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World Press Freedom index ranks Guyana at 57 out of 180; up 5 places


– PPP maintains press censorship is alive and well

By Jarryl Bryan
The 2016 World Press Freedom Index has been released by the entity “Reporters without Borders” (RSF).

Prime Minister and Minister of Information, Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister and Minister of Information, Moses Nagamootoo

Of 180 countries which were surveyed, Guyana finished 57, an improvement of five places.
In the top five of the rankings are three European countries- Finland (ranked at number one for the sixth consecutive year), Netherlands (up two places at number two) and Norway (at number three, down one place). The United States of America has been ranked 41.
The annual index ranks countries according to the level of freedom enjoyed by journalists. It is compiled by pooling the responses of experts including media professionals, lawyers and socialists in their respective countries to an 87 question survey.
The criteria used in the survey include pluralism, media independence and environment, censorship, legislation, transparency and the quality of infrastructure that allows news to be produced. A qualitative analysis is combined with quantitative data that is gathered about abuses and acts of violence against journalists during the evaluation period.
Reporters without Borders utilize a team of specialists, each of whom is assigned to a different geographical region. The team keeps data of abuses and violence against journalists and media outlets. They also rely on a network of correspondents in most of the countries.
A continental summary of the report shows that Europe, with 19.8 points, has the freest media corps. For the first time Africa, with 36.9, has overtaken the Americas- to which Guyana belongs- which scored 37.1 points. Asia came in at 43.8 while Eastern Europe/Central Asia scored 48.4 and North Africa/Middle East registered the worst score at 50.8.

PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee

PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee

The issue of press censorship came to the fore locally, with a recent United States’(US) State Department Human Rights report painting an unflattering picture of Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo’s execution of his mandate as Minister of Information.
A section of the report had stated, “The law provides for freedom of speech and press, and the government generally respected these rights. (However, in regards to censorship and restrictions) in August the Prime Minister issued a directive that all headlines in the state-owned print media be first scrutinized and approved by his office before they are published. The directive was a response to a headline criticizing the government. The Prime Minister also serves as Minister of Information.”
Working People’s Alliance (WPA) executive member, Dr. David Hinds, has also complained about the fact that his columns have not been carried.
The Prime Minister’s office has, however, since refuted the US State Department report. According to the office, “allegations of censorship in state media have no basis in reality or fact.

Censorship still rampant
But during the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) weekly press conference at Freedom House yesterday, the party’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee, maintained that censorship within the state media was still rampant.

This map shows the countries which were profiled. The black areas show the worst cases, while the yellow areas are the most positive cases.

This map shows the countries which were profiled. The black areas show the worst cases, while the yellow areas are the most positive cases.

According to Rohee, the reality is that press censorship is being conducted from the Prime Minister’s office and the Ministry of the Presidency, despite the vehement protests to the contrary.
“The PPP supports the view that press censorship is alive and well in Guyana,” he said. “Increasingly, persons of various political hues and shades are voicing their concerns and reservations over the role and content of the state-controlled Chronicle newspaper.”
“The PPP is the only political party that hosts a weekly press conference at which one or two press statements are read and subjected to questioning by journalists present.  The statements are promptly sent electronically to all media houses.”
He accused media outlets, including Guyana Chronicle, Kaieteur News and Stabroek News of not publishing in their entirety many of the releases which the party would put out.
Rohee also stated that Guyana seemed to be returning to an era where press censorship and fear was “the weapon used to pursue that agenda beyond the state media.”
“The PPP did not practice censorship save for a few occurrences which cannot be described as press censorship.”
However, the World Press Freedom index has well documented cases. It strongly condemned cases it referred to as discriminatory to the press, under the PPP.
Commenting on the 2008 decision to ban reporter and TV personality Gordon Moseley from Office of the President, the report stated, “Barring a journalist because a report displeased the President is an attack on pluralism and the press’ critical role. The Government has already resorted to such methods when it banned the Stabroek News daily from receiving state advertising from November 2006 to April 2008,” the report stated.
Rohee was also asked about PPP’s yanking of advertisements from both Stabroek News and Kaieteur News. He was adamant that this was not censorship, but rather, that the then Government had taken the decision for economic reasons.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

“The PPP is the only political party that hosts a weekly press conference at which one or two press statements are read and subjected to questioning by journalists present.  The statements are promptly sent electronically to all media houses.”

