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Chief posted:
kp posted:

Muslims won the World Cup???

Yes you old Poke.

Two of the Muslim players  went into sijdah( prostration) after winning the game.

Paul Pogda and Djibril Sibide thanked Allah for the victory.

Yuh know Allah could punish you for ur pride, insecurities or your plain ignorance of His Almightiness. I am assuming your Allah is the same Jewish God. If He ain, then I understand why you seem overwhelmed by prostrations-Nebucadnezzar had his whole kingdom prostrated when the call was enounciated from the zurragat. 

Chief posted:

Well, its' over.

The 2018 World Cup Soccer was definitely a success, from the first games to the final match yesterday. So many records was set in 2018.

Kudos to Russia for being a great host.

Congratulations to France, whose team comprised of so many blacks and Muslims, on winning the World Cup.

Truly amazing. You started out by congratulating France and mention that their team was comprised of so many Blacks and Muslims yet the comments that followed completely disregarded that and went straight for the "Muslim" part. It's really bad when you come from an English speaking country and can't comprehend written English.

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:


Muslims kicking ass.

I thought the team won. No need to bring religion in a team sport.

He preaches Muslim superiority in every aspect of life. He must be suffering from some inferiority complex based on his religion.

When bigots like you love to scream everything anti Islam, it is important to remind you of the achievement of Muslims.

Do a quick search on the internet and see how many persons are reminding the French Government that it is blacks and Muslims who made it possible to win.

GTAngler posted:
Chief posted:

Well, its' over.

The 2018 World Cup Soccer was definitely a success, from the first games to the final match yesterday. So many records was set in 2018.

Kudos to Russia for being a great host.

Congratulations to France, whose team comprised of so many blacks and Muslims, on winning the World Cup.

Truly amazing. You started out by congratulating France and mention that their team was comprised of so many Blacks and Muslims yet the comments that followed completely disregarded that and went straight for the "Muslim" part. It's really bad when you come from an English speaking country and can't comprehend written English.

Isn't it amazing ? Their hate for Muslims has no limit.

Chief posted:

And one of them have the audacity to say that we are sufferuing from inferiority complex.

Since the inception of Islam, this has been the pattern, they attack us for no reason and then when we pelt back lash, they bawling.

That is exactly what the Chief's ancestors did.  They fight Islam then lost and were forced to embrace Islam in order to escape the pelt back lash of the Islam executioner's sword on the battlefield.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
kp posted:

This is not the platform to promote  your  religion  and if so doing a poor job. Your are making a good thing look bad.

Just bringing a sense of historical reality to the board.

You mean historical fallacy. The Qurā€™an clearly states ā€œThere is no compulsion in religion.....". Read up on Jihad and the conditions for Jihad.

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:


Muslims kicking ass.

I thought the team won. No need to bring religion in a team sport.

He preaches Muslim superiority in every aspect of life. He must be suffering from some inferiority complex based on his religion.

Must try telling that the Jewish people who at every turn make it a point to pont out Jewish successes and accomplishments.

The real inferiority complex comes from people who holds hatered and jealousy.

What is wrong for me to point out that Blacks and Muslims were responsible for France to win the World cup? 

Last edited by Chief
GTAngler posted:
Prashad posted:
kp posted:

This is not the platform to promote  your  religion  and if so doing a poor job. Your are making a good thing look bad.

Just bringing a sense of historical reality to the board.

You mean historical fallacy. The Qurā€™an clearly states ā€œThere is no compulsion in religion.....". Read up on Jihad and the conditions for Jihad.

You don't have to educate me.  I have already said multiple times on this board that Islam is a great religion.  

Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:


Muslims kicking ass.

Did we watch different games?  I thought France won.  Which Muslim countries played?


France is a Catholic country.

How many Catholics played yesterday?

The whole Croatia team that played yesterday is Catholic.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
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