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Former Member

(PEEPING TOM)A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) recently piloted a Bill through the National Assembly that it said was intended to cap some of the benefits payable to former Presidents.
That Bill should never have been tabled or entertained. It flies in the face of parliamentary conventions which dictate that Members’ Bills should only be confined to non-controversial matters or to moral questions. To do otherwise would be to encroach on the government’s right to decide on official government policy and this would violate the separation of powers, which is the pedestal upon which parliamentary democracy is mounted.
The opposition parties, of course, seem to have little appetite for such conventions. They have become quite swell-headed by the one-seat parliamentary majority that they collectively hold, not recognizing that this slim majority does not arrogate to them the power to make official policy through passage of legislation which does emanate from or enjoy the support of government.

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The bill passed by the Parliamentary Opposition to amend the Former Presidents’ Benefits Bill has been described as an affront to the National Assembly and the people of Guyana and not just former Presidents.

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh made this comment on the National Communications Network during a televised interview Wednesday evening. The Minister said that the cap of $5,000 annually, later revised to $5,000 per month, for medical expenses plus a similar cap for utilities was an insult as, “Former presidents were permitted to receive a far higher amount”. The wording of several sections of the amended bill are also a cause for concern, the minister  said and  cited the revised benefits as only applying to the natural born children of former presidents.

This automatically discriminates against the possibility of adopted children benefiting, and is an offense to the tremendous work that government has done over the years to ensure equal rights for all Guyanese, he stated.

The clause calling for the removal of all benefits from a former president once charged is against the accepted notion of natural justice which presumes that everyone is innocent unless proven guilty. Minister Singh described as an absurdity, the clause that states that if a former president is paid for his services, even if he’s paid for making a speech as many former leaders often do, his benefits will be taken away.

Minister Singh described the efforts of the Opposition as, “an attempt to stoke a manufactured controversy they started during the last election campaign”. He noted that the formula for setting the former president’s pension dates back to 2004. The Hansard of Parliament will reflect that this matter did not feature from 2004 to 2010, he stated. This formula covered the utilities, medical benefits, security arrangements and more in a comprehensive manner and the only exception was the case of Former First Lady Joyce Hoyte’s pension which was quickly addressed via a government sponsored motion given the peculiar circumstances of the late President Hoyte, said the minister.

In 2011, this matter was brought to the fore as a feature of the Opposition’s election campaign. The claim that “President Jagdeo’s pension would be removed was described as “a deliberate obfuscation” by the minister. It should be noted that any passage of such a revised bill would legally only apply to presidents who demit office in the future. It cannot be applied to the only two surviving former Heads of State, Bharrat Jagdeo and Samuel Hinds.

According to Minister Singh, the Opposition has attempted to blur the lines between the former president’s pension package and the benefits’ package, an effort he also views as, “an attempt to breathe some life into a nonexistent issue”.

The vulgar attempt to reduce the Presidents’ Benefits Package represents a“low ebb in politics”. He added that it was not the way to begin a harmonious political relationship and likened the matter to an assault on the legacy of the former president, whom all Guyanese would recognise has made a phenomenal contribution to the country, particularly in turning the economy around. “It is a political contest and an assault on a PPP president who has served his country extremely well”.

Interestingly, the Finance Minister noted that the Former Presidents’ Facilities and Benefits Act was also part of a holistic package encompassing a comprehensive benefits package for the leader of the parliamentary Opposition and that of the Office of the Former Spouse of the President. There has not been single comment from the Opposition on these two packages, noted Minister Singh.

(Taken from GINA)

Originally Posted by Conscience:

(PEEPING TOM)A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) recently piloted a Bill through the National Assembly that it said was intended to cap some of the benefits payable to former Presidents.
That Bill should never have been tabled or entertained. It flies in the face of parliamentary conventions which dictate that Members’ Bills should only be confined to non-controversial matters or to moral questions. To do otherwise would be to encroach on the government’s right to decide on official government policy and this would violate the separation of powers, which is the pedestal upon which parliamentary democracy is mounted.
The opposition parties, of course, seem to have little appetite for such conventions. They have become quite swell-headed by the one-seat parliamentary majority that they collectively hold, not recognizing that this slim majority does not arrogate to them the power to make official policy through passage of legislation which does emanate from or enjoy the support of government.

 This man is a moron. Government includes the opposition as they are supposed to be a watch dog on administrative process. Alas ours is been stymied by autocratic rules for 20 years and over that time they made the treasury into their personal till so some sanity has to return to the process. The excesses of the present administration must be reined in. There is not right to steal.


I agree that the Opposition behavior is undemocratic and worst BUT, I am not sure that the LARGE Package of Benifits are justifiable. Mr Jagdeo should volunteer a reduction and not wait for Parliament to act. AS an Ex President, he is entitled to a substantial House Allowance, A Car and driver, A Garddener, A Maid, Health Benefits and a large monthly cash amount. I would suggest about $5000 US per  month.


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