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Former Member

OK folks,

AFC/PNC only won 36 Percent of the seats at the local election.

This rejection of this 10 month old coalition raises a lot of questions.

With AFC officially as Dead Meat Status as correctly predicted by Ramjattan, how can Moses and Ramjattan justify their positions in the AFC/PNC ?

In all fairness to Granger, he did his best but lost very badly. PPP give him a huge trashing.

Granger needs to reflect on his future and burden of carrying AFC deadweights.

With the AFC failure to deliver for Granger at LGE , will he now take a hard look at this relation with the AFC ?

The AFC is now a deadweight for this coalition . Granger has to tread carefully otherwise his very leadership will be called into question as Guyanese are angry and frustrated at this coalition. That growing frustration must be addressed sooner than later before his government faces a no confidence motion.

Granger has to plan ahead and reconsider the AFC deadweights.

It would be wise for him to start considering getting rid of at least Ramjattan who has been a source of embarrassment for his government. It will make it a lot easier for him to dump Moses down the road.

Interesting times ahead.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Granger is already planning in anticipation of the AFC being unable to hold its supporters in the next elections. They will try to retain their voters that they think or know they own. Additionally. they are spending lots of effort and resources in making inroads into the Amerindian areas at the expense of the PPP. Then there are those soft PPP supporters who will buy any lie or will sell their support of trappings of power or privilege. They will dump the AFC prior to the next elections when they think that they are solidly enough to win. If not, they can always do as they have done before - rig the elections or use the paramilitary and military forces to count the ballot, and we know their ability to do basic math.


Did Moses and Ramjattan stand for a position in the local election? If not, what has that got to do with their position?

It is the PPP that is on trial. After having robbed the locals of local election, they are now left to clear the mess they left behind in the local community. No doubt the thieving of state and local assets will increase. Watch more schools getting dismantled and the material used to build houses for the local PPP crooks.

baseman posted:

Be clear, the days of an Indian dominated power structure ruling nationally in Guyana are over.  That ended in May 11, 2015.  THE PNC/GDF will rig 2020 if needed.  They will push until oil flows, then to hell with Indians.  Guyana will follow the African nations' model, dig, mine and pump your way to "prosperity"!!  The foreign Corporation will decide and the Govt will employ a few good American lawyers to draw of royalty agreements!

The forces for further ethnic cleansing are in gear but Indians will remain a large local population relegated to celebrating LGE victories.  This is not that meaningful in a country like Guyana where the central Govt will allocate resources to its constituencies to keep them happy.  LGE means little!!  They will throw crumbs for the Indian communities to divvy-up the best they could!  Every now and then you will get a "good" Black leader who will toss a half a loaf and have us wag our tails and be grateful!

As Caribj said so many times, Guyana is a Black nation as he counts the 30% pure-breed and the 15% Duglas, which he claims as 100% PNC!  That's 45% vs 45% Indians, but they have the guns!  Thanks to the myopic and strategically inept PPP, day of judgement has arrived!

For many in the PNC Pan-Afro clan, Indians were a 150 year "inconvenience".  The GDF will ensure the PPP remains out of power, and Indians will be relegated to 3rd class status/existence as pre-1992!  Most Indians will seek their fortunes and futures outside of Guyana.  Those who remain will do well but have to toe the line and just put up with the daily robberies and ridicule!!

the Ravi Dev plan for Guyana turn 'upsided' down!

i fully understand how Freudian projection figures prominently in the existential handwringing of baseman and the other Indo-supremacist plotters

Last edited by Former Member

When you look at all those pictures coming out of Guyana it is only black people cleaning the streets, and rebuilding places like Kitty Market. No East Indians in sight to help. So no wonder that regions where no or few blacks are living, a lack of infrastructure improvements are lacking. That's because there are not enough black people to do the work, and no East Indians that want to work.

Zed posted:

Granger is already planning in anticipation of the AFC being unable to hold its supporters in the next elections. [Understandably so.]

They will try to retain their voters that they think or know they own. [Which party won't? Even BJ said last Friday that his aim is to consolidate the PPP Indian base.]

Additionally. they are spending lots of effort and resources in making inroads into the Amerindian areas at the expense of the PPP. [Sensible move.]

Then there are those soft PPP supporters who will buy any lie or will sell their support of trappings of power or privilege. [Not every "soft PPP supporter" who crosses the floor will do so for money, perks or posts, or because he is gullible. There are people who are motivated by other considerations.]

They will dump the AFC prior to the next elections when they think that they are solidly enough to win. [Not impossible, but the world will not end.]