And the head of the ruling party aka Mr. President do not keep press conferences, does not communicate with the media on any state of affairs, and appears to be in hiding most of the time.

Bibi Haniffa

Ruel Johnson, GNNL Board Member says: "As expected, in the wake of what I would say is justifiable attention being placed on the state media, we have an opportunistic release by the PPP, hiding as it does behind anonymity, waxing righteous about press freedom.  This is the party under whose administration saw attacks on CN Sharma and closure of his television station, targeting of Freddie Kissoon from his employment to physical attacks on his person, the banning of Gordon Moseley from the Office of the President, and the unlawful execution of Ronald Waddell.  This is the party under which the state apparatus was thrown at Glen Lall and which Attorney-General was recorded hinting at deadly consequences for Kaieteur News’ exposés on corruption.
It is the party of Robeson Benn who walked into NCN and ordered the winning national calypso to be taken off air, and when there was a public outcry, the only response was to ban all calypsos.  This is the party of the cartoonishly indecent Gail Teixeira who threatened to take independent journalists before the UN for telling the truth about her administration, and the party of Bharrat Jagdeo, who not only oversaw the withholding of state ads from Stabroek News, but referred to journalists as vultures and carrion crows.   This is the party that saw racist letters being routinely published in the Guyana Chronicle followed by two racist editorials under the Presidency of Donald Ramotar, who ignored every exhortation to censure the persons responsible, including one call by the Guyana Bar Association."

Mars posted:

up 5 places = progress

Really knucklehead , you call freedom of journalists " Progress " which was in existence under PPP !! don't jump like YO YO .  Show  us progress ( development)   in the country  . The majority of journalists in Guyana are affiliated to the current regime so it's not surprise.  

Gilbakka posted:

Ruel Johnson, GNNL Board Member says: "As expected, in the wake of what I would say is justifiable attention being placed on the state media, we have an opportunistic release by the PPP, hiding as it does behind anonymity, waxing righteous about press freedom. 

This is the party under whose administration saw attacks on CN Sharma and closure of his television station, targeting of Freddie Kissoon from his employment to physical attacks on his person,

the banning of Gordon Moseley from the Office of the President, and the unlawful execution of Ronald Waddell. 

This is the party under which the state apparatus was thrown at Glen Lall and which Attorney-General was recorded hinting at deadly consequences for Kaieteur News’ exposés on corruption.

It is the party of Robeson Benn who walked into NCN and ordered the winning national calypso to be taken off air, and when there was a public outcry, the only response was to ban all calypsos. 

This is the party of the cartoonishly indecent Gail Teixeira who threatened to take independent journalists before the UN for telling the truth about her administration,

and the party of Bharrat Jagdeo, who not only oversaw the withholding of state ads from Stabroek News, but referred to journalists as vultures and carrion crows. 

 This is the party that saw racist letters being routinely published in the Guyana Chronicle followed by two racist editorials under the Presidency of Donald Ramotar, who ignored every exhortation to censure the persons responsible, including one call by the Guyana Bar Association."

"This is the party of the cartoonishly indecent Gail Teixeira" 

Luv it

ian posted:
Mars posted:

up 5 places = progress

Really knucklehead , you call freedom of journalists " Progress " which was in existence under PPP !! don't jump like YO YO .  Show  us progress ( development)   in the country  . The majority of journalists in Guyana are affiliated to the current regime so it's not surprise.  

Improvement noted by the ranking index of an international organization which monitors press freedom. Up five places equals improvement, Numpty.

Last edited by Mars
kp posted:

For the first time Africa, with 36.9, has overtaken the Americas- to which Guyana belongs- which scored 37.1

If Africa can beat the Americas, then that report doesn't say much.

It's better than one year ago and that is a

kp posted:

For the first time Africa, with 36.9, has overtaken the Americas- to which Guyana belongs- which scored 37.1

If Africa can beat the Americas, then that report doesn't say much.

Why, because Africans are not capable of maintaining a free press? Y'all come up with all kinds of bilge to deny obvious progress.

ksazma posted:

Up five places can also mean five or more countries deteriorated at a faster pace than Guyana which may have remained stagnant, improved or even deterioted.

