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Saudi King to give women right to vote
Sun Sep 25, 2011

Saudi King Abdullah has announced that women will be given the right to vote and run in municipal elections for the first time in the country.

The king made the announcement in an annual speech on Sunday, adding however that the candidates would be chosen “according to Islamic principles,” AFP reported.

“We have decided that women will participate in the Shura Council as members, starting the next term,” said the king.

The Shura Council is an all-male advisory assembly established in 1993. It offers opinions on general policies in Saudi Arabia and debates economic and social development plans and agreements signed between the kingdom and other countries.

The king's announcement means that women will be able to take part in the 2015 municipal elections, as nominations for the next vote, which is due to take place on Thursday and which is the second in Saudi Arabia's history, have already been submitted.

King Abdullah stressed that “Muslim woman must not be marginalized in opinion or advice.”

More than 5,000 men will compete in the municipal elections on Thursday to fill half the seats in the kingdom's 285 municipal councils. The other half will be appointed by the government.

Saudi Arabia held its first-ever municipal elections in 2005.

In April, a group of Saudi women protested against the ban on women voting in elections at a voter registration office in the city of Jeddah.

Over the past months, Saudi activists in the Eastern Province have staged several anti-government protests, demanding reforms and immediate release of political prisoners.

Women in Saudi Arabia must have a written approval from a male guardian, which could be a father, husband, brother or son, to leave the country, work or even undergo certain medical operations.


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Women in Saudi Arabia must have a written approval from a male guardian, which could be a father, husband, brother or son, to leave the country, work or even undergo certain medical operations.

Hopefully changes are coming.

Originally posted by asj:
Women in Saudi Arabia must have a written approval from a male guardian, which could be a father, husband, brother or son, to leave the country, work or even undergo certain medical operations.

Hopefully changes are coming.


Originally posted by Pointblank:
BTW in Islam a woman is NOT obligated to COOK, CLEAN, FOR her Husband.

She does that out of her own free will.

And it is not forbidden for a woman to drive a car That is the country laws.
Pray tell me, are christian, Hindus, Taoist, secular women compelled to cook and are they absent free will? You folks are so steeped in loads of crap you begin to dispense it liberally as well. BTW laws in Muslim states are supposed to be the religious laws so I think you need to put on your mullah hat and lecture those misguided Muslims on the error of their ways.
Originally posted by raymond:
look at these Guyanese wannabe Arabs Big Grin look how they acting all excited and offended Big Grin...ayuh rass ancestry is India no matter how much ayuh try fuh scrub am out Big Grin yippie

The ancestry where women have no rights
Originally posted by cain:
So, no bra burning goin on? Dam!

Bra burning? you want them burn the women after? men are not allowed to see bras in public in Saudi Arabia boy.

Nothing can cause the male mind to stray during the day thus dem doan want no temptatians....right point?
Originally posted by Pointblank:
Originally posted by asj:
Women in Saudi Arabia must have a written approval from a male guardian, which could be a father, husband, brother or son, to leave the country, work or even undergo certain medical operations.

Hopefully changes are coming.



I was thinking of more changes for women, like for instance

1) Driving
2) Abolishing the Mahrem

Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
I have been to Saudi Arabia and i must tell PB and others, they have a long long long long way to go. These jackasses need to be greeted with some good sticklashes from these women.

Bro Abu, have never been to Saudi Arabia, but there are some conflicting reports, like for intance this one which was publised some time ago. Although we have been hearing that women cannot drive, we still read of instances where they do.

Maybe you can enlightened with some of the restrictions you have witnessed.

By Rob L. Wagner

The Media Line

Published Thursday, February 10, 2011

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia — Whenever Hawazen Ebrahim’s family spends an evening picnicking in the desert outside of Medina, it’s her job to jump into the car and drive to the nearest village to load up on extra supplies. During the week, she is responsible for taking the kids to school and picking them up each day.

Ebrahim, 25, doesn’t consider herself an outlaw, nor is she protesting Saudi Arabia’s ban on women driving. She does what many Saudi women do in rural villages throughout the kingdom and drives as part of the everyday responsibilities of managing a household.

Saudi Arabia is regularly criticized by human rights groups and the foreign media for its ban on women drivers, but when it comes to rural areas, the authorities have what can best be described as a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Women who keep a low profile can drive. It’s the worst kept secret in the country.

“The women in my family and the families in my neighborhood think nothing of driving,” says Fawzyyah Hassan, 45, who tools along the roads in areas near Medina. “My husband goes to work before we even get up in the morning and comes home late. Of course, I drive.”

Saudi Arabia’s driving ban isn’t strictly speaking illegal since there is no actual law on the books that prevents women from driving. Sharia – the Islamic code of law – doesn’t address the issue.

Indeed, Abdullah Alami, a Saudi economist who is spearheading the latest campaign to make end the ban, says the law implies that women are permitted to drive. Alami is fighting a quixotic campaign to get the Shura Council, the body that advises the King on policy, to consider a petition allowing women to drive.