If not, they can always do as they have done before - rig the elections or use the paramilitary and military forces to count the ballot, and we know their ability to do basic math. [Rigging won't be necessary if Granger succeeds in drawing majority Amerindian support. The LGE results show he is making progress.]


Mr.T posted:

When you look at all those pictures coming out of Guyana it is only black people cleaning the streets, and rebuilding places like Kitty Market. No East Indians in sight to help. So no wonder that regions where no or few blacks are living, a lack of infrastructure improvements are lacking. That's because there are not enough black people to do the work, and no East Indians that want to work.

Absolute nonsense, this is Blackman time, all the jobs from to to bottom are given to the blackman, from CEO'S, construction, cleaning streets etc, Indians are fired and replaced by incompetent blacks.This is the method being used by the PNC to thin-out the Indians forcing them to migrate. May I repeat, if the Indians close shop and leave Guyana the country starve to death. The biggest employer is the government, more so in the area of the Military, police and now Peoples Army, ninety percent are Blacks, what work do they do, NOTHING,sit all day and shine boots, eat and sleep on the backs of the tax payers who are mainly Indians. From the time Granger came to government his intention is to "blackanize Guyana", he does not trust the Indians.

kp posted:
Mr.T posted:

When you look at all those pictures coming out of Guyana it is only black people cleaning the streets, and rebuilding places like Kitty Market. No East Indians in sight to help. So no wonder that regions where no or few blacks are living, a lack of infrastructure improvements are lacking. That's because there are not enough black people to do the work, and no East Indians that want to work.

Absolute nonsense, this is Blackman time, all the jobs from to to bottom are given to the blackman, from CEO'S, construction, cleaning streets etc, Indians are fired and replaced by incompetent blacks.

If what you are alleging was true, there would have been no need for black people to go and clean up the blocked gutters, dirty roads, and rebuilt the dilapidated Kitty Market. As it stands, the indos employed by the PPP just took their wages and went off to the rumshop. They did next to nothing to keep Guyana clean. Those incompetent blacks as you call them have turned GT round from a rat invested garbage dump into a desirable city to live in.

Prashad posted:

It is the Caribbean Creole culture which is a cheap mimic of British cockney culture that has East Indian men in the rum shops drinking the Portugeese poison. 

Bad black man.   Just now we will be blamed for the suicides.

BTW I think that the cockneys would be shocked to discover that Caribbean creole culture was like theirs.  They were very upset when Caribbean people arrived in the 50s, with their foreign "jungle" culture.

Zed posted:

Granger is already planning in anticipation of the AFC being unable to hold its supporters in the next elections. They will try to retain their voters that they think or know they own. Additionally. they are spending lots of effort and resources in making inroads into the Amerindian areas at the expense of the PPP. Then there are those soft PPP supporters who will buy any lie or will sell their support of trappings of power or privilege. They will dump the AFC prior to the next elections when they think that they are solidly enough to win. If not, they can always do as they have done before - rig the elections or use the paramilitary and military forces to count the ballot, and we know their ability to do basic math.

The AFC lost its supporters in Regions 5 and 6 in 2015.  The "Moses is not an Indian", and Jagdeo screams that "black man gun rape you daughter if dem PNC win" saw to that.

I mentioned thus frequently and the Moses fan club were highly incensed, but the fact remains that there was a sharp increase in the PPP vote in those regions, while the coalition votes remained static, and this despite the higher turn out among the non Indians.

Where the AFC picked up Indian votes was in G/town. From the thrashing that the PPP got, where an unknown YOUTH group got as many seats as they did, we can safely say that the PPP has NOT won these votes back.

The coalition is doing exactly what the PPP did. Buying Amerindian votes.  The Amerindians don't give two hoots for the coastlanders, and will sell their votes to the highest bidder. Now that the PPP no longer has access to taxpayer funds, they can no longer buy those votes.

The PPP survived on a combination of the vast majority of Indo votes, and a decent majority of the Amerindian votes. As they lose the Amerindian vote, and as Indos continue to flee, the prospects for the PPP seem dire. That is unless the cease to be the "coolie people party". 

The days of Indians and Indians only determining who wins and who loses is OVER. 2015 should have taught you that!

kp posted:

Absolute nonsense, this is Blackman time, all the jobs from to to bottom are given to the blackman, from CEO'S, construction, cleaning streets etc,

So why your rage.  Between 1993 and 2015 it was "coolie people time" with blacks relegated to the jobs that were too low paying or  dangerous. I do recall the boasts from Indians as to why they would want to do "black people wuk" as it didn't pay!

So given that you favor ethnic domination, based on who wins, then  accept the fact that the PPP LOST.

