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Workers burn US$$$ in cane…Skeldon sugar workers continue strike action

September 24, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) and the largest sugar workers union, Guyana Agricultural

An aerial view of Skeldon factory

An aerial view of Skeldon factory

and General Workers Union (GAWU), are yet to resolve matters that have caused massive protest action at the Skeldon sugar estate to spiral out of control.
Protest action continued yesterday as the sugar workers demonstrated against the “arbitrary” dismissal of one of their co-workers, while sugar workers at the Albion Estate, further up the coast, also joined in the strike in solidarity.
Over the weekend a sugar worker was dismissed from his job after he allegedly slapped the Skeldon estate manager Dave Kumar. However, sugar workers are alleging that the manager was the one at fault and have demanded that the staffer be rehired.
Protest action against their colleague’s dismissal also lead to workers setting fire to tugs fetching some 130 metric tons of cane which were being transported to factories for grinding.
Up to late yesterday afternoon, members of GuySuCo and GAWU were still in meeting being chaired by the Ministry’s Chief Labour Officer, but according to officials, none of the matters were actively resolved. GAWU is requesting that the dismissal letter be withdrawn against the sugar worker or an inquiry be held into the incident involving the staff and his manager. GuySuCo has however, refused both proposals, head of GAWU Komal Chand told Kaieteur News.
It was the hope of the union, he told the newspaper, that the Labour Ministry would be able to persuade GuySuCo to take either of the union’s proposals. Chand said that hopes were high also that the matter would be resolved as soon as possible so workers can return to their jobs, especially since it is his belief that GuySuCo would want to make the best of the good weather.
GuySuCo Director Jairam Pitam told this publication yesterday that workers at the Chinese-built Skeldon Estate which is located over 100 miles outside of the city, walked off the job on Monday and set alight already cut cane stalks.  Pitam said that both the union and GuySuCo walked away empty-handed following the meeting with the Chief Labour Officer and another meeting  is expected at noon today so that matters involving the cane cutters could be addressed.
Pitam said that GAWU has asked for some time to consult with workers, hence today’s follow-up meeting. While claims are that the manager with whom the worker had the dispute was drunk and has abused staffers in his drunken state, Pitam said that GuySuCo is currently in possession of evidence that says otherwise. He explained that other managers from the estate were present during the altercation and deny that the manager was drunk and abusive.
The union head had told Kaieteur News, however, that the report by workers who also claimed to have been present during the altercation is that the manager came to the estate in a “deep state of drunkenness” and began to abuse workers. Chand related that the manager was said to have been drinking all afternoon and when he encountered the worker, Stephen Daniels, who is of African descent, he reportedly used racial slurs and terms against the worker. The estate manager claims he was slapped by the worker, while other reports suggest that the manager is the one who attacked the worker.
It is estimated that several thousand US dollars worth of cane had been burnt, but Chand says all is not lost since it is the ideal time for reaping. He said that some of the cane burnt in the fields could still be used, but the strike must end so that the cane could be processed within a certain time.
“The cane cannot be left languishing or it will lose its content,” he told the publication.
“The Skeldon plant has not been performing to its peak, and I would think that Guysuco would want to resolve this matter as soon as possible and make use of the good weather,” the union head stated. GAWU has indicated however, that the union has made rational proposals, but GuySuCo seems not to be budging.
As strike action continues, the location remains without electricity as turbine-powered energy is not being propelled by the protesting sugar workers.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Berbice area will always support the PPP regardless of what happens. The people know that the PPP always have their backs. The AFC and PNC/APNU are known as "also ran". They will win if you start counting from the back or there is only one party. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The Berbice area will always support the PPP regardless of what happens. The people know that the PPP always have their backs. The AFC and PNC/APNU are known as "also ran". They will win if you start counting from the back or there is only one party. 

shut up old fool,you make no sense 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The Berbice area will always support the PPP regardless of what happens. The people know that the PPP always have their backs. The AFC and PNC/APNU are known as "also ran". They will win if you start counting from the back or there is only one party. 

shut up old fool,you make no sense 

It makes no sense to low IQ fools lke you. I know you having Cerebral Palsy doesn't make it easy on you.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Workers are FREE to protest in Guyana.  No Black Clothes Police will visit you and take you for a Helicopter ride over the Mighty Essequibo.

so what the hell happen in linden,or only collie can destroy government property,how come rohee is not sending in his dead squad 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Workers are FREE to protest in Guyana.  No Black Clothes Police will visit you and take you for a Helicopter ride over the Mighty Essequibo.

