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Alicia Harry

Woman placed to sleep naked in Police lockups


November 1 2018

A Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) woman is alleging that the Police in the region has abused their power by placing her naked in the lock ups while her teenage daughter is also accusing police officers of assaulting her and placing her in the lock ups with adults.

Alicia Harry, 35, told this publication that she was arrested on Monday and placed in a cell at the Rose Hall Town Police Outpost without any clothing.

The mother of four told this publication that on Monday Police went to arrest her, alleging that she threw at bottle at a Guyana Police Force vehicle on Saturday evening damaging the windscreen.

She said that she told officers that she has four daughters ages four, 11, 14 and 16 and if they detained her they will be left on their  own at her Lot 44 Williamsburg, Rose Hall Town home. The woman is claiming that the officers said that they had to conduct a search for drugs at the house. She said that she resisted the search and the officers began to assault her and two of her teenage daughters. In the end, herself, one of her daughters, along with her aunt and two cousins were arrested. She claimed that the two officers went to the upper flat saying that they did not need a warrant to search the house.

Neighbours told this publication that during the commotion a gunshot was fired, and they heard screaming.One neighbour Wanita Bhagwandin explained that she heard a police officer telling the teenagers that he was going to shoot them on their feet if they did not walk.“They start to cuss dem girls about they mother…they behave real nasty and bad. They had a New Amsterdam vehicle; the number for the station was on the door,” the neighbor explained.

Meanwhile, Harry said because of what happened at the house, she felt frustrated and she told the Police that she felt like taking her own life. According to the woman, her statement caused the Police to ask her to take off all her clothes and then she was placed in the lock ups naked.

Attorney-at-Law, Chandra Sohan, having heard of the woman’s situation on Monday attempted to secure station bail but was unsuccessful. He told this publication that he questioned the Police as why Harry was not handcuffed to a chair or bench in the view of Police Officers at the Outpost if they considered her suicidal. He said he was told that the officer who was responsible for taking her to the station was not there at the time and there was nothing that could have been done to change how she was accommodated.

“We all know how the lockups are and to have someone in there without clothing could lead to other health issues, but it seems as though the Police are not concerned with that,” Sohan told this newspaper.It was not until Tuesday morning after much persistence that Harry was released on her own recognisance.According to Harry, she was helpless as several male officers came and looked at her without any clothing while she was in the cell.

“I had to lie down on that cold concrete without any clothes and they did not give me anything to eat. They didn’t even give me some water to drink,” she told this publication.

Efforts by this publication to get a comment on the matter from Police in Berbice proved futile.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Needs investigation.  For what she did, why did they even have to remove from her home given the kids.

Guyana society lacks empathy and humanity.  No wonder suicide, dv and drunkenness so rife.  

alena06 posted:

You should see the video on this one, barbaric.  Indians continue to suffer at the hands of the brutal Police.

The Police have always been like that, the need  serious discipline.

You have the link for the video ? post it let the world see.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
alena06 posted:

You should see the video on this one, barbaric.  Indians continue to suffer at the hands of the brutal Police.

The Police have always been like that, the need  serious discipline.

You have the link for the video ? post it let the world see.

Hog sh*t!!! If the PPP was in power, you guys would have called for the resignation of the Security Minister.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
alena06 posted:

You should see the video on this one, barbaric.  Indians continue to suffer at the hands of the brutal Police.

The Police have always been like that, the need  serious discipline.

You have the link for the video ? post it let the world see.

Hog sh*t!!! If the PPP was in power, you guys would have called for the resignation of the Security Minister.

Why the resignation of the Security Minister? The police have always been brutal and inhuman. Back in the days, I have seen a lot of these complaints of barbaric acts by the police in the courts. 

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
alena06 posted:

You should see the video on this one, barbaric.  Indians continue to suffer at the hands of the brutal Police.

The Police have always been like that, the need  serious discipline.

You have the link for the video ? post it let the world see.

Hog sh*t!!! If the PPP was in power, you guys would have called for the resignation of the Security Minister.

Why the resignation of the Security Minister? The police have always been brutal and inhuman. Back in the days, I have seen a lot of these complaints of barbaric acts by the police in the courts. 

The PNC campaigned on cleaning up all this crap. I am not saying the Security Minister should resign. I said, "you guys would have called for the resignation of the Security Minister".

yuji22 posted:

All of this is happening under Ramjattan’s watch. He is worse than a criminal. As usual, none of this will be investigated. That SOB Ramjattan. 

Don't blame Ramjattan. Where is the Police Commissioner? Who is really in charge of the police? Why abuse the helpless women? Shame on those bastards.

Sheik101 posted:

Like i said before, regardless which Govt. is at the helm, those guys in uniform will continue to be and do the things they're accustom to doing ; engage in lawlessness. How ironic. 

I agree with you. The new chief has a lot of cleaning up to do.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
alena06 posted:

You should see the video on this one, barbaric.  Indians continue to suffer at the hands of the brutal Police.

The Police have always been like that, the need  serious discipline.

You have the link for the video ? post it let the world see.

Hog sh*t!!! If the PPP was in power, you guys would have called for the resignation of the Security Minister.

