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World Bank urged by activists to halt oil sector project with ‘illegitimate’ gov’t

Contending that the APNU+AFC government is illegitimate, activist Ramon Gaskin, former Auditor General Anand Goolsarran and Accountant Nigel Hinds have written the World Bank asking it to halt financing  to Guyana under the petroleum resources project.


In their letter dated April 16th, 2020 to President of the World Bank David Malpass, the trio said that funding which the Inter-national Development Association (IDA) is providing for the petroleum sector in Guyana constitutes several breaches.

They argue that the IDA repeatedly breached the duty of good faith under international law by proceeding with the “Guyana Petroleum Resources Governance and Management Project (P166730).”



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It makes sense for the World Bank not to do business with and illegal Government. If the PNC succeeded in rigging the election, Canada, the UK and the US will not be proping up the Guyana Government as they did in 1993.

Ramakant-P posted:

It makes sense for the World Bank not to do business with and illegal Government. If the PNC succeeded in rigging the election, Canada, the UK and the US will not be proping up the Guyana Government as they did in 1993.

Rama, you are a professional. Watch your English and spelling. 

@Mitwah posted:

Kaka Poo, how did you pass your exams for your Real Estate License when your knowledge of the English language is so poor?

Dem seh,  you and Dr. Ali are from WC Dem. 

I studied at your home, unfortunately you never home.

@Ramakant-P posted:

It makes sense for the World Bank not to do business with and illegal Government. If the PNC succeeded in rigging the election, Canada, the UK and the US will not be proping up the Guyana Government as they did in 1993.

No one in their right mind would invest in oil. Exxon took a huge gamble with the Guyana investment despite the fact that many Wall Street analysts warned them of the high risk factor. Now Exxon is asking Trump for a bailout and Guyanese people holding Katahar.

Bibi Haniffa

No one in their right mind would invest in oil. Exxon took a huge gamble with the Guyana investment despite the fact that many Wall Street analysts warned them of the high risk factor. Now Exxon is asking Trump for a bailout and Guyanese people holding Katahar.

Guyanese people always get katahar.


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