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This is one I would recommend at for $10.99.


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ABOUT WHOEVER: The Social Imprint on Identity and Orientation


About Whoever: the Social Imprint on Identity and Orientation, by Karen Sinclair, is an insightful, innovative and compelling analysis that puts contemporary sexuality on the social analyst’s couch.


Through ten chapters of fascinating discussion, key sociosexual phenomena and contemporary experiences of real people are explored, together with the influences of history. Effects of crucial developments in American Equal Rights, the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” military policy, domestic partnerships, civil unions and topical political mishaps are also evaluated. In its final synthesis, the book deduces seven indexes representing a wide spectrum of contemporary sexual identities and sexual orientations. It also illustrates the human sexual mosaic of some fifty elements that fuse together to
define gender, sexual identity and orientation today.


In a multi-layered analysis, Karen Sinclair applies wide-ranging theories in the Social and Behavioral Sciences and discusses empirical cases published in biographical and documentary works. A comprehensive bibliography of scholarly experts provides references that support understanding of the principles, concepts and perspectives developed in the discussions. Novel concepts that advance general understanding include sexual intellect, gender compulsion and the social impact of homosocializing.


The book does not claim that identity and orientation arise entirely from imprints of society. It uncovers a masquerade of educational, religious, technological, institutional and other markers. Those promise some kernel of understanding that may unite liberal and conservative perspectives about sexuality.


About Whoever, by Karen Sinclair, contains a preface, footnotes, summary, conclusions, illustrations, tables, index and bibliography.


EBook edition 52,000 words, released January 31, 2013;

Hardcopy, 264 pages, expected March 2013.


Writer and Speaker Karen Sinclair earned a Master of Science degree in Business Systems Analysis and Design from The City University in London, England, a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree from the University of Guyana and a Certificate in Lay Ministry from the United Methodist Church in America.

A member of the National Coalition of Independent Scholars, Karen can be reached at for speaking engagements or other information.


Karen lives in New Jersey, USA, with her family.
Published by Karen Sinclair

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Originally Posted by Kari:


About Whoever: the Social Imprint on Identity and Orientation, by Karen Sinclair, is an insightful, innovative and compelling analysis that puts contemporary sexuality on the social analyst’s couch.

Looks like this will be an interesting read. Good luck Ms. Sinclair. Hope the book is a success.


She has an undergrad degree from UG---is she Guyanese ?



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:


About Whoever: the Social Imprint on Identity and Orientation, by Karen Sinclair, is an insightful, innovative and compelling analysis that puts contemporary sexuality on the social analyst’s couch.

Looks like this will be an interesting read. Good luck Ms. Sinclair. Hope the book is a success.


She has an undergrad degree from UG---is she Guyanese ?



She is Guyanese, and a fellow Alumnus of City University, London, UK (so Rev, you need not have been told that as I'm sure you googled me and checked out all the social media sites I'm on. )

Originally Posted by Kari:

She is Guyanese, and a fellow Alumnus of City University, London, UK

Well kari, if Ms Sinclair were to come on this forum and boast about her IQ and intelligence--the Rev will likely be harsh in dealing with her.


But she does post here---she wrote a book---the subject seems interesting---and the Rev being a gracious, benevolent and broadminded gentleman will offer her kind words of support and encouragement.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

She is Guyanese, and a fellow Alumnus of City University, London, UK

Well kari, if Ms Sinclair were to come on this forum and boast about her IQ and intelligence--the Rev will likely be harsh in dealing with her.


But she does post here---she wrote a book---the subject seems interesting---and the Rev being a gracious, benevolent and broadminded gentleman will offer her kind words of support and encouragement.




The good lady,myself and President Ramotar all went to that 3rd rate UG. Kari did you attend UG too? I know you went to London for grad school. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

She is Guyanese, and a fellow Alumnus of City University, London, UK

Well kari, if Ms Sinclair were to come on this forum and boast about her IQ and intelligence--the Rev will likely be harsh in dealing with her.


But she does post here---she wrote a book---the subject seems interesting---and the Rev being a gracious, benevolent and broadminded gentleman will offer her kind words of support and encouragement.




The good lady,myself and President Ramotar all went to that 3rd rate UG. Kari did you attend UG too? I know you went to London for grad school. 

i SAY NO MORE. tHIS EXPLAINS everything.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

She is Guyanese, and a fellow Alumnus of City University, London, UK

Well kari, if Ms Sinclair were to come on this forum and boast about her IQ and intelligence--the Rev will likely be harsh in dealing with her.


