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Those APNU+AFC people who are hoping for a defeat of Trump in the November presidential election are in for a ride shock. The Democrats and Republicans both want Granger to step down. Carter Center is led by a Democrat ex-president. A Joe Biden administration will not rescind any sanctions of the current administration.

@Former Member posted:

Those APNU+AFC people who are hoping for a defeat of Trump in the November presidential election are in for a ride shock. The Democrats and Republicans both want Granger to step down. Carter Center is led by a Democrat ex-president. A Joe Biden administration will not rescind any sanctions of the current administration.

Why are you all killing yourself to get the corrupt PPP into office?  Do you have any decency left?  Irfaan Ali has a degree from a non-existent School.  Fred Sukhdeo gave it him.  Remember when he tried to collect insurance for a Catholic owned building that burned down?  Now there is conman if there ever was one.  Birds of a feather.  

@Totaram posted:

Why are you all killing yourself to get the corrupt PPP into office?  Do you have any decency left?  Irfaan Ali has a degree from a non-existent School.  Fred Sukhdeo gave it him.  Remember when he tried to collect insurance for a Catholic owned building that burned down?  Now there is conman if there ever was one.  Birds of a feather.  

Banna, like your record stick or what. The Guyanese people have spoken and that’s final. You or the APNU do not have the privilege to deny their wishes. The PPP won the elections fairly and you want to talk about Ali’s education? No one gives a shit about his qualifications Judge him when he is in office and quit your belly aching.


@Ace posted:

Banna, like your record stick or what. The Guyanese people have spoken and that’s final. You or the APNU do not have the privilege to deny their wishes. The PPP won the elections fairly and you want to talk about Ali’s education? No one gives a shit about his qualifications Judge him when he is in office and quit your belly aching.


Neither you nor Ali puts food on my table.  You fail to understand the meaning of my post.  I don't give a damn about Ali's qualifications but I find it disturbing that the sheer deceit of it doesn't seem to bother you and PPP supporters.  Would it now be OK for every Guyanese child to skip school and get Fred Sukhdeo to print them a diploma? 

@Totaram posted:

Neither you nor Ali puts food on my table.  You fail to understand the meaning of my post.  I don't give a damn about Ali's qualifications but I find it disturbing that the sheer deceit of it doesn't seem to bother you and PPP supporters.  Would it now be OK for every Guyanese child to skip school and get Fred Sukhdeo to print them a diploma? 

Again... no one cares what you think about Ali’s qualification. BTW, I am supporter of democracy and would be saying the same about the PPP if they were doing the sheer BS that the APNU is doing if they (PPP) has lost the election. You just can’t handle the fact that the APNU failed to deliver while in government and failed to win the elections. The people of Guyana have spoken and don’t  stifle their voice. That’s not cool.

@Ace posted:

Again... no one cares what you think about Ali’s qualification. BTW, I am supporter of democracy and would be saying the same about the PPP if they were doing the sheer BS that the APNU is doing if they (PPP) has lost the election. You just can’t handle the fact that the APNU failed to deliver while in government and failed to win the elections. The people of Guyana have spoken and don’t  stifle their voice. That’s not cool.

There is credible evidence that the PPP cheated and they have been cheating since at least the 1960s. In effect what APNU-AFC is doing is  preventing the PPP from fraudulently assuming office.  

@Totaram posted:

Why are you all killing yourself to get the corrupt PPP into office?  Do you have any decency left?  Irfaan Ali has a degree from a non-existent School.  Fred Sukhdeo gave it him.  Remember when he tried to collect insurance for a Catholic owned building that burned down?  Now there is conman if there ever was one.  Birds of a feather.  

With or without a degree, I have confidence that Ali will do a better job than anyone in the coalition. He doesn’t go to bed at 8 o clock and hide from the public. He knows that he is being tested and with his guruji by his side, he will deliver the goods for Guyana.

Bibi Haniffa

With or without a degree, I have confidence that Ali will do a better job than anyone in the coalition. He doesn’t go to bed at 8 o clock and hide from the public. He knows that he is being tested and with his guruji by his side, he will deliver the goods for Guyana.

He and Bharat are both crooks and they lead a party of crooks followed by crooks at home and in the diaspora. They have no shame.  


5 years ago, a lot of people including the ABCE countries wanted to see the backs of the PPP. Then the PPP lost the elections and to their credit, the world didn't have to grow impatient in them refusing to leave the government offices. In fact, Granger was sworn in 5 days after the elections. Fast forward to now when a lot of people wanted to see the backs of the PNC. Then the PNC lost the elections and over 4 months later they refuse to leave the government offices. Now the sanctions are beginning to trickle in. Worrying about Ali while Granger is behaving like a sanctimonious gangster is akin to focusing on the pitchers' follow through while the ball is banging into your head.

@Totaram posted:

There is credible evidence that the PPP cheated and they have been cheating since at least the 1960s. In effect what APNU-AFC is doing is  preventing the PPP from fraudulently assuming office.  

Nah.  You just joking around. PNC will see power again when today’s unborn reaches voting age. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Totaram posted:

Why are you all killing yourself to get the corrupt PPP into office?  Do you have any decency left?  Irfaan Ali has a degree from a non-existent School.  Fred Sukhdeo gave it him.  Remember when he tried to collect insurance for a Catholic owned building that burned down?  Now there is conman if there ever was one.  Birds of a feather.  

Totiehead...this is where your stupidity really shines. 

I was a supporter of the coalition...before their nonsense. This is not about putting the corrupt back into office. It is about preserving democracy and people's votes. It is not about decency...go talk to Volda about decency.

People knew Irfaan Ali has a fake BA, but they voted in majority for him...just like people voted for that sanctimonious gangsta...I can take a conman anytime over a gangsta because the gangsta, if he gets a chance, gon be there for 28 years.

Put that in your little pipe....knucklehead. 


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