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Former Member

Marital Rape Is Not A Crime In India. But One High Court Judge Is Pushing For Change:

In India, it is not illegal for a man to rape his wife — but a high court judge said in a ruling this week that it should be.

Justice J.B. Pardiwala of the Gujarat High Court was presiding over a case involving a woman who’d accused her husband of sexually assaulting her. He repeatedly forced sex on her, she said, according to the Hindustan Times. He also subjected her to “mental and physical torture,” the woman claimed.

Pardiwala ruled on Monday that the husband could not be charged with rape in this case since the Indian Penal Code explicitly states that “sexual acts by a man with his own wife … is not rape.” The judge said the man could be charged with sexual harassment and spousal cruelty (which carry lesser punishments than rape).


As he delivered his decision, however, Paridwala expressed dismay at the limitations of the law. He advocated for the criminalization of marital rape, saying that outlawing nonconsensual sex in a marriage is the “first necessary step in teaching societies that dehumanized treatment of women will not be tolerated.”

“Marital rape is not a husband’s privilege, but rather a violent act and an injustice that must be criminalized,” he added.

Marital rape is a widespread problem in India. According to a 2018 National Family Health Survey, more than 80 percent of married women who have experienced sexual violence named their current spouse as the perpetrator. 

In a 2014 survey of more than 9,200 men across seven Indian states, one-third admitted to having forced a sexual act on their wives.

“Marital rape is an extremely widespread problem,” Mihira Sood, a New Delhi-based attorney, told HuffPost in 2015. “[It’s] compounded by the fact that it is not recognized as an offense, either by the law as well as by much of society that is conditioned to see it as an inevitable part of marriage.”

Observers said this week that the Gujarat High Court’s ruling is a positive step toward the criminalization of marital rape in India. Though public pressure has been mounting to change the law, there’s no indication a revision is forthcoming.

Last year, the Indian government pushed back at suggestions that marital rape should be outlawed, saying that such a change could “destabilize the institution of marriage.”  

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Reminds me of a case in the US. The husband's lawyer was trying to prove that the wife was lying. The lawyer asked her if the husband raped her so many times, then when was it consensual sex? The lawyer was trying to paint the abused wife as the criminal, and the abuser husband as a saint; he was doing the job he was paid for to save his client from jail.    

Prince posted:

Marital Rape Is Not A Crime In India. But One High Court Judge Is Pushing For Change:

In India, it is not illegal for a man to rape his wife — but a high court judge said in a ruling this week that it should be.

Justice J.B. Pardiwala of the Gujarat High Court was presiding over a case involving a woman who’d accused her husband of sexually assaulting her. He repeatedly forced sex on her, she said, according to the Hindustan Times. He also subjected her to “mental and physical torture,” the woman claimed.

Pardiwala ruled on Monday that the husband could not be charged with rape in this case since the Indian Penal Code explicitly states that “sexual acts by a man with his own wife … is not rape.” The judge said the man could be charged with sexual harassment and spousal cruelty (which carry lesser punishments than rape).


As he delivered his decision, however, Paridwala expressed dismay at the limitations of the law. He advocated for the criminalization of marital rape, saying that outlawing nonconsensual sex in a marriage is the “first necessary step in teaching societies that dehumanized treatment of women will not be tolerated.”

“Marital rape is not a husband’s privilege, but rather a violent act and an injustice that must be criminalized,” he added.

Marital rape is a widespread problem in India. According to a 2018 National Family Health Survey, more than 80 percent of married women who have experienced sexual violence named their current spouse as the perpetrator. 

In a 2014 survey of more than 9,200 men across seven Indian states, one-third admitted to having forced a sexual act on their wives.

“Marital rape is an extremely widespread problem,” Mihira Sood, a New Delhi-based attorney, told HuffPost in 2015. “[It’s] compounded by the fact that it is not recognized as an offense, either by the law as well as by much of society that is conditioned to see it as an inevitable part of marriage.”