Why the resignation of the Security Minister? The police have always been brutal and inhuman. Back in the days, I have seen a lot of these complaints of barbaric acts by the police in the courts. 

The PNC campaigned on cleaning up all this crap. I am not saying the Security Minister should resign. I said, "you guys would have called for the resignation of the Security Minister".

And you did not support it then. These police should be disciplined for the brutality. There is a need for more Indians and the other races to come forward and join the force. Where are the female officers?

Mitwah posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Like i said before, regardless which Govt. is at the helm, those guys in uniform will continue to be and do the things they're accustom to doing ; engage in lawlessness. How ironic. 

I agree with you. The new chief has a lot of cleaning up to do.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
alena06 posted:

You should see the video on this one, barbaric.  Indians continue to suffer at the hands of the brutal Police.

The Police have always been like that, the need  serious discipline.

You have the link for the video ? post it let the world see.

Hog sh*t!!! If the PPP was in power, you guys would have called for the resignation of the Security Minister.

Why the resignation of the Security Minister? The police have always been brutal and inhuman. Back in the days, I have seen a lot of these complaints of barbaric acts by the police in the courts. 

The PNC campaigned on cleaning up all this crap. I am not saying the Security Minister should resign. I said, "you guys would have called for the resignation of the Security Minister".

And you did not support it then. These police should be disciplined for the brutality. There is a need for more Indians and the other races to come forward and join the force. Where are the female officers?

These are age-old questions and suggestions. Every allegation should be investigated and everyone involved(police and victims) should be given due process.

Mitwah posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Like i said before, regardless which Govt. is at the helm, those guys in uniform will continue to be and do the things they're accustom to doing ; engage in lawlessness. How ironic. 

I agree with you. The new chief has a lot of cleaning up to do.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
alena06 posted:

You should see the video on this one, barbaric.  Indians continue to suffer at the hands of the brutal Police.

The Police have always been like that, the need  serious discipline.

You have the link for the video ? post it let the world see.

Hog sh*t!!! If the PPP was in power, you guys would have called for the resignation of the Security Minister.

Why the resignation of the Security Minister? The police have always been brutal and inhuman. Back in the days, I have seen a lot of these complaints of barbaric acts by the police in the courts. 

The PNC campaigned on cleaning up all this crap. I am not saying the Security Minister should resign. I said, "you guys would have called for the resignation of the Security Minister".

And you did not support it then. These police should be disciplined for the brutality. There is a need for more Indians and the other races to come forward and join the force. Where are the female officers?

How many times during orientation were officers given pep talk at eve leary about conducting themselves in a professional manner, duty to the citizens etc. They dont care. A great deal of them them are just criminals in uniform, armed with authority. And there are some of u who may not like what I said,  bit its true. U can take a chance and trust a stray dog on the streets but never ever trust the GPF. Beer money, child mother money, box hand.

Sheik101 posted:
Mitwah posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Like i said before, regardless which Govt. is at the helm, those guys in uniform will continue to be and do the things they're accustom to doing ; engage in lawlessness. How ironic. 

I agree with you. The new chief has a lot of cleaning up to do.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
alena06 posted:

You should see the video on this one, barbaric.  Indians continue to suffer at the hands of the brutal Police.

The Police have always been like that, the need  serious discipline.

You have the link for the video ? post it let the world see.

Hog sh*t!!! If the PPP was in power, you guys would have called for the resignation of the Security Minister.

Why the resignation of the Security Minister? The police have always been brutal and inhuman. Back in the days, I have seen a lot of these complaints of barbaric acts by the police in the courts. 

The PNC campaigned on cleaning up all this crap. I am not saying the Security Minister should resign. I said, "you guys would have called for the resignation of the Security Minister".

And you did not support it then. These police should be disciplined for the brutality. There is a need for more Indians and the other races to come forward and join the force. Where are the female officers?

How many times during orientation were officers given pep talk at eve leary about conducting themselves in a professional manner, duty to the citizens etc. They dont care. A great deal of them them are just criminals in uniform, armed with authority. And there are some of u who may not like what I said,  bit its true. U can take a chance and trust a stray dog on the streets but never ever trust the GPF. Beer money, child mother money, box hand.

I am reluctant to say this because now I am going hear that I am "defending" the PNC but the one thing it looks like the police did right, and I say looks like because I haven't seen the video or know exactly how much this lady was asked to remove, is to remove the clothing of anyone with suicidal thoughts which may be deemed dangerous such as shoe laces, belts etc.


GT, you're not defending anybody, just stating ur opinion like everyone else. However I do agree that someone who entertain suicidal thoughts while detained should have some items removed from their person as a precautionary measure. But the lady stated that she was naked. In my view, females while in custody should be handled a bit more sensitively. As an alternative, I would have had someone watch over her during this period of detention. On the other hand, I am eagerly awaiting this video Alena mentioned.

Amral posted:

It has become an embarrassment to say you are from Guyana

Speak for yourself cuz. ******* politicians from either side of the political spectrum will never change how I feel about Guyana the country.

