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antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This lawyer, a knucklehead,  is making his out to be a frequent occurence...its not. 


You're still not thinking thrice. Stop being stupid. You have no idea what happens in Guyana. Plus the attorney has to build a case for his client. He's doing his job and doing it well. are like a nagging etch on my behind...

I was commenting on the attorney's statement...he can build a case w/o making that statement...


That's right. Bytch and whine. I have no interest in your behind. Sorry. Perhaps you should lend your legal expertise to the woman's attorney on how to build a case. It's obvious you were commenting on the attorney's statement. It's a stupid comment.

I was going to leave you alone but changed my mind. Every time I check in I'm going to jump all over your stupid posts. I'm going to enjoy showing you the extent of your own stupidity and the limit of your intellect. You're not qualified to run around calling people derogatory names.


Gwan do write dem wastin precious time...unless you have a block head...err..I mean "mental bloc"

VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This lawyer, a knucklehead,  is making his out to be a frequent occurence...its not. 


You're still not thinking thrice. Stop being stupid. You have no idea what happens in Guyana. Plus the attorney has to build a case for his client. He's doing his job and doing it well. are like a nagging etch on my behind...

I was commenting on the attorney's statement...he can build a case w/o making that statement...


That's right. Bytch and whine. I have no interest in your behind. Sorry. Perhaps you should lend your legal expertise to the woman's attorney on how to build a case. It's obvious you were commenting on the attorney's statement. It's a stupid comment.

I was going to leave you alone but changed my mind. Every time I check in I'm going to jump all over your stupid posts. I'm going to enjoy showing you the extent of your own stupidity and the limit of your intellect. You're not qualified to run around calling people derogatory names.


Gwan do write dem wastin precious time...unless you have a block head...err..I mean "mental bloc"

Now I see why you taking so long to graduate! You all over the frigging place when you should be studying!

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
Dave posted:
Iguana posted:
Dave posted:

I should add..  I agree with you.

However, I would not stay quiet if Admin ignore posters who make reference of my relatives. 

How did vishmahabir insult your relatives you dimwit? He said the 2 women could be your mother, a typical statement made when someone seeks to discourage insulting women who are of age to be your parent. He was not in any way implying they look like your mother.

My post, on the other hand, did insult you. I make no apologies. It is what you get when you are a typical lowlife gutter rat, ready to grab a palin stave and start screaming and lashing in drunken stupor. Typical drunk village idiot.

Haul you black mangee mother Fkt. 

Go  find your fkt father loser, you fkt crab dag son of bitch. 

You son of a bitch unshackle the chain from the mental asylum, showing up here attacking posters again. This place was peaceful until your black sprit shows up. 

Disappear you F’vk low life, go look at High street.. the building with the Big G where you was fkt conceived .. and you was dump in the fkt gutter. 


Hey, listen here dude...things can get real out of hand here when people hide behind their key takes 2 to tango..

when I made that comment about your mother it was in jest...could have been mine or your mother...if you offended, then my apologies...

Then again...we dont know your mother, so why the sensitive behavior?

But you just can put that kind of picture about women...a photoshop one too...and expect people not to respond the way they did... 

I share a picture someone send to me . In hindsight I saw  your point. 

Just making a reference here to your last paragraph. 

 Amral had posted a picture of an Ape in reference to a government minister. I didn’t saw you calling him out. 

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
Iguana posted:
Dave posted:

I should add..  I agree with you.

However, I would not stay quiet if Admin ignore posters who make reference of my relatives. 

How did vishmahabir insult your relatives you dimwit? He said the 2 women could be your mother, a typical statement made when someone seeks to discourage insulting women who are of age to be your parent. He was not in any way implying they look like your mother.

My post, on the other hand, did insult you. I make no apologies. It is what you get when you are a typical lowlife gutter rat, ready to grab a palin stave and start screaming and lashing in drunken stupor. Typical drunk village idiot.

Haul you black mangee mother Fkt. 

Go  find your fkt father loser, you fkt crab dag son of bitch. 

Take this, for example,

Is this language necessary??


Sometimes it is necessary to get thru a thick skull like yours. A mind is a terrible time to waste Mr. Professional Student.

Iguana posted:
seignet posted:

It happened in Guyana to a Bajan girl travelling. I believe the lawyer, Guyana has alot of sickos, male and females blacks.

Racist DOG Seignet, yuh can't resist linking "blacks" to sickos in Guyana. How about them Indian ones that we read of almost daily in de papers? Yuh kno, de ones dat rape dem pickney, kill dem baby, chop up dem mattie, butcher dem wife and suh on. Dem nah sickos too? Iz only black man?

Not gonna let yuh bigoted old skont get away wid it. Yuh one foul heartbeat away from de grave and still wid yuh racist nonsense. Yuh gon dead suh.

Hey Skont, we Indians are good cultured ppl. We keep things in the family.

Immigration has only black ppl. 

Iz a good ting yuh nah god, yuh would ah kill me already. Yuh black skont mind is as black as yuh. And that goes to the ***-ker that liked comment. 

