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A consensus emerged Tuesday at the White House and Mar-a-Lago about how to clean up the administration's suddenly muddled plans to crack down on Russia: Blame Nikki Haley.

Several administration officials said the US ambassador to the United Nations got ahead of President Donald Trump's decision-making when she hit the Sunday talk show circuit and said the US would level new sanctions the next day targeting Russian companies that facilitated the Syrian regime's chemical weapons program. The sanctions have yet to come.
"She got ahead of the curve," National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow told reporters on Tuesday near the President's Florida estate, a day after a report claiming Trump "put the brakes" on plans for new Russia sanctions. "She's done a great job, she's a very effective ambassador. There might have been some momentary confusion about that."
Haley struck back with a stunning statement later in the day that opened a new rift in the administration and raised questions about the White House's explanation of her comments.
"With all due respect, I don't get confused," she said in a statement obtained by CNN's Jake Tapper.
A White House official said Kudlow apologized to Haley for saying that she might have been confused.
But he wasn't alone in that sentiment. A day earlier, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders responded to reports about Haley's comments by saying the administration was "considering additional sanctions on Russia," but that a decision hadn't yet been made.
Separately, two senior administration officials told CNN Tuesday that the President had not signed off on the new sanctions by the time Haley made her comments on two news programs Sunday and said Haley must have walked away from a Friday White House meeting about the sanctions having misunderstood how firm the plans were.
Haley's statement Tuesday evening suggested she was in sync with the administration's plans during her Sunday show appearances.
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nikki is much more resilient than her male counterparts.  Indian women know how to suck it up, Tek licks, and keep on marching.  

this is racist

Hahaha.  You mean as in I hit couple raw nerves right here on GNI?

don't know bout dat...but Nikki's position has just gotten weaker

Pointblank posted:

The wannabee white lady

What nit you want to pick about her, She is a proud Indian, she used the Gita to swear in, she is an American married to a White American. She holds a job where few women has ever achieved. Trump cannot afford to let her go, she is an asset to the administration, you better check her qualifications, she is not a Black life matter product.

kp posted:
Pointblank posted:

The wannabee white lady

She is a proud Indian, she used the Gita to swear in, she is an American married to a White American. She holds a job where few women has ever achieved. Trump cannot afford to let her go, she is an asset to the administration, you better check her qualifications, she is not a Black life matter product.

Then why does she deny . . .

and what exactly does “Black life matter (sic)” have to do with Madame Nimrata?

Last edited by Former Member

Nikki Haley tries to do her job as best she can given the stupidness of her boss. I am sure Trump agreed with her before she spoke on Sunday because he always agree with the last person he speaks to. Then he heard that Putin wasn’t pleased with what Haley said and he backtracked. The White House should have said that Putin made him backtrack. Instead they tried to make Haley the fall gal but to her credit, she immediately put them on notice not to dabb their shit on her. I give her credit for that.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nikki is much more resilient than her male counterparts.  Indian women know how to suck it up, Tek licks, and keep on marching.  

Ow mi Gaad! Is duh wuh happen pon you all deeze years?  

In all honesty, she comes across much more hawkish than Trump on Russia and may have got ahead of Trump on this.  

She has her sights on 2024 or even 2020 if trump is out.  

kp posted:

She was disrespected by Trump and his Male counterparts, as a matter of fact Nikki Haley is the last of  the educated that Trump has remaining. She was offered Secretary of State but declined due to  family commitment .

Trump has an abundance of Ivy league and top-notch educated folks around him. That is not the problem. Education conforms to ideology as well and loose terms like conservative, republican etc do not always converge to define who they are. You will have to add alt right, among other things and alt right covers everything to white fundie evangelical to white nationalist to Nazis on the extreme end. Note even Bolton or Pompey are not fools but one is a war monger and the other a conservative nationalist but they see a need for the trump agenda.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nikki is much more resilient than her male counterparts.  Indian women know how to suck it up, Tek licks, and keep on marching.  

this is racist

Hahaha.  You mean as in I hit couple raw nerves right here on GNI?