Django posted:

Alicia Harry

Woman placed to sleep naked in Police lockups


November 1 2018

A Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) woman is alleging that the Police in the region has abused their power by placing her naked in the lock ups while her teenage daughter is also accusing police officers of assaulting her and placing her in the lock ups with adults.

Alicia Harry, 35, told this publication that she was arrested on Monday and placed in a cell at the Rose Hall Town Police Outpost without any clothing.

“We all know how the lockups are and to have someone in there without clothing could lead to other health issues, but it seems as though the Police are not concerned with that,” Sohan told this newspaper. It was not until Tuesday morning after much persistence that Harry was released on her own recognisance. According to Harry, she was helpless as several male officers came and looked at her without any clothing while she was in the cell.

New and improved conditions of the police approach under the PNCR and Ramjattan.

Sheik101 posted:

GT, you're not defending anybody, just stating ur opinion like everyone else. However I do agree that someone who entertain suicidal thoughts while detained should have some items removed from their person as a precautionary measure. But the lady stated that she was naked. In my view, females while in custody should be handled a bit more sensitively. As an alternative, I would have had someone watch over her during this period of detention. On the other hand, I am eagerly awaiting this video Alena mentioned.

Overall, two things are certain. The GPF needs more training and there are a lot of details that are unclear. A few years ago I was watching Baywatch and an older female relative was visiting from Guyana. Her comment was that I was watching nakid skin homan.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:

Alicia Harry

Woman placed to sleep naked in Police lockups


November 1 2018

A Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) woman is alleging that the Police in the region has abused their power by placing her naked in the lock ups while her teenage daughter is also accusing police officers of assaulting her and placing her in the lock ups with adults.

Alicia Harry, 35, told this publication that she was arrested on Monday and placed in a cell at the Rose Hall Town Police Outpost without any clothing.

“We all know how the lockups are and to have someone in there without clothing could lead to other health issues, but it seems as though the Police are not concerned with that,” Sohan told this newspaper. It was not until Tuesday morning after much persistence that Harry was released on her own recognisance. According to Harry, she was helpless as several male officers came and looked at her without any clothing while she was in the cell.

New and improved conditions of the police approach under the PNCR and Ramjattan.

I wonder how Ramjattan would react if that happened to his wife, mother or sister ? That clueless chap should do the honourable thing and just resign.

yuji22 posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:

Alicia Harry

Woman placed to sleep naked in Police lockups


November 1 2018

A Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) woman is alleging that the Police in the region has abused their power by placing her naked in the lock ups while her teenage daughter is also accusing police officers of assaulting her and placing her in the lock ups with adults.

Alicia Harry, 35, told this publication that she was arrested on Monday and placed in a cell at the Rose Hall Town Police Outpost without any clothing.

“We all know how the lockups are and to have someone in there without clothing could lead to other health issues, but it seems as though the Police are not concerned with that,” Sohan told this newspaper. It was not until Tuesday morning after much persistence that Harry was released on her own recognisance. According to Harry, she was helpless as several male officers came and looked at her without any clothing while she was in the cell.

New and improved conditions of the police approach under the PNCR and Ramjattan.

I wonder how Ramjattan would react if that happened to his wife, mother or sister ? That clueless chap should do the honourable thing and just resign.

Empathy is not in his vocabulary.


I remember how the AFC was screaming for Rohee to resign when a demoniac cop tortured a lil bai. These shameless AFC scamps are dead silent now. It is one clear that Ramjattan should resign.

The largest Prision break in Guyana’s history

The entire Prison Burnt Down

Shooting of Prisoners in jail

Stripping Indo Guyanese Women Naked 

Stripping Women Naked in a Jail Cell for 24 Hours

Escalation of Drugs

Escalation of Crime

Admission by Ramjattan that he is Clueless on how to perform his duties

The list goes on and on. 

Rohee Looks Like A Star Bai when compared to Ramjattan. The problem is that his boss is just as clueless. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Let’s hear what the police says.  She expressed suicide thoughts.  Maybe he was afraid she use her clothes as a noose to hang herself? 

According to Harry, she was helpless as several male officers came and looked at her without any clothing while she was in the cell.

Base, this is extremely disgraceful and embarrassing. Looks like the woman was a peep show for them. Imagine that! In Guyana, we live in a culture where you dare not discuss sex or sexual organs etc. How about stripping those policemen and parade them out in the public?

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Let’s hear what the police says.  She expressed suicide thoughts.  Maybe he was afraid she use her clothes as a noose to hang herself? 

According to Harry, she was helpless as several male officers came and looked at her without any clothing while she was in the cell.

Base, this is extremely disgraceful and embarrassing. Looks like the woman was a peep show for them. Imagine that! In Guyana, we live in a culture where you dare not discuss sex or sexual organs etc. How about stripping those policemen and parade them out in the public?

I’m not excusing it.  I think it was wrong and someone should answer.  Totally unacceptable regardless of the reasoning!!

Baseman posted:

Let’s hear what the police says.  She expressed suicide thoughts.  Maybe he was afraid she use her clothes as a noose to hang herself? 

Exactly what i think, the decision was made.

Last edited by Django

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