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Former Member

December 30, 2013 · By


With a Gross National Income (GNI) of just US$3, 410 per capita, the World Bank in its 2014 World Development Report rated Guyana among the least wealthy in CARICOM.

This figure is in stark contrast to that of Guyana’s fellow CARICOM country, The Bahamas, whose  GNI is recorded as US$21,280 per capita, making it the wealthiest CARICOM country.

According to the World Bank, Guyana is the second poorest country in Caricom but far ahead of Haiti, which has a GNI of US$760 per capita. “For 2012, the economy expanded by 3.7% down from 4.5% in 2011 and 4.4% in 2010.” The Bank however noted the economy’s expansion in 2013 which it attributed to increased activity in rice and gold production, as well as improvement in the manufacturing sector.

The Bahamas’s economic prosperity, on the other hand, is attributed mostly to its vast tourism sector which accounts for over 60% of the Bahamian Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and creates jobs for more than fifty percent of the country’s workforce.

The island’s financial services sector is the second most vibrant and accounts for about 15% of its GDP.

Guyana was also outperformed by Trinidad and Tobago which registered a GNI of US$14,400 per capita. In fact, the twin-island state has been doing so well that the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2011 removed it from its list of developing countries.

The country’s economy is driven by its petroleum industry, although its manufacturing and tourism sectors are also very important.

St Kitts and Nevis also did well, registering a GNI of US$13,330 per capita. Tourism and manufacturing are the main drivers behind the twin-island federation’s development, after sugar cultivation, owing to growing production costs and falling world market prices, was reduced. The tourism sector has been doing particularly well, and the island has seen tourist arrivals expand from 379,473 in 2007 to 587,479 in 2009.

It is also tourism which helped Antigua and Barbuda attain its US$12,640 GNI per capita. The country’s tourism sector accounts for more than half of the GDP, although the growing medical schools and its students make very large contributions to the economy.

Guyana’s CARICOM and South American neighbour Suriname achieved a GNI of US$8,480 per capita although its economy fell on hard times during the 1990’s. The country’s ability to beat back economic hardships and register such a relatively high GNI is a result of government initiatives to diversify the economy, and decrease dependence on Dutch financial assistance.

Bauxite mining couple with exploration and exploitation of oil contributes substantially to the country’s GDP, although agriculture and ecotourism are important components.

Ranking closer to Guyana was Jamaica and Dominica with GNIs of US$5,140 and US$6,460 per capita respectively. About 50% of Jamaica’s economy is built on income generated by tourism-related services. At the same time, Jamaica’s economy is a fair mixture of state enterprises and private businesses, while agriculture, financial and insurance services, manufacturing and mining play integral roles in the country’s economy.

Meanwhile, Dominica, whose economy historically depended largely upon gains from its banana and other agricultural endeavours, came back from the brink of a financial crisis in 2003 and 2004 to experience growth levels of 3.5 percent and 4.0 percent in 2005 and 2006 respectively.

Growth in 2006 in particular, was said to be the fruit of macroeconomic reforms pursued by government, which saw new ground gained in construction, tourism, offshore services and some sectors of the country’s banana industry.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyana was also outperformed by Trinidad and Tobago which registered a GNI of US$14,400 per capita. In fact, the twin-island state has been doing so well that the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2011 removed it from its list of developing countries.

The country’s economy is driven by its petroleum industry, although its manufacturing and tourism sectors are also very important.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Guyana was also outperformed by Trinidad and Tobago which registered a GNI of US$14,400 per capita. In fact, the twin-island state has been doing so well that the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2011 removed it from its list of developing countries.

The country’s economy is driven by its petroleum industry, although its manufacturing and tourism sectors are also very important.

Wow, I never would have thought.  There is hope for Mitwala.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Guyana was also outperformed by Trinidad and Tobago which registered a GNI of US$14,400 per capita. In fact, the twin-island state has been doing so well that the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2011 removed it from its list of developing countries.

The country’s economy is driven by its petroleum industry, although its manufacturing and tourism sectors are also very important.

Wow, I never would have thought.  There is hope for Mitwala.

 guyana is at the top of the mountain it will come down soon and then nehru will develop it


even little Suriname outpacing Guyana...only country worse than Guyana is Haiti, which was hit with some severe hurricanes...