But she does post here---she wrote a book---the subject seems interesting---and the Rev being a gracious, benevolent and broadminded gentleman will offer her kind words of support and encouragement.




The good lady,myself and President Ramotar all went to that 3rd rate UG. Kari did you attend UG too? I know you went to London for grad school. 

TK....only did a BSC (Hons) in Economics - mostly statistical econs and some engineering maths. I did not attend UG and did not do post-grad studies. I did some certifications in Computing. I worked with a couple of UG grads - bright guys, and their UG training was useful for what they did. They turned out to be very successful businessmen.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

She is Guyanese, and a fellow Alumnus of City University, London, UK

Well kari, if Ms Sinclair were to come on this forum and boast about her IQ and intelligence--the Rev will likely be harsh in dealing with her.


But she does post here---she wrote a book---the subject seems interesting---and the Rev being a gracious, benevolent and broadminded gentleman will offer her kind words of support and encouragement.



Rev, go do us all a favor and play with your blow-blow.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

She is Guyanese, and a fellow Alumnus of City University, London, UK

Well kari, if Ms Sinclair were to come on this forum and boast about her IQ and intelligence--the Rev will likely be harsh in dealing with her......

Bhai it look like Both Nandababa & Rev believe.... 

De Burnham Constitution give Dem.......

Licence and Rights to lie & Bul$hit Non-Stop and unchallanged.

Ms Sinclair or anyone who dont write Lies, Bull$hit and Small Talk..... has every right to be proud about their IQ and intelligence.....They dont need to cover under the PNC constitution.


But she does post here---she wrote a book---the subject seems interesting---and the Rev being a gracious, benevolent and broadminded gentleman will offer her kind words of support and encouragement.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

She is Guyanese, and a fellow Alumnus of City University, London, UK

Well kari, if Ms Sinclair were to come on this forum and boast about her IQ and intelligence--the Rev will likely be harsh in dealing with her.


But she does post here---she wrote a book---the subject seems interesting---and the Rev being a gracious, benevolent and broadminded gentleman will offer her kind words of support and encouragement.




The good lady,myself and President Ramotar all went to that 3rd rate UG. Kari did you attend UG too? I know you went to London for grad school. 

TK....only did a BSC (Hons) in Economics - mostly statistical econs and some engineering maths. I did not attend UG and did not do post-grad studies. I did some certifications in Computing. I worked with a couple of UG grads - bright guys, and their UG training was useful for what they did. They turned out to be very successful businessmen.


Oh ok...was not aware. Engineering maths kool...Fourier, differential equations, mathematical stats, etc. You are therefore able to extract the very little signal from Pavi's great noise .  

Originally Posted by TK:

The good lady,myself and President Ramotar all went to that 3rd rate UG. Kari did you attend UG too? I know you went to London for grad school. 

UG has spawned many accomplished professionals!


You just mentioned 4--Ramotar is now President; Khemraj is a tenured professor; Karimullah is an IT executive in New York; Sinclair is an author.


On the whole, non elite institutions have produced waaaay more accomplished professionals than the elites have.


Now if Ramotar, for example, were to post here and behave in a condescending manner, then you can rest assured he'll be hammered.


But he doesn't post here, and UG ought to be extremely proud of the man and his accomplishment---President of Guyana.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

The good lady,myself and President Ramotar all went to that 3rd rate UG. Kari did you attend UG too? I know you went to London for grad school. 

UG has spawned many accomplished professionals!


You just mentioned 4--Ramotar is now President; Khemraj is a tenured professor; Karimullah is an IT executive in New York; Sinclair is an author.


On the whole, non elite institutions have produced waaaay more accomplished professionals than the elites have.


Now if Ramotar, for example, were to post here and behave in a condescending manner, then you can rest assured he'll be hammered.


But he doesn't post here, and UG ought to be extremely proud of the man and his accomplishment---President of Guyana.

 His Professor who taught him said he was a Certified Fully Dunce....Jagdeo said he wrote some papers for him too...





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

The good lady,myself and President Ramotar all went to that 3rd rate UG. Kari did you attend UG too? I know you went to London for grad school. 

UG has spawned many accomplished professionals!


You just mentioned 4--Ramotar is now President; Khemraj is a tenured professor; Karimullah is an IT executive in New York; Sinclair is an author.