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
Dave posted:
Iguana posted:
Dave posted:

I should add..  I agree with you.

However, I would not stay quiet if Admin ignore posters who make reference of my relatives. 

How did vishmahabir insult your relatives you dimwit? He said the 2 women could be your mother, a typical statement made when someone seeks to discourage insulting women who are of age to be your parent. He was not in any way implying they look like your mother.

My post, on the other hand, did insult you. I make no apologies. It is what you get when you are a typical lowlife gutter rat, ready to grab a palin stave and start screaming and lashing in drunken stupor. Typical drunk village idiot.

Haul you black mangee mother Fkt. 

Go  find your fkt father loser, you fkt crab dag son of bitch. 

You son of a bitch unshackle the chain from the mental asylum, showing up here attacking posters again. This place was peaceful until your black sprit shows up. 

Disappear you F’vk low life, go look at High street.. the building with the Big G where you was fkt conceived .. and you was dump in the fkt gutter. 


Hey, listen here dude...things can get real out of hand here when people hide behind their key takes 2 to tango..

when I made that comment about your mother it was in jest...could have been mine or your mother...if you offended, then my apologies...

Then again...we dont know your mother, so why the sensitive behavior?

But you just can put that kind of picture about women...a photoshop one too...and expect people not to respond the way they did... 

I share a picture someone send to me . In hindsight I saw  your point. 

Just making a reference here to your last paragraph. 

 Amral had posted a picture of an Ape in reference to a government minister. I didn’t saw you calling him out. 


The internet cant regulate us...we all have to exercise self control..and draw limits 

seignet posted:
Iguana posted:


Racist DOG Seignet, yuh can't resist linking "blacks" to sickos in Guyana. How about them Indian ones that we read of almost daily in de papers? Yuh kno, de ones dat rape dem pickney, kill dem baby, chop up dem mattie, butcher dem wife and suh on. Dem nah sickos too? Iz only black man?

Not gonna let yuh bigoted old skont get away wid it. Yuh one foul heartbeat away from de grave and still wid yuh racist nonsense. Yuh gon dead suh.

Hey Skont, we Indians are good cultured ppl. We keep things in the family.

Immigration has only black ppl. 

Iz a good ting yuh nah god, yuh would ah kill me already. Yuh black skont mind is as black as yuh. And that goes to the ***-ker that liked comment. 

Cain, why you guh invite trouble onto yuhself?

skeldon_man posted:

Take this, for example,

Is this language necessary??


Sometimes it is necessary to get thru a thick skull like yours. A mind is a terrible time to waste Mr. Professional Student.


use de spell check if you cant spell "thing"...I know is too many letters in de word...

seignet posted:

Hey Skont, we Indians are good cultured ppl. We keep things in the family.

Immigration has only black ppl. 

Iz a good ting yuh nah god, yuh would ah kill me already. Yuh black skont mind is as black as yuh. And that goes to the ***-ker that liked comment. 

why all dis anger bro? why the cuss word?

you realize you cussin a computa monita??

skeldon_man posted:

Take this, for example,

Is this language necessary??


Sometimes it is necessary to get thru a thick skull like yours. A mind is a terrible time to waste Mr. Professional Student.

This only shows a lack of intelligence on your part...makes you look like a childish "coolie boy" from a village who gets easily unhinged. Did your parents not teach you how to behave in "public"?

why not make statements where your narrative can speak for you...instead of revealing your basest instincts by showing your true color and resorting to name calling? 

Did your refined Indian culture not teach you to be kind to others even in the face of adversity? 

VishMahabir posted:


Gwan do write dem wastin precious time...unless you have a block head...err..I mean "mental bloc"

So sweet of you to be concerned about my time. FYI... Posts of substance are not prohibited on the forum. If you can't come up with any, copy or something and stop being such an embarrassment.

VishMahabir posted:

This only shows a lack of intelligence on your part...makes you look like a childish "coolie boy" from a village who gets easily unhinged. Did your parents not teach you how to behave in "public"?

why not make statements where your narrative can speak for you...instead of revealing your basest instincts by showing your true color and resorting to name calling? 

Did your refined Indian culture not teach you to be kind to others even in the face of adversity? 

in Guyana we call this pot calling kettle black.

VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

in Guyana we call this pot calling kettle black.

In America...and the rest of the world...we call this being a Knucklehead...

Lata for you to class...

VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

in Guyana we call this pot calling kettle black.

In America...and the rest of the world...we call this being a Knucklehead...

Lata for you to class...

Remember, 1+1=2.


Im trying to understand why a cavity search. There is a body scanner at security . If they saw something, then it would be reasonable to conduct one. But from what I read, no illegal items were found on this outgoing passenger. Were they being too excessive? 

Sheik101 posted:

Im trying to understand why a cavity search. There is a body scanner at security . If they saw something, then it would be reasonable to conduct one. But from what I read, no illegal items were found on this outgoing passenger. Were they being too excessive? 

Use your head!!

VishMahabir posted:
seignet posted:

Hey Skont, we Indians are good cultured ppl. We keep things in the family.