What is the current Govt doing besides filling their pockets?

Originally Posted by raymond:

even little Suriname outpacing Guyana...only country worse than Guyana is Haiti, which was hit with some severe hurricanes...


What is the current Govt doing besides filling their pockets?

guyana can never prosper unless they make some hard decision  the ppp have to clean house  which they will not do they have to close the sugar estates which is a big burden on the guyanese tax payers right now facts is facts 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Guyana was also outperformed by Trinidad and Tobago which registered a GNI of US$14,400 per capita. In fact, the twin-island state has been doing so well that the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2011 removed it from its list of developing countries.

The country’s economy is driven by its petroleum industry, although its manufacturing and tourism sectors are also very important.

Wow, I never would have thought.  There is hope for Mitwah.

Thanks! Your statement reveals that your soul is awake. Do you make about US20K per month?

Originally Posted by raymond:

so what happen to all the economic prosperity DG and Nehru talking about everyday?

St Kitts and Nevis also did well, registering a GNI of US$13,330 per capita. Tourism and manufacturing are the main drivers behind the twin-island federation’s development, after sugar cultivation, owing to growing production costs and falling world market prices, was reduced. The tourism sector has been doing particularly well, and the island has seen tourist arrivals expand from 379,473 in 2007 to 587,479 in 2009


Guyana is going in the right direction, the data for Suriname is skewed as we see oil reserves accounting for the larger gni per capita. In actuality, Surinamese are much worse off then Guyanese as we 70% of Suriname living below the poverty line compared to 35% for Guyana. 


Was it not for the PNC/AFC interference with mo fiah slow fiah and anti progress agenda, Guyana would be higher up the scale. Also we must take into consideration that the pnc/afc supporters are being told by their leaders that they are entitled to freeness and should not work nor contribute to the economy. So we have an entire generation of young freedom fighters robbing and killing and getting free electricity and other services while not contributing to GNI. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Guyana is going in the right direction, the data for Suriname is skewed as we see oil reserves accounting for the larger gni per capita. In actuality, Surinamese are much worse off then Guyanese as we 70% of Suriname living below the poverty line compared to 35% for Guyana. 


Was it not for the PNC/AFC interference with mo fiah slow fiah and anti progress agenda, Guyana would be higher up the scale. Also we must take into consideration that the pnc/afc supporters are being told by their leaders that they are entitled to freeness and should not work nor contribute to the economy. So we have an entire generation of young freedom fighters robbing and killing and getting free electricity and other services while not contributing to GNI. 

for the new year i hope you cut your goadee and grow a brain maybe then you will stop post shit you shit brain

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Guyana is going in the right direction, the data for Suriname is skewed as we see oil reserves accounting for the larger gni per capita. In actuality, Surinamese are much worse off then Guyanese as we 70% of Suriname living below the poverty line compared to 35% for Guyana. 


Was it not for the PNC/AFC interference with mo fiah slow fiah and anti progress agenda, Guyana would be higher up the scale. Also we must take into consideration that the pnc/afc supporters are being told by their leaders that they are entitled to freeness and should not work nor contribute to the economy. So we have an entire generation of young freedom fighters robbing and killing and getting free electricity and other services while not contributing to GNI. 

for the new year i hope you cut your goadee and grow a brain maybe then you will stop post shit you shit brain

He gave away his batty and his mouth. He suffers from a thrush like oral inflammation.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Guyana is going in the right direction, the data for Suriname is skewed as we see oil reserves accounting for the larger gni per capita. In actuality, Surinamese are much worse off then Guyanese as we 70% of Suriname living below the poverty line compared to 35% for Guyana. 


Was it not for the PNC/AFC interference with mo fiah slow fiah and anti progress agenda, Guyana would be higher up the scale. Also we must take into consideration that the pnc/afc supporters are being told by their leaders that they are entitled to freeness and should not work nor contribute to the economy. So we have an entire generation of young freedom fighters robbing and killing and getting free electricity and other services while not contributing to GNI. 

Why isnt Guyana's data not skewed by gold?  Suriname and T&T are4 blessed with oil and gas.  Guyana and Suriname with gold.  This has helped all three economies so there is no need for any of these gov'ts to take credit for this.