Now I would suggest that the PPP dumps the brown bai KKK, so they might begin to get more black and mixed votes (Amerindian votes are for sale, and now the PPP cannot buy it). Maybe there might be hope.

But as the PPP loses Amerindian, and apparently G/twn Indo votes, and is unable to get black and mixed votes, I think that the opposition benches will belong to the PPP for a long time!

Prashad posted:

The decreased East Indian population due primarily because of the secular pop culture of Hollywood/bollywood young East Indian women is a worrying problem. Without the numbers we East Indians are finished in Guyana.

This backward attitude is why suicide is such a problem among Hindus, putting Guyana into the most suicide prone nation on the planet.

Old farts pushing down their archaic notions of life on younger people, instead of engaging them in discussion.

baseman posted:
Prashad posted:

The decreased East Indian population due primarily because of the

As Caribj said so many times, Guyana is a Black nation as he counts the 30% pure-breed and the 15% Duglas, which he claims as 100% PNC!  !!

Listen you all scream "India" and lambaste those Indo Guyanese, whose primary identity is "Guyanese" and secondary is Indian. You call them, "town collie", "dirty Indian", "Congo Lovers", and worse.

To be "Guyanese" is to be proud of our nation's multiethnic, multicultural, and multireligious heritage.  To seek "purity", and to resist interaction with others is to show that YOU aren't really Guyanese.

60% of the population is NOT Indian.  If you want to set up your Little India, it CANNOT be in Guyana.

The rest of us will enjoy the vibrancy usually typical of multicultural societies.

And by the way Guyana is no more "Indian" than the USA is "white".  BOTH are multi ethnic and multi cultural, and you can lie and scream that I didn't say so!

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

It is the Caribbean Creole culture which is a cheap mimic of British cockney culture that has East Indian men in the rum shops drinking the Portugeese poison. 

Bad black man.   Just now we will be blamed for the suicides.

BTW I think that the cockneys would be shocked to discover that Caribbean creole culture was like theirs.  They were very upset when Caribbean people arrived in the 50s, with their foreign "jungle" culture.

Listen here you English mimic. I don't have a problem with you beating an African drum the complete day. Neither do I have a problem with you dancing like a mother sally in a mascarade band. What I have a problem with is you drinking your head full of rum and vulgar dancing up on the street like a 16th century cheap English pirate.

Last edited by Prashad
baseman posted:

Guyana is not Indian, it's only 45%.  The great USA is White with 65% population and 98% power brokers!!

That's my view regardless how you wish to slice and dice the salami!!

The USA is 60% white. The primary school age population is ONLY 45% white.  So given that the white population is declining in relative, and soon NUMERIC terms, how is it a "white" country.

And I am glad to hear that you admit that Guyana isn't an Indian country. Now go and tell the brown bai KKK cabal led to Jagdeo, Ravi Dev, and Bobby.  They think that the PPP can win, based only on the Indo vote!

Prashad posted:

 What I have a problemwithh is you drinking your head full of rum and vulgar dancing up on the street like a 16th century cheap English pirate.

"Ow man.  Black man responsible fuh me getting drunk, beating up mi wife, and when mi daughter tired and commit suicide, is black man fault too".

As to the dancing hmmmm. Those Indo girls got "better waist" than loads of the black girls now.  Oh yes, black man fault too!

baseman posted:

Now, where did I ever said or implied that.  It was YOU who said that.  You said Guyana is a Black country, I said it's no, it's multi-ethnic, no single group has the dominant population.  So stop throwing your shyte on others!!

I said that if the USA is a white country then Guyana is black, indicating to you how ridiculous your assertion was.

BOTH the USA and Guyana are multi ethnic and multi cultural societies!

60% is a bare majority, especially when we consider that in another 25 years whites will be UNDER 50%!  So how is the USA "white"?

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Now, where did I ever said or implied that.  It was YOU who said that.  You said Guyana is a Black country, I said it's no, it's multi-ethnic, no single group has the dominant population.  So stop throwing your shyte on others!!

I said that if the USA is a white country then Guyana is black, indicating to you how ridiculous your assertion was.

BOTH the USA and Guyana are multi ethnic and multi cultural societies!

60% is a bare majority, especially when we consider that in another 25 years whites will be UNDER 50%!  So how is the USA "white"?

Stop with your con game.  US is White, it has 65% White.  That is my view.

Guyana is Multi-ethnic as no group has the absolute majority.  That is my view!

Nowhere did I ever say Guyana was "Indian", which is what you claim I said!!