“You see, Islam calls for protecting women’s legitimate rights,” Alami told The Media Line. “Driving is a right for women, as it is for men. Article 32 of the Saudi Traffic Regulations provides that. It’s prohibited for any ‘person’ driving a vehicle before getting a driver’s license. Based on this text, the term ‘person’ isn’t limited to males.”

Women caught driving in cities don’t face arrest. A Saudi journalist explains that local police agencies follow a basic policy by taking the offending female driver to the police station and having a mahram (male guardian) come to collect her. At the station, the police require the guardian to sign a document promising never to allow his charge to drive again. Refusing to sign the document exposes the guardian to jail time for failing to discharge his duties the protector of the woman.

“I have to admit I never heard of any guardian being arrested because his daughter drove a car,” the journalist says.

Although Saudi Arabia keeps no statistics on how many women drive cars, large numbers routinely get behind the wheel in virtually every rural community where hundreds of miles separate towns and villages.

While men are at work, wives and mothers transport livestock to market and drive tanker trucks to ensure their villages have water. Many Bedouin women act as the principal breadwinners in the family by transporting goods from village to village. Unlike in urban areas, a woman driving in the desert isn’t taboo, but encouraged.

“There is evidence that women who drive in remote villages have earned respect for following traffic regulations,” Alami says. “It’s natural for women in rural areas to assist in making a living in every way possible.”

In 2009, there were so many women driving in the Ha’il region that the Commission on the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (the mutaween) filed a complaint with the administrative authorities asking that 15 women be stripped of all driving privileges. The local authorities ignored the demand because it posed a threat to the families’ livelihood.

Women in the hinterlands have few alternatives to getting behind the wheel. The typical family car in rural areas is a pickup truck with a single bench to seat three people in the cab. But women can’t sit beside a male driver because it puts them in a state of khalwa (seclusion with an unrelated man), which is forbidden. Families can’t afford to hire a professional driver because that would cut into the family income.

In any case, it’s virtually impossible for traffic police and the mutaween to patrol thousands of square miles of desert.

But the acceptance of women driving doesn’t extend to cities, where the ban is enforced. Women passengers sitting alone in taxis or cars with private drivers face harassment from men. The harassment has made many families fearful of allowing their daughters or wives to be alone in a car.

Alami, however, says that is no longer a valid concern. “People are more convinced today than ever that there is no justification for preventing women from driving,” he says. “Saudi women continue to drive in various countries around the world. It has become more acceptable for them to drive in their own country.”

There is also anecdotal evidence suggesting that police sometimes turn a blind eye to women driving in the city, at least in Jeddah where a large swath in the northern part of the city is inhabited mainly by wealthy Western-educated Saudis. Police officers are often reluctant to confront influential families that tacitly approve of their daughters and wives driving.

A 26-year-old woman, who asked that her name not be published, says she recently went on a driving spree with a female friend in North Jeddah. “I have a new Hummer. It was late at night and the streets were empty, so we were driving all over the place,” she recalls. “A policeman pulled me over. He said, ‘Don’t drive in the City Centre or to the south,’ and let me go. He acted like it was the most natural thing in the world.”

Alami says rural women could serve as role models to their urban sisters. They get behind the wheel to put food on the table and don’t bother themselves with the restrictions their urban counterparts face.

Last month, Alami sent a petition signed by 136 Saudis, including 98 women, to the Shura Council. The petition asks for consideration of a trial-driving phase. The Shura Council can forward a recommendation to the Council of Ministers for approval if it agrees the plan has merit. The petition seeks to specify driving schools available to teach women driving and to issue driving certificates. It also asks that police departments develop women’s sections to handle licensing and violations issues. A key component of the petition asks that stiff jail time and fines be imposed on people harassing female drivers.

Alami also seeks to have Saudi traffic authorities develop vehicle safety checks, highway breakdown programs and an awareness campaign.

A representative for the Shura Council says there was no record of the Council receiving the petition. Alami is undeterred. He is preparing a second petition and seeking additional signatures.

“Saudi Arabia has signed the international conventions of non-discrimination against women,” Almani says, referring to the United Nations’ Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. “It is crucial that women aren’t discriminated against, including, and not limited to, driving.”

Originally posted by Pointblank:
Originally posted by raymond:
look at these Guyanese wannabe Arabs Big Grin look how they acting all excited and offended Big Grin...ayuh rass ancestry is India no matter how much ayuh try fuh scrub am out Big Grin yippie

The ancestry where women have no rights

face yuh history and stop trying to be something you will never be....
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by Pointblank:
Originally posted by raymond:
look at these Guyanese wannabe Arabs Big Grin look how they acting all excited and offended Big Grin...ayuh rass ancestry is India no matter how much ayuh try fuh scrub am out Big Grin yippie

The ancestry where women have no rights

face yuh history and stop trying to be something you will never be....

