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Women advocates chastise Charandass

“Haul off stage” statement


– call for public apology



“Disrespectful”, “abusive” and “irresponsible” were some of the adjectives used to describe Alliance for Change (AFC) Member of Parliament (MP) Charandass Persaud’s assault on fellow MP Dr Vindhya Persaud, when he expressed his desire to “haul her off” stage.

AFC MP Charandass Persaud

AFC MP Charandass Persaud

Karen Desouza

Karen Desouza

The AFC parliamentarian deemed it fit to write a Letter to the Editor, attacking and threatening the Hindu Leader for merely expressing her views regarding her religion.
“Dr Vindhya Persaud so disgusted me that I felt like hauling (her) off the stage,” penned the AFC leader under a letter which purported to be calling for a reconciliation of Hindu-Guyanese who were in disagreement over the Diwali date.
His well-thought-out sentiments generated much upheaval among women rights activists and women leaders who demanded the AFC MP make a public apology to Dr Persaud and also to all Guyanese women.

Chairperson of the Gender and Equality Commission Indra Chanderpal

Chairperson of the Gender and Equality Commission Indra Chanderpal

Charandass’s statement prompted much disapproval and condemnation from a number of women’s rights supporters.
People’s Progressive Party Member of Parliament Priya Manickchand took to Facebook expressing her disgust over Charandass’s comments.
“This is outrageous and must be condemned by all, irrespective of how you voted. This is the kind of brutish thing that leads to the interpersonal and gender based violence we see. You don’t like what the woman said and your first reaction is that you should physically attack her…‘haul her off the stage’…by her hair maybe? By her sari? After you have kicked her a few times?” Manickchand posted.

PPP/C MP Dr Vindhya Persaud

PPP/C MP Dr Vindhya Persaud

In further expressing her shock, Manickchand questioned, “How could a leader of the country and a representative of Government feel comfortable, not only entertaining such thoughts, but taking the time to send it to a newspaper for publication?”
She further added she is ashamed to call him a friend. “Apologise Charran…now…and unreservedly,” she stated.
Also lashing out at the blatant attack on Dr Persaud is PPP/C MP Africo Selman, who also called on Charandass to publicly apologise for his insensitive attack.

“It’s an attack on all Guyanese women, you know, not only Guyanese women but all women in general,” Selman stated.
The former A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) MP also demanded an explanation for the deafening silence from the government benches over this matter.
“Is he speaking as an AFC member or at the level of the coalition government? I wonder if this is the view of the coalition or the view of the Party. If it is the view of the coalition, I call on President David Granger to come out and make a statement condemning what was said by that MP,” Selman insisted.
She also called on Social Protection Ministers Volda Lawrence and Simona Broomes to come out publicly and express their views on this assault on a fellow women rights advocate.

PPP/C MP Gillian Burton-Persaud

PPP/C MP Gillian Burton-Persaud

“All women should condemn it. His action, as a leader, is saying to the ordinary man that it is right to be an abuser, that it is right to abuse women,” she said.
Additionally, another PPP/C MP Gillian Burton-Persaud expressed her utter dissatisfaction with the comments made by the AFC leader. She lamented the fact that all the rights activities and women organisations have not uttered a single condemnation on his actions.
“I therefore call upon all those who preach, seek, endure and participate in the upholding of these fundamental rights, on Civil Society, on all Rights Organizations and Activists and more so, on the government to denounce these unwarranted acts of verbal abuse on our female political and religious leaders and indeed all women in our society,” she stated.
Burton-Persaud pointed out that the demand for a public apology is not asking too much since these remarks were proudly laid in the public domain without reservation and remorse and the evidence is there to prove same.

Moreover, Chairperson of the Gender and Equality Commission Indra Chanderpaul said the AFC MP’s behaviour is totally irresponsible.
“He ought to have known better. His behaviour is uncalled for and it is disrespectful to Dr Persaud,” Chanderpaul expressed.
She highlighted that Dr Persaud is not only a leading advocate for women across Guyana, but is also President of one of the largest Hindu organisations in the country and the AFC MP’s attack was completely uncalled for.
“What he is seeking to do, he is denying her freedom to choose, her freedom to belief and freedom to express her beliefs, and he didn’t have to go to the function, he could have chosen not to be there,” she stated, expressing the absurdity in the situation.