Lady, you do need to take some advise and re examine from what philosophical ground you so easily regurgitate the rabid nonsense. It can cost you your job or worse. Look at what happened in Philadelphia at Starbucks a few days blindness to latent racist tendencies!

D2 posted:
Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nikki is much more resilient than her male counterparts.  Indian women know how to suck it up, Tek licks, and keep on marching.  

this is racist

She is completely oblivious to her grating racism. She and Ugli makes a good pair.

Through your eyes everything is labeled racism.  It's the only weapon you keep swinging in all your posts on GNI.

Bibi Haniffa
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nikki is much more resilient than her male counterparts.  Indian women know how to suck it up, Tek licks, and keep on marching.  

this is racist

Hahaha.  You mean as in I hit couple raw nerves right here on GNI?

Lady, you do need to take some advise and re examine from what philosophical ground you so easily regurgitate the rabid nonsense. It can cost you your job or worse. Look at what happened in Philadelphia at Starbucks a few days blindness to latent racist tendencies!

I work for a private enterprise where I am the only non white person.  So go and beat that drum elsewhere.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nikki is much more resilient than her male counterparts.  Indian women know how to suck it up, Tek licks, and keep on marching.  

this is racist

She is completely oblivious to her grating racism. She and Ugli makes a good pair.

Through your eyes everything is labeled racism.  It's the only weapon you keep swinging in all your posts on GNI.

Do I have to remind you of the instances where you made a knuckle headed racist comment and was totally unaware of it? Let me remind you, insisting that Nicky Haley was resilient on account of her race and not account of her moral character is racist. It begs the conclusion that women of other ethnic ilk are not of the same moral fiber. I do not use weapons against you. I use your is being measured and found wanting.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nikki is much more resilient than her male counterparts.  Indian women know how to suck it up, Tek licks, and keep on marching.  

this is racist

Hahaha.  You mean as in I hit couple raw nerves right here on GNI?

Lady, you do need to take some advise and re examine from what philosophical ground you so easily regurgitate the rabid nonsense. It can cost you your job or worse. Look at what happened in Philadelphia at Starbucks a few days blindness to latent racist tendencies!

I work for a private enterprise where I am the only non white person.  So go and beat that drum elsewhere.

I do not see an argument here to be used to negate my conclusion that you make stupid racist commentary by force of habit.  Most of us negotiate our reality in white domains

D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nikki is much more resilient than her male counterparts.  Indian women know how to suck it up, Tek licks, and keep on marching.  

this is racist

Hahaha.  You mean as in I hit couple raw nerves right here on GNI?

Lady, you do need to take some advise and re examine from what philosophical ground you so easily regurgitate the rabid nonsense. It can cost you your job or worse. Look at what happened in Philadelphia at Starbucks a few days blindness to latent racist tendencies!

I work for a private enterprise where I am the only non white person.  So go and beat that drum elsewhere.

I do not see an argument here to be used to negate my conclusion that you make stupid racist commentary by force of habit.  Most of us negotiate our reality in white domains

Look at that.   And All this time I thought you are a man from dreadlocks country.

Bibi Haniffa
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nikki is much more resilient than her male counterparts.  Indian women know how to suck it up, Tek licks, and keep on marching.  

this is racist

She is completely oblivious to her grating racism. She and Ugli makes a good pair.

Through your eyes everything is labeled racism.  It's the only weapon you keep swinging in all your posts on GNI.

Do I have to remind you of the instances where you made a knuckle headed racist comment and was totally unaware of it? Let me remind you, insisting that Nicky Haley was resilient on account of her race and not account of her moral character is racist. It begs the conclusion that women of other ethnic ilk are not of the same moral fiber. I do not use weapons against you. I use your is being measured and found wanting.

You have no moral authority to speak on behalf of any Indian woman.  Especially Nikki Haley.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I do not see an argument here to be used to negate my conclusion that you make stupid racist commentary by force of habit.  Most of us negotiate our reality in white domains

Look at that.   And All this time I thought you are a man from dreadlocks country.

As I said, you should be more reserved in your conclusions so your facts can align and you can reason with some integrity.  Your hair would more go dread than mine.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

You have no moral authority to speak on behalf of any Indian woman.  Especially Nikki Haley.