Observers said this week that the Gujarat High Court’s ruling is a positive step toward the criminalization of marital rape in India. Though public pressure has been mounting to change the law, there’s no indication a revision is forthcoming.

Last year, the Indian government pushed back at suggestions that marital rape should be outlawed, saying that such a change could “destabilize the institution of marriage.”  

destabilize the institution of marriage.”  These people must be smoking some strong shit. Women are not property. A wedding ring and/or a marriage certificate etc. does not constitute ownership. 

Last edited by GTAngler

How does anyone know what happened between a married couple, short of physical abuse. We can hardly figure out the truth between two unmarried consenting adults.

I guess a man needs signature or passcode as proof of consent. 


Whether you are a woman from Guyana, Indian or anywhere in the world where men forced sex upon their wives when women are not sexually inclined due to mensural cycle, illness, etc., means wives are not treated with respect to their moral values and privacy of their own body. A wife is your life partner and mother of your children. Why rape them and let them feel like prostitutes? Sex is a wonderful experience when you do it with love and tenderness. These Indian men think they are bunny rabbits screwing a stray chicken that passes by. What a shame! This ruling should be overturned. 

GTAngler posted:
Prince posted:

Marital Rape Is Not A Crime In India. But One High Court Judge Is Pushing For Change:

In India, it is not illegal for a man to rape his wife — but a high court judge said in a ruling this week that it should be.

Justice J.B. Pardiwala of the Gujarat High Court was presiding over a case involving a woman who’d accused her husband of sexually assaulting her. He repeatedly forced sex on her, she said, according to the Hindustan Times. He also subjected her to “mental and physical torture,” the woman claimed.

Pardiwala ruled on Monday that the husband could not be charged with rape in this case since the Indian Penal Code explicitly states that “sexual acts by a man with his own wife … is not rape.” The judge said the man could be charged with sexual harassment and spousal cruelty (which carry lesser punishments than rape).


As he delivered his decision, however, Paridwala expressed dismay at the limitations of the law. He advocated for the criminalization of marital rape, saying that outlawing nonconsensual sex in a marriage is the “first necessary step in teaching societies that dehumanized treatment of women will not be tolerated.”

“Marital rape is not a husband’s privilege, but rather a violent act and an injustice that must be criminalized,” he added.

Marital rape is a widespread problem in India. According to a 2018 National Family Health Survey, more than 80 percent of married women who have experienced sexual violence named their current spouse as the perpetrator. 

In a 2014 survey of more than 9,200 men across seven Indian states, one-third admitted to having forced a sexual act on their wives.

“Marital rape is an extremely widespread problem,” Mihira Sood, a New Delhi-based attorney, told HuffPost in 2015. “[It’s] compounded by the fact that it is not recognized as an offense, either by the law as well as by much of society that is conditioned to see it as an inevitable part of marriage.”

Observers said this week that the Gujarat High Court’s ruling is a positive step toward the criminalization of marital rape in India. Though public pressure has been mounting to change the law, there’s no indication a revision is forthcoming.

Last year, the Indian government pushed back at suggestions that marital rape should be outlawed, saying that such a change could “destabilize the institution of marriage.”  

destabilize the institution of marriage.”  These people must be smoking some strong shit. Women are not property. A wedding ring and/or a marriage certificate etc. does not constitute ownership. 

The government is correct.  If you feel that way, then get a separation and divorce.  Or the rape has to be reported with 24 hours.   

ksazma posted:

To avoid being accused of rape, make sure your game is always top notch and always. The moment you start slipping in those areas you are exposed beyond your control.

Or we could just keep the viagra out of the hands of those drooling, drowsy, old men who feel they can still run after younger women.

Bibi Haniffa
GTAngler posted:

For those of you taking this lightly, what if the woman was your mother, sister, daughter or even a close female relative or friend? How would you feel knowing she was being raped?