Not the most violent
Karren Desouza, another women’s rights activist, expressed that the AFC parliamentarian’s behaviour is not the most “violent” or “agonizing” situation from leaders of Guyana.
“This is not the most disrespectful thing I find leaders of the country doing,” she stated.
Nonetheless, she agreed that his actions were irresponsible and offensive towards women.
“I agree that his expression is unfortunate; it is an unfortunate way to express his frustration,” Desouza stated.
She added that Guyanese should continue their efforts against all violence and work towards building a better country.
“We would like to be living in a world where frustrations do not lead to a certain kind of crisis… I think we should all keep on doing the work in building a nonviolent society,” she stated.
Meanwhile, it must be noted this incident is not the first time Charandass Persaud was publicly disrespectful towards women in Guyana. In 2013, he ridiculed Dr Vishalya “Artie” Sharma for being “so fat, she could probably not fit in the front seat of her jeep” when he was arguing she could not administer the New Amsterdam Hospital. (

Replies sorted oldest to newest

these hypocrites had nothing to say when asked to comment on Beri threatening to strip an activists or have his "woman" beat her up. Priya said that it was a private matter when Jagdeo was accused of abusing Varshnie. Now they are making a mountain our of a mole hill.


yuji, Charandass Persaud should apologize for that statement. He was definitely out of order. I hope he tenders an apology quickly.

During the 2011 elections campaign, a PPP woman slapped Charandass at a public meeting in Berbice. The two events are not related and one should not offset the other. I'm just stating a fact.

BTW, yuji, when I came to Canada in 1996 and got my first job at the Laurentian Bank of Canada, I met Charandass there. The next year the bank decided to downsize, laying off Charandass and myself and others. He returned to Guyana to study Law and I stayed in Toronto and studied Accounting.



East Canje Motorcade was politicised


Dear Editor,

I have listened to what purports to be a debate on the date of Diwali, and remained silent because I am not one who can read and understand the ‘Patra’.

Points were presented by Minister Khemraj Ramjattan and by the Hindu advocate and opposition MP, Dr Vindhya Persaud, and both sides sounded very convincing although neither side has been willing to concede to the other. What we have, as a result, is two dates slated for the celebration of Diwali ‒ Nov 10 and Nov 11.

I have spoken to a few very learned persons, who are unquestionably very qualified to pronounce on the date, and I have had both dates given from those I contacted. The persons on the two sides argued vehemently for their stances, with Minister Ramjattan being the more authoritative of the two (between himself and Dr V Persaud). The day set as the national holiday for the celebration of Diwali is November 10. Does it mean that the Minister is trying to divide the Hindus? Or that he is trying to stop Hindus from worshipping according to their religious belief? I say an empathic “no”.

At the Diwali Motorcade at the Rose Hall Estate Ground in East Canje I had the most disgusting experience ever. It reminded me of the Diwali Motorcade night I tried to take Ashni Singh (then Minister of Finance) off the same stage for trying to gain political mileage at a religious function. Pandit Jagmohan Persaud, a Hindu priest groomed by the late Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud and spokesperson for the Hindu Dharmic Sabha, and Dr Vindhya Persaud so disgusted me that I felt like hauling them off the stage. Just because the Hindu Dharmic Sabha has been issuing the dates for the celebration for 40 years does it mean that their scholars cannot be wrong now? Can they not agree to disagree? Why is this discrepancy seen as a political move to destroy the Hindu religion? These people are bitter at having lost the 2015 election and their hold on the people.

