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Police Commissioner says did nothing wrong to self-grant firearm permits; Ramjattan tells reporters “haul yuh ass”


Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud inspects the Guard of Honour at his farewell parade.

Outgoing Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud on Wednesday defended his decision to apply for personal firearm licences, saying that he was merely following what most other outgoing Police Commissioners had done.

“If you look historically over the past twenty-five years, you would see that all the Commissioners, maybe with the exception of one, granted themselves firearm licences,” he said shortly after his farewell parade.

With regards to the self-granting of a firearm dealership, he said the records also show that in the 1980s, a then outgoing Police Commissioner had also done so. He said he decided to apply for the dealership certificate so close to his retirement because the business would have started only after he retires in April at the end of 34 years. “It’s a business. I can’t do business on the job and it will only operationalised after I leave the job,” he said, adding that he has since decided not to pursue that line of business anymore.

Meanwhile, Acting Prime Minister  and Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan declined to speak with the media again on the issue and when pressed by reporters, he said “haul yuh ass”.

Reporter: Did the application for firearm licences come to your desk or through the Firearm licensing board?

Ramjattan: Haul yuh ass.

Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan

Earlier Wednesday, Ramjattan  also used his expletives when Demerara Waves Online News sought a clarification on the process that Persaud used to comply with an instruction to revoke the licences that he had granted himself.  “What the f..k you trying to tell me?”, he said.

He urged reporters to have a time and place. When Ramjattan reminded that he had spoken with Demerara Waves Online News earlier in the day, he was told that he had also used indecent language during that telephone call. His unapologetic response was, “Yes, there are times when I could use expletives”. The Minister, who is also a Second Vice President, said “I am not dodging no issue” when pressed for further details on the issue.

Ramjattan’s posture towards the media is reminiscent of the way the media was treated by then President Bharrat Jagdeo under the then People’s Progressive Party Civic-led administration.

Reacting to the Public Security Minister’s decision to order him that the licences he self- granted, the Police Commissioner remarked that. “we live in a society today where one set of circumstances is good for one person but is not good for the other.” Government was represented at the Farewell Parade by Ramjattan and Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Winston Felix who is also a former Police Commissioner.

News of Persaud granting himself a firearm dealer’s licence on January 29, 2018 for Professional Outdoor Supplies first appeared in the state-owned Guyana Chronicle newspaper on Wednesday, February 28, 2018-the same day he will host a farewell parade as he goes into retirement.

Well-placed sources said the issue of the Police Commissioner granting himself a firearm dealer’s licence and licences for one 9 MM pistol and one pump action shotgun was discussed at Cabinet.


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So after reading this and the other reports in the media, I change my mind...he took steps to write a letter to himself and then approve it himself...this is beyond the pale..

Mits, Cain and Mars may say i am the knucklehead today.

It shows how deep corruption runs in this country...if the previous top cops did it, it was OK for him to do didnt cross his mind that it could be an illegal "precedent"? 


"Outgoing Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud on Wednesday defended his decision to apply for personal firearm licences, saying that he was merely following what most other outgoing Police Commissioners had done.

“If you look historically over the past twenty-five years, you would see that all the Commissioners, maybe with the exception of one, granted themselves firearm licences,” he said shortly after his farewell parade.

With regards to the self-granting of a firearm dealership, he said the records also show that in the 1980s, a then outgoing Police Commissioner had also done so."


Suh Mr.Seelall is a follower,Tom,Jack and Harry did the same,so i can.

Sorry Mr. Seellall you are in the league of the corrupted.

Django posted:

"Outgoing Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud on Wednesday defended his decision to apply for personal firearm licences, saying that he was merely following what most other outgoing Police Commissioners had done.

“If you look historically over the past twenty-five years, you would see that all the Commissioners, maybe with the exception of one, granted themselves firearm licences,” he said shortly after his farewell parade.

With regards to the self-granting of a firearm dealership, he said the records also show that in the 1980s, a then outgoing Police Commissioner had also done so."


Suh Mr.Seelall is a follower,Tom,Jack and Harry did the same,so i can.

Sorry Mr. Seellall you are in the league of the corrupted.

YES and so are YOU. Not that you will ever know!!!

Nehru posted:

Vish, why Cabinet OK it, are those DUMb ASSES beyond repair???

Some politicians don’t know their head from their feet.

Ramjattan definitely need a good a** whipping for his language...its not the first time he used dem words. 

Nehru posted:
Django posted:

"Outgoing Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud on Wednesday defended his decision to apply for personal firearm licences, saying that he was merely following what most other outgoing Police Commissioners had done.

“If you look historically over the past twenty-five years, you would see that all the Commissioners, maybe with the exception of one, granted themselves firearm licences,” he said shortly after his farewell parade.