Unlike you I KNOW WHAT I AM. I AM NOT CONFUSED like you.

I am A Muslim I am not an ARAB or an INDIAN or BLACK. I am a HUMAN BEING. Unlike you I do not see someone skin color or the texture of their hair or judge them on that. I see another human being. And I raised my kids to see the same.

I was raised by my parents to look beyond someone's appearance and when I started to study my religion I found that it taught us to do what my parents have instilled in me.
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Pointblank:
Originally posted by asj:
Women in Saudi Arabia must have a written approval from a male guardian, which could be a father, husband, brother or son, to leave the country, work or even undergo certain medical operations.

Hopefully changes are coming.



I was thinking of more changes for women, like for instance

1) Driving
2) Abolishing the Mahrem


You post a lot about Islam but you need to stop googling and read some Tafseer and Ahadith.

Why would you want to abolish the Mahram. Do you understand what is a Mahram or the porpose of the Mahram?
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
I have been to Saudi Arabia and i must tell PB and others, they have a long long long long way to go. These jackasses need to be greeted with some good sticklashes from these women.

spending a few days or going for Hajj or Umrah is not enough.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Change will take a while in Saudi Arabia but the recent announcement by the King is to be applauded.

King Abdullah has said that he wants women to drive when the society is ready for it.

"I believe strongly in the rights of women. My mother is a woman. My sister is a woman. My daughter is a woman. My wife is a woman. I believe the day will come when women will drive. In fact if you look at the areas of Saudi Arabia, the desert, and in the rural areas, you will find that women do drive. The issue will require patience. In time I believe that it will be possible. I believe that patience is a virtue"

Originally posted by Pointblank:
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:
I have been to Saudi Arabia and i must tell PB and others, they have a long long long long way to go. These jackasses need to be greeted with some good sticklashes from these women.

spending a few days or going for Hajj or Umrah is not enough.

As I said the country's laws and code of conduct is ancient and in need of a total overhaul. I am not just talking about women, the overall system in that country needs to be addressed. Now, I know that women have undocumented rights but that is not sufficient to meet the needs and demands of the 21st century.

The only way forward is to abolish the current sytem starting with the Royal Family as absolute rulers and start fresh with a 21st century mindset.

Let the women take the lead in the re-construction.
Originally posted by Pointblank:
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by Pointblank:
Originally posted by raymond:
look at these Guyanese wannabe Arabs Big Grin look how they acting all excited and offended Big Grin...ayuh rass ancestry is India no matter how much ayuh try fuh scrub am out Big Grin yippie

The ancestry where women have no rights

face yuh history and stop trying to be something you will never be....

Unlike you I KNOW WHAT I AM. I AM NOT CONFUSED like you.

I am A Muslim I am not an ARAB or an INDIAN or BLACK. I am a HUMAN BEING. Unlike you I do not see someone skin color or the texture of their hair or judge them on that. I see another human being. And I raised my kids to see the same.

I was raised by my parents to look beyond someone's appearance and when I started to study my religion I found that it taught us to do what my parents have instilled in me.

keep will eventually look like one Big Grin
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Change will take a while in Saudi Arabia but the recent announcement by the King is to be applauded.

King Abdullah has said that he wants women to drive when the society is ready for it.

"I believe strongly in the rights of women. My mother is a woman. My sister is a woman. My daughter is a woman. My wife is a woman. I believe the day will come when women will drive. In fact if you look at the areas of Saudi Arabia, the desert, and in the rural areas, you will find that women do drive. The issue will require patience. In time I believe that it will be possible. I believe that patience is a virtue"


When Society is ready for it? I thought women were protesting left right and center that they want to drive? i thought a poll was done and most women who from saudi arabia who lived outside the kingdom actually drove?

When the society is ready for it is backwards, archaic and a cop out at best.

ASJ you have some very strange views my friend.
Originally posted by baseman:
Thanks to George HW Bush, freedom and democracy is taking root and rolling across the entire region.

Did you smoke something early this morning?

Female Driver Reportedly Sentenced to Lashing in Saudi Arabia

Less than 48 hours after King Abdullah's speech announcing that women would be able to participate in local elections, a court in Jeddah sentenced a woman for ten lashes for defying the kingdom's ban on female drivers earlier this year, human rights activists said.

Two other women, part of a new campaign called "My Right2Dignity Initiative", were also summoned for questioning and will stand trial, joining a number of other women currently on trial for driving.

Yet another woman, Madihah Al-Agroosh, who was part of the group of women who drove in 1991, was arrested Tuesday afternoon in Riyadh for driving her car.

"What is happening to our women today is unfortunate and violates the rule of law and legal rights and is contrary to the reformist direction that was launched by the Custodian of the two holy mosques (the Saudi king)," My Right2Dignity Initiative said in a statement
Originally posted by Cobra:
I honestly believe a good public whipping will not make you a dull boy, but will invoke some basic principles to remember. Smile

When we start whipping people like Rohee and Robert let me know.

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