Neither of these persons delivered a Diwali message. Not even the old rhetoric of the return of Shri Ram from exile was offered to the people. Instead Jagmohan, who spoke first ventured into the political domain and forgot religion. His emphasis was on the declaration of the date for the celebration and he said that Minister Ramjattan should be focusing on stopping the surge of criminal activities instead of trying to dabble in religion. Dr Vindhya Persaud in a follow-up speech declared that she is her father’s child (no one doubted that) and that she will fight for her religion. I will fight for mine too and I am a Hindu. She shouted to the people (at least 50% non-Hindus) to light their diyas on November 11 and keep the children away from school and do not go to work and she will stand up for them. Against what or for what, may I ask?

Editor, I was utterly disgusted that the Dharmic Sabha in the name of religion, can be so politically blinded. They are causing the Hindus to have doubts, not the Minister.

The many scholars whom I have consulted cannot seem to agree on just one date, and so if I believe one rather then the other I will go with what my advice is from that person (or persons). Now if I decide to light diyas on the 11th instead of the 10th or vice-versa, will I be cursed? Will that act destroy me as a Hindu? Does that mean that I am trying to destroy the religion? The learned Doctor should not try so hard to please her leader and should not turn a religious celebration into a political battlezone. The Hindus are the ones who will be hurt.

I will conclude by saying that Dr Vindhya Persaud herself by shouting out a call to fight the act of Minister Ramjattan is digging deep into the political arena, and it is a hopeless fight to gain votes. If we cannot agree on one date then let those of us who want to light diyas on the 10th do so, and those who want to do it on the 11th do so. Do not preach to the people that the government is trying to destroy the religion. When I asked the very religious leader, Dr Vindhya Persaud, a few months ago, just before the Naya Zamana show to have some special invitations for a few ministers and even the President, her response was shocking. I now can see why. She said that she wanted to keep these occasions “apolitical”— not political. Editor, every year from 1999 to 2014 government ministers and presidents have been speaking at these motorcades and hustling political mileage too. I was the MC for the East Canje Motorcade for many years, until I entered the political arena, then I was taken and kept off the stage. Who is making the motorcade political? Was that not trying to divide the Hindus? If President Granger or the Minister of Culture is asked to speak at a Diwali Motorcade, will that mean that the celebrations would be political? How shallow and narrow minded can these people be?

My advice to the Hindus in Guyana is that Laxhmie Maa (the mother of Light) will not shut you out if you celebrate Diwali on November 10 or November 11. Shub Diwali!

Yours faithfully, Charrandass Persaud, MP

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

these hypocrites had nothing to say when asked to comment on Beri threatening to strip an activists or have his "woman" beat her up. Priya said that it was a private matter when Jagdeo was accused of abusing Varshnie. Now they are making a mountain our of a mole hill.

Priya pig is most nauseating with her reaching and distorting bullshit

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, Charandass Persaud should apologize for that statement. He was definitely out of order. I hope he tenders an apology quickly.

During the 2011 elections campaign, a PPP woman slapped Charandass at a public meeting in Berbice. The two events are not related and one should not offset the other. I'm just stating a fact.

BTW, yuji, when I came to Canada in 1996 and got my first job at the Laurentian Bank of Canada, I met Charandass there. The next year the bank decided to downsize, laying off Charandass and myself and others. He returned to Guyana to study Law and I stayed in Toronto and studied Accounting.


When Bheri made his unacceptable comments, AFC/PNC was calling for this resignation. They are all quiet now when it is their own.


This assault by the AFC/PNC on an Indo woman will hurt them at the upcoming local elections. Moses and Ramjattan are now excited and quite happy as Indo women are attacked and choose to remain quiet.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, Charandass Persaud should apologize for that statement. He was definitely out of order. I hope he tenders an apology quickly.

During the 2011 elections campaign, a PPP woman slapped Charandass at a public meeting in Berbice. The two events are not related and one should not offset the other. I'm just stating a fact.

BTW, yuji, when I came to Canada in 1996 and got my first job at the Laurentian Bank of Canada, I met Charandass there. The next year the bank decided to downsize, laying off Charandass and myself and others. He returned to Guyana to study Law and I stayed in Toronto and studied Accounting.


We cannot chastise people for a wish. It is descriptive of what he wished to do ie remove her from a from where she was herself being repugnant pushing race buttons.  I do not know this fellow but I see nothing wrong with saying I wish I could haul her off the stage. The fact remains he had the good sense not to do it and unlike Beri, did not suggest he has the power to do it.