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Now, where did I ever said or implied that.  It was YOU who said that.  You said Guyana is a Black country, I said it's no, it's multi-ethnic, no single group has the dominant population.  So stop throwing your shyte on others!!

I said that if the USA is a white country then Guyana is black, indicating to you how ridiculous your assertion was.

BOTH the USA and Guyana are multi ethnic and multi cultural societies!

60% is a bare majority, especially when we consider that in another 25 years whites will be UNDER 50%!  So how is the USA "white"?

Stop with your con game.  US is White, it has 65% White.  That is my view.

Guyana is Multi-ethnic as no group has the absolute majority.  That is my view!

Nowhere did I ever say Guyana was "Indian", which is what you claim I said!!

The Black Nationalist Racist Carib lies very badly and has been caught with his pants down again.

Mr.T posted:
kp posted:
Mr.T posted:

When you look at all those pictures coming out of Guyana it is only black people cleaning the streets, and rebuilding places like Kitty Market. No East Indians in sight to help. So no wonder that regions where no or few blacks are living, a lack of infrastructure improvements are lacking. That's because there are not enough black people to do the work, and no East Indians that want to work.

Absolute nonsense, this is Blackman time, all the jobs from to to bottom are given to the blackman, from CEO'S, construction, cleaning streets etc, Indians are fired and replaced by incompetent blacks.

If what you are alleging was true, there would have been no need for black people to go and clean up the blocked gutters, dirty roads, and rebuilt the dilapidated Kitty Market. As it stands, the indos employed by the PPP just took their wages and went off to the rumshop. They did next to nothing to keep Guyana clean. Those incompetent blacks as you call them have turned GT round from a rat invested garbage dump into a desirable city to live in.

Sorry, but we Indians have dignity and are too bright to clean roads, that job will always remain for the Blacks.The bruck down market and dirty roads were kept that way in the areas where the Blacks live, because that is the way of life blacks accustomed . Villages like Den Amstel, the blacks used to make fire wood from their front steps and wooden fences.

baseman posted:

Stop with your con game.  US is White, it has 65% White.  That is my view.

Guyana is Multi-ethnic as no group has the absolute majority.  That is my view!

Nowhere did I ever say Guyana was "Indian", which is what you claim I said!!

Your unconditional support of the PPP, which describes itself as a "coolie people party", and is now underscoring this by screaming that it "galvanized Indian support".

Clearly the PPP didn't see Guyana as a multi cultural society.  It sees it as a piece of real estate where Indians live alongside others.

So you do see Guyana as an Indian nation, with the others being nuisances, or destructive.

yuji22 posted:

The Black Nationalist Racist Carib lies very badly and has been caught with his pants down again.

Only the brown bai KKK, who daily demonstrate their intellectual inferiority, have this opinion!

Now resume your screams of "black man a kill ahbe" because Granger is still president and the "Congo Lover, neemakaram" Nagamootoo is still PM.

kp posted:

Sorry, but we Indians have dignity and are too bright to clean roads,

Granger is still president though.  Have you tried to apply for NRI status, so that you can move to India, away from these blacks? 

I think that India has you as a POI, as they don't think you fit enough to be an NRI.  They say you all behave too much like black people!

caribny posted:
kp posted:

Sorry, but we Indians have dignity and are too bright to clean roads,

Granger is still president though.  Have you tried to apply for NRI status, so that you can move to India, away from these blacks? 

I think that India has you as a POI, as they don't think you fit enough to be an NRI.  They say you all behave too much like black people!

Nah, the rules of NRI are Indian born and usually passport holders who live abroad!  This is more a tax issue than anything else!

PIO are for those further removed, born abroad, foreign citizens, regardless where they live!  PIO allows you to do certain things in India with ease, but not as much as an NRI or resident citizen!  Yes, Guyanese can become PIOs!

It has nothing to do with how you act, Black, White or Chinese people!!

Another Caribj stereotype fable!!

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

Sorry, but we Indians have dignity and are too bright to clean roads,

Granger is still president though.  Have you tried to apply for NRI status, so that you can move to India, away from these blacks? 

I think that India has you as a POI, as they don't think you fit enough to be an NRI.  They say you all behave too much like black people!

Nah, the rules of NRI are Indian born and usually passport holders who live abroad!  This is more a tax issue than anything else!

PIO are for those further removed, born abroad, foreign citizens, regardless where they live!  PIO allows you to do certain things in India with ease, but not as much as an NRI or resident citizen!  Yes, Guyanese can become PIOs!

It has nothing to do with how you act, Black, White or Chinese people!!

Another Caribj stereotype fable!!

You just reiterated Caribny's point! 



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