The woman I mentioned above was raped and sodomized by the husband. Her lawyer won; the husband pled guilty, served a few days in jail, paid some fines, and attended court-ordered abusers' counseling sessions. She divorced him and is a happy soul these days; no one to mess with her. God is dealing with the husband.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

To avoid being accused of rape, make sure your game is always top notch and always. The moment you start slipping in those areas you are exposed beyond your control.

Or we could just keep the viagra out of the hands of those drooling, drowsy, old men who feel they can still run after younger women.

Off topic as usual, the topic is marital rape not old men looking for lil punany!

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

To avoid being accused of rape, make sure your game is always top notch and always. The moment you start slipping in those areas you are exposed beyond your control.

Or we could just keep the viagra out of the hands of those drooling, drowsy, old men who feel they can still run after younger women.

Off topic as usual, the topic is marital rape not old men looking for lil punany!

Sorry then.  Didn't mean to hit a raw nerve.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

To avoid being accused of rape, make sure your game is always top notch and always. The moment you start slipping in those areas you are exposed beyond your control.

Or we could just keep the viagra out of the hands of those drooling, drowsy, old men who feel they can still run after younger women.

Off topic as usual, the topic is marital rape not old men looking for lil punany!

Sorry then.  Didn't mean to hit a raw nerve.

NA.  just don’t derail the thread with nonsensical chatter!

Nehru posted:

Wait, I marry you and I cant get Punani when I want??????????????????

Noooooooooooo Nehru, nooooo.

While marriage do have such benefits, it is still a female's right to engage with such activities.


I do not favor divorce in India. Men should take initiatives to respect their wives and notice if she's up to sex or not. If you marry a woman and don't know her feelings, you definitely need your head examined. Communication is important to keep a healthy relationship. That's key for me and my wife.   

In my household, on religious occasions, I must stay sacred from sex and I respect that. It's a simple task to know what and when to expect certain non-sexual occasions. 

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Viagra is no match for good imagination. The mind is the greatest form of viagra. And if that doesn’t work, try vodka.

Viagra is for guys with plumbing problems!  It’s a physical remedy. 

Prince posted:

I do not favor divorce in India. Men should take initiatives to respect their wives and notice if she's up to sex or not. If you marry a woman and don't know her feelings, you definitely need your head examined. Communication is important to keep a healthy relationship. That's key for me and my wife.   

In my household, on religious occasions, I must stay sacred from sex and I respect that. It's a simple task to know what and when to expect certain non-sexual occasions. 

Maybe that’s why trump keeps around spares!


India's family laws are very complex and it affects the poor and uneducated to the peak. They face the biggest hurdle during a woman's pregnancy to chose a boy over a girl. Though doweries have been abolished since 1961, it still exists and has a negative impact on the nation's gender ratio. While the rich and middle can afford to keep their girl children and sent them to school, the poor are faced with a difficult challenge to give up or abort their girl children due to poverty and dowry they can't afford when the girls get married. They say poverty is the worst disease ever to face mankind.

Last edited by Former Member

We have to compliment each other. That is how things stay in place. If the wife isn’t in the mood, you gently try a few other approaches and if you are still hitting foul balls, you need to stop swinging the bat and either take a walk or strike out.

ksazma posted:

We have to compliment each other. That is how things stay in place. If the wife isn’t in the mood, you gently try a few other approaches and if you are still hitting foul balls, you need to stop swinging the bat and either take a walk or strike out.

In the worst case scenario, you can always take a hands on approach.....

Demerara_Guy posted:
Nehru posted:

Wait, I marry you and I cant get Punani when I want??????????????????

Noooooooooooo Nehru, nooooo.

While marriage do have such benefits, it is still a female's right to engage with such activities.

Bhai DG, when Abee canectta want am we must have it.

Nehru posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Nehru posted:

Wait, I marry you and I cant get Punani when I want??????????????????

Noooooooooooo Nehru, nooooo.

While marriage do have such benefits, it is still a female's right to engage with such activities.

Bhai DG, when Abee canectta want am we must have it.

In America them women does chop off lolo seriously.  This nah Guyana. Lol


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