What astounds me is the amount of crowing these hypocrites can do in the press about imagined slighted when they themselves were active in the neglect of the same or similar slights and were then vocal in their excuses of the event.


This PPP is poisonous. They simply spread bile at every option and it reduces completely to race baiting. From the crowing about Moses clamming he is not Indian to this. Every day in the press there is a story milking their victimhood and by default Indian victimization as well. This is truly awful. One cannot remember one point of policy difference with the present regime that is of concern. Daily it is the same griping about nothing.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

My Editorial was expressing and predicting what is now happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are an apt example of piggish useless gripe and glazed eyed ignorance that typifies the PPP.


The reality is Guyana in the hands of the APNU or the PPP is not in the hand of people with a history of stellar accomplishments in any field. They are all grunts  in life. They  rise or fall given an option to excel and be men of worth.


They were all given the chance for first time in their lives to work for others and not merely for themselves. The transition from self seeking to altruistic and act in the interest of community is where they can be meaningful, purposeful and apply keen intellect. It is how they perform in office by which they will be remembered.


The PPP failed after two decades of trying.  These can follow that path or make a difference. Fortunately for us they only have to thread water to out perform the PPP

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

My Editorial was expressing and predicting what is now happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is happening in broad daylight.


Indo women are being harassed in the public eye while the shameless Ramjattana and Moses remain silent.


This is only the beginning of what is yet to come.


The actions of dictators Burnham and Hoyte will seem tame compared to what these AFC/PNC dictators are doing.


Notice how AFC/PNC supporters are defending the shameless action of this AFC MP ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

My Editorial was expressing and predicting what is now happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is happening in broad daylight.


Indo women are being harassed in the public eye while the shameless Ramjattana and Moses remain silent.


This is only the beginning of what is yet to come.


The actions of dictators Burnham and Hoyte will seem tame compared to what these AFC/PNC dictators are doing.


Notice how AFC/PNC supporters are defending the shameless action of this AFC MP ?

Lets be real; these are race baiting sows.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, Charandass Persaud should apologize for that statement. He was definitely out of order. I hope he tenders an apology quickly.

During the 2011 elections campaign, a PPP woman slapped Charandass at a public meeting in Berbice. The two events are not related and one should not offset the other. I'm just stating a fact.

BTW, yuji, when I came to Canada in 1996 and got my first job at the Laurentian Bank of Canada, I met Charandass there. The next year the bank decided to downsize, laying off Charandass and myself and others. He returned to Guyana to study Law and I stayed in Toronto and studied Accounting.


We cannot chastise people for a wish. It is descriptive of what he wished to do ie remove her from a from where she was herself being repugnant pushing race buttons.  I do not know this fellow but I see nothing wrong with saying I wish I could haul her off the stage. The fact remains he had the good sense not to do it and unlike Beri, did not suggest he has the power to do it.


What astounds me is the amount of crowing these hypocrites can do in the press about imagined slighted when they themselves were active in the neglect of the same or similar slights and were then vocal in their excuses of the event.


This PPP is poisonous. They simply spread bile at every option and it reduces completely to race baiting. From the crowing about Moses clamming he is not Indian to this. Every day in the press there is a story milking their victimhood and by default Indian victimization as well. This is truly awful. One cannot remember one point of policy difference with the present regime that is of concern. Daily it is the same griping about nothing.


Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, Charandass Persaud should apologize for that statement. He was definitely out of order. I hope he tenders an apology quickly.

During the 2011 elections campaign, a PPP woman slapped Charandass at a public meeting in Berbice. The two events are not related and one should not offset the other. I'm just stating a fact.

BTW, yuji, when I came to Canada in 1996 and got my first job at the Laurentian Bank of Canada, I met Charandass there. The next year the bank decided to downsize, laying off Charandass and myself and others. He returned to Guyana to study Law and I stayed in Toronto and studied Accounting.