With regards to the self-granting of a firearm dealership, he said the records also show that in the 1980s, a then outgoing Police Commissioner had also done so."


Suh Mr.Seelall is a follower,Tom,Jack and Harry did the same,so i can.

Sorry Mr. Seellall you are in the league of the corrupted.

YES and so are YOU. Not that you will ever know!!!

You really got to be a fool to come to that conclusion.

Last edited by Django

Mits, I do not have to tell you and Churchill about the deep and entrenched CORRUPTION, CRIMINALITY, BIASES, VIOLENCE, and INTIMIDATION practices of the PNC. I know you witness and perhaps experienced it first hand!!!!

Nehru posted:

Vish, why Cabinet OK it, are those DUMb ASSES beyond repair???

The licenses were not approved by the cabinet. They were alerted to the situation, discussed it among themselves and decided to have Ramjattan revoke the licenses. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Rum shop behavior from Ramjattan.  What do you expect from a man who keeps bashing Jagdeo's wedding and never looked at his own wedding? 

which one of jagdeo wedding the one with the women or the man 

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Vish, why Cabinet OK it, are those DUMb ASSES beyond repair???

The licenses were not approved by the cabinet. They were alerted to the situation, discussed it among themselves and decided to have Ramjattan revoke the licenses. 

Them bannas does have their own spin,i saw that and stayed quiet to let him feel elated.

Nehru posted:
Django posted:

"Outgoing Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud on Wednesday defended his decision to apply for personal firearm licences, saying that he was merely following what most other outgoing Police Commissioners had done.

“If you look historically over the past twenty-five years, you would see that all the Commissioners, maybe with the exception of one, granted themselves firearm licences,” he said shortly after his farewell parade.

With regards to the self-granting of a firearm dealership, he said the records also show that in the 1980s, a then outgoing Police Commissioner had also done so."


Suh Mr.Seelall is a follower,Tom,Jack and Harry did the same,so i can.

Sorry Mr. Seellall you are in the league of the corrupted.

YES and so are YOU. Not that you will ever know!!!

i love the ppp as a opposition party now them collie bai find they voice to speak about corruption keep up the good works my indian brothers it will be a long fight until you fools turn your attention to your party first to clean it out 

VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

Vish, why Cabinet OK it, are those DUMb ASSES beyond repair???

Some politicians don’t know their head from their feet.

Ramjattan definitely need a good a** whipping for his language...its not the first time he used dem words. 

He needs to be fired not just for his language but for incompetence.


You were/are too DUMB, STUPID and ILLITERATE to have known, seen the discussions on Corruption during the PPP Govt. Not your fault or those of your teachers, a few like you were born brainless!!!

Nehru posted:

You were/are too DUMB, STUPID and ILLITERATE to have known, seen the discussions on Corruption during the PPP Govt. Not your fault or those of your teachers, a few like you were born brainless!!!

see you hitting the bottle early 


Wasw that you crying in the basement last night?? Hear, must replace the Bottle of Ciroc Mango, dat thing went down smooth, thanks. I should be coming Friday night, dont forget to replace the Mango Ciroc!!!!


Have you noticed that the  faces of Moses and Ramjattan were much more relaxed and happy when they were in the opposition? They are in the government now and they look and sound very miserable.  I think they are under severe stress from the loss of support at the grassroot level and the overwhelming authority and power that the PNC exercises over them .

Billy Ram Balgobin
Nehru posted:

You were/are too DUMB, STUPID and ILLITERATE to have known, seen the discussions on Corruption during the PPP Govt. Not your fault or those of your teachers, a few like you were born brainless!!!

I know that was not directed at ME.........


Seelall saw what others were doing and did the same. However, he erred in judgement and should have sat down with his superiors and I am certain that they would have granted him the application.

Guyana is corrupt all the way to the top of the Police force.

Sadly, it is becoming a S Hole country.

yuji22 posted:

Seelall saw what others were doing and did the same. However, he erred in judgement and should have sat down with his superiors and I am certain that they would have granted him the application.

Guyana is corrupt all the way to the top of the Police force.

Sadly, it is becoming a S Hole country.

what you mean turn a shit hole country when jagdeo take over it was sheer shit 

warrior posted:
yuji22 posted:

Seelall saw what others were doing and did the same. However, he erred in judgement and should have sat down with his superiors and I am certain that they would have granted him the application.

Guyana is corrupt all the way to the top of the Police force.

Sadly, it is becoming a S Hole country.

what you mean turn a shit hole country when jagdeo take over it was sheer shit 

Sheer shit and shit hole not the same. 

yuji22 posted:

Seelall saw what others were doing and did the same. However, he erred in judgement and should have sat down with his superiors and I am certain that they would have granted him the application.

Guyana is corrupt all the way to the top of the Police force.

Sadly, it is becoming a S Hole country.

You got released and you stared with your vulgarity. 


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