Listen go and cry to yourself, wail, and lash yourself with a whip out of shame that even tiny islands like Antigua and St Kitts have per capita incomes way above Guyana even though they don't have any natural resources.  As a result both islands are swarming with Guyanese who refuse to return to Guyana even though problems in the tourism has made life harder than it was before.  Yes the locals now want the low jobs that the PPP supporters now have.


Also on what basis are you comparing Suriname's poverty to Guyana's?  You cant just pull numbers out of a hat.


Also T&T has had TWO coup attempts, Suriname had two SUCCESSFUL coups,. plus a civil war.  Most Caribbean nations are riddled with crime, some worse than Guyana.  So whats your excuse.  Almost every day in Jamaica some community is burning tires.  When they do so right outside of the Montego Bay airport it does serious damage, and yet no one in Jamaica cries like the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Guyana is going in the right direction, the data for Suriname is skewed as we see oil reserves accounting for the larger gni per capita. In actuality, Surinamese are much worse off then Guyanese as we 70% of Suriname living below the poverty line compared to 35% for Guyana. 


Was it not for the PNC/AFC interference with mo fiah slow fiah and anti progress agenda, Guyana would be higher up the scale. Also we must take into consideration that the pnc/afc supporters are being told by their leaders that they are entitled to freeness and should not work nor contribute to the economy. So we have an entire generation of young freedom fighters robbing and killing and getting free electricity and other services while not contributing to GNI. 

Why isnt Guyana's data not skewed by gold?  Suriname and T&T are4 blessed with oil and gas.  Guyana and Suriname with gold.  This has helped all three economies so there is no need for any of these gov'ts to take credit for this.


Listen go and cry to yourself, wail, and lash yourself with a whip out of shame that even tiny islands like Antigua and St Kitts have per capita incomes way above Guyana even though they don't have any natural resources.  As a result both islands are swarming with Guyanese who refuse to return to Guyana even though problems in the tourism has made life harder than it was before.  Yes the locals now want the low jobs that the PPP supporters now have.


Also on what basis are you comparing Suriname's poverty to Guyana's?  You cant just pull numbers out of a hat.


Also T&T has had TWO coup attempts, Suriname had two SUCCESSFUL coups,. plus a civil war.  Most Caribbean nations are riddled with crime, some worse than Guyana.  So whats your excuse.  Almost every day in Jamaica some community is burning tires.  When they do so right outside of the Montego Bay airport it does serious damage, and yet no one in Jamaica cries like the PPP.

Gold is produced by both nations so the effects on the economy so if you remember your math, x cancels x if it is on both sides of the equation. Suriname also benefits from the drug trade via their president Bouterse who is a drug lord. A coup would have been better in Guyana rather than the sustained mo fiah slow fiah effect. At least the coup is only a short impact, mo fiah slow fiah is long term and sustained. 


St Kitts and other Caribbean nations profits handsomely via the tourism industry controlled by the Whites. The GNI is skewed as the Whites pocket the tourism money which does not trickle down to the locals significantly. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Guyana is going in the right direction, the data for Suriname is skewed as we see oil reserves accounting for the larger gni per capita. In actuality, Surinamese are much worse off then Guyanese as we 70% of Suriname living below the poverty line compared to 35% for Guyana. 


Was it not for the PNC/AFC interference with mo fiah slow fiah and anti progress agenda, Guyana would be higher up the scale. Also we must take into consideration that the pnc/afc supporters are being told by their leaders that they are entitled to freeness and should not work nor contribute to the economy. So we have an entire generation of young freedom fighters robbing and killing and getting free electricity and other services while not contributing to GNI. 

Why isnt Guyana's data not skewed by gold?  Suriname and T&T are4 blessed with oil and gas.  Guyana and Suriname with gold.  This has helped all three economies so there is no need for any of these gov'ts to take credit for this.


Listen go and cry to yourself, wail, and lash yourself with a whip out of shame that even tiny islands like Antigua and St Kitts have per capita incomes way above Guyana even though they don't have any natural resources.  As a result both islands are swarming with Guyanese who refuse to return to Guyana even though problems in the tourism has made life harder than it was before.  Yes the locals now want the low jobs that the PPP supporters now have.


