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Woman play wid parrot balls fuh Christmas

Dec 25, 2017 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...balls-fuh-christmas/

Yesterday, Christmas Eve, a young man run into a pet store looking for an unusual Christmas gift for his wife.

De store owner suggested a parrot, name Chet, which could sing famous Christmas carols. This seem like the perfect gift.

“How do I get him to sing?” the young man asked, excitedly.

“Simply hold a lighted match directly under his feet,” de store owner seh.

The store owner hold a lighted match under the parrot left foot.

Chet began to sing: “Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! …” The store owner then hold another match under the parrot right foot. Then Chet’s tune change, and the air was filled with: “ Silent Night, Holy Night…”

The young man was so excited he pay de store-keeper and run home as quickly as he could with Chet under ee arm. When de wife see she gift, she was overwhelmed.

“How beautiful!” she shout out. “Can he talk?”

“No,” the young man replied, “But he can sing. Leh me show yuh.”

So the young man tek out ee lighter and put it under Chet left foot, as the store owner show him, and Chet crooned: “Jingle Bells! Jingle bells!…”

De man then move the lighter to Chet’s right foot, and out came: “Silent Night, Holy night…”

De wife, very curious, then ask, “What if we hold de lighter between ee legs?”

The man did not know. “Let’s try it,” he answered, eager to please his wife. Suh dem hold the lighter between Chet’s legs. Chet screw up he face, twist ee mouth, then clear ee throat, and the little parrot sing out loudly like it was the performance of his life:

“Chet’s nuts roasting on an open fire…”

Talk half watch how woman does mek serious joke wid man property. Merry Christmas to all you wicked and evil folks.

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