On the whole, non elite institutions have produced waaaay more accomplished professionals than the elites have.


Now if Ramotar, for example, were to post here and behave in a condescending manner, then you can rest assured he'll be hammered.


But he doesn't post here, and UG ought to be extremely proud of the man and his accomplishment---President of Guyana.






I will never forget how you denigrated the only university in Guyana. It provides the insights into the mentality that caused it to reach the stage it is in today. And just to let you know while Guyana fell apart under PNC they still thought UG was sacred. For those street corner hustlers like yourself UG must be destroyed. The chip on the shoulder is too big. Teaching is not a noble profession. Research is academic bullshit for the typical hustler, whose mentality have given us expert smugglers from coke, beer, gas to gold. I will be grateful to PNC because by 1992 when I stared UG it still had a lot of good people. President Ramotar and I were in the same class - Labour Economics - taught by Dr Solomon (1993/1994 academic year). The decay is great today as the hustlers have taken over. Fortunately the students are still first-rate as ever. I know because I interact regularly with many of them.  

Originally Posted by Jalil:


His(Donald Ramotar) Professor who taught him said he was a Certified Fully Dunce....Jagdeo said he wrote some papers for him too...



How many geniuses, how many brilliant people, how many smart people, how many 'A' students reach the top of their profession ?


Listen! Ramotar may have been a C student at UG, but the man posseses qualities that cannot be learned at any institution--whether 3rd rate, 1st rate--no institution teaches common sense, creativity, intuition, foresight, etc---those are the unique traits Ramotar is blessed with---and by the way, he is also blessed with good luck---you need that on the path to success.hahahahaha


It was Ramo's good luck that Jagdeo handpicked him; it was Moses shitty luck that he was passed over.




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

The good lady,myself and President Ramotar all went to that 3rd rate UG. Kari did you attend UG too? I know you went to London for grad school. 

UG has spawned many accomplished professionals!


You just mentioned 4--Ramotar is now President; Khemraj is a tenured professor; Karimullah is an IT executive in New York; Sinclair is an author.


On the whole, non elite institutions have produced waaaay more accomplished professionals than the elites have.


Now if Ramotar, for example, were to post here and behave in a condescending manner, then you can rest assured he'll be hammered.


But he doesn't post here, and UG ought to be extremely proud of the man and his accomplishment---President of Guyana.





Hey banna....u doan seh me na bin a Yugi


Kari It dosent matter which university the Rev Crack-head attended.

What more important .....Like Counsie.....Kwame is his Boss.


Poom Poom Pata-cake in charge of two Crack-Heads


Congrats to Ms Sinclair.  Good to see our fellow Guyanese performing well.  Here's another Guyanese who recently wrote a book.


Young author presents first novel to President, Prime Minister


Ashley Anthony, daughter of Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Dr. Frank Anthony and National Aids Programme Secretariat (NAPS) Director Dr. Shanti Singh presented a copy of the first book she authored to President Donald Ramotar and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds today.


Ashley Anthony presenting her first novel “Mysterious

Association and the Virtu Gems” to President Donald



The book entitled “Mysterious Association and the Virtu Gems” tells the tale of a scientist who was lost in a virtual world after a deliberate explosion at his laboratory to avert an invasion.


Ashley Anthony presents her novel to President Donald

Ramotar in the presence of her sister Jessica Anthony

and parents Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Dr. Frank

Anthony and National Aids Programme Secretariat (NAPS)

Director Dr. Shanti Singh


The explosion, according to the novel, scattered virtual gems around the world including the Iwokrama forest in Guyana where a child attained special powers after coming into contact with the gem. Two other children in South Africa and England where gems had scattered had similar encounters.


The story goes on to say that a special agent who discovered the children assigned them on a mission to rescue the scientist from the virtual world in which he was trapped.


Ashley Anthony, presents her novel to Prime Minister Samuel Hinds in the presence of her sister Jessica Anthony and parents Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Dr. Frank Anthony and National Aids Programme Secretariat (NAPS) Director Dr. Shanti Singh


Ashley Anthony started writing the book at age 10 and completed the process two years after. With the help of an English editor who is the nephew of renowned author Dr. David Dabydeen, the book was published.


Ashley is in the process of writing another novel.

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I hope the young lady can write another book and get it accepted at an independent press. Can't believe her father was not thinking that this is Jagdeo's press. They may have done her a disservice. 


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