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Woman makes claims of repeated physical abuse against Government Minister’s son



A 28-year-old woman is scared for her life after repeated reports to the police about an abusive ex- boyfriend continues to go unaddressed.
According to woman (name given), her ex-boyfriend happens to be the son of a senior Government minister. The woman said that she met the young man last year June. Soon after they met, the abuse started.
According to the young lady the abuse started from “small” things then quickly escalated to hitting. She said that she still stayed in the relationship, even though friends warned her not to. She told Kaieteur News that last October she was beaten so badly that she had to be taken to a private city hospital for medical treatment.  According to her she was required to take a CT scan.
Call it naivetÉ or plain stupidity the woman said she nevertheless remained in the relationship. She had learnt from other women who shared a relationship with this man that he had beaten all of them.
Not more than a month later, the woman said she suffered a more severe beating. The woman said that she was in her early stages of pregnancy and was beaten so severely that she miscarried.  That incident happened at her home, and she had stabbed him once in self defence.
“He kicked me to my stomach …he kept saying that he was going to make me not be able to make other children”. This, according to her was her final straw, and she discontinued the relationship.  However that still didn’t deter the official’s son from contacting her.
She told Kaieteur News that since last year she has been receiving threatening phone calls. The woman said that the man also shows up at her house and demands to be let in, something she says she has not done. A report has been made, but she claims that the police seem not to be interested in the matter.
She said that this may be due to her discontinuing prosecution on two previous occasions.
The latest attack she sustained happened on Friday night at a popular Middle Street Restaurant. According to her she was out on Friday night with friends, when the official’s son made several attempts to contact her on her mobile phone.
She said that she refused to answer his calls since she knew what would follow. “Had I answered the phone, he would have started to abuse me verbally so I just didn’t answer the phone.”
Somehow the woman said that the official’s son managed to find out where she was. She told Kaieteur News that he entered the restaurant and demanded that she leave with him. She refused. An argument quickly ensued between the official’s son and the woman’s friends.
Kaieteur News was told that the man grabbed her handbag and physically tried to remove her from the table with friends. However the woman said that her friends and other person’s who were in the restaurant did not sit and allow him to get a hold of her.
Kaieteur News was told that the young man eventually left the restaurant. A report was made, but to date he has not been arrested for the assault.  The woman told Kaieteur News that her life has become a nightmare, since she has been confined to her home.
Further, the woman said that she made contact with a government official who begged her not to go public about the story, but the official did not offer any support to her. The woman is calling on the relevant authorities to step into the situation before it’s too late.

De Son is behaving like the Father...

Above the Law....

 Could this chap must be related to de Pundit.


Lets see if Priya will issue a statement on this hooligan in the house.

I would support Priya for President

if she raise this Issue in Parliament today.


We know Gail is not Qualified to speak on these issues...

Because with the PPP Victory

she left her Husband to move in with another Minister,

De Fella bruck she hand.....

and the only thing that happen to this Fella

was the US took away his Visa.


          In America


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