It can't be worse than this -

Ruel Johnson, GNNL Board Member says: "As expected, in the wake of what I would say is justifiable attention being placed on the state media, we have an opportunistic release by the PPP, hiding as it does behind anonymity, waxing righteous about press freedom.  This is the party under whose administration saw attacks on CN Sharma and closure of his television station, targeting of Freddie Kissoon from his employment to physical attacks on his person, the banning of Gordon Moseley from the Office of the President, and the unlawful execution of Ronald Waddell.  This is the party under which the state apparatus was thrown at Glen Lall and which Attorney-General was recorded hinting at deadly consequences for Kaieteur News’ exposés on corruption.
It is the party of Robeson Benn who walked into NCN and ordered the winning national calypso to be taken off air, and when there was a public outcry, the only response was to ban all calypsos.  This is the party of the cartoonishly indecent Gail Teixeira who threatened to take independent journalists before the UN for telling the truth about her administration, and the party of Bharrat Jagdeo, who not only oversaw the withholding of state ads from Stabroek News, but referred to journalists as vultures and carrion crows.   This is the party that saw racist letters being routinely published in the Guyana Chronicle followed by two racist editorials under the Presidency of Donald Ramotar, who ignored every exhortation to censure the persons responsible, including one call by the Guyana Bar Association."

ksazma posted:

I don't give Ruel Johnson any credibility.

Guyana lookin lil lil good and you trying hard fo let it slide, is wuh stupidness you goin on with?

You want me ask Ian fo tell you haul yo rass nuh.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't give Ruel Johnson any credibility.

Guyana lookin lil lil good and you trying hard fo let it slide, is wuh stupidness you goin on with?

You want me ask Ian fo tell you haul yo rass nuh.

Guyana nah looking good to me bai. Two people I know very well just got burned to death. Only after this did my sister mentioned about her husband's family in Soesdyke being terrorized by home invaders recently. Django spoke about many crimes not being reported. Kaieteur News colluding with the government don't make those problems go away.

Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

Up five places can also mean five or more countries deteriorated at a faster pace than Guyana which may have remained stagnant, improved or even deterioted.

It can't be worse than this -

Ruel Johnson, GNNL Board Member says: "As expected, in the wake of what I would say is justifiable attention being placed on the state media, we have an opportunistic release by the PPP, hiding as it does behind anonymity, waxing righteous about press freedom.  This is the party under whose administration saw attacks on CN Sharma and closure of his television station, targeting of Freddie Kissoon from his employment to physical attacks on his person, the banning of Gordon Moseley from the Office of the President, and the unlawful execution of Ronald Waddell.  This is the party under which the state apparatus was thrown at Glen Lall and which Attorney-General was recorded hinting at deadly consequences for Kaieteur News’ exposés on corruption.
It is the party of Robeson Benn who walked into NCN and ordered the winning national calypso to be taken off air, and when there was a public outcry, the only response was to ban all calypsos.  This is the party of the cartoonishly indecent Gail Teixeira who threatened to take independent journalists before the UN for telling the truth about her administration, and the party of Bharrat Jagdeo, who not only oversaw the withholding of state ads from Stabroek News, but referred to journalists as vultures and carrion crows.   This is the party that saw racist letters being routinely published in the Guyana Chronicle followed by two racist editorials under the Presidency of Donald Ramotar, who ignored every exhortation to censure the persons responsible, including one call by the Guyana Bar Association."

Gilbakka, shame on you for quoting Ruel Johnson.  Do you even know who he is?  He is a shameless racist who uses foul language to curse out every Indian person who crosses his path.  He carried one of the nastiest hate campaigns in Guyanese history against Indian people pre-election 2015.  And that board position that he is now occupying is payback by Granger for ridiculing Indians.  By acknowledging such a vile person, I now place you on the same level as him.  Shame shame shame on your my dear Anscale Fish!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't give Ruel Johnson any credibility.

It matters not what you think of the man. What he is saying is factual.

Factual???  Ruel Johnson is a big dunce.  He is a self proclaimed writer and can't even punctuate properly.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't give Ruel Johnson any credibility.

It matters not what you think of the man. What he is saying is factual.

Factual???  Ruel Johnson is a big dunce.  He is self proclaimed writer and can't even punctuate properly.

Whatever you think of the man is irrelevant. What he stated is factual and can be substantiated by various media reports. 

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't give Ruel Johnson any credibility.

It matters not what you think of the man. What he is saying is factual.

Factual???  Ruel Johnson is a big dunce.  He is self proclaimed writer and can't even punctuate properly.

Whatever you think of the man is irrelevant. What he stated is factual and can be substantiated by various media reports. 

