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World waking up to Western nonstop deceptions: Dr. Barrett


Press TV talks with Dr. Kevin Barrett, a senior editor at Veterans Today from Madison, about the US and other Western countries’ war rhetoric against Syria.

The following is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Let’s start off by looking at the Security Council that seemed indeed that they cannot come to not only an agreement but it appears that they really cannot sit in the same room for very long. How do you read what seems to be taking place these days?

Barrett: I think the world is waking up. We have been living in an era of nonstop deception and with illegal wars of aggression since the September 11 coup d’État in the US and slowly but surely the world is catching on to these deceptions.

This run-up to an attempted war on Syria is reminding people everywhere of the run-up to the war on Iraq when lies about alleged weapons of mass destruction were being said around by the same people who are now spreading around the very unlikely story of the Assad government using chemical weapons in a huge attack right at the moment that the UN weapons’ inspectors arrived and indeed everyday more information comes out showing that it was almost certainly Syrian rebels with help from their Western suppliers who used these chemical weapons in a false-flag attack designed to bring the West into a war on Syria.

And as the world wakes up, as the British parliament votes against a war on Syria, as people here in the US plan to turn out in a massive demonstration which will begin against war on Syria, it seems that Russia and China are also emboldened to stand up and say this is going on long enough; we need to return to an international community that does not allow wars of aggression to be launched on these flimsy or even mendacious provocations.

Press TV: Kevin Barrett, you said that it appears more and more people are waking up to what you called a deception that has been taking place. If this synopsis of yours is true, how dangerous is that? Because if an entity is really trying to deceive the masses and then the masses start waking up, how dangerous would you say the situation is?

Barrett: It is very dangerous because so often people in the governments that are starting to fail try to, we call it, fleeing forward that is the rush to a war hoping that a war will create this sort of fog of war environment that will cover their tracks and hide their crimes and allow them to rally their people behind them.

And this is of course why we had a war in Afghanistan. So quickly after September 11, the fog of war rallied the American people to forget about what really did and did not happen on September 11. So today the same people are being exposed and I believe that they are considering using another big war as a way of generating this fog of war phenomenon that will allow them to try and cover up their crimes.

So those of us who are trying to stop this have to be very careful and very thoughtful and very strategic about how we do it and I do think that the Russians, the Chinese and people all over the world in the position of power are really starting to rethink this and let’s hope and pray that peace and reason prevail.

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Just like how the Western News Media is saying that the 'cow jump over the moon' and many of my gullible friends on GNI is falling hook, line and sinker for that piece.


Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, all is required now is Bush pimp Colin Powell to sell it.

Originally Posted by asj:

Just like how the Western News Media is saying that the 'cow jump over the moon' and many of my gullible friends on GNI is falling hook, line and sinker for that piece.


Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, all is required now is Bush pimp Colin Powell to sell it.

Colin Powell shamelessly destroyed himself as a human.


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