Also on what basis are you comparing Suriname's poverty to Guyana's?  You cant just pull numbers out of a hat.


Also T&T has had TWO coup attempts, Suriname had two SUCCESSFUL coups,. plus a civil war.  Most Caribbean nations are riddled with crime, some worse than Guyana.  So whats your excuse.  Almost every day in Jamaica some community is burning tires.  When they do so right outside of the Montego Bay airport it does serious damage, and yet no one in Jamaica cries like the PPP.

Gold is produced by both nations so the effects on the economy so if you remember your math, x cancels x if it is on both sides of the equation. Suriname also benefits from the drug trade via their president Bouterse who is a drug lord. A coup would have been better in Guyana rather than the sustained mo fiah slow fiah effect. At least the coup is only a short impact, mo fiah slow fiah is long term and sustained. 


St Kitts and other Caribbean nations profits handsomely via the tourism industry controlled by the Whites. The GNI is skewed as the Whites pocket the tourism money which does not trickle down to the locals significantly. 

I am sure you studied math at uncle dalton's dry goods store or there would be no need to go orgiastic with introducing that shallow shit above as proof of your math skills.  Guyana is poor because it habitually hatches lizards like you  with commensurate brain power. Id the tickle down societies as you say are better off than us it is us or rather those like you who prefer crooks and scoundrels over progress.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Gold is produced by both nations so the effects on the economy so if you remember your math, x cancels x if it is on both sides of the equation. Suriname also benefits from the drug trade via their president Bouterse who is a drug lord. A coup would have been better in Guyana rather than the sustained mo fiah slow fiah effect. At least the coup is only a short impact, mo fiah slow fiah is long term and sustained.

St Kitts and other Caribbean nations profits handsomely via the tourism industry controlled by the Whites. The GNI is skewed as the Whites pocket the tourism money which does not trickle down to the locals significantly.
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I am sure you studied math at uncle dalton's dry goods store or there would be no need to go orgiastic with introducing that shallow shit above as proof of your math skills.  Guyana is poor because it habitually hatches lizards like you  with commensurate brain power. Id the tickle down societies as you say are better off than us it is us or rather those like you who prefer crooks and scoundrels over progress.

I have to simplify my comments to cater to those who like yourself, a Howard grad/dropout?, had a mediocre education.  The people in Guyana who are poor tend to live in rural isolated areas away from the hub of economic activities. If they were willing to move they could gain employment in other parts of the nation. However these folks are content with their life and don't need knuckle heads like yourself telling them that they are suffering when clearly the majority are not. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I am sure you studied math at uncle dalton's dry goods store or there would be no need to go orgiastic with introducing that shallow shit above as proof of your math skills.  Guyana is poor because it habitually hatches lizards like you  with commensurate brain power. Id the tickle down societies as you say are better off than us it is us or rather those like you who prefer crooks and scoundrels over progress.

I have to simplify my comments to cater to those who like yourself, a Howard grad/dropout?, had a mediocre education.  The people in Guyana who are poor tend to live in rural isolated areas away from the hub of economic activities. If they were willing to move they could gain employment in other parts of the nation. However these folks are content with their life and don't need knuckle heads like yourself telling them that they are suffering when clearly the majority are not. 

And where was your education from? 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I am sure you studied math at uncle dalton's dry goods store or there would be no need to go orgiastic with introducing that shallow shit above as proof of your math skills.  Guyana is poor because it habitually hatches lizards like you  with commensurate brain power. Id the tickle down societies as you say are better off than us it is us or rather those like you who prefer crooks and scoundrels over progress.

I have to simplify my comments to cater to those who like yourself, a Howard grad/dropout?, had a mediocre education.  The people in Guyana who are poor tend to live in rural isolated areas away from the hub of economic activities. If they were willing to move they could gain employment in other parts of the nation. However these folks are content with their life and don't need knuckle heads like yourself telling them that they are suffering when clearly the majority are not. 

And where was your education from? 