so what the hell happen in linden,or only collie can destroy government property,how come rohee is not sending in his dead squad 

This former special education student doesn't seem to comprehend the english language. We will cut you some slack; after all it's not your fault. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The Berbice area will always support the PPP regardless of what happens. The people know that the PPP always have their backs. The AFC and PNC/APNU are known as "also ran". They will win if you start counting from the back or there is only one party. 

shut up old fool,you make no sense 

It makes no sense to low IQ fools lke you. I know you having Cerebral Palsy doesn't make it easy on you.

you have your family burning the people cane,i am sorry is not you the blackman slap

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The Berbice area will always support the PPP regardless of what happens. The people know that the PPP always have their backs. The AFC and PNC/APNU are known as "also ran". They will win if you start counting from the back or there is only one party. 

shut up old fool,you make no sense 

It makes no sense to low IQ fools lke you. I know you having Cerebral Palsy doesn't make it easy on you.

you have your family burning the people cane,i am sorry is not you the blackman slap

Ah you blackman phambily dem ah bunn dem kane. Dem coolie guh ketch he ass and gyam wah he really ah look fah.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The Berbice area will always support the PPP regardless of what happens. The people know that the PPP always have their backs. The AFC and PNC/APNU are known as "also ran". They will win if you start counting from the back or there is only one party. 

shut up old fool,you make no sense 

It makes no sense to low IQ fools lke you. I know you having Cerebral Palsy doesn't make it easy on you.

you have your family burning the people cane,i am sorry is not you the blackman slap

Ah you blackman phambily dem ah bunn dem kane. Dem coolie guh ketch he ass and gyam wah he really ah look fah.

take note you collie racist,they fire a blackman and the collie strike,seeing you is a professor what this tell you.we all suffering together it no more about color.ppp collie days is over 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The Berbice area will always support the PPP regardless of what happens. The people know that the PPP always have their backs. The AFC and PNC/APNU are known as "also ran". They will win if you start counting from the back or there is only one party. 

I can go on youtube and post a few dozen instances of people in berbice lamenting the PPP neglect. One can presume that is but a fraction of the undercurrent of discontent.


Indeed, many will vote PPP. Call it the Stockholm syndrome, operand conditioning or what ever but it is clear that elections in Guyana do not represent rational choice based on performance of administrators. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The Berbice area will always support the PPP regardless of what happens. The people know that the PPP always have their backs. The AFC and PNC/APNU are known as "also ran". They will win if you start counting from the back or there is only one party. 

I can go on youtube and post a few dozen instances of people in berbice lamenting the PPP neglect. One can presume that is but a fraction of the undercurrent of discontent.


Indeed, many will vote PPP. Call it the Stockholm syndrome, operand conditioning or what ever but it is clear that elections in Guyana do not represent rational choice based on performance of administrators. 

There will always be some irrational folks out there. PPP is here to rule Guyana for the rest of our lifetime. Accept it and move on.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The Berbice area will always support the PPP regardless of what happens. The people know that the PPP always have their backs. The AFC and PNC/APNU are known as "also ran". They will win if you start counting from the back or there is only one party. 

I can go on youtube and post a few dozen instances of people in berbice lamenting the PPP neglect. One can presume that is but a fraction of the undercurrent of discontent.


Indeed, many will vote PPP. Call it the Stockholm syndrome, operand conditioning or what ever but it is clear that elections in Guyana do not represent rational choice based on performance of administrators. 

There will always be some irrational folks out there. PPP is here to rule Guyana for the rest of our lifetime. Accept it and move on.

the PPP, like all things evil, will have an end. It is the way of things inevitably just.


Sugar Workers continue to strike; APNU, AFC condemn GuySuco’s approach

September 24, 2014 2:07 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


By Tracey Khan – Drakes

APNU's Executive Member, Joseph Harmon.

APNU’s Executive Member, Joseph Harmon.




The Opposition Political Parties – A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) have come out in condemnation of GuySuco’s approach in dealing with the ongoing industrial action that started at the Skeldon Sugar factory and managed to spread to the Albion and Rose Hall Estates in Berbice.

The strike is as a result of an incident between the Estate Manager and an employee on Friday last which saw the Manager immediately dismissing the employee without any due process.

