakant-P posted:

Jagdeo is actually following in the footsteps of chedi Jagan, who kicked out all those who opposed him. Remember Balram Singh Rai?

Jagdeo is taking a page out of the Putin's book and will rig the constitution to help him run again for the Presidency.

Watchout for the new disgruntled members of the PPP to for a Mushroom Party. TK will join them.

The opposition's job is to expose the Government of any descrepancies and offer alternate solutions.  The PPP is not doing that.

God help Guyana.

What kind of nonsense is this?  Wasn't Balram Singh Rai added to the CIA payroll in exchange for sacrificing Cheddi Jagan?  How can Jagdeo rig the constitution of Guyana when the PNC is running the show?  And By the way, that Mushroom Party was called the AFC and yes TK did join them.

There is a new Mushroom Party in the Making.  I am not talking about the AFC. And TK like salt will be a part of that Party again. What BS Rai did after the fact is of no consequence. Chedi rig the PPP elections and BS Rai spoke up against it and was kicked out.


You are dead wrong. Rai made anti black statements and wanted the PPP to take a racist stand by excluding blacks. Jagan campaigned against Rai at the Congress (which is quite democratic) and Rai did not win.

These are the facts.

Thanks to Jagdeo, the PPP is back on track and he called for an end to "ism" and that included Marxism. Rightfully.

The PPP is poised for a majority as the AFC/PNC becomes more unpopular to a point of scorn by most Guyanese.

Ever wondered why Granger is scrambling to set his rigging machinery in place ?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ramakant-P posted:

Jagdeo is actually following in the footsteps of chedi Jagan, who kicked out all those who opposed him. Remember Balram Singh Rai?

Jagdeo is taking a page out of the Putin's book and will rig the constitution to help him run again for the Presidency.

Watchout for the new disgruntled members of the PPP to for a Mushroom Party. TK will join them.

The opposition's job is to expose the Government of any descrepancies and offer alternate solutions.  The PPP is not doing that.

God help Guyana.

What kind of nonsense is this?  Wasn't Balram Singh Rai added to the CIA payroll in exchange for sacrificing Cheddi Jagan?  How can Jagdeo rig the constitution of Guyana when the PNC is running the show?  And By the way, that Mushroom Party was called the AFC and yes TK did join them.

Bibi You are 100 percent correct.

Based on his recent statements at GNI, TK seems to be jumping the sinking AFC ship. Ramjattan in his own words correctly predicted that the AFC will become dead meat if the AFC merged with the PNC.

Granger has already implemented his coup and the AFC is Guyana's new U.F. History is repeating itself. 

The biggest fight will be to stop the Rigging Machinery that Granger is putting on place. So far, Jadgeo is quite capable of fighting that battle.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This is the most stupid, ill informed article on conspiracy theory ever written!

That article have the fingerprint of a former AFCite!  And, as usual, filled with conjecture!

yuji22 posted:


You are dead wrong. Rai made anti black statements and wanted the PPP to take a racist stand by excluding blacks. Jagan campaigned against Rai at the Congress (which is quite democratic) and Rai did not win.

These are the facts.

Thanks to Jagdeo, the PPP is back on track and he called for an end to "ism" and that included Marxism. Rightfully.

The PPP is poised for a majority as the AFC/PNC becomes more unpopular to a point of scorn by most Guyanese.

Ever wondered why Granger is scrambling to set his rigging machinery in place ?

You are a LIAR,

the PPP haven't dropped their belief in the ideology of Marxism-Lennism

Never trust a bead counter.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:


You are dead wrong. Rai made anti black statements and wanted the PPP to take a racist stand by excluding blacks. Jagan campaigned against Rai at the Congress (which is quite democratic) and Rai did not win.

These are the facts.

Thanks to Jagdeo, the PPP is back on track and he called for an end to "ism" and that included Marxism. Rightfully.

The PPP is poised for a majority as the AFC/PNC becomes more unpopular to a point of scorn by most Guyanese.

Ever wondered why Granger is scrambling to set his rigging machinery in place ?

You are a LIAR,

the PPP haven't dropped their belief in the ideology of Marxism-Lennism

Never trust a bead counter.

Who shoved some saturated caffeine suppositories up you?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:


You are dead wrong. Rai made anti black statements and wanted the PPP to take a racist stand by excluding blacks. Jagan campaigned against Rai at the Congress (which is quite democratic) and Rai did not win.

These are the facts.

Thanks to Jagdeo, the PPP is back on track and he called for an end to "ism" and that included Marxism. Rightfully.

The PPP is poised for a majority as the AFC/PNC becomes more unpopular to a point of scorn by most Guyanese.

Ever wondered why Granger is scrambling to set his rigging machinery in place ?

You are a LIAR,

the PPP haven't dropped their belief in the ideology of Marxism-Lennism

Never trust a bead counter.

Who shoved some saturated caffeine suppositories up you?

Stop being insulting,

better to keep your mouth shut,than spewing nonsense.


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