I don't engage you in discussion since you normally are shallow have nothing of substance to add to any conversation.

d2 is a special pro bono mission of mine , I have been engaged in teaching him over the years due to the deficit in his education at Howard.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I am sure you studied math at uncle dalton's dry goods store or there would be no need to go orgiastic with introducing that shallow shit above as proof of your math skills.  Guyana is poor because it habitually hatches lizards like you  with commensurate brain power. Id the tickle down societies as you say are better off than us it is us or rather those like you who prefer crooks and scoundrels over progress.

I have to simplify my comments to cater to those who like yourself, a Howard grad/dropout?, had a mediocre education.  The people in Guyana who are poor tend to live in rural isolated areas away from the hub of economic activities. If they were willing to move they could gain employment in other parts of the nation. However these folks are content with their life and don't need knuckle heads like yourself telling them that they are suffering when clearly the majority are not. 

And where was your education from? 

I don't engage you in discussion since you normally are shallow have nothing of substance to add to any conversation.

d2 is a special pro bono mission of mine , I have been engaged in teaching him over the years due to the deficit in his education at Howard.

My question to you was very simple. Which university you went to? You are most likely another thieve who will never get a pay outside of PPP. 

Originally Posted by JB:

My question to you was very simple. Which university you went to? You are most likely another thieve who will never get a pay outside of PPP. 

What if it is Harvard? You already have formulated an opinion of me so its a waste of time engaging you in conversation. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by JB:

My question to you was very simple. Which university you went to? You are most likely another thieve who will never get a pay outside of PPP. 

What if it is Harvard? You already have formulated an opinion of me so its a waste of time engaging you in conversation. 

You are too ignorant to attend Harvard.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by JB:

My question to you was very simple. Which university you went to? You are most likely another thieve who will never get a pay outside of PPP. 

What if it is Harvard? You already have formulated an opinion of me so its a waste of time engaging you in conversation. 

his parent might have been more proud of him if he went to sunday school at the moment they hiding their head in shame

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by JB:

My question to you was very simple. Which university you went to? You are most likely another thieve who will never get a pay outside of PPP. 

What if it is Harvard? You already have formulated an opinion of me so its a waste of time engaging you in conversation. 

So is that where you learn to be an undertaker with a CS diploma. No wonder your logics are warped.



Where are those clowns who were chanting recently that Guyana's economy is so great? The average worker is making slavery wages in Guyana. Earning 50,000 to 60,000 per month and the rent for a small apartment in GT is 50,000. If not for the monthly remittance, some of these people would be starving.


Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I am sure you studied math at uncle dalton's dry goods store or there would be no need to go orgiastic with introducing that shallow shit above as proof of your math skills.  Guyana is poor because it habitually hatches lizards like you  with commensurate brain power. Id the tickle down societies as you say are better off than us it is us or rather those like you who prefer crooks and scoundrels over progress.

I have to simplify my comments to cater to those who like yourself, a Howard grad/dropout?, had a mediocre education.  The people in Guyana who are poor tend to live in rural isolated areas away from the hub of economic activities. If they were willing to move they could gain employment in other parts of the nation. However these folks are content with their life and don't need knuckle heads like yourself telling them that they are suffering when clearly the majority are not. 

I put Howard beyond anything you ever went to any day.  Being a simpleton you would not understand. 


Guyanese in general are poor be they urban or rural. The consolidation of wealth into the hands of old Marxists using a friend and family enrichment scheme does not mean we are progressing in ways conducive to a better life.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I am sure you studied math at uncle dalton's dry goods store or there would be no need to go orgiastic with introducing that shallow shit above as proof of your math skills.  Guyana is poor because it habitually hatches lizards like you  with commensurate brain power. Id the tickle down societies as you say are better off than us it is us or rather those like you who prefer crooks and scoundrels over progress.

I have to simplify my comments to cater to those who like yourself, a Howard grad/dropout?, had a mediocre education.  The people in Guyana who are poor tend to live in rural isolated areas away from the hub of economic activities. If they were willing to move they could gain employment in other parts of the nation. However these folks are content with their life and don't need knuckle heads like yourself telling them that they are suffering when clearly the majority are not. 

And where was your education from? 

I don't engage you in discussion since you normally are shallow have nothing of substance to add to any conversation.

d2 is a special pro bono mission of mine , I have been engaged in teaching him over the years due to the deficit in his education at Howard.