Go right ahead and substantiate it.  This banna doesn't even shower.  He wreaks of human stench and body odor just like the pig he is.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't give Ruel Johnson any credibility.

It matters not what you think of the man. What he is saying is factual.

Factual???  Ruel Johnson is a big dunce.  He is self proclaimed writer and can't even punctuate properly.

Whatever you think of the man is irrelevant. What he stated is factual and can be substantiated by various media reports. 

Go right ahead and substantiate it.  This banna doesn't even shower.  He wreaks of human stench and body odor just like the pig he is.

Explain for us which of his many points are wrong and why and I'll gladly substantiate them.


Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

Since when is the media in Guyana reliable?

I guess there's no crime in Guyana then since you read about them in the media.

Actually, the claim made my Django's niece is that crime is worse than what the media report.

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

Since when is the media in Guyana reliable?

I guess there's no crime in Guyana then since you read about them in the media.

Actually, the claim made my Django's niece is that crime is worse than what the media report.

Django's niece is now undeniable proof of what happens in Guyana. Y'all are getting more comical as the days progress. I guess you don't understand the meaning of hearsay.

BTW, my grandfather's sister-in-law's son swears that crime in Guyana is the lowest it has ever been in its entire history. 

Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

Since when is the media in Guyana reliable?

I guess there's no crime in Guyana then since you read about them in the media.

Actually, the claim made my Django's niece is that crime is worse than what the media report.

Django's niece is now undeniable proof of what happens in Guyana. Y'all are getting more comical as the days progress. I guess you don't understand the meaning of hearsay.

BTW, my grandfather's sister-in-law's son swears that crime in Guyana is the lowest it has ever been in its entire history. 

Why don't you tell that to Django. I am in regular contact with people on the WCD, life is a living HELL. Break and enter, robbery with a knife and pick pocket are considered COMMON crime, crime committed with a gun is only reported and form part of the statistics.

kp posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

Since when is the media in Guyana reliable?

I guess there's no crime in Guyana then since you read about them in the media.

Actually, the claim made my Django's niece is that crime is worse than what the media report.

Django's niece is now undeniable proof of what happens in Guyana. Y'all are getting more comical as the days progress. I guess you don't understand the meaning of hearsay.

BTW, my grandfather's sister-in-law's son swears that crime in Guyana is the lowest it has ever been in its entire history. 

Why don't you tell that to Django. I am in regular contact with people on the WCD, life is a living HELL. Break and enter, robbery with a knife and pick pocket are considered COMMON crime, crime committed with a gun is only reported and form part of the statistics.

I'm in contact regularly with people from Guyana too. It all depends on who you speak to and if they are government or opposition supporters. Of course opposition supporters will paint a picture of doom and gloom and pretend that it started last May. It's the nature of the beast.

Bibi Haniffa posted:


Gilbakka, shame on you for quoting Ruel Johnson.  Do you even know who he is?  He is a shameless racist who uses foul language to curse out every Indian person who crosses his path.  He carried one of the nastiest hate campaigns in Guyanese history against Indian people pre-election 2015.  And that board position that he is now occupying is payback by Granger for ridiculing Indians.  By acknowledging such a vile person, I now place you on the same level as him.  Shame shame shame on your my dear Anscale Fish!

The topic of this thread is PRESS FREEDOM. I posted a published letter to the press. It matters not what you think of Ruel Johnson. More than one newspaper printed his letter and I merely passed it on through this PRESS FREEDOM thread.

Furthermore, I care not one strand of straight hair what you think of me. I don't get my bread and biscuits and fish from you, so feel free to place me on whatever level you wish. Right now I'm high up on Mars.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:


Gilbakka, shame on you for quoting Ruel Johnson.  Do you even know who he is?  He is a shameless racist who uses foul language to curse out every Indian person who crosses his path.  He carried one of the nastiest hate campaigns in Guyanese history against Indian people pre-election 2015.  And that board position that he is now occupying is payback by Granger for ridiculing Indians.  By acknowledging such a vile person, I now place you on the same level as him.  Shame shame shame on your my dear Anscale Fish!

The topic of this thread is PRESS FREEDOM. I posted a published letter to the press. It matters not what you think of Ruel Johnson. More than one newspaper printed his letter and I merely passed it on through this PRESS FREEDOM thread.

Furthermore, I care not one strand of straight hair what you think of me. I don't get my bread and biscuits and fish from you, so feel free to place me on whatever level you wish. Right now I'm high up on Mars.