APNU’s newly appointed General Secretary, Joseph Harmon during an interview with iNews today questioned why the sugar industry’s management is bent on protecting one person which is the Estate Manager, Dave Kumar at the expense of the economy and the people of Berbice.

“Why can’t they just call in that Estate Manager and say to him ‘look you have caused this entire industry a lot of loss and damage and so on let us deal with these issues in a very efficient manner’ but it’s the second or third day the entire place is on strike,” Harmon reasoned.

He believes that the management of the Sugar Industry has taken the side of the Estate Manager prematurely since a thorough investigation is yet to be done.

“It’s like covering up, you trying the devil in hell, everybody covering up for one another in there, that’s all they doing, why can’t a proper investigation be done? Why can’t they should put aside this and solve this, put that suspension on hold and do a proper investigation rather than suffer the entire industry in this way?” Harmon questioned.

The Guyana Power & Light Inc. has even blamed the industrial action for load shedding in Berbice and Demerara, however, Harmon says the power company and Government are trying to hide its incompetence to deliver adequate electricity to the people.

“The extent of the input from the Skeldon Estate into the grid is not so much that it could cause these people all of this blackout; the Government they are hiding behind this Estate strike to give these people load shedding…all of this here is to me in a sense really punishing the people of Berbice for incompetent administration,” Harmon said.

A delegation of concerned workers from the Skeldon Estate is expected to meet with Labour Ministry officials today as they continue to seek redress for their colleague in this matter.

Meanwhile, Executive Member of the Alliance for Change, (AFC) Moses Nagamottoo expressed concern for the welfare of workers and industry and said this prolonged industrial action is a clear demonstration of the fragile industrial relations between the workers and the management of GuySuCo.

He told iNews during a telephone interview that Kumar’s relationship with the workers comes into to question since his first action in dealing with such an issue is dismissal.

“This type of behaviour will not help to heal the workers nor the industry,” Nagamootoo said.

AFC Member of Parliament, Moses Nagamootoo. [iNews' Photo]

AFC Member of Parliament, Moses Nagamootoo. [iNews' Photo]

The AFC Executive Member condemned the dismissal of the worker and noted that it is heartening to see how the workers continue to stand in solidarity with their colleague and demonstrate through their action that unfair treatment of hard working men and women from the industry will not be tolerated.


“GuySuCo needs every ounce of sugar at this time and need to look at the bigger picture.”

The AFC and APNU have dispatched their officials on the ground to assess the situation. The Skeldon Estate remains out of operations, and the Rose Hall Estate today joined in on the industrial action, however, Albion Estate has resumed operations today.

The industrial action went full scale after the Estate Manager refused to implement a number of recommendations that were made by the workers representative, after Steven Daniel was dismissed.

Among the recommendations was the reinstatement of Daniel, an apology by the Manager to the worker and a commitment that the man would not be victimized.


This GNI "board membership" needs to address.


The comments are divorced from the subject.


Race has little or no bearing here.


In Berbice, there is more racial harmony.


To the issues; the handling of this matter is POOR.


Why is this allowed to escalate?


Who in GuySuco is running the show?  Are you asleep? 



Vish M
Last edited by Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:

This GNI "board membership" needs to address.


The comments are divorced from the subject.


Race has little or no bearing here.


In Berbice, there is more racial harmony.


To the issues; the handling of this matter is POOR.


Why is this allowed to escalate?


Who in GuySuco is running the show?  Are you asleep? 



I agree Vish.  An investigation of the matter by a respected Judge should be done and his recommendations be carried out.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Workers are FREE to protest in Guyana.  No Black Clothes Police will visit you and take you for a Helicopter ride over the Mighty Essequibo.

So you indeed had a visit to Mazaruni in 1973......did you pick up soap?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Workers are FREE to protest in Guyana.  No Black Clothes Police will visit you and take you for a Helicopter ride over the Mighty Essequibo.

So you indeed had a visit to Mazaruni in 1973......did you pick up soap?

Batty Boy like you are qualified to pick up soap. In fact, I heard you usually pay young lads to be with you when you are picking up soap. None of my business but I am happy for you.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Workers are FREE to protest in Guyana.  No Black Clothes Police will visit you and take you for a Helicopter ride over the Mighty Essequibo.

So you indeed had a visit to Mazaruni in 1973......did you pick up soap?

Batty Boy like you are qualified to pick up soap. In fact, I heard you usually pay young lads to be with you when you are picking up soap. None of my business but I am happy for you.

again more homo talk from pandit dum dum.


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