We cannot chastise people for a wish. It is descriptive of what he wished to do ie remove her from a from where she was herself being repugnant pushing race buttons.  I do not know this fellow but I see nothing wrong with saying I wish I could haul her off the stage. The fact remains he had the good sense not to do it and unlike Beri, did not suggest he has the power to do it.


What astounds me is the amount of crowing these hypocrites can do in the press about imagined slighted when they themselves were active in the neglect of the same or similar slights and were then vocal in their excuses of the event.


This PPP is poisonous. They simply spread bile at every option and it reduces completely to race baiting. From the crowing about Moses clamming he is not Indian to this. Every day in the press there is a story milking their victimhood and by default Indian victimization as well. This is truly awful. One cannot remember one point of policy difference with the present regime that is of concern. Daily it is the same griping about nothing.




This is the shameless action of the Buckman.


"At the Diwali Motorcade at the Rose Hall Estate Ground in East Canje I had the most disgusting experience ever. It reminded me of the Diwali Motorcade night I tried to take Ashni Singh (then Minister of Finance) off the same stage for trying to gain political mileage at a religious function. Pandit Jagmohan Persaud, a Hindu priest groomed by the late Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud and spokesperson for the Hindu Dharmic Sabha, and Dr Vindhya Persaud so disgusted me that I felt like hauling them off the stage. Just because the Hindu Dharmic Sabha has been issuing the dates for the celebration for 40 years does it mean that their scholars cannot be wrong now? Can they not agree to disagree? Why is this discrepancy seen as a political move to destroy the Hindu religion? These people are bitter at having lost the 2015 election and their hold on the people.


Neither of these persons delivered a Diwali message. Not even the old rhetoric of the return of Shri Ram from exile was offered to the people.


Instead Jagmohan, who spoke first ventured into the political domain and forgot religion. His emphasis was on the declaration of the date for the celebration and he said that Minister Ramjattan should be focusing on stopping the surge of criminal activities instead of trying to dabble in religion. Dr Vindhya Persaud in a follow-up speech declared that she is her father’s child (no one doubted that) and that she will fight for her religion. I will fight for mine too and I am a Hindu. She shouted to the people (at least 50% non-Hindus) to light their diyas on November 11 and keep the children away from school and do not go to work and she will stand up for them. Against what or for what, may I ask?"





Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, Charandass Persaud should apologize for that statement. He was definitely out of order. I hope he tenders an apology quickly.

During the 2011 elections campaign, a PPP woman slapped Charandass at a public meeting in Berbice. The two events are not related and one should not offset the other. I'm just stating a fact.

BTW, yuji, when I came to Canada in 1996 and got my first job at the Laurentian Bank of Canada, I met Charandass there. The next year the bank decided to downsize, laying off Charandass and myself and others. He returned to Guyana to study Law and I stayed in Toronto and studied Accounting.


We cannot chastise people for a wish. It is descriptive of what he wished to do ie remove her from a from where she was herself being repugnant pushing race buttons.  I do not know this fellow but I see nothing wrong with saying I wish I could haul her off the stage. The fact remains he had the good sense not to do it and unlike Beri, did not suggest he has the power to do it.


What astounds me is the amount of crowing these hypocrites can do in the press about imagined slighted when they themselves were active in the neglect of the same or similar slights and were then vocal in their excuses of the event.


This PPP is poisonous. They simply spread bile at every option and it reduces completely to race baiting. From the crowing about Moses clamming he is not Indian to this. Every day in the press there is a story milking their victimhood and by default Indian victimization as well. This is truly awful. One cannot remember one point of policy difference with the present regime that is of concern. Daily it is the same griping about nothing.


Yes really...

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, Charandass Persaud should apologize for that statement. He was definitely out of order. I hope he tenders an apology quickly.

During the 2011 elections campaign, a PPP woman slapped Charandass at a public meeting in Berbice. The two events are not related and one should not offset the other. I'm just stating a fact.

BTW, yuji, when I came to Canada in 1996 and got my first job at the Laurentian Bank of Canada, I met Charandass there. The next year the bank decided to downsize, laying off Charandass and myself and others. He returned to Guyana to study Law and I stayed in Toronto and studied Accounting.