Immigration has only black ppl. 

Iz a good ting yuh nah god, yuh would ah kill me already. Yuh black skont mind is as black as yuh. And that goes to the ***-ker that liked comment. 

why all dis anger bro? why the cuss word?

you realize you cussin a computa monita??

No anger bro. Is we Guyanese ting to buize down one another. I gaan beyond the monitor into de mudda f'er mind. Dem Nigerians say "rain brimstone of fire on ppl who wish other ppl death." Some Guyanese black ppl skont mind is disgusting, even dem wannabe blacks. Rotten ppl is dem.  

Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Im trying to understand why a cavity search. There is a body scanner at security . If they saw something, then it would be reasonable to conduct one. But from what I read, no illegal items were found on this outgoing passenger. Were they being too excessive? 

Use your head!!

Some body wanted to feel up the woman. Iguana is a voyeur.

antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

in Guyana we call this pot calling kettle black.

In America...and the rest of the world...we call this being a Knucklehead...

Lata for you to class...

Remember, 1+1=2.

OK...but my mind stuck on 34 for some reason...

antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

Remember, 1+1=2.

OK...but my mind stuck on 34 for some reason...

You should fix that. Many colleges offer remedial math.

I could fix it but in Guyana you and all dem smart people now saying that 1/2 of 65 is 34...

VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

Remember, 1+1=2.

OK...but my mind stuck on 34 for some reason...

You should fix that. Many colleges offer remedial math.

I could fix it but in Guyana you and all dem smart people now saying that 1/2 of 65 is 34...

How the sk&unt you can fix, when you are spending less than 2 hour in college...  you check out @ 3:30 pm ( off to college) by 4:40 pm, you are back with your comments. 

Dave posted:

Amral, should take not. Iguana shows up last night after a period of absence and start attacking posters again in his usual ways. 

Bai, don't let the jackass affect your actions. Always make comments on your own terms. That fool isn't worth it.

Dave posted:

How the sk&unt you can fix, when you are spending less than 2 hour in college...  you check out @ 3:30 pm ( off to college) by 4:40 pm, you are back with your comments. 

Like you never set foot in an American college...otherwise you would know that its not like all day High School...

VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

Remember, 1+1=2.

OK...but my mind stuck on 34 for some reason...

You should fix that. Many colleges offer remedial math.

I could fix it but in Guyana you and all dem smart people now saying that 1/2 of 65 is 34...

Perhaps your problem is focus. If you could take some time off from worrying about Guyana you might be able to pick up basic arithmetic.

Last edited by antabanta
VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:

How the sk&unt you can fix, when you are spending less than 2 hour in college...  you check out @ 3:30 pm ( off to college) by 4:40 pm, you are back with your comments. 

Like you never set foot in an American college...otherwise you would know that its not like all day High School...

Not sure what you mean!  Shouldn't you be using the breaks to do research and forward study!

seignet posted:
Iguana posted:
seignet posted:

It happened in Guyana to a Bajan girl travelling. I believe the lawyer, Guyana has alot of sickos, male and females blacks.

Racist DOG Seignet, yuh can't resist linking "blacks" to sickos in Guyana. How about them Indian ones that we read of almost daily in de papers? Yuh kno, de ones dat rape dem pickney, kill dem baby, chop up dem mattie, butcher dem wife and suh on. Dem nah sickos too? Iz only black man?

Not gonna let yuh bigoted old skont get away wid it. Yuh one foul heartbeat away from de grave and still wid yuh racist nonsense. Yuh gon dead suh.

Hey Skont, we Indians are good cultured ppl. We keep things in the family.

Immigration has only black ppl. 

Iz a good ting yuh nah god, yuh would ah kill me already. Yuh black skont mind is as black as yuh. And that goes to the ***-ker that liked comment. 

Another Indian bigot coming unglued. Only last Sunday yuh wuz hugging up yuh black pastor and rolling in de aisles "praising God" yuh dam ole hypocrite. Imagine yuh living dis way and yuh only one heart attack away, suh mek sure yuh don't cuss and fart at de same time.

Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Im trying to understand why a cavity search. There is a body scanner at security . If they saw something, then it would be reasonable to conduct one. But from what I read, no illegal items were found on this outgoing passenger. Were they being too excessive? 

Use your head!!

You mean, instead of usin their hands?

Cavity search taraaassss.

Last edited by cain
VishMahabir posted:


This lawyer, a knucklehead,  is making his out to be a frequent occurence...its not. 


I guess, you would readily agree to  take off your underwear and to squat and cough...…...which she refused. 

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

Remember, 1+1=2.

OK...but my mind stuck on 34 for some reason...

You should fix that. Many colleges offer remedial math.

I could fix it but in Guyana you and all dem smart people now saying that 1/2 of 65 is 34...

How the sk&unt you can fix, when you are spending less than 2 hour in college...  you check out @ 3:30 pm ( off to college) by 4:40 pm, you are back with your comments. 

How many credits does this guy take? I did not know they offer a half-credit credit course. I think he is taking online courses from the Nigerians operating out of Cameroon.


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