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Former Member
The world Economy is in terrible shape, most people know this. However, things are getting worse, but if thigs were to get no worse than it is today and the world economy suddenly started growing at 2% per yr, which is not likely, it would take at least 3 years for us to see a tangible difference.

Since the above is not likely, and things will actually get worse the world over based on current evidence, I think it will take at least 5 years at best. But my conclusion is that this will be a second lost decade.

We are truely in a depression despite what the media is saying.

Here is a look at my chart:

Brown is worse case. Blue is where we currently are
Asia is not doing nearly so badly, because they had enough sense to study what used to make the US a successful economy, and they have imitated that approach. The British cannot tolerate the idea of a prosperous Asia, while Europe and US are killing themselves to bail out crooked bankers. Therefore, the Brits are pushing Obama to start a war with Syria or Iran that will quickly become a war between the US on the one sde, and China and Russia on the other.

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