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Former Member

Aug 16, 2020


By Mikaila Prince

Within the two weeks that the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) has assumed office, the new administration had unearthed a number of concerning issues. One in particular regards Ulita Grace Moore, the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition candidate who had brought the very first post-election case for the Coalition, seeking to block the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) scrutinized recount.

According to documents seen by Kaieteur News, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure (MoPI) had awarded a contract to UPS Contracting Services on June 19 for the “weeding, cleaning and maintenance of East Coast Demerara (ECD) Road Shoulders and Railway Embankment” between the villages of Mon Repos and Enmore. These works carried a price tag of GYD $7,516,000.

It was Moore through her Attorneys-at-Law, Mayo Robertson and Roysdale Forde, who had challenged the constitutionality of the agreement made between then President David Granger and then Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo to have a CARICOM team supervise the recount of the March 2 General and Regional Elections. The High Court had ruled on the case in favour of Moore. That ruling, however, was overturned by the Full Court. While Granger had originally referred to Moore as a private citizen, he and other members of the Coalition have said that Moore and other litigants were acting on the Coalition’s behalf. The award of the contract would have come after the court cases, and while the Granger administration was still in caretaker mode.

Other documents seen by this publication show that the company, in which Moore holds the position of Managing Director, had become a registered business on October 23, 2019, and was addressed at Lot 187, South Better Hope, ECD.

Later, on November 7, 2019, Moore’s business had received her Certificate of Compliance from the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), which noted that it had been issued for the purpose of tender for a government contract. This certificate said that Moore had, “complied with the provision of, and fulfilled his/her obligations under the Income Tax Act, Chapter 81:01 as amended, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner-General, for the years 2016, 2017, 2018, that is to say, for the three years immediately preceding the year in which a tender is being made by him/ her/ them.”

On May 4 of 2020, a month after her elections case was concluded, Moore received her National Insurance Scheme compliance, which stated that, “Ms. Moore’s obligations to the Scheme have been met by her employer at the Ministry of Health…”

On June 19, when the MoPI dispatched a letter of acceptance to Moore: “This serves to notify you that your Bid for the execution of the weeding, cleaning and maintenance of East Coast Demerara public road shoulders and railway embankment- Lot 15: Mon Repos to Enmore for the corrected contract price of GY$7,516,000 is hereby accepted by our agency.”

The letter of acceptance was signed by Permanent Secretary of the MoPI, Kenneth Jordan, and had also required that Moore sign and return enclosed contract documents, along with the relevant insurances.

A source close to the new Ministry of Public Works, which is headed by Minister Juan Edghill, related to Kaieteur News yesterday afternoon that an evaluation will be conducted soon to assess whether Moore had begun any mobilization of her contractual duties. In addition, the source was noted that the Ministry will be engaging the authorities at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), with the aim of determining what procurement methods were utilized for the awarding of the contract. This means that the Ministry will be ascertaining whether the project was sole sourced, or whether there was a competitive bidding structure.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Only a matter of time until we see what they promised to Eslyn David and Misenge Jones. I used promised because they were foolish to believe that the PPP will honor those incestuous contracts. 

@Former Member posted:

PNC was paying them through kickbacks and corrupt contracts.

It turns out that the full payment will be as invisible as all those PPP dead voters because that contract just went fuh channa. Edghill can't even confirm if Moore started any work as outlined in that contract.

@Ramakant-P posted:

In 1993, it was discovered the PNC was paying party agents through the RMB and GUYBAU.

Not surprised. It was no secret that even the very diabolical Burnham couldn't terrorize people enough to drag them out to his rallies. He had to bus in his supporters for photo ops.


They used the Tata buses and most of them broke down halfway to Burnham's rallies. 

Tata Bus graveyard was another of PNC's greatest achievement. Granger tired to bring them back and even painted his picture on them. 

Granger is the biggest jackass in Guyana's history. He is busy digging up Burnham's economic manuals for PNC's revival !


DJ, you are in political discussion forums and members can engage people's political views.

Your action seems excessive and dictatorial in nature. You are always defending the PNC and it's only democratic that people call you out when the PNC commits political fraud and corruption. It cannot go unanswered.

I will continue to express my opinion and you can ban me if it fits into your dictatorial behaviour. There are no forum rules violation of calling out anyone. 