You to me will always be as an ant. The only mission you need have to truly get some smarts but that may be beyond your ability at this time.



Originally Posted by Danyael:

I put Howard beyond anything you ever went to any day.  Being a simpleton you would not understand. 


Guyanese in general are poor be they urban or rural. The consolidation of wealth into the hands of old Marxists using a friend and family enrichment scheme does not mean we are progressing in ways conducive to a better life.



Nonsense, you have not graced the shores of Guyana in 20 years yet you claim to know who are poor and who are not.  Those in the rural areas don't have access to the good jobs where one can earn up to 25US per day doing masonry, construction and other skilled labor. Demand for accountants and business majors has also skyrocketed. Get your facts straight and don't base your information on the lies peddled by Kaiteur. 


The fact is that your decision to attend second rate Howard, a university reserved for Blacks, was due to your lack of intellectual capabilities. Ask how many students f high intellect aspire to go to that second rate school.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I put Howard beyond anything you ever went to any day.  Being a simpleton you would not understand. 


Guyanese in general are poor be they urban or rural. The consolidation of wealth into the hands of old Marxists using a friend and family enrichment scheme does not mean we are progressing in ways conducive to a better life.



Nonsense, you have not graced the shores of Guyana in 20 years yet you claim to know who are poor and who are not.  Those in the rural areas don't have access to the good jobs where one can earn up to 25US per day doing masonry, construction and other skilled labor. Demand for accountants and business majors has also skyrocketed. Get your facts straight and don't base your information on the lies peddled by Kaiteur. 


The fact is that your decision to attend second rate Howard, a university reserved for Blacks, was due to your lack of intellectual capabilities. Ask how many students f high intellect aspire to go to that second rate school.

hmmmm . . . your failing common entrance so many decades ago still resonates [overcompensation, inferiority complex, risible pretense] when contemplating your (far and away) intellectual superiors, eh drugabeer?


Reginae Collegium sic honor ditabit!


har de har har har har har harrr

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I put Howard beyond anything you ever went to any day.  Being a simpleton you would not understand. 


Guyanese in general are poor be they urban or rural. The consolidation of wealth into the hands of old Marxists using a friend and family enrichment scheme does not mean we are progressing in ways conducive to a better life.



Nonsense, you have not graced the shores of Guyana in 20 years yet you claim to know who are poor and who are not.  Those in the rural areas don't have access to the good jobs where one can earn up to 25US per day doing masonry, construction and other skilled labor. Demand for accountants and business majors has also skyrocketed. Get your facts straight and don't base your information on the lies peddled by Kaiteur. 


The fact is that your decision to attend second rate Howard, a university reserved for Blacks, was due to your lack of intellectual capabilities. Ask how many students f high intellect aspire to go to that second rate school.

Drugb, where did you get your education? Seems like you never finished grade school.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Drugb, where did you get your education? Seems like you never finished grade school.



mitwah . . . why drugabeer run away?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Drugb, where did you get your education? Seems like you never finished grade school.



mitwah . . . why drugabeer run away?

He couldn't stand his own body odour.


The world bank needs to give more money for industrial development rather than lend the government money with a blind trust.


It seems to me that the world bank can't manage their money efficiently.



Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The world bank needs to give more money for industrial development rather than lend the government money with a blind trust.


It seems to me that the world bank can't manage their money efficiently.



In reality Guyana is the second richest country in Caricom after Trinidad.  None of those other countries have anything of significance except nice beaches to attract the white Western dollar.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The world bank needs to give more money for industrial development rather than lend the government money with a blind trust.


It seems to me that the world bank can't manage their money efficiently.



In reality Guyana is the second richest country in Caricom after Trinidad.  None of those other countries have anything of significance except nice beaches or nice coffee to attract the white Western dollar.


Originally Posted by Wally:

In reality Guyana is [should be] the second richest country in Caricom after Trinidad.  None of those other countries have anything of significance except nice beaches to attract the white Western dollar.

eschew PPPspeak and be honest for a change


Guyana is poor because of the primitive PPP tiefmen in power who can't seem to conceptualize developmental policy beyond what lines the pockets of family, friends and the local antiman cabal

Last edited by Former Member

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