Wha the rass, "you high up Mars Arss " and you don't care how much straight hair up!!! 

Banna you at level 1. 

ian posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:


Gilbakka, shame on you for quoting Ruel Johnson.  Do you even know who he is?  He is a shameless racist who uses foul language to curse out every Indian person who crosses his path.  He carried one of the nastiest hate campaigns in Guyanese history against Indian people pre-election 2015.  And that board position that he is now occupying is payback by Granger for ridiculing Indians.  By acknowledging such a vile person, I now place you on the same level as him.  Shame shame shame on your my dear Anscale Fish!

The topic of this thread is PRESS FREEDOM. I posted a published letter to the press. It matters not what you think of Ruel Johnson. More than one newspaper printed his letter and I merely passed it on through this PRESS FREEDOM thread.

Furthermore, I care not one strand of straight hair what you think of me. I don't get my bread and biscuits and fish from you, so feel free to place me on whatever level you wish. Right now I'm high up on Mars.

Wha the rass, "you high up Mars Arss " and you don't care how much straight hair up!!! 

Banna you at level 1. 

Planet Mars, sir. Not only one daag name Pampei.

Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

Since when is the media in Guyana reliable?

I guess there's no crime in Guyana then since you read about them in the media.

Actually, the claim made my Django's niece is that crime is worse than what the media report.

Django's niece is now undeniable proof of what happens in Guyana. Y'all are getting more comical as the days progress. I guess you don't understand the meaning of hearsay.

BTW, my grandfather's sister-in-law's son swears that crime in Guyana is the lowest it has ever been in its entire history. 

Where did I state that Django's niece is undeniable proof of what happens in Guyana. Secondly, your guess that I don't understand the meaning of hearsay is really comical.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

Since when is the media in Guyana reliable?

I guess there's no crime in Guyana then since you read about them in the media.

Actually, the claim made my Django's niece is that crime is worse than what the media report.

Django's niece is now undeniable proof of what happens in Guyana. Y'all are getting more comical as the days progress. I guess you don't understand the meaning of hearsay.

BTW, my grandfather's sister-in-law's son swears that crime in Guyana is the lowest it has ever been in its entire history. 

Where did I state that Django's niece is undeniable proof of what happens in Guyana. Secondly, your guess that I don't understand the meaning of hearsay is really comical.

Why even mention her then when she's irrelevant to the discussion? You're just grasping at straws when you are quoting hearsay to bolster your argument.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

Since when is the media in Guyana reliable?

I guess there's no crime in Guyana then since you read about them in the media.

Actually, the claim made my Django's niece is that crime is worse than what the media report.

Django's niece is now undeniable proof of what happens in Guyana. Y'all are getting more comical as the days progress. I guess you don't understand the meaning of hearsay.

BTW, my grandfather's sister-in-law's son swears that crime in Guyana is the lowest it has ever been in its entire history. 

Where did I state that Django's niece is undeniable proof of what happens in Guyana. Secondly, your guess that I don't understand the meaning of hearsay is really comical.

Why even mention her then when she's irrelevant to the discussion? You're just grasping at straws when you are quoting hearsay to bolster your argument.

You actually think I need to bolster an argument on GNI? This is where I lime, kill time, shoot the breeze.

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

Since when is the media in Guyana reliable?

I guess there's no crime in Guyana then since you read about them in the media.

Actually, the claim made my Django's niece is that crime is worse than what the media report.

Django's niece is now undeniable proof of what happens in Guyana. Y'all are getting more comical as the days progress. I guess you don't understand the meaning of hearsay.

BTW, my grandfather's sister-in-law's son swears that crime in Guyana is the lowest it has ever been in its entire history. 

Where did I state that Django's niece is undeniable proof of what happens in Guyana. Secondly, your guess that I don't understand the meaning of hearsay is really comical.

Why even mention her then when she's irrelevant to the discussion? You're just grasping at straws when you are quoting hearsay to bolster your argument.

You actually think I need to bolster an argument on GNI? This is where I lime, kill time, shoot the breeze.

Sorry, I actually thought you were trying to write something that makes sense even though it turned out to be the opposite. I didn't realize that your sole purpose here is to blabber your mouth aimlessly. My apologies.

Mars posted:

Sorry, I actually thought you were trying to write something that makes sense even though it turned out to be the opposite. I didn't realize that your sole purpose here is to blabber your mouth aimlessly. My apologies.

If that gives you comfort, be my guest bai.


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