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Woman injects abdomen with gramoxone to abort fetus

March 12, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

By: Romila Boodram

A supervisor attached to a poultry farm at Hill Foot up the Soesdyke/Linden Highway died at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) on Thursday after she reportedly injected herself with gramoxone in an attempt to abort her unborn child.
A Post Mortem examination performed on the remains of Liloutie Raggernauth, called Reshma, of Lot 5 Eccles; East Bank Demerara (EBD) revealed that the 30-year-old woman was pregnant.
The examination also showed that the woman died as a result of poison.
Her relatives were only aware that the young woman was pregnant when Government Pathologist, Dr. Nehaul Singh, conducted the examination and revealed his findings to them yesterday.
The woman’s stomach content was handed over to the police and a toxicology test will be done.
Reports are that Raggernauth, in an attempt to conceal her pregnancy from her parents, used a syringe that contained the poisonous substance and injected her abdomen at the farm last Monday.
However, when she started to vomit, she was rushed to a private hospital and was later transferred to the GPHC where she was hospitalized for two days until she succumbed.
This newspaper understands that even while the 30-year-old woman was hospitalized, her relatives had no idea what she was being treated for and assumed that she was having severe abdominal pain.
A very reliable source told this newspaper that before the woman died, she confided in a doctor. “She told the doctor that she took one of the syringes with poison that was on the farm and injected her abdomen,” the source said.
While she did not state the reason for her act, this publication understands that Raggernauth and a married man were sharing a relationship. However, the individual subsequently went back to his wife, leaving the now dead woman without a choice.
When this newspaper visited the farm yesterday, an employee there said that Liloutie Raggernauth went into work early on March 7, last, and appeared depressed.
It was some time after noon that she started vomiting continuously and crying out for abdominal pain. One of her friends contacted her daughter and she was taken to a private hospital and then rushed to GPHC.
“Her family knows nothing about what transpired. I guess she was trying to hide the pregnancy and thought that the poison would kill only the unborn baby,” a source explained.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Tragic. There is a lesson to be drawn here: a woman must not commit herself wholeheartedly to a married man and get pregnant, until that married man shows his commitment to her by ending his marriage.

Nehru posted:

Guyanese lost all hopes. They seethe misery and uncertainly created since May 11!!! What a bloody SHAME!!!

so AFC/APNU tell her to get pregnant by a married man, then try to abort the baby by poisoning it....

I learn something everyday on here....

Nehru posted:

Guyanese lost all hopes. They seethe misery and uncertainly created since May 11!!! What a bloody SHAME!!!

I need to create a website to provide a service to yall so you can put an end to yall misery. You, Yugi - all you PPPites who lost all hopes here will mek me get rich in no time.... 


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