Charrandas[ Errol ] worked for several years as a Real Estate salesperson, he later left his family and went to Guyana. Under the PPP he was able to study Law at UG. Errol is a "soup drinker" . That boy is a looser.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, Charandass Persaud should apologize for that statement. He was definitely out of order. I hope he tenders an apology quickly.

During the 2011 elections campaign, a PPP woman slapped Charandass at a public meeting in Berbice. The two events are not related and one should not offset the other. I'm just stating a fact.

BTW, yuji, when I came to Canada in 1996 and got my first job at the Laurentian Bank of Canada, I met Charandass there. The next year the bank decided to downsize, laying off Charandass and myself and others. He returned to Guyana to study Law and I stayed in Toronto and studied Accounting.


Charrandas[ Errol ] worked for several years as a Real Estate salesperson, he later left his family and went to Guyana. Under the PPP he was able to study Law at UG. Errol is a "soup drinker" . That boy is a looser.

Are not Vidya, Pryia etc not soupies no less if your test is to hold?

Originally Posted by Django:

"At the Diwali Motorcade at the Rose Hall Estate Ground in East Canje I had the most disgusting experience ever. It reminded me of the Diwali Motorcade night I tried to take Ashni Singh (then Minister of Finance) off the same stage for trying to gain political mileage at a religious function. Pandit Jagmohan Persaud, a Hindu priest groomed by the late Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud and spokesperson for the Hindu Dharmic Sabha, and Dr Vindhya Persaud so disgusted me that I felt like hauling them off the stage. Just because the Hindu Dharmic Sabha has been issuing the dates for the celebration for 40 years does it mean that their scholars cannot be wrong now? Can they not agree to disagree? Why is this discrepancy seen as a political move to destroy the Hindu religion? These people are bitter at having lost the 2015 election and their hold on the people.


Neither of these persons delivered a Diwali message. Not even the old rhetoric of the return of Shri Ram from exile was offered to the people.


Instead Jagmohan, who spoke first ventured into the political domain and forgot religion. His emphasis was on the declaration of the date for the celebration and he said that Minister Ramjattan should be focusing on stopping the surge of criminal activities instead of trying to dabble in religion. Dr Vindhya Persaud in a follow-up speech declared that she is her father’s child (no one doubted that) and that she will fight for her religion. I will fight for mine too and I am a Hindu. She shouted to the people (at least 50% non-Hindus) to light their diyas on November 11 and keep the children away from school and do not go to work and she will stand up for them. Against what or for what, may I ask?"





Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, Charandass Persaud should apologize for that statement. He was definitely out of order. I hope he tenders an apology quickly.

During the 2011 elections campaign, a PPP woman slapped Charandass at a public meeting in Berbice. The two events are not related and one should not offset the other. I'm just stating a fact.

BTW, yuji, when I came to Canada in 1996 and got my first job at the Laurentian Bank of Canada, I met Charandass there. The next year the bank decided to downsize, laying off Charandass and myself and others. He returned to Guyana to study Law and I stayed in Toronto and studied Accounting.


We cannot chastise people for a wish. It is descriptive of what he wished to do ie remove her from a from where she was herself being repugnant pushing race buttons.  I do not know this fellow but I see nothing wrong with saying I wish I could haul her off the stage. The fact remains he had the good sense not to do it and unlike Beri, did not suggest he has the power to do it.


What astounds me is the amount of crowing these hypocrites can do in the press about imagined slighted when they themselves were active in the neglect of the same or similar slights and were then vocal in their excuses of the event.


This PPP is poisonous. They simply spread bile at every option and it reduces completely to race baiting. From the crowing about Moses clamming he is not Indian to this. Every day in the press there is a story milking their victimhood and by default Indian victimization as well. This is truly awful. One cannot remember one point of policy difference with the present regime that is of concern. Daily it is the same griping about nothing.


Yes really...

Shame on you then for displaying such arrogant and disgusting behavior.  I now place you in the same category as Charrandass and Bheri. 

Bibi Haniffa

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