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World Bank playing 3-card trick pun Guyana

Apr 23, 2020 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists 0  , Source - Kaieteur News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...rd-trick-pun-guyana/

World Bank tek we fuh a packoo and decide fuh buss we back and put salt.

Dem boys seh fuh years Guyana was trying to get in with de world bank to get one and two loans but we never get past the security gate much less to the teller.

But no sooner the Bank hear that we discover oil, dem seh how dem ready to help we develop petroleum laws and policies fuh manage the oil sector.

Is like when a poor man win de lotto and collect de cash. All he friends does suddenly know he. Dem does line up at he door steps everyday fuh something.

Dem have people who never use to answer he when he talk to them but suddenly dem become his relative.

He does suddenly get so much family members that he never know he had all because of that thing called money.

Dem boys seh De World Bank who was a total stranger yesterday suddenly tun our friend. Without asking dem throw US$20M in we pocket as a loan fuh help us with our oil laws and put prapaa oil policies in place fuh Guyana.

And guess what guys? We fall fuh de trap. Dem lending we the money but dem deciding wah we must do with it and who we must employ fuh draft we own laws and local content policy.

Dem tek a man wah connected to Exxon and employ he fuh draft the local content policy. No wonder de policy looking more foreign than local.

Instead of protecting we from the scamps in the oil companies, the Bank put somebody who connected to the oil companies to look over we interest.

Dem boys seh the World Bank β€œeyes pass we.”

Dem boys seh is not dem fault-is our government that allowed dem to break we back like if we is packoo.

Is like if you go to de bank fuh borrow money but, instead of helping we, dem helping dem oil companies.

Dem boys seh that the Bank trying to serve two masters at the same time.

Dem boys does call dah β€˜com*** wid interest’.

Not conflict of interest.

Talk half and keep wondering who else two-face.

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