Thank You.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

DJ, you are in political discussion forums and members can engage people's political views.

Your action seems excessive and dictatorial in nature. You are always defending the PNC and it's only democratic that people call you out when the PNC commits political fraud and corruption. It cannot go unanswered.

I will continue to express my opinion and you can ban me if you see it fit into your dictatorial behaviour.

Thank You.

Please discuss the topic and not members of the forum.  Your second paragraph not worthy of a response. The last sentence is an affront to the Admin of the forum.

You will have to desist from calling out members of the forum ,do any members call you out in discussion ?

Read the rules of the forum ,any further infringement ,actions will be taken.

Last edited by Django

DJ. I will continue to express my opinion. You can ban me when you see fit but be rest assured that I am NOT in violation of forum rules.

It's really sad to see GNI degrading into a dictatorship under your helm.

@Former Member posted:

DJ. I will continue to express my opinion. You can ban me when you see fit but be rest assured that I am NOT in violation of forum rules.

It's really sad to see GNI degrading into a dictatorship under your helm.

No one stopping to express your opinion ,forum rules are broken. It seems there is no tone down of the remarks.

Your last sentence don't hold water .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Please discuss the topic and not members of the forum.  Your second paragraph not worthy of a response. The last sentence is an affront to the Admin of the forum.

You will have to desist from calling out members of the forum ,do any members call you out in discussion ?

Read the rules of the forum ,any further infringement ,actions will be taken.

Continuous warning to some members don't seem to have an effect and the rules should be enforced. Permanently if necessary, so the forum can operate in a non confrontational manner. 

Members, moderators and administrator can have their political opinions, without calling names, or degrading other members.   


These PPP Bais having a good time at this rum shop this Sunday marning. This celebration goes with wining after a tough 5 months wait...dem bais tusty laka rass. Even if y’all kick these  drunks out they know another backdam rum shop that would tolarate dem bad behavior and even give them bush rum on dem nah Kay....

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

These PPP Bais having a good time at this rum shop this Sunday marning. This celebration goes with wining after a tough 5 months wait...dem bais tusty laka rass. Even if y’all kick these  drunks out they know another backdam rum shop that would tolarate dem bad behavior and even give them bush rum on dem nah Kay....

Good Comedy this Sunday.

@sachin_05 posted:

These PPP Bais having a good time at this rum shop this Sunday marning. This celebration goes with wining after a tough 5 months wait...dem bais tusty laka rass. Even if y’all kick these  drunks out they know another backdam rum shop that would tolarate dem bad behavior and even give them bush rum on dem nah Kay....

Celebrations are held to enhance peoples' lives, not degrade it. 

If others encourage this behaviour, this is their option.  But history shows what eventually happens in Guyanese rum shops. 

@sachin_05 posted:

These PPP Bais having a good time at this rum shop this Sunday marning. This celebration goes with wining after a tough 5 months wait...dem bais tusty laka rass. Even if y’all kick these  drunks out they know another backdam rum shop that would tolarate dem bad behavior and even give them bush rum on dem nah Kay....

you came out of hiding and calling PPP boys drunks.  Isn't that a derogatory remark?

PS:  'Bais' is not a Hindi word. I feel offended by your attitude as I don't drink rum anymore.

@Tola posted:

Celebrations are held to enhance peoples' lives, not degrade it. 

If others encourage this behaviour, this is their option.  But history shows what eventually happens in Guyanese rum shops. 

Bai yuh can tek wan Guyanese out of wan rum shop but you can’t take the rum shop outa him... it’s a culture thingy...

@sachin_05 posted:

Bai yuh can tek wan Guyanese out of wan rum shop but you can’t take the rum shop outa him... it’s a culture thingy...

You must be jus a lil kid not to understand the  effects of substance [alcohol] abuse in Guyanese families.

Where in a drunken state, the father would kill the mother, later kill himself and leave the children to be abused by relatives.

Educate yourself about alcohol, that you seem to glorify here.  

@Tola posted:

Continuous warning to some members don't seem to have an effect and the rules should be enforced. Permanently if necessary, so the forum can operate in a non confrontational manner. 

Members, moderators and administrator can have their political opinions, without calling names, or degrading other members.   




Last edited by Former Member

Woman who filed PNC election case was given $ 7,000,000 contract by PNC. Come in DJ.

Woman who filed recount challenge given $7.5M contract in June by APNU+AFC

Stick to the rules.

Last edited by Django
@sachin_05 posted:

Bai yuh can tek wan Guyanese out of wan rum shop but you can’t take the rum shop outa him... it’s a culture thingy...

Guess that's your personal frame of reference. Sorry you came from a home like that. 

@sachin_05 posted:

Bai yuh can tek wan Guyanese out of wan rum shop but you can’t take the rum shop outa him... it’s a culture thingy...



@Tola posted:

Members, moderators and administrator can have their political opinions, without calling names, or degrading other members.   

I agree. I recently very politely asked Totaram to address my post if he so wishes instead of making classifications about me otherwise I may forthwith ignore him. He indicated that he has no intention in obliging me my request and went on to classify me again so effectively he is being ignored. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

you came out of hiding and calling PPP boys drunks.  Isn't that a derogatory remark?

PS:  'Bais' is not a Hindi word. I feel offended by your attitude as I don't drink rum anymore.

Yuh rass too old fashion to keep up with this cyber world. You don’t always drink rum to get drunk, it’s like you can be power drunk without consuming a drop of rum or in this case cyber drunk from a cyber celebration...have some cyber coffee and chill out you ole brain...

@Former Member posted:

I agree. I recently very politely asked Totaram to address my post if he so wishes instead of making classifications about me otherwise I may forthwith ignore him. He indicated that he has no intention in obliging me my request and went on to classify me again so effectively he is being ignored. 

I can't stop people from writing what they want on this forum, that is the moderator's job.  But I can choose what to read based on the nick, or what post to reply. There are certain nicks that I completely ignore and I don't even read their post. 

During our work in GY, there were people in the community who were selling drugs to the school drop out youth and these guys had guns. It was important to learn and know which of their threats we should worry about and ignore others.  Thus it is easy to ignore some posters on this forum, that is no threat to me. 

Don't tell a person that you will ignore them, because they might become nastier, just ignore them and when you stop feeding them, they will eventually go away.   


There are ten other Forums other than Political on this site. Some are confused and want to be Pen Pals on Political. Other than talking names and getting personal and being critical of posters, for a change contribute a post and debate the subject.

 Too much SU- SU going on.



I reject the crass and out right mischief aimed at implying that my company and I were awarded a contract by the then administration during what was an ongoing approach to the court in June 2020.

The article titled "woman who filed recount challenge given $7.5 million contract in June" and carried in Sunday's Kaieteur News is aimed at implying that I was either benefiting from a government contract in June 2020 or was "awarded" a government contract for my constitutional right to approach the court.

What the news paper clearly omitted is that the letter, they claimed to have seen, documents a legitimate contract signed in June 2019 and NOT 2020.

This letter has been a source of vilification from many political opponents as they displayed it on their social media as they seek to imply it is a reward of some kind. The letter signed by Mr Kenneth Jordan clearly shows the date as June 2019 and NOT 2020.

I am strong in my support for a party of my choice, I followed the law in setting up my company like any other Guyanese, I lawfully tender for contracts like any other Guyanese and I reserve the right to approach the court like any other Guyanese.

What I find crass, is that the media could have done a entire story on me and my support for the coalition when I approached the court earlier this year but could not afford me the right to respond to their assumptions or blatant attack on my character.

It is my sincere hope that Guyanese who wish to contribute to their country are not vilified for their love of country and their work to Guyana a better place.

- Ulita Moore

Note the highlighted date in the image below.


According to information I am privileged to, Ulita Moore's UPS company was registered on October 23, 2019 and received GRA compliance on November 7, 2019 and NIS compliance on May 4, 2020. How then is Kenneth Jordan issuing her a latter of Acceptance for her UPS company on June 19, 2019?

More fake news being disseminated. Maybe James Bond is advising her.

@sachin_05 posted:

Yuh rass too old fashion to keep up with this cyber world. You don’t always drink rum to get drunk, it’s like you can be power drunk without consuming a drop of rum or in this case cyber drunk from a cyber celebration...have some cyber coffee and chill out you ole brain...

You have quite a vivid imagination of how your mind works.  If I can do what you believe, then I must be a gifted actor.


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