As said so many times, even on to this thread, you reason like a cow. I do not purport to speak for Ms Haley, Indian women or women of any kind for that matter. I spoke to a conclusion made by an idiot that is ingrained racist nonsense.


But what makes you a candidate to stand in and comment about  the archetypal indian woman as opposed to the grandson of an Indian woman   or one who raised two indian kids who speak 3 indian languages? ( born in India by the way with an Indian mother at that) You are that which diminishes  indian women.

Last edited by Former Member

The UN ambassador's job is not an easy task. Nikki Haley is only human to hit back at the White House for the great work she has done so far. It wouldn't be a good sign to change ambassador midway in Trump administration either. At the end of the day, Nikki Haley will not quit. The media is blowing the idea out of proportion. 

Baseman posted:
Pointblank posted:

in 2001,Haley identified herself as "white"on a voter registration card, according to a report by the Associated Press.

Caucasian!  We Indians are that!

you fooling yourself. The term is taxonomic and dubious as to its metrics, measuring brain size, facial slope, etc as opposed to genomic which sees no distinction among human hence no subspecies to homo sapiens .

By the way, indians were not even deemed proper "Caucasians" in the us which instituted laws to exclude Indian immigrants. Not only blacks were subject to exclusionary separate but equal laws in this nation.


Pay homage to Dr King...and Marshall et all not to mention the countless nameless black men and women who shed their blood be rid of such racial exclusionary nomenclature to oppress people. They are legacy terms that live on but not because t hat there is anything different under the skin.

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
Pointblank posted:

in 2001,Haley identified herself as "white"on a voter registration card, according to a report by the Associated Press.

Caucasian!  We Indians are that!

you fooling yourself. The term is taxonomic and dubious as to its metrics, measuring brain size, facial slope, etc as opposed to genomic which sees no distinction among human hence no subspecies to homo sapiens .

By the way, indians were not even deemed proper "Caucasians" in the us which instituted laws to exclude Indian immigrants. Not only blacks were subject to exclusionary separate but equal laws in this nation.


Pay homage to Dr King...and Marshall et all not to mention the countless nameless black men and women who shed their blood be rid of such racial exclusionary nomenclature to oppress people. They are legacy terms that live on but not because t hat there is anything different under the skin.

Rass banna!  You leverage a whole lot off my five little words!  This is like a Leap Option!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

@ kp . . . Nikki Haley was sworn in by Pence with her hand on the Holy Bible, not the Bhagavad Gita

just fyi

Indian and Hindu are two different things!  Get with the program Banna!

I suggest that you focus your ire at the proper target . . . i was attempting to POLITELY correct the below bit of uninformed nonsense posted earlier on the thread by kp responding tp Pointblank:

"What nit you want to pick about her, She [Haley] is a proud Indian, she used the Gita to swear in, she is an American married to a White American. She holds a job where few women has ever achieved. Trump cannot afford to let her go, she is an asset to the administration, you better check her qualifications, she is not a Black life matter product."

Now, go drink some ice water and chill your 'white man' aspiring self

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

@ kp . . . Nikki Haley was sworn in by Pence with her hand on the Holy Bible, not the Bhagavad Gita

just fyi

Indian and Hindu are two different things!  Get with the program Banna!

I suggest that you focus your ire at the proper target . . . i was attempting to POLITELY correct the below bit of uninformed nonsense posted earlier on the thread by kp responding tp Pointblank:

"What nit you want to pick about her, She [Haley] is a proud Indian, she used the Gita to swear in, she is an American married to a White American. She holds a job where few women has ever achieved. Trump cannot afford to let her go, she is an asset to the administration, you better check her qualifications, she is not a Black life matter product."

Now, go drink some ice water and chill your 'white man' aspiring self

Ok man.  You should at least put the quote you responding to. Sometimes I scroll through but missed the origins.  

Then you are correct!

Django posted:

Whaatax !!!

Them bhais does just talk fuh talk sake,dem doan check the facts before they open them mouth.

Bai, cyaar yuh rass daside. Not everyone gatt time to be here all day following every discussion.  I usually back track the quotes to understand.  If a quote is not there, one could miss the perspective of the response!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:

Whaatax !!!

Them bhais does just talk fuh talk sake,dem doan check the facts before they open them mouth.

Bai, cyaar yuh rass daside. Not everyone gatt time to be here all day following every discussion.  I usually back track the quotes to understand.  If a quote is not there, one could miss the perspective of the response!

Kp got more stinging,

you got off light.

Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
Pointblank posted:

in 2001,Haley identified herself as "white"on a voter registration card, according to a report by the Associated Press.

Caucasian!  We Indians are that!

you fooling yourself. The term is taxonomic and dubious as to its metrics, measuring brain size, facial slope, etc as opposed to genomic which sees no distinction among human hence no subspecies to homo sapiens .

By the way, indians were not even deemed proper "Caucasians" in the us which instituted laws to exclude Indian immigrants. Not only blacks were subject to exclusionary separate but equal laws in this nation.


Pay homage to Dr King...and Marshall et all not to mention the countless nameless black men and women who shed their blood be rid of such racial exclusionary nomenclature to oppress people. They are legacy terms that live on but not because t hat there is anything different under the skin.

Rass banna!  You leverage a whole lot off my five little words!  This is like a Leap Option!

Deconstructing a conclusion ( which are usually cryptic statements). Facts on the other hand, needs arguments to support them   ie Taxonomy is the study of class based on observable metrics not necessarily intrinsic categories. Gnomic categories are intrinsic ie specie. 

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Whaatax !!!

Them bhais does just talk fuh talk sake,dem doan check the facts before they open them mouth.

Djangy bai, Indians are considered Caucasians.

Caucasoids, Negroids, Mongoloids and Australoids are the four major races of humans.

Arbitrary and useless categories where analysis of identity is concerned. These are merely legacy terms entrenched in the social system and unfortunately act to shape thinking that we are speaking of something real.

D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Whaatax !!!

Them bhais does just talk fuh talk sake,dem doan check the facts before they open them mouth.

Djangy bai, Indians are considered Caucasians.

Caucasoids, Negroids, Mongoloids and Australoids are the four major races of humans.

Arbitrary and useless categories where analysis of identity is concerned. These are merely legacy terms entrenched in the social system and unfortunately act to shape thinking that we are speaking of something real.

So why do we label and parcel people according to the color of their skin?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Whaatax !!!

Them bhais does just talk fuh talk sake,dem doan check the facts before they open them mouth.

Djangy bai, Indians are considered Caucasians.

Caucasoids, Negroids, Mongoloids and Australoids are the four major races of humans.

As a term for identity the US said "No". Indians are not causation and so invented specific laws to exclude them as "worthy" immigrants. That is recent history with the legislators relying completely on racist categories ie "Caucasian". 

skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Whaatax !!!

Them bhais does just talk fuh talk sake,dem doan check the facts before they open them mouth.

Djangy bai, Indians are considered Caucasians.

Caucasoids, Negroids, Mongoloids and Australoids are the four major races of humans.

Arbitrary and useless categories where analysis of identity is concerned. These are merely legacy terms entrenched in the social system and unfortunately act to shape thinking that we are speaking of something real.

So why do we label and parcel people according to the color of their skin?

I do not; you do

D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Whaatax !!!

Them bhais does just talk fuh talk sake,dem doan check the facts before they open them mouth.

Djangy bai, Indians are considered Caucasians.

Caucasoids, Negroids, Mongoloids and Australoids are the four major races of humans.

Arbitrary and useless categories where analysis of identity is concerned. These are merely legacy terms entrenched in the social system and unfortunately act to shape thinking that we are speaking of something real.

So why do we label and parcel people according to the color of their skin?

I do not; you do

The world does. You are in the minority.

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

Since the Dravidian heritage in the subcontinent is certainly not Aryan

and since the Dravidian part is key to being “Indian”

how exactly is “Indian” equivalent to Caucasian/White

or is this an aspirational thing . . . a la baseman

Did they define by skin color?

i don’t understand your question

who be “they” . . .